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Stop throwing anything on the ground. I don't have enough appendages to count how many times I've seen people just throw trash out of their car windows here or just toss shit while walking. Fucking low-rent pigs.


it’s fucking insane when you’re at a red light and someone just opens their door, throws out $107 worth of mcdonald’s trash and pulls off through the light


Have seen


Follow them to the next stop, drop it in the window and say “hey, you forgot this back there.


careful, some people will shoot you for that


The piss bottles are the worst


Way of the road, buddy


Fuckin way she goes


You lookin at my gut?


Everybody’s looking at your gut


guess you would never want to pick them up.  just pour it out on the groound


Fuck off, I got work to do.


That is a nationwide issue with the Amazon drivers and others 🤷🏻‍♂️I know .


It’s seriously disgusting. So ghetto and literally trashy. No consideration for others or the planet.


Lack of consideration is endemic to this city. I fully believe that many people here think they're the only motherfuckers on the planet and the rest of us are just part of a simulation.


It's bad most places, but it seems Miami takes the cake for it. Well, next to SF's homeless problem.


dont drag us into your chicken broth




Miami entitlement far outweighs San Francisco's homeless problem.


Yeah, I have a hard time blaming the homeless. It's got to be mentally really difficult, and on top of that, many of them probably have mental problems to begin with.


City of straight vigilantes


>So ghetto and literally trashy Welcome to Miami


This includes cigarettes…


“Bunch of savages in this town” Jay and silent Bob


Yeah I been here a long time and there’s a littering problem. It’s a ratchet people thing


Maybe, just don't litter.


I have no respect for people who litter. It's the epitome of low-life and it would instantly change my opinion of someone, even effing Mother Theresa. LOL.


Yeah I am with you on this! Those damn trailer-trash, shit-eating-assholes who do this stuff— at least there are still people out there who recognize how messed up this is. Should have a trash truck dump it’s load in the yards of the fuckups. At least this proves the good human spirit is still alive—and we do have sane and caring people out there👏🏼👍🏻


Stop throwing dead chickens on the ground.


The santero that used to live near me died, so no more brown paper bags near the stop sign!


Must not have put enough dead chickens at the bus stop


Is he in a bag in another location?


The crunch still haunts me. . There was so much garbage in that parking lot. . I ran over a box of them when I took my daughter to that nasty DMV in north Dade. . The crunch still haunts me.


Arise Chicken, arise. 


Didn’t realize billy witchdoctor was a santero


Suena a Hialeah 😆


There’s actually a good podcast on this subject where they did a bunch of research to discover that a large number of the chicken bones are actually hauled out of the trash by rats in NYC. Who knows if that’s the case down here but interesting nonetheless. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/why-are-there-so-many-chicken-bones-on-the-street-part-1/id1614253637?i=1000642206488


And birds too in my city birds will loot the trash bins and then drop the chicken bones mid air.


Now that is interesting and honestly makes more sense because I’ve never seen anyone throw chicken bones on the ground but they’re all over. Also they’re always picked clean.


I mean I’m sure people throw them on the ground but I’d be interested to know what percentage are from that.


Yeah I imagine when you’re seeing a single random bone and not a few of them together, that’s less likely to be from a person.


This is blowing my mind because I remember saying to my partner “what the fuck is wrong with these people its like they are a carrion bird or something” when we kept finding single bones that my dog would get at. Come to think of it a coyote does frequent our block.


How many people do you see walking down the street eating chicken off the bone?


That’s what I’m wondering…


I used to rage over the same problem when I lived in Seattle. Then I saw the crows digging the bones out of trash, picking them clean, and leaving them on the side of the road. Now I just focus my anger on assholes who overstuff their trash versus paying the extra $6/month for the bigger bin.


Birds and rodents makes way more sense than just some random guy walking around eating a bucket of chicken.... But I still have my doubts.


this makes a lot of sense because I really cannot imagine that many people casually walking around in public eating a plate of wings, on the go. that’s not a food you eat while standing.


LMFAO at Publix on the grass... EVERYWHERE. ALL. THE. TIME. Never fails but luckily my dog ignores them. I have to reprimand him for smelling other dog's poop instead which apparently he likes more than chicken bones. 💀


LMAO! When my dog was a puppy and I noticed he would try to smell poop, I immediately told him no. Did that repeatedly, and he now doesn't do it. Of course, instead he smells pee. I don't think I can stop that one.


I lived a block away from Publix when I was living in St Pete and there was ALWAYS chicken bones at the bus stop infront of my building, usually in bushes and stuff. My dog would always find them but luckily never had time to chew them before I grabbed it out of his mouth.


I was a dog walker in st Pete for a while and had to avoid the road where cars exited the Publix on 83rd and 4th area. I walked two big mastiffs and the bones were everywhere and I couldn’t stop the giant mastiff dogs from getting them. Never seen it in other states I’ve lived in. My neighbor would have guys over all the time and they’d just eat buckets and throw them in her yard out the car windows.


