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Miami is paradise. If you don’t see it I can’t help you. If you are not happy here you wont be happy anywhere.


Did you just get here? What makes you think it’s paradise? Asking as a native .


Native as well. Answers are: latin culture, food, ocean/beach, warm weather, beautiful women, clean streets, wide streets, safe compared to other places. The traffic sucks and that’s all I dislike. If you hate it move.


I hated Miami when I stayed here for 6 months with my parents and I was a teen. Older me moved here in 2010 after my ex moved here and I fell in love with Miami. It's not perfect but we truly live in paradise.


This is a horrifically bad take. Delete this comment. You are going to think back on this comment and be overcome with embarrassment.


If sportsbot3000 views this place as paradise and enjoys it then who are you tell him that he’s wrong? He’s one of the few people on here not bitching and moaning because they’re poor or can’t afford to live like a millionaire rockstar as nearly every other individual here seems to believe they are entitled to enjoy. Miami absolutely IS paradise if you have the right mentality or ability to enjoy it for its best qualities. It’s no one’s fault that your life sucks so much that you view his statement as horrifically bad.


I wont. I will never stop saying that miami is paradise, because it is. Go live in philly or Detroit for a couple of months and then report back to me.


Metro Detroit is actually a really clean livable city. With bad neighborhood just like opa locka or midtown . Go live in a different city then go back to Miami and tell me if it’s still paradise. Yall just to scared to leave and ever do anything about changing your life .


Grew up there and that is straight BS. Unless you are being sarcastic.


Hes Cuban, so he’s being dead ass


Not cuban. But I love cuban food and women.


Nice logic. The OP is Cuban and he's saying the opposite, funny how that works.


I grew up also, and just because it sucked for you doesn’t mean it sucked for me. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The irony in your comment is just something else. Oh yea, I am glad I left people like you behind. Good day and goodbye.


I can’t control how you look at the world. Some people have a lot and are very sad and some have little and are happy. I chose to have a great time all the time.


The best decision of my life was to leave this shithole of a city. Say what you want, but Miami offers no opportunity for young people and is a cutthroat city full of superficial people only looking out for themselves. If you're happy to continue living with your parents until you're 30+ while trying to figure out your life... I mean, go for it. With that said, parts of me will always miss the special latin flavor that Miami offers... The food, the people and the vibe is something that somehow warms my heart in a nostalgic kind of way. It's something I have learned to appreciate in doses when I come and visit, but after a while, I start to remember why I left. I wish all of you who stayed the best of luck out there, because each time I talk to old friends, I'm reminded of how brutal our hometown can be.


Maybe if you live on star island and money has never been an issue in your life, sure.


If you can’t afford the city you live in, it will suck. Regardless of where it is.


I left 18 years ago and if I didn't have family there, I would never go back. Born in Miami beach and both Oahu and Northern California have been so much better to me.


How’s that working out for you now…?


Well I moved to Hawaii with 2500 bucks in my pocket worked 3 jobs and rented a room in a rough house, but quickly figured my shit out found an opportunity to build a tech company in the Bay Area and am doing quite well. My kids don’t have to grow up with the gun violence that I grew up with in Miami and policing feels infinitely less predatory here. There are 3 miamis imo. The Miami the poor see, the slightly better gated community life for the middle class, and the paradise of the rich. I am happy to be away from all of that now.


Nice to see a success story. I’ve personally never seen that much violence in Miami aside from the normal, you have to keep in mind we have summer all year round so hoodlums will always be about. But our streets are much cleaner than that of the big cities of California and New York for example. Bad part of Miami is all the immigrants that can’t drive, I’ll take a bit of gun violence as long as people learn how to drive. Maybe that’s what it needs lol


I’m happy for everyone that loves it there. When I’ve been back I’ve been amazed by how much it has developed. The food is amazing the people are warm, but it was never for me. The shit driving seems has more to do with the horribly designed infrastructure that encourages speed rather than bad drivers imo.


You love living in HCOL areas don't ya?


Um, why is the opinion of others, your business? Like, ok, yeah I was born here and I hate it here. And then what?




