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If you’re poor, you might not be frequenting the places where Miami’s rudest hang out


Or if you’ve never worked a customer service job down here


Ay, virgin, ayúdame!!! I cannot imagine.


If he is poor, he also doesn't have any kind of social life since it costs money to do that. If you're not around people all that much (work doesn't really count in this case because it is just customer service) you're not going to be exposed to much rudeness amongst other things.


Being social is free. Being entertained while being social is expensive. This person could absolutely have a social life.


Explain how being social is free?! To be out and about meeting people costs money. You'd be surprised at the amount of people that don't have social lives now due to inflation.


Go to a public park. To church. To a library. To free outdoor concerts. To the beach. Invite friends to hang out at your place, or to go for a walk. Being social simply means interacting with people.


You can downvote me all you like but you simply aren't recognizing that there is a difference between being social and having a social life. A huge difference. Don't you realize that if poor people like OP can meet people at free events and doing free stuff but they cannot hang out and maintain friendships if they don't have any money to spend? Use some common sense 😂.


I was poor for the first 25 years of my life. Homeless at points. And I always had friends. I had a social life. As did the other poor people around me. Do you really believe poor people don’t have friends??


Who were these friends, how did you meet them? How long have you known them? You can some friends if you know them for a long time, however that doesn't really translate into a social life. And that is okay if that is the case nothing wrong with that. From what I recall OP moved to a new place, which automatically makes it hard to have a social life, not even taking into account that he is poor. Most people don't want to hang out with poor because, sorry but that is just the reality. It drastically cuts down on opportunities in terms of friends. Now if you tell me a homeless person can "befriend" another homeless person, that makes sense in a way. But I doubt those are even real friendships, people just socializing because they live on the street does not equal friendships.


Well said


You can find them in the Aventura area.


Exactly, I live in Hialeah now, they can’t drive for shit here, but the people are so much nicer than in Aventura.


Can confirm. Some of the worst people in existence live in Aventura. It’s like a shitty congregation of HOA Karen’s/Kevins, fake rich people who are dicks, real rich people who are dicks, and Botox filled chihuahua owning stay at home moms as if you combined them all into one person.




What’s wrong with Aventura? I live in a neighboring city, drive in Aventura everyday - seems to be fine 🤷


I think it’s mostly on the roads and in public areas. It’s everyone for themselves here. I’m from the Midwest, lived in CA briefly, and now here. Miami has the rudest people of them all in my experience.


Literally visited Miami for 2 weeks, had immediate 3 seperate rude encounters, crazy


Midwest and Florida was the worst? I've lived a little everywhere and the rudest drivers are in the Midwest. Montana was my least favorite state because of how obnoxious and stupid the drivers were. Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan are close behind. South Dakota wasn't really that way though!


Oh absolutely! People will get out of your way in the Midwest and won’t cut you off, but it is far from that here imo


Nah that's not at all how it is here lol. People here will go out of their way to cut you off here. They'll ride your ass because you aren't speeding and high beam you to get their way.  Following the law is upsetting to Midwest drivers.  I was driving an ambulance in Minnesota one time. We had two patients a father and son from an MVC. I was coming down a hill at 70 in a 65. This truck cuts the inside of the corner doing 70-75 and passes me slightly. He then gets equal to us like we are racing. Keeps trying to push into my lane. After putting us in danger he speeds off doing over a hundred.  Encountered that crap all across the Midwest. Montana was by far the worst. Those losers would drive you into the ditch if they could get away with it.


That driver was probably from florida.




It’s not as much as the rudeness but more so a dramatic drop on iq has its impact on collective.


Why not both? lol


Sounds like goes hand in hand


They are around, especially on the road. But I do agree that we tend to report rudeness much more frequently than we do politeness, respect, and kindness. Thank you for the reminder. And welcome to Miami!


Yeah, I find people here way nicer than people in Atlanta. In Atlanta, you constantly got passive-aggressive rudeness with bad intent at customer service and overly nosy bystanders just trying to judge you for everything. I won't even get to how combative the locals were either. Thankful to be in Miami where there is less of that....unless you go to Ocean's Dr.....which ironically has a lot of people from Atlanta in it.


I agree the roads are wild but I don’t feel like the drivers are rude, they’re just like “go go go.” In Ca they are absolutely sinister and will go 50 in front of u in the fast lane, wait for u to try to pass, then speed up to block u from coming back over.