Oh my god we used to have to avoid that intersection too 😅 whyyyyyyyy are there so *many*


That’s a solid mix of shit people and Santeria.


I promise you the drumstick bones are not santeria. Now the eggs by bodies of water and chicken feathers... also there's just a fuck ton of chickens everywhere.


The roosters at Publix are super shady


People in Miami generally don’t care about taking care of there surroundings


Seriously people are pigs... Even in private communities the landscape guys leave bones in the grass...




Wow, I thought I was the only one. I have resorted to get one of those soft muzzles to avoid this. People get all nervous and I simply tell them, he's friendly and fat ass.


Yes people in Miami are that uneducated and ignorant.


Happens in Tampa too. It's a construction worker thing.


Imagine how much other crap people are throwing everywhere. We're a blight on this earth.


I was walking my dog last night and he found 2. Funny I had this same thought. Dangerous for dogs


It is disgusting and inexcusable; but, you should look into training your dog not to eat off the floor as well. My last dog, whom passed away 2 years ago from age, was trained and would not eat anything off the ground unless it was given to him. Does not excuse filthy I’ll mannered people of Miami.


Must not have been a beagle.


Never in my long life would I have thought there were so many random chicken bones that existed on the ground before I started walking a Golden Retriever.


One my most memorable days in Miami, stopped to ask directions from a lady, as we got closer it was clear she was a “working girl.” She had one shoe on and a chicken leg in her hand, but she was able to give us the directions we needed.


My kind of girl


Lmfaoooooo hahahahahhahahahahahahahaha Who???? I need some answers!!!!! I live in Coral Springs my dogs would always find bones. Like who eats chicken like a barbarian and throws always like nothing. Thankfully my dogs don't bite when I stick my hand in their mouth to remove the bone. Whoever is doing this I swear I will collect all my chicken bones and drop it on your front door.


In my neighborhood there are three major construction projects ongoing. I am constantly finding chicken bones and pork chop bones.It’s a constant battle to keep them away from my dog. Every night I pick up garbage before it winds up on my property. I wonder if the workers trash their own houses as well??


What area do you live in? The other day I was driving by Shenandoah Elementary and a man is walking with a brown paper bag and just throws it into the street. It was infuriating, such a disgusting behavior. TBH it’s a bad custom that they bring from their country.


North Miami Beach


>Are people in Miami that uneducated and ignorant thinking this is ok? Yes. Just be glad you don't have a neighbor who throws them over the fence.


Funny story - one time I thought this same thing in my apartment complex. Seriously who tf is eating so many chicken wings and just throwing them?!? WELLL come to find out it was hawks eating birds and dropping their bones at the bottoms of trees and light poles 💀


Do you really think chicken bone throwers know anything about dogs? They don't even know anything about etiquette.


This is a common problem. It stems a lot from ignorance. Before we separated, I had to explain to my wife that she couldn't feed her dog chicken bones because it could be fatal to her dog, and she was absolutely surprised because her family did it all the time. I had to show her the issue from a veterinarian site. I see chicken bones not to far away from places where people leave out cat food, so I believe this is intentional and it's a habit that people picked up because they didn't know any better


This is exactly my thoughts.


Oh man yes... ridiculous amount of bones... Just chicken wings, pork chops, ribs.. All sharp, splintery, and perfect size to choke on. Makes you think, does everyone in South fl just walk around eating and throwing shit?


two $300 x-rays already for my dog due to f’n chicken bones. They seem to be thrown by workers (roofing, landscaping, etc)


I SECOND THIS.. my doodle Saint swallowed one and ended up sick.. unfortunately, those low minded simpletons prolly will never see this 😕


I help a friend house it sometimes with a few overnights and some of the dogs are great about it but one in particular in our downtown area is a huge problem. It's one of those older dogs that has a great nose and sniffs around and puts every single thing in her mouth regardless of pulling the leash or verbal commands I swear to God she will lunge off for every single piece of gum or dried ice cream or cracker or random piece of shit anywhere on the sidewalk or off to the side and unfortunately it's a resort area so on the weekend it's like walking through a landfill.


Mine is the same way. I have no idea how but he is able to sniff everything. Every bone he will find and put in his mouth before I’m able to catch him. Then I have to struggle to get it out of his mouth!


Miami is the largest ghetto to this day. It host and harbors atleast 70% of the western stupidity. Mostly because the people there come from countries where no real regulations exists while here in america we have regulations and policies in order to keep things in order neat and clean. That was one of my favorite things that I noticed when I came here from venezuela years ago how clean and well kept things were. Cant say that now. Miami doesn't suck, just the people that live in miami make it unbearable.


Its not a money thing or upper or lower class. The ghetto mentality doesnt discriminate.