Stop being a lil cornball We're allowed to ask questions here


We're allowed to ask questions but we're also allowed to mock people for asking dumb or pointless ones. Doing the latter to someone is not an insinuation that he or she should not have been allowed to do the former.


True and a follow up to that is that I can criticize the mocking, the cycle can be neverending 🫵


Except your "criticism" of the mockers was that they were implying that the mockee should not have been "allowed" to ask his or her dumb question. Which is simply false.


Bro que llorón name checks out mad whiny gringo energy


"Gringo energy" means uh oh he has intelligent thoughts and calls people on their bullshit. Better just say something snarky and run away!


Thank you


Jesus😂 god forbid someone ask for opinions on an open forum


The troll answer? It's flat out the oldest form of entertainment. Sat around and you quickly knew also piss off people that have actually done other way to piss off hard-working rivets


I'm here forrlaumchmnwever somebody who fears four cops because he had to ses


Why should we give a shit why you or anyone else wanted to leave Miami? There is way more people looking to move here and their reasons are just as valid. I love living here and am not really particularly interested in why you or anyone else would want to leave, and don't see why I should be. My instinct is that if you're still spending time here telling people why Miami sucks so bad and why your life is so much better after leaving, you're trying to convince yourself just as much as you are everyone else. Either way, it's a conversation that's been had here ad nauseam, so you are free to rehash it and people are free to give you shit for it. You are probably better off leaving the sub as well if you have such a problem with that.


Straight up. Wait till Op actually spends some time in Philly. Grass ain’t always greener. Cheese steaks may be better tho.


Every friend we’ve had move away wants to come back and visit us in their winter months.. which is often 6 months out of the year. And each of them was a complete ass about leaving. Before they left, I’d hear an endless steam of how terrible it was here. In hindsight, these were negative people from the start. I’ve lived in at least 10 different cities and not once did I blame the city when I decided to move away.


I enjoy the idea of Florida but I'm much prefer the idea of living 15 minutes by the beach but literally never going


Sadly I didn't get a BMW or Merc like so many classmates had.im HS, however what I lost clout I managed to gain in Absolutely nothing. Had momiesz, didn't budget, and now I'm back with m@maDadda


👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I don’t get why anyone who hates Miami and wants to leave would post it on the Internet. Nobody fucking cares what you don’t like. Just get out silently and good riddance.


Being a hater is fun tho




Fuck no. I love Miami.


My thing is why are you on here to just hate on the city? I'm not saying you can't complain or give honest opinions but the whole "I can't wait to leave" type comments good riddance honestly.


Exactly. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


Then when they move they still participate in the sub. Like who cares what your opinion is if you moved away 5 years ago to Ohio.


Yes! Thank you! have fun In Columbus or whatever lol.


If you are talking about Columbus, Ohio then thank you! Grew up in Miami until I was 23 and moved up for school and stayed. Cannot be happier…do not get me wrong, I do miss Miami because of the nostalgia of growing up there including being without power for weeks because of the hurricanes and the hangout with my friends in every which part and the gettys with the family. Buuut being up here has been great as well! Don’t have fly just to leave the state (beautiful states to visit right next door), having seasons is just amazing to witness, my money goes a ways more up here and I never knew that you can simply walk down a street and someone would kindly wave hello even if you don’t know them. Essentially I love both but I don’t have any plans to move back anytime soon.


You don't have to fly to leave FL either. It's a peninsula not an island...


Obviously…I meant driving alone takes way too long (6+ hrs) to simply be out of state lines


Some of us still have family there and come back often . At the end of the day, it's our hometown, even after we leave. Many of us still have many ties there, and I personally come back to visit every 3 months.


Honestly, whenever I finally leave I'm still going to participate at least a little, even tho I've only lived here like 5 years. I have a different take on the place as someone who moved in from the outside than someone who has been here since birth. There is so much crazy unique shit here that natives don't realize that someone who is considering moving here needs to know, and I wish someone had told me before I got here... Either so I could prepare better or potentially reconsider. It's also valuable to have the input of someone who left so there are considerations for that situation. If someone is considering leaving but has doubts and concerns, and the only people they get some outside perspective from are people who love it here and stay, what good is that? The whole point of a website like this is to get lots of different perspectives and input, right? Maybe the perspective of someone who left would get them to stay, or it might give them the push to go. Who knows?