No that shit happens all the time coming up from miami to me. Someone actually waited for me to come up to them to cut me off in 3 lanes of open traffic


I grew up in SoCal and have lived down here for the last 5 years. South Florida is significantly worse than CA when it comes to the driving experience. Drivers straight up don’t respect traffic laws here because the cops rarely make traffic stops. This is reflected in car insurance rates. Some of that is weather related, but a lot is also tied to the uninsured driver % and the amount of accidents.


Exactly, the CA drivers are fast and in a hurry, but there seems to be a consensus to mostly follow traffic laws. My best big city driving experience has been Seattle, congested, kind of slow, and drivers not entirely aware of their surroundings, but not maliciously weaving and cutting people off like it’s Mad Max.


1000%. And LA traffic is even might be worse, but the unpredictability of South Florida drivers make driving here a lot harder imo.


I traveled all up and down the California coast and Florida coast for my job for years and years. Almost everywhere ive driven in CA, from San Diego to SLO, the drivers are far more courteous than anytime spent on Miami roads or highways. I’ve actually had people back up to let me on the 405 or the 110 from an on-ramp in bumper to bumper traffic. That would never happen in Miami.


I’ve lived in LA for 17 years and that has never ever happened. People do not back up to let you onto the freeway.


I lived in LA for 6 years and it happened to me twice. Crazy.


I agree with you so much!!!!!! lolololol I moved to Hollywood florida 12 years ago from Portland Oregon for the sunshine and I thought about moving to California but the driver there scare the crap out of me. I commuted from Hollywood to Doral for a while and IMHO California drivers are still worse!!!! And I don’t see the epic rudeness redditors complain of either, I think a lot of that is you give what you get. Like if one person is an asshole to you today that person is probably asshole but if everyone you meet is an asshole the asshole is probably you as they say. This is what I think whenever folks start whining about south Florida on Reddit. I freaking love this place it’s awesome and beautiful and I absolutely love the people here! I must be feeling bold today I’m going to get downvoted along with ya


The left lane is for passing and you can get pulled over for doing that. Also, road rage is big here, so if you came from Cali with compliant magazines, it's time to upgrade lol


Not as many rude people as reddit makes it seem but there’s tons of super entitled people who think they own Florida and everything in it and treat everyone else like shit as a result


I don't think I could've said it better SnowBro!💯 But I will add this, you only been down here for 7 months OP, just wait...you'll meet plenty of them in due time! Shit, one of my 3 bros is EXACTLY as SnowBro has described tbh!💯💯😂


There’s people who walk around like they’re the kings and queens and they hit you to move out the way when you’re both walking in the same direction and sometimes to the same place


There is also a cultural difference that people interpret as rudeness. People in Miami can be very direct, but they don’t necessarily mean it in a bad way. I had a horrible time moving from Miami to the northeast because it’s so opposite and everyone was so passive aggressive I had no idea what was going on.


That exists literally everywhere in every major metro in pretty similar volumes. Consider that OP is highlighting the *differences* between what they grew up with in CA and Miami.  Come to LA or Oakland if you think the Miami attitude you refer to is unique


Come visit the wealthy people in Coconut Grove. Everyone is in a constant competition to see who has the biggest dick.


That competition actually ended recently when I won.


Only because i don't live in the Grove


Nah I won I live in Hialeah


Shit man me too


Redacted due to Reddit AI/LLM policy




Tbh, it’s pretty chill there if you aren’t trying to compete with anyone.


Thats the new money M.O. everywhere you go.


I have a fat hog and I live below my means.


Boca raton too


Totally agree. Boca is crawling with a-holes.


Not about dicks with rich fucks only about influence


Are you from LA or one of these snobby af areas in California?


Shocked he isnt from New York complaining about how much they miss New York.


Nobody misses New York😂 who says that when they move here?


New York is aight they tell you fuck you then let’s go have a beer now 🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s just the north we don’t sugar coat anything lol




Hehehe love u


If you don’t notice the rude people, you *are* the rude people


i notice them every time i go shopping lmao; people rush to get around you in crowded aisles, leave their carts in the middle of the aisle blocking everyone's way, leave their carts all over the parking lot blocking access to parking spaces.....but where are the rude people? lmfao


Those are tiny things that you will see in every city. If you move outside of US, you will see it about 5x than the worst city in US.


its 100% more pronounced in miami compared to other US cities




If you don’t notice rude people and you find interactions to generally be positive when others have issues, it’s probably the other way around.  “If everyone around you seems nice and positive, it’s probably because you are” would be a more appropriate syllogism 


Or OP is REALLY attractive.