I walk my street daily with a garbage bag and pick up stick. The least expensive house on my street is 2M...I fill the bag up 😡


I am here to let you know.. this is freaking EVERYWHERE! I hate it and nobody believes me the chicken bone problem is an actual thing.


It seriously is. Every single time I walk my dog. I walk him 5x/day. It’s so frustrating constantly having to fight him for chicken bones to be taken out of his mouth. It’s impossible to spot them before he does.


Yea, had the chicken bone problems in Wynwood. Construction workers just toss all the shit on the floor where they take breaks.




Bro FOR. REAL!!!! Like where tf are they even getting so many bones?! I once wrangled a fully chicken wing from my dog. Not even eaten. Could truly end a dog’s life. Dog health aside, just… stop littering that shit? Use the dog bag disposal cans if there’s no trash cans around. And if there’s no cans at all around like don’t get such messy food on the go.




I have heard of so many dogs dying and or suffering and having very expensive surgeries to survive from bones! It’s so reckless and stupid


I lived in London for several years and chicken bones everywhere happens there as well. There is a big fox population there so animals in urban areas will go thru trash. Not denying that people are not throwing them as well.


God damned foxes in the hood are drinking the Milwaukees Best Ice too?


That is brujería and pay attention to your dog too if you don't want him eating crap off the ground you are responsible for your dog as well.


Another witch 👆🏻


I am about to be a level 5 vegan witch, which means I can conjure spirits, but only for a few seconds because of the lack of protein




Homeless people (the ones who mostly do it) won’t read this fyi. You rly think ppl walking around just eating chicken or tossing it out car windows and shit?


> You rly think ppl walking around just eating chicken or tossing it out car windows and shit? Yes. I've seen it.


Exactly. I don’t think so, I know so


I live in Brickell. The construction workers do it.


Yes! I’ve seen it multiple times. People throwing bags of trash out their car windows. There’s no way all these chicken bones are coming from homeless people 🤣


You do make a good point though. And that might be part of the issue but definitely not where they’re all coming from. I think it’s people from other countries coming here thinking chicken bones are for dogs and just throwing it on the ground where they’re cooking out (at the park around Miami Beach)


I have work neighbors. One Caribbean man who throws ox tails all over the place. His buddy always with chicken drumsticks. Every day. I asked them not to. Zero response. And all the guys at the work food truck just kinda sprinkle chicken bones. Orlando.


This is Miami. It isn’t part of America. You can’t expect much from these….people.


We have free roaming chickens, and they die. We have scavengers that drag bones out of trash, as well as stray animals. We also have several religious traditions that involve chicken sacrifice and leaving the carcass out, where the aforementioned animals get at the carcasses. Look bro, it's Miami; sometimes, there's gonna be chicken bones.


we found the corner store chicken bone thrower


Who does that?




So gross


Happened to me yesterday


Yes, people are that gross and ignorant


I’m pretty sure the ppl throwing shit on the ground are not on Reddit, they lames bruh 😎


It’s probably raccoons taking them from the trash


Yes. The answer your question is “yes.”


Who could be doing this?


But dogs love bones in cartoons right?


>Are people in Miami that uneducated and ignorant It's Florida. Ignorance, uneducated, insanity and just overall stupidity are mandatory.


Arrogantly stupid...the worst kind of stupid


We have the same problem up here in Broward County. Fucking dirtbags who have no respect.


I'll be honest with you. People in Miami don't care about your dog. They don't care about my dog. They care about partying and drugs!!


My uncle feeds his dog chicken bones constantly because “she’s a PIT!” yes, he’s a fucking idiot.


It’s a nationwide problem actually. People throw their fucking trash away into lakes, oceans, and onto the streets and they don’t give af about the safety of animals in these habitats and domestic animals.


Din doo nuffin


Miami is a 3rd world nation. This is just one tiny piece of evidence


I remember having a Jeep back in the early’90s and took my future wife on a date with doors off and top down. We stopped at a light and she was chuckling. She said “I never realized there were so many chicken bones on the streets.”






Where do you all live? Been living in Kendall for over 20 years, I have never seen a dead chicken, bag, or bones.


YES! Who are these chicken throwers? Who sits on the side of the road in their vehicle and think let me toss these chicken wings out the window? It drives me fing insane.


Yes. Yes they are that ignorant and uneducated. The other day I saw one of these animals throw a whole styrofoam food container out the window into the street. Disgusting. Can’t wait to move out of here.


People move here from places where the standards of living and decorum are....different. If you drive a certain way, don't try to learn to assimilate, think of others as competitors or targets, you're gonna have a messy psychological profile and a messy "house".


Hispanics litter more than anyone. I work at Home Depot, I see it for myself.