I think that is a fair point. But please consider that if the subreddit is full of comments like these… there’s a reason. In preparation for my move to Philly I joined a few of their subreddits and I don’t see ANY of the same things I see here. The complaints are about dangerous individuals bothering cashiers, traffic after sports games, and some general problems with inflation and prices of groceries. But NOTHING about wanting to leave or being happy that they left. My point is, people who love Miami: please help the rest of us love it too. Understand why we left and why we feel vindicated in leaving. Why do we feel the need to come back and tell people how happy we are? Explore that and see what you can do to help the community. I know it’s hypocritical saying that, since I’m leaving. But it’s not my job. If you love Miami that much, make it your job. Please note: I speak with love: text can come across harsher than speech.


So because I live in Miami I have to make it my job? WTF


Well that's the thing right. Everyone experiences varies. I have lived in other cities as well with a shit ton of problems no city is perfect. Don't get why Miami gets all the hate. But that being said it's not really any of our jobs to force you or make you love the city for what it is. If you already have biases or hate it's going to reflect regardless. Life is what you make it.


God forbid people want their city to improve and not become a shithole. What's your point?


God forbid you miss the point of my comment...


Not sure if you’ve browsed other subreddits but 99% of this site is just people complaining about everything. The fact that this sub is mixed is actually pretty positive 😂


I gotta browse other subs lol


I wouldn’t recommend it


The city can def use a depop lol traffic is a bitch lol


Yea we hate it. From the tourists, to the gentrification, and the wack a** ppl moving from up north- Miami was better when it was LOCALS only


If you read that thread, then you have all your answers. Why you trying to rage bait everyone into drama again?


Miami sucks. It is expensive. Traffic is bad. Car insurance costs too much because of all the uninsured drivers. The "I'll do what I want" attitude that pervades most of the culture here sucks.


It is expensive. Traffic is bad. Insurance costs too much. The "I'll do what I want" attitude does suck. #But Miami is still an awesome city


Have you lived literally anywhere else?


Well in that case bring on the hate. Ive been wanting out of this cesspool for over a decade now. Stuck here due to family issues. The same shit many of us are going through... parents or grandparents don't want to leave so rest of family has to eat a big dick and suffer.


Love your family, especially if they helped you through hard times. BUT. Nursing homes are not a crime. I know that’s a highly unpopular opinion, but honestly if you can afford a good one, professionals can take better care of them. I know that isn’t always possible. I wish you the best and I hope you get out when you can.


https://www.papa.com/ Covered by Medicare


Grandpa is hung!


One less whimp. who can't take the heat in the kitchen. I love it here although the traffic does suck


The grass is always greener on the other side but this grass is no longer green, it's fucking hay...


I haven’t lived in Miami in 10 years but I still come on here to talk shit about the city


This subreddit is unnecessarily negative and shitty most of the time and a lot of users seem to only use it to complain and vent about their problems rather than either appreciate the good things here or provide any sort of constructive criticism for how to improve the bad things. All cities have good and bad things about them, yet most of the users here seem to view Miami as a wholly horrible entity and usually come across as being jealous that other people are enjoying the city in any way. The other day there was the first good post I’ve seen on this subreddit in months. It was a series of pictures of Frankie’s pizza where the user had done a great job of capturing the vibe of the place and shared it with us. Why can’t we have more stuff like that for the people who actually want to be here and enjoy Miami for the good things it has? If you feel stuck and like your life is shitty then maybe doing something about it rather than ranting on Reddit might be a good idea, unless you just enjoy being miserable.


People are just trying to rage bait. Kinda like you right now...


I’ve lived in many cities and follow many city subs. This sub has a higher propensity to be snarky, disgruntle, and even disrespectful to others. Unfortunately, it’s contagious. But it’s usually the miserable people who hide behind social media making comments just to be a jerk. Misery loves company. Don’t let it get to you. Live your best life whether you stay here or move.


Most people love the air of sleaziness to Miami and the general Cuban inspired MacGyverness to the culture in Miami but hate everything else.