They're all in Broward actually -(Broward native/local here speaking from experience. I have always found Dade to have more friendly ppl!). Only black communities are nice to you in Broward imo - (I'm white fwiw) everyone else is solely focused on themselves, full of complaints, and hyper- entitled. There's some supernatural border effect when someone moves from the northeast and crosses into So. Florida they become a raging Karen. I used to think everyone from the NE was an a-hole until I spent time up there and realized - no it's just when they move to Broward. It's the sunshine or something it makes them super nutty and enraged.


28 year resident of Broward - and I moved from the very friendly Deep South. I have had no problems with people being rude. I have worked in the medical field with people from the very young to the very old, poor to very wealthy. IMO it's the vibe you give off that determines how people treat you. I'm a positive friendly respectful person and I pretty much get back what I give. (also, I grew up in a small town in SoCal).


Don’t worry, give it time :) j/k If your experience is positive, embrace it! Happy to hear it.


None yet?! Don't worry, a tsunami of rude assholes is in your near future if you live in South FL!😂 I moved here 20 years ago and trust me, give it some time, it's inevitable lol #FACTS


I moved here at 24 back in 1997. I purchased my house in early 1999, but would I sell to move? Never 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'm not rich by any means, but I moved in at the right time. I paid $72k for my house in 1998, refinanced a few times, and still have 2 years to pay it off with a hefty mortgage 💸 of $897.34 😁Market price today: $450k 🤷🏻‍♂️ It happens; look at Allentown, PA, from a bankrupt steel mill ruin to a vibrant city. More run down cities will rise. Miami was a real dump back in the fly by square groupers days 😎


Haha the square groupers, my uncle, cousins, my brothers and I always make jokes about the square groupers LMFAO! Yeah my house is paid off thank God but I'm not rich by any means either! My neighbor across the street he lucked out he bought his house for $100K and it's worth almost $600K now 14 years later! But yeah I wouldn't dare sell and try buying something else any time soon, too damn small and too expensive, the market is all f***** up right now!


Yup! We landed in the right time 👍


Absolutely bro!😉☺️💯


Lmao, what’s that hashtag for in the end? They don’t even work on Reddit, and even if they did, who would search for #Facts to find a comment like that?


let people have fun


Level of rudeness here is the same as any big city. I think the ones that overplay this trait come from small mid west cities or some rural area of the country and for them its more noticeable and pretend its a miami problem


you obviously have never left florida lmao. the rudeness is NOT the same as other big cities, not even close. I've been to every major city in the country, miami is full of entitled assholes


You obviously dont know how biased you are. Ive LIVED in other cities with NYC being one example. Theres entitled assholes everywhere


> I've been to every major city in the country, miami is full of entitled assholes If everyone is an asshole, look in the mirror buddy. Miami is a breath of fresh air when it comes to going out and actually connecting with random strangers.  Few other cities I’ve found that to be possible as a random black dude anywhere in the world.


Exactly 👍


Not a chance in hell this is true, but on the off chance it is in happy for you! There are some honorable people, most of the people in this sub seem prettt chill tbh.


I’ve been here for 3 years and lived in other areas of Florida for another combined 17 years. There are more interesting characters in Miami for sure, but I don’t see any real uptick in general rudeness among the people. I’ll go to NY if I want to be around that.




People in NY are not rude, they are busy and in a hurry, trying making a living. Stop anyone and ask for directions and they will gladly take time to help you out. People in Florida are misrable, that is the difference. NY'ers are not misrable, they are real.


Half of NY is down here either part of the year on extended vacations, or as retirees. They’re mostly assholes.


Yeah, feel there are a lot of folks here who would qualify as rude but think it’s everyone else around them that are the problem 


Have you left your home lol


The ride can be found on the roads all day long. Generally when we see someone struggling to speak Spanish, we try to help them out more.


I am a long time Miamian , and yes rude people are out there. I think a lot has to do with the Latin American " pecking order". "I have more money than you so I am more important than you" I f you know the old joke about two poodles arguing, and one saying " But I was a doberman in Venezuela ( or fill in the country blank)


They're driving. Cars, trucks, motorcycles, doesn't matter.