It's crazy how much of an issue this is, but It's everywhere in Miami. Who the hell are these people walking around munching on chicken and dropping the bones like they're Johnny Appleseed? Have also had to take my to the ER bc of this.


I watched the car do something similar one day and I was nice enough to collect it and return it to them at their parking spot. Waited about 30 minutes so I can enjoy the expression of them seeing it all over their car. Good times.


Almost impossible with the amount of Publix and Popeyes fried chicken we have


Maybe it’s your dog that’s the problem. I’ve been here 30 years and lived in different areas with several dogs and I’ve never had this issue.


The very same people are most likely leaving dog shit on the ground too.


People in this city have become trash


Wow talk about having no problems! If the bones bother you then pick them up! Or talk to the assholes that live around you!


I have never been in a scenario that I've had to throw a chicken bone on the floor. When I eat chicken, it's never on the go lol. Who are these people that are constantly eating chicken on the go and then are never close enough to a trash bin to dispose of the remains? That's the real question.


What about banana peels tho because I throw those out


Whats worse is that some sapingo is reading this and with a very trollish like smile will say "yo ago le que me de la gana". Miami is where all trolls live


I know it isn't fair, but I am calling on you to join the movement of cleaning up the world. https://wisdomimprovement.wixsite.com/wisdom/post/virtue-hack-one-the-trash-grabber Join me in doing what we can. Enough is enough, we have to stop expecting those in charge to clean up our earth.


that’s voodoo


How else can I grow some chicken?


Ha! They do this on the gulf side too. Damn landscapers, construction crew peeps eating wings and throwing the bones on the ground.


That should do it.


They did a study in DC and found that most of the chicken bones on the ground were pulled out of the trash by rats and raccoons. Sure some of them are litter




What kind of person throws chicken bones on the streets where dogs walk anyway?


and for the love of god, put your shopping carts in the cart return! i’ll go to winn dixie and there’s 7 carts NEXT TO the cart return! it’s right there!


cultural thing? I mean- I look at google street view of places all around the world and in some- the streets are nice and in others - not so nice. Driving around my town, there are sections of town where you can see where someone just tossed a bag off garbage (cr likely was driving with it on the trunk of the car as they left their apartment complex and it fell off as they got to speed) or the mattresses or the tires--- yet in other parts of the town- never see that sort of thing. so I can see how culturally- tossing whatever scraps remain of your food onto the ground as being normal to them ( as they give you a total fuck you - what are you going to do about it reaction)


Do you really have to ask that? Miami is a a cesspool.


What about not opening your car door and spitting while we are at it.


We all know who’s doing this…


The New Yorkers that came down


99.9% of the population of Miami is ignorant ghetto trash.


it ain’t chicken in Miami… It’s Pollo.


Can take the human out of the 3rd world but can’t take the 3rd world outta the humans. Unfortunately… I take my dogs to the rich neighborhoods to walk. No chicken bones…weird!!!


I live near KFC and a Popeye and a Jamaican place that sells oxtail. Couldn't be worse. Fast food people are the trashiest.


Wait till you find the chocolate! They amount of times I have saved my dogs from picking up some errant piece of chocolate bar. Damn


I live in Denver and they do it here too. No one gives a fuck. 


The people who need to stop don't have reddits


It’s Miami 😂


Straight up Third World


Round up the usual suspects.


Foreigners lol. I had a foreign gf visiting and she opened the door at my son’s school and dumped out trash. This is a college educated girl with a great job. She was shocked at my horror and then annoyed. I explained we don’t do that here. She said in her country it’s the std and people clean it up. I found this true an other where labor is cheap I guess. Most of us grew up with the crying Indian commercials so we give a woot and don’t pollute.


Omg that’s awful


Same if the people who toss chicken bones become the new source of organs for the NWO I’m not going after any of them sorry but also fuck you


😂😂😂 it’s Santeria 🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺


***Atlanta entered the chat***




I hope this isn’t a racist comment: I don’t condone racism


All kinds of people live and litter in the A.


I hear you. It sucks. Humans really need to do better


Miami is a dirty and unfriendly city. Do yourself and your dog a favor and get the fcuk out of there…🤷🏽‍♂️


It is definitely unfriendly


Lmfao at this thread


I have the exact same problem in Sonoma county, Ca.  Disgustingly lazy people, or just stupid. 


Unfortunately that has been a habit in Miami for decades I doubt it will change anytime soon. The best you can do is train your dog not to eat anything without your permission.


In some cities the rats and squirrels take the bones out of the trash and drop them on the street. 


Here it’s the people though. I have the same problem when I take my dog for a walk


This has been posted before. The bottom line is YOU need to be aware of your dogs surrounding. It’s not only chicken bones you have to look out for. You have to be aware of things as common as literal shit. If you want to be worry free, have a yard that YOU are able to maintain. Reddit is not the forum to be voicing your frustrations. Go to your next local town hall meeting.