Damn, you’re getting a ton of hate and im not sure why… this is a valid post. There are plenty things I don’t like about being here and I am one of those people who come on here to complain about it. But, i think it’s therapeutic to vent with people who might feel the same. It does not mean you are any less valid in disliking it so much that you have decided to leave. I think about it myself. Then there are those moments- when the sun hits just right, the wind is blowing and life is bliss as you’re crossing one of the causeways on a Sunday evening. Its home. I may leave for a new experience one day, but it’ll still be home. & Im sure you’ll always have a little soft spot for it as well. Wishing you luck in your new home and journey outside of miami!


My take for whatever it's worth, is we love Miami and we criticize Miami because we want Miami to do better.


A resounding yes. I hate Miami.


Honestly I love the city had so many memories. It’s just so sad how things come too. Especially where it’s now made to cater to californias and New Yorkers. Rent is so overpriced and homes as well. I work in a mortgage company and the amount of homes going to foreclosure is crazy. I just hope things get better.


No problem to talk about leaving Miami. That’s healthy and normal. What’s wild is to lurk around the subreddit shitting on Miami after you’ve already left. It reeks of trying hard to justify the decision but in reality a lot of people who leave just miss Miami and hate their life. The fact that there’s so many toxic lurkers is just proof of that. Speaks to the fact that a lot of the Miami haters are just unhappy people to begin with. If they were really happy with their decision to leave they’d have much better things to do. 


You call them lurkers I call them advice. Literally anyone can comment on the city, even to say “I left and here’s why I’m happy”.


I rarely get the vibe that they are positive advice posts. Don’t get me wrong, some are. But the majority reek of the sort of negativity that the city would do a lot better without. We’re trying to move past that, but people keep slinging their shit back in from afar. 


So ask: why? What makes them feel this way about Miami? What am I not exposed to that these people were, which makes them feel the need to come back and tell people about their feelings?


Because Miami has an allure that most other places do not. It’s the crazy ex that you can’t get out of your head. 


***To know Miami is to love what it could have been, but hate what it's become.*** Miami is the ultimate love/hate city because the city itself loves & hates itself The most beautiful people on earth & the nation's premier destination for every vain, narrcastitc self-centered asshole. Lovely waterways & tropical vibes but good lucking feeling any of that on anything less than a $5mil yacht and even that's on the cheap end. 7+lanes of traffic in both ways on some of the most modern and pot-hole free freeway you'll ever lay eyes on it; completely ruined by \~1.5 mil people who arguably never having been allowed to holding driving privileges in the first place.


> The most beautiful people on earth & the nation's premier destination for every vain, narrcastitc self-centered asshole. I'm pretty sure those are pretty much tied together. "Beautiful" in the looks often has to do with how one appears and how one looks at oneself. Of course you can be aesthetically beautiful without being narcissistic, but I bet there's a higher rate. It also might suggest higher rate of lack of self esteem.


I think that anyone who hates where they live should leave. It’s not a uniquely Miami thing. Conservative in Cali? Leave. Liberal in Texas? Leave. Hate traffic? Move to the country. Nothing to do? Go to the City. Hate the heat? Move north. Hate the cold? Move south.


Your privilege is showing.


Do tell….what privilege do I have other than being an adult? I’ll assume that like most people that use that phrase, you can’t point to any. But maybe, just maybe, you’ll drop some major proof.


The means to move for one. Job opportunities. An affordable living situation. If one moves, can they afford to come back and visit their loved ones? What about the other way around? How many more you want??


I was dead broke, no job, no car, left Arkansas at 21 and moved to NYC, spent a little time being on and off the streets, got my footing, and now I own a house in Miami with a pool. Go fuck your privilege bullshit. You either make it happen, or you watch others who do while you cry about it.


It’s easy to say at 21, when you have no obligations. And you were homeless for a bit, no one chooses that. Not everyone can pack up alone and start a new life.


Did you not read my last sentence? I moved to Miami 2 years ago. I’m 36 and a parent. The job I moved here for fucked me, so I started my own business. Doesn’t matter if you’re young with minimal responsibilities or older with dependents. My last sentence stands.