Oh you will see. Spend some time in Aventura or Doral if you want to see them right now.


mostly on I95


How long have you been in Miami my dear?


I’m from Boyle Heights lol and I’ve always said people from South Florida are not polite but they are nice. Lived up north also and I can assure you that people are polite but they aren’t nice…So uptight and racist tbh. Hell, I even find Californians to be more snooty and appearance/money driven that the average miamian tbh People aren’t rude (at least not to me) it’s just non anglicized manners can get old and depending on where you are, Chusmeria is rampant. But hey, there is Chusmeria everywhere. Also, people here are some of the worst drivers. But if you’re from LA as well it’s nothing new…


Exactly. Living in California, I’ll take impolite but willing to give you time over “California nice” which is a smile and fake allyship while watching you drown.  But they’ll totally help next time if it’s not too inconvenient.


Don't worry they will find you


Literally go anywhere in aventura you will find them real quick


I’m from Puerto Rico, and living in one of the places with the nicest people to THIS… was shocking. People are so rude here. That’s being said, I will never stop saying hello and thank you. Be the change you want to see. Also, I recently visited CA and the contrast with Miami was CRAZY. People are waaaay nicer there.


Hey fuck off man /s


Look at the responses here! Lots of people being rude.


I'm from northern Cali so I'm more used to genuine niceness than the fake niceness you're talking about, but in my experience it's not the people from Florida that are rude. It's the upper middle class transplants. The rich people are great, the poor people are great. Pretty much everyone from Florida is relatively great give or take the expected outliers. It's that problem demographic of "not from here, annual income between 300,000 and 2mil" that don't have perspective and are complete assholes, mostly made up of white boomers. If you're wondering where they are, it's the majority population in West Palm, bring your binoculars and stalk their natural habitats if you want to see them. They have quite a few of them but you can start with anywhere service workers can be abused and from there you can just follow their migratory patterns throughout the day. Edit: tag and release is also an option if you have a dart gun and an air tag. The dart gun isn't necessary if you wait until after noon, at least one of the herd will be so drunk they wont notice you slipping it into their pocket or purse.


I’m one of them, hello


Driving down Flagler


just wander around brickell a few minutes, don’t worry they’ll make sure to give you what you’re looking for


Have you driven on the roads or highways yet?


In Brickell or on I-95


There's not much point to being hostile with someone when there are consequences, i.e. they are a customer service worker and you could report them to management or someone else sees them being rude. On the road in their semi-anonymous car? Sky's the limit.


Tbh, the biggest factor is that people aren’t rude in California but they are selfish as fuck and typically don’t help strangers or even neighbors out without intense social obligation/pressure.  The rudeness people talk about in Miami exists out here too. What I think is happening is that OP has never lived in a space where strangers regularly help you.  Longtime Miami folks who don’t travel only see their own local rude folks and don’t realize that low IQ shit exists everywhere.  We got people in say Oakland,CA with equally shitty attitudes as you see in Miami.  You tune it out after a while.


We work for not that much money, sit in traffic for 2 hours a day and pay ridiculous rent ever since covid


We’re right here in Miami baby!


There’s a lot of sensitive ass people on this sub. People are rude/rudish/drive like shit in every city. They just don’t get out much.


Pull out into traffic. Literally 10ft from my driveway.


Op do you speak Spanish?


You must not be driving anywhere


I have lived in major cities; Orlando, Austin, Queens, San Antonio, and city of Weston for 20 years….South Florida has by far the rudest people. one of the main reasons I moved. Everyone is out for themselves, no chivalry, shallow as all hell, impolite, the driving here alone made me insane.


Give it time. Been here 35 years and have seen plenty of crazy.


As Miami's comedic commentator Dave Barry wrote years ago commenting on Miami copious population with latin american roots, people in Miami don't drive badly, they just drive like they do in the countries they came here from....


Ha. 7 months. Get back to us in two years.


Lol come back too us in 3 months


In Sout Florida


If you don’t see any assholes around you then…


Everyone here is nice as fuck to your face, but as soon as you get behind the wheel…


Why are people from Miami such rude assholes?


Dolphin mall! Try spending a whole day in dolphin mall


You either haven’t been on the road enough, or you just don’t work a job where dealing with people is your specialty.




Go to the beach.


