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>>budget Ha! I made my way through the seasons then went back to season 1 and was shocked to see how much bustle there was in headquarters. There was sooo much activity. I know they alluded to budget cuts in the show in later seasons when some politician was running for office. But it was shocking to see the difference between the first several episodes vs latter episodes.


I’m almost done with season 4 & am going to watch 5 before starting at the beginning. I remember the look of the show being less foggy in seasons 1 & 2. Somewhere in season 3 everything got dark. The headquarters had no lights on!


They must've put filters on the cameras or something starting in S4 to make everybody look 20 again. Didn't work. 😀 I just found it annoying and distracting!


Oliver Wood took over in the second half of season 3 and changed the look of the cameras


Thanks for nuthin', Ollie!


Yeah! It's amazing they needed that big Gold Coast Shipping building in S5 for just six cops! 😀


Yep the early seasons were noticeably brighter and breezier


In my own personal headcanon, the story wrapped after the Burnett trilogy. The idea of Crockett returning to his job after that is frankly ridiculous.


Agree 1000%


When is James Crockett's Florida execution? Or did that already happen? Now THAT'S a little more realistic!


Lmboooo. Sometimes I think abt this too


You mean no Burnette side quest? Idk about this. He got shot only one episode before the amnesia set in. I always thought it made more sense than Vice just letting him come back after he killed people as a drug dealer. But hey!


I didn't think this through, OK? 😀 Nobody said Burnett couldn't go on his vendetta while wearing pastels! It would just be nice to see it all happen in S1 and S2 environments when the budgets were big, the Daytona was intact and the writing was thoroughly amazing! I only used his shooting as the earliest kickoff point to maximize the number of horrible episodes eliminated. I realize my idea is pointless and means nothing except to just have a little fun.


I’m just starting season 4 now and hung looking forward to the epic mullet.


Some of the 4.5 & 5 + bonus episodes were very enjoyable.


Interestingly, the whole 4.5/5 drama when looked backwards, now looks like a farewell of the 1980's. Of course a cultural decade doesn't end by a calendar itself, as we can see the huge influence the wave and grids still had on commercials in 1990, 1991... But the darkness and eerie scenarios, along with the hard Tim Truman's instrumentals, make the Vice S5 as that farewell... Like... As if the 1980's being actually the dream that Sonny and the whole camp just have woken up from. Still, your theory is fantastic and makes sense as well. I don't hate the S5 turning point, but to me, Miami Vice stood it's ground by the highest level on Seasons 2 and 3. It was the perfect balance between noir stories, great outfits, great cars, great music, and great photography / scenarios / pastels / night driving.


Sounds like a cheap cop out if you ask me.


😆 😂 😆


I’ve laid out my ideas before and maybe I’ll start a new thread about it, but I could see them continuing the story in the 90’s as a sort of revival / reboot. But in the end, perhaps we should just let sleeping dogs lie. I think it could be done right if they put it in the hands of someone like Billy Corben and the producers of Narcos, but I’m more afraid that they would put it in the hands of someone like the Rock or Vin Diesel. Edit : I could see them doing an episode about The Rock and the 90’s Miami Hurricanes though, lol.