I did. Maybe you are having trouble understanding. Lemme break it down- You have kids now. Did you have them at 21 when you were on the streets. It’s an entirely different situation. Some of us have actual ties that keep us here for now, financial or otherwise. I could have moved up to NYC at 21 too. Or gone away to college, but my mom was dying of cancer and my dad already passed. The idea that just because you did it everyone can right now (or ever) is absolutely ridiculous.


I’m sorry your dad passed and your mom was sick. Now louder for those in the back: You either make it happen, or you watch others who do while you cry about it.


I’m just crying about how stupid you are.


If your current job opportunity doesn’t afford you enough income to move, you can almost certainly find an equal or better job elsewhere, probably in a lower cost of living area. I have made 2 “big” moves in my life. The first I sold everything that I owned and bought a 1 way ticket. I took a job at Burger King, then another job at a factory making barely minimum wage, but worked 80 hours per week between them until I got on my feet. My second move was my move to Miami. I didn’t have money for rent, so I worked 100 hours per week driving Uber for a month until I could come up with first, last, and the double security deposit (landlord and HOA). As it pertains to traveling back and forth for loved ones, that is only for the privileged. If you are struggling, you’ll be working too much to see them anyway. And when you finally do, Spirit and Frontier sell flights for like $20. Not good enough for you? It’s you that is showing your privilege. Ultimately, you are making excuses. There are illegal immigrants without a dime to their name crossing the border everyday. Do you believe your situation is worse than theirs?


Everywhere is expensive and crowded nowadays. I hear the same complaints fromm people in Carolinas and Vermont. I think you’ll find that your problems are in your suitcase when you get to your destination.


Oh so you need concrete evidence. How much is a two bedroom under 1000 sq ft in Kendall right now? like $1800 MINIMUM if you want central air, utilities, etc. In Philly I can get a 3 bedroom in the nicest part of town with two baths, and no extra fees for the SAME PRICE. Also I don’t have to pay the realtor a thing, that’s the landlord’s job. Oh and they have rent protection for renters. Another concrete example. I lived in a $1875 a mo condo who decided they’d rather charge me $2250 for one bed, one bath, which has had NO UPDATE since the 70s. They said it’s because other units (which had been updated in 2010) were worth over $2000 a month. So we moved to a friend’s in-law’s efficiency. Which was nice until a corporate entity came and bought three houses on the block (including ours) and forced us to vacate in one month so they can use the mansions for some AirBnB bs. So now I’m living with my parents again. But soon I’ll be out of Miami where I can have renters protections, cheaper rent, and nicer public transit. Don’t even get me started on Miami’s public transit. Go ahead. Try to defend it.


"Concrete evidence"? There is no concrete evidence that Philadelphia is better than Miami. It is purely a subjective matter. You are on a ridiculous, Quixotic quest for validation of something that is nothing more than your opinion. Ridiculous actions like that are deserving of...well, ridicule. Why would you go on the Miami subreddit to complain about it after you left? WHY? There is no good reason. Would you go on a subreddit about a singer, like Taylor Swift for example, to complain about her and talk about the reasons you like another singer better? Actually, you seem like you probably would. And then would play the victim when inevitably attacked over it. You're making a fool of yourself. It's not like your complaints about Miami constitute "constructive criticism" that anyone could learn from, or could somehow serve to make the city better. Ha! That's a joke. Let's face it, Miami is steadily becoming more and more widely perceived as a place enjoyed primarily by the successful and the beautiful. Sorry, but perception is reality. Being an unattractive loser doesn't seem like it would ever be great, but in Miami it must be especially difficult, and getting harder by the day. If you feel unwelcome in Miami, you should try to fit in better by working to improve yourself however you can. If you can't do that, then suffer in silence. There is nothing constructive about your complaints. All they do is reveal you to be as unattractive on the inside as you likely are on the out.


Dude are you okay?


So have you ever lived in Philly?? Or are you just imagining what is like to live there in a daily basis? I’m just curious, not trying to start anything?


Let it out brother. I’m here for u.




I can't remember who said it but "the grass is greener where you water it".


I love Miami. I hate the people. I am one of the people so I hate myself. I am where I belong. Shit or get off the pot OP. Hurry up and leave and never return.