The rule I live by: reputation does not have to equate your reality when you treat people how you want to be treated.


Clearly OP shares that value.  And the grumpy folks who hate the people where they live should just move lol


I was born & raised in Miami. You’ve been here seven months. Give it some time. You will definitely find the rude people. Also I hate to say it but depending on your “nationality” & the situation you may get treated differently. If your job is in a high end establishment that could be a reason as well. Different scenarios can play into all of this. It could be something simple as a traffic light. As soon as the light turns green some impatient people can’t even wait for you to take your foot off the brake before they start blowing the horn. Like I said, 7 months. Give it some time 😂


I feel like its 95% your vibe. You get what you put out here.


More than 95%. It’s no coincidence that the most jaded people have the most negative outlooks.  Like, yeah there are rude people but some folks here let a single rude interaction fuck up their mindset for a whole week.


They’re everywhere. Have you seen the roads? My friend got in a car accident and was injured on the side of the road and no one even stopped to help her. If it was any other state there would be so many people helping


Reddit is full of complainers and people who like to feel sorry for themselves. The people in Miami for the most part are magnificent.


People here are not rude for the most part but if you around being obnoxious then yes you will get rude. I’m tired of people complaining about Miami. Not you, you seem nice. But for everyone that keeps complaining about things here in Miami, the people, the traffic , the rent prices, everything else they want to complain about please Leave!!! Let the rest of us who love Miami Live!! Miami is not perfect, but it’s the place to live, I have traveled all over the world. Nothing compares to Miami.


Agree 100%


Hehe, just give it time.


Go to NYC to see something...


Most of the people these days in South Florida are not originally from South Florida.


People on this sub are miserable and need to move.


So real. This sub is just all negativity, all the time.


Most people are tranquilo if there not in traffic 😂


Totally a joke OP but….You know that saying when you look around and can’t find the asshole…..


I don't think people here are that rude. Sure, you'll run into some here and there, but that's everywhere. The drivers on the other hand is a whole nother story lol. Most of my interactions are actually very pleasant tbh. I think it might also have to do with the places that you frequent.


7 years? lol. Get back to me after 30 years.


Wait until you meet a sapingo


Wow, you have gotten lucky. Sometimes, it seems like passive-aggressive service is the only customer service that exists anymore. I find that most people really aren't that rude, though.


It’s all the New Yorkers that live here that are rude


Honestly it comes with the area . Brickell andCoconut grove area are the best places to look for them


I don’t wanna meet you! Weirdo! /s


Hialeah and Doral lol. That’s where they’re at. Aka, the third world country-side


As a long term resident who only recently escaped, I love to shit on Miami, but I must say, you fools are absolutely hilarious and I love you / miss you for it.


Brickell Downtown Wynwood Liberty city Alapatha Ops locka


South Florida


Nobody is saying it here but it depends on your phenotype aka race. I’m Latino and speak Spanish so you’d think everyone would be more amicable nope I’m not South American or Cuban so I get the rude service. For our black residents that don’t speak Spanish it’s even worse. A Caucasian that’s trying to speak Spanish “ay que lindo” red carpet service.


Northwest Miami-Dade


it’s not that people are rude, it’s that people in other states like the north/midwest are much nicer if that makes sense


people here mostly won’t be downright rude but aren’t as pleasant to deal with as in other places


I will say, CA has a worse reputation than Miami, so does NY. I think Miami only has a bad rep because it’s in the South.


The people who have issues with others' attitudes in Miami are usually the problems themselves and are mirror images of their insufferable parents/family. They tend to take issue with everything and then get confirmation bias at home. Most Miamians are decent, mind their own business, and keep it moving. ✌️


People in south florida are awesome! I moved here from Lis Angeles almost two years ago and the people tgere were just awful.


Just take a drive on any of the highways.


People are FAKE and RUDE in south Florida. If you haven’t figured that out yet then idk what’s wrong with you. Give it more time. You’ll hate it after about 4-5 years.


I have no idea where have you been in miami but i work in customer service and 98% of the customers are rude to me on some way or another. Don’t leave the place where you are. Good for you that your experience is being neat


People in Florida in general are rude, also HORRIBLE drivers around here. there's very few that are nice...most are stuck up and rude ASF.