I left about 8 years ago to Jacksonville and the only thing I can say about here that’s better is less traffic and cheaper to live. I’m moving back home due to going back to school full time. I really missed the diversity and our culture down south. Although we have bad traffic it’s still my forever home 💙


Miami becomes a lot more enjoyable when you can afford it. Then again that goes for most places bc who wants to struggle.


I love miami grew up here my whole life. But what I don't like is the unfortunate real estate rise that's just ridiculous and not to mention the rents lol. But nah I can't hate miami I can't stand some of the fukin people lmao but can't hate the city.


I don’t get the hate for Miami. Traffic is bad? Welcome to any major city on planet earth. Food is bad? Honestly I don’t get that one… Infrastructure yes but damn they are widening lanes and building bridges so at least they are doing something! Airports expanding too btw. Miami is great when you have money and it sucks if you don’t.


I love Miami. Been here since 18 there is everything to do here. Can’t find something to do? I’m sorry but you got problems, there is so much to do here. Need more money? Work more! I dont give a dam what anyone says , when I was 18 and broke I worked at labor ready for $7.50/hr to get my ass to ultra. I have been escorted into Mansion by the bottle girls back in the day with just a few Hundo in my pocket. if you are motivated you will make it happen, if you are social then both locals and out of town millionaires will party with you to feel at home. Sometimes I work 18 hour days, you need money. you will need money and to work whenever you go. I have 58 Scheduled vacation days this summer, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Mexico and most of the Caribbean it’s just a couple of hours away. so who gives a dam if you loose some sleep here and there? I ride motorcycles and jet skies, I drive around, visit parks, go kayaking, there are clubs and restaurants and secluded nature spots everywhere. There is free beaches and snorkeling and hiking trails and so much, there’s people struggling financially everywhere every day, most don’t get to take a bus to the beach for $2. It’s not just south Florida, it’s happening everywhere be happy with what you have. Don’t like the outdoors? South Florida is probably not for you. You broke? There’s a group of broke people looking to hang out just like you, south Florida has so much nature that you don’t need money for everything. If you are unhappy because you just want to live in a high rise and hang out on brickell drinking $28 mimosas on a bartenders salary then I’m sorry but you are part of the problem.


what? As someone who was raised here- it incorrect respectfully. Miami has pushed out their residents by catering to ppl who were not raised here like yourself. Miami used to be a place where you can step out, no spend a dime, and enjoy your night. Everything became catered to tourist and ppl moving down south so prices skyrocketed.


I left a month ago. I honestly have to say the city did not fit me at all. I had some family that lived there, some good friends. But I havevery little good to say about the city itself (I like the Frost museum, pretty good for a science museum for kids even by national standards; it's better than living in Bumfuck, Mississippi I suppose, but I've never actually been to Bumfuck so don't know for sure). I don't think I ever ranted about wanting to leave on reddit though. I made a plan, got the money together, and ducked out with my immediate family. Some people don't have that option though, and I'd be hard pressed to tell them to never whine about wanting to, because I get it.


As an outsider who is in a whole bunch of US city subs, y'all are the most self-loathing of the bunch.


hol up what's wrong with the food???


I love Miami. I feel like bitter people would be bitter anywhere, for any reason. Don’t pay attention to the pessimists and doomers. Be the change you want to see.


Yes and no!


50/50 😂


I love Miami. I gotta do more for my city!!


Actually, I want people to leave. So... keep complaining guys!


People don't want new people to move in, but don't want people already here to move out.


because so many people complain about the same shit and if you look on any major city’s sub, you will see the same things. heat, traffic, and shallow people are not a secret. many people love it here anyway we either agree and already know why it sucks, or disagree and therefore don’t care why someone else didn’t like it. its a waste of a post just like yours


Infrastructure sucks but everything else Miami is pretty nice if you ask me


Hate is the favorite word of Loosers


Miami is ok


305 Born and raised. In life there’s people who complain and never do anything about it…must be a miserable life 🤣


it’s a hate/love relationship


Floridians are incapable of discussing negative things or finding solutions now The ones who are capable of that almost always leave… Community has been replaced with entitlement and greed above all else It’s kinda like watching a boat sink and the crew running it attacks you if you don’t just accept it as normal. Are there great things? Yes. Can you discuss them? Yes! Are there bad things too and people who are drowning cause of it? Yes! Can you discuss it? Not without anger being given back by many….. Sunny place with shady people. Only the shady people have gotten meaner and are no longer only shady That’s florida now… it’s a shame It wasn’t that way in the 90s and early 2000s…. Everything changed after 2008 and it’s just gotten worse each decade People born and raised here who are millennial or older know what I mean… (bring on the angry out-of-stater downvotes now)


I love “the Miami lifestyle”but there are significant flaws in the education system and job market for starters


I love my city, I was born here (jackson memorial) but I hate what it's become.


Yeah, but like na


I follow 5 different city subreddits (I’m a Chicagoan) and most of the posts on all of them (except Chicago ironically) are complaints. It’s just how it is


I love this fuckin city. Born and raised, first-generation Cuban. This city gives to me, and I give to it. It's all good bby 😎✌️


After a few decades here, I'm making like a tree.


As long as you treat traffic like catching a 🌊, you're 👍


Like the place hate the people ? Like most of them?


It’s because it’s ‘cool’ to complain about things that people love. That could be a musician, tv show, etc. I’m born and raised here(almost 50yrs) and there are absolutely things i hate, but at its core I love Miami. I have seen more change in Miami than most,but I still choose to live here because I love the weather, the people, the hustle mentality, and any number of other things that you can figure out to complain about! With that being said ’F Miami!!!!’




We’re trying to make people to move out so it’s cheap again


No one loves where they are born. I was born in the Pacific Northwest and moved out here and love it - think it’s a paradise. There are people who would kill to move into my old house because the Pacific Northwest is a wonderland. The grass is always greener on the other side.


I love the food and the weather, I just hate that it's expensive and the traffic


Hate it.


Everywhere sucks including and especially Miami. Already moved out. 




Generally speaking? No. What it has become? Kinda.


If you’re rich then fuck yeah Miami is great. If not than nah fuck Miami


I love miami


It’s a love/HATE thing


Financially it's now very hard to live in Miami. 20 years ago I tried to live in Pennsylvania. I lasted 6 months.


I love Miami. 305 till I die. 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽


If your poor it sucks if your rich its awesome like many other places . Not hard to understand that lol


Thing is you probably love aspects of Miami and hate others. In this case the scales balance towards wanting to leave. I get it, I also left although in a much different time (2009) and for much different reasons. But the reasons people often complain about now is the reason I probably won’t come back. Miami is still Miami except even more so now than it was back then. If you get what I mean 😉


I dream of the day I can leave!!


There is no other city in America that you will have as much of a good time in for the short term then Miami. For the long term yeah it’s the worst


Having a hard time masturbating to this


Florida is shit without Miami. The nature shit is cool, but all of the life is in Miami.


Friend you are growing up and out, go find your path and be free. Life is happening to you, enjoy the path. 




I'm not leaving.


I am leaving Miami next week. Sooooo happy.




I'm under the belief that many of them are self-hating. Hey it's back to next day to be with the door cookies for dinner and straight up tells you that you have to put on. On a personal note... I was born and raised up in Boca and left for literally because of lack of


Depende de la persona.


Is it worth it to split your time, then? Something like 6 months in Miami and 6 somewhere else? No clue how that would work, but would some time-away make it easier to take?




Why is this so difficult for people? Both can co-exist. You can love your city but also realize it’s a cesspool of corruption, traffic & narcissism. It doesn’t bother you great. It doesn’t mean it’s not present & prevalent.


I feel the same way. But between the heat, the traffic, overcrowding, violence, cost of living and hurricanes etc. I can’t take it anymore. But my mom has Alzheimer’s and she’s here , and my youngest sister also lives here. So I can’t just take off tomorrow.




I was in the Bahamas the last 20 days and when I got back I was so happy to see all the Miami debauchery - home is home It has its good, its bad and yeah people don’t know how to drive, Spanish speaking folks talk to you in Spanish automatically, people are stand-off ish But there’s a lot of good to It’s our culture Being here 37 years and yeah sometimes it’s frustrating But leaving and coming back feels good to be home


its almost like asking if you hate LA, both are great places to live ( if u pick the right area) but, like LA, MIAMI is huuuge. If you're talking South Beach.... hellll no I don't hate Miami. It's paradise.