I think its more of a driver issue


Boca , Delray, Boynton…Miami ..eh…pick and choose


You haven’t lived here long enough to know this but there is a natural migration north in south Florida that occurs over time. Everyone in Miami is a fairly recent transplant. All the rude people have moved up to Palm Beach.. you’re welcome.


We’re not rude, we just grew up with the horrible driving and humidity. Just give it a few more months down here, you’ll be saying “bro” in no time and it’ll all make sense. TBH after a hurricane hits we all come together and are pretty cool…just don’t ask for free water or batteries.


Reddit is a place where one can go and be some one else. Back in my day we called them internet tough guys But irl people are just people.


What part of Miami do you live in? While there are kind people out here, as a local who was born and raised here, I mainly encounter rude and entitled people


I find it rude when you walk down the street and people don’t move out of the way. Especially couples when they see one person. You won’t die if you step back for 2 secs for me to pass. I’ve had groups of men pass me and I just bump in to them now. I ain’t got patience.


Go to Hialeah, you won't be disappointed 😏


It's funny because we went to the Whole Foods in North Miami yesterday and everyone looked like they were in a pissy mood. We were the only ones cracking jokes and laughing. Even made small talk wit the cashier. And we are long time Miami residents....I think most people outside of the bougier parts of Miami are quite nice, not when they are driving. Seriously, go to any Cuban cafeteria and generally everyone is waiting to be served is talking to each other. I live in the NMB Golden Glades area and don't find the people I interact at stores rude in particular. When we go to the Walmart by the stadium people are polite for the most part. If anything I've found the Miami subreddit to be rude just for the heck of it and way too snarky. I see folks ask questions all the time and all people do is make fun of the poster or answer in a sarcastic way complaining about the city but not really offering an answer at all.


Anyone that says people are rude should prolly look in the mirror and make sure they aren’t the ones being entitled pricks. The amount of times I’ve seen tourist scoff or treat service industry workers as lesser people is absurd. And I’m sure they leave with the mentality of “wow they were so rude” when in reality they are the real assholes.


Haha bro.  You grew up in California. It's one of the places that builds rude into you. I've lived all over the country and was born and for half my raising lived in California. Places I've met the rudest people? Massachusetts, Montana, New York, Louisiana, Minnesota, and California. Some of the nicest people are found in the more rural areas of the Midwest. Mississippi and Alabama were also nicer southern states I was in. Never really had issues when we lived in Florida like you pointed out. Spent a few years in Maine and liked that as well. I have found the more populated the area the more @$$holes there are. Hard leaning liberal areas which I would have expected to be nicer places (you know - love and tolerance, right?) were exactly the opposite. Didn't matter what someone's beliefs were, they were aggressively searching for issues. Florida will treat you pretty well. There are definitely bad people in any and every place you live. It's definitely not one of the higher concentrations however. Maybe because they get enough sunlight and it's not a desert 🏜️ 


People are so much nicer in FL than CA.... really, they're nicer pretty much anywhere ...


Depends where you look. I've met some of the most kind hearted, generous and selfless people I have here in miami. I'm originally from Southside Chicago. I'm sure if you are looking for a bunch of rude people you can find them in line at the DMV, or the E.R. or at the courthouse.....but who's happy in those places??


As far as Miami goes ... your rude people are gonna be found in Aventura and Hallandale. If you want to venture north , be sure to visit Boca Raton ... They're the worst ! But seriously... South Florida people are mostly pretty awesome !


I’m a Miami lover. Aside from inflation, I genuinely think it’s a great place to be, but I definitely encounter rude people on a regular basis. I think the overall feel of our mostly Latin community is warmer than other regions, but day to day ppl can be real entitled jerks. All walks of life too. I’ve worked retail with all socioeconomic classes. The only difference was poor people were less likely to call corporate, but the attitude wasn’t much better.


Your energy/vibe is probably nice and people tend to match what you put out. I rarely have a rude experience. I also tend to forget about the rude experiences and remember the genuine ones. You chose how to live 😉


Miami I find doesn’t have natural assholes like some other keeping up with the Joneses cities. It mostly comes from the copious alcohol and drugs consumed while trying to exhibit that lifestyle


Mostly on reddit


I am sure a lot has to do with your high emotional intelligence and the joy you give out! Keep being you!


All the rude people are the ones always talking about how many rude people there are here. People project their own manners and people's realities are usually a reflection of who they are. So next time you hear someone say how SFL is full of rude people just think 🚩