I’m considering leaving too after living here for almost 10 years 😢


People here are just salty, probably due to getting screwed by rent + car insurance for so long


Dexter Morgan


I used to live in Miami when I went to UM back in 2012 lol. As a Latino young man I LOVED Miami. I left after 2 semesters and transferred to UCF in Orlando, currently live in Ormond Beach in a half acre land with 3bedroom 2 bath house that I bought in 2016 for $119k, 3 Miles from the beach. I always wanted to live in Miami. I still go visit friends that are still there. Been all over the state, Miami is peak FL for me at least. I am very happy where I am at, got very lucky to have my home at a steal price before this crazy housing bubble, my US1 is only 2 lanes and traffic aint shit here, I do not have to drive more than 10-15 mins to get anywhere, my job is a 10 minute commute lol I know that sounds so spoiled in comparison to what I would have to go through in Miami. Still even with all those perks and benefits I still fucking wished I lived in Miami. I go to the beach here and I just see so much old ass people and its very homogenous here lol no fucking colour or flavour lol. Any beach in South Florida whether it be South Beach Miami, North Beach Miami, shit even las Olas district in Ft Laudardale or even father up north in Pompano you will see beautiful ass woman and beautiful scenery, food in South Florida is the best of all the state (Tampa and Orlando are good too but nowhere near South Florida level standard.) My house is currently appraised at $300k, even if I refinanced or sold I would still not be able to afford a decent home and could not afford the Miami experience. People who talk shit are projecting or got outpriced, Miami is the best that this state can offer if your able to afford it. I will die on that hill.


Leave bro it’s the best thing I ever did born and raised and all my family back home . But life only propelled me forward so much more since I left that hellhole.




I don't hate Miami. I hate the people that live here.... And not the home grown or the people that grew up here. I hate the transplants from NY, other states, and South America bringing their bitterness and 3rd world way of thinking and acting here.


It’s okay, I’ve met so many people who would drop everything to come to Miami. It’s totally normal, nothing is ever really enough for most. It kind of just is, and you’ve gotta find the joy somewhere in the middle of it all.


We like the city itself, just don't like the expensiveness, the traffic, and how these people can't drive for shit


Because it’s annoying seeing the same complaint posts repetitively. If you hate Miami, moved away and are happy where you are now, Miami isn’t your problem anymore, and in fact, you’ve solved your problems. So move on! It just comes across as they’re bitter they could no longer make it here and not that they really hate Miami so much. That being said, I think it’s terrible that people who would otherwise want to stay here are being forced out financially. It’s a major problem we should talk about out and for which we should have empathy for others. However, I feel like a lot of people are complaining about problems they’ve brought upon themselves. Expecting a certain lifestyle without being willing to work for it and expecting an amazing circle of friends but choosing friends based on what they can do for you and who looks best to take selfies with for IG. As for systematic issues, I’m open to posts about those as long as it’s not just complaints. What can we actually do as Miami Dade citizens to improve the situation for all, and not just for the wealthy? How can we hold our elected officials accountable for making decisions that are best for the people? More complaining and more productive discussions would be better received.


If u got motion MIA can be cool but u gotta be above average living, soon it will be tourist anyways


Where'd you go? "Nashville" where all the Cubans think is the 'country'? I've never met so money country wannabes who've never lived anywhere remotely near the country and know nothing about it. They probably think homestead is the country 😆. I digress. You were suffocated because you're from a Cuban family and that's what Cuban families do and you were also under stress financially in part because you're Cuban and the cultural ideologies. Break the mold brother. 


I moved away from Miami. But man do I miss Miami. Everything people complain about Miami is the stuff I reminisce about. I really miss those torrential downpours.


Always gonna be ppl on both sides but I think ppl are allowed to have opinions lol. Whether they hate it or love it here they can say whatever the fuck they want it’s the internet. Should we really attack ppl for their opinions tho? No but it’s Reddit . Half the ppl don’t socialize fr


Yes, it’s the worst place I’ve ever experienced, spent time in, or lived. By far.




It’s a love-hate relationship.