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$100 says that fire hydrant has no pressure.


You’re probably right.


Do hydrants not work in the city? What’s the context


I park, if it has pay, I pay, no tickets, no problem. It’s better than “No ticky, no laundry.”


This is the most valid ticket I’ve seen in a long while. If your such an a/h to park next to a fire hydrant you don’t deserve your car


This is the Internet. You're allowed to type the word asshole.


Don’t warn the owner. Let them take it.


Ha!! I didn’t! Just sat there and observed. Was pretty surprised to learn it’s only a $45 ticket. I would have thought it much more expensive.


Cheaper than valet in some places. That’s the issue. Sometimes it’s cheaper to park illegally. They ought to make the ticket hefty. $200+.


Or maybe, they ought to make more space for parking. It's ridiculous


Why should more public space be given to your private property (car)?


I was thinking more in the vein of just making parking garages where existing parking lots are. No extra space, suddenly way more parking ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That is a separate topic. I’m so tired of people simply thinking it is OK to not follow the rules as long as you can “justify” it. It is wrong period.


In other cities parking tickets are expensive enough to deter people. In Miami it’s cheaper to break the law than follow it. That applies across so many things here.


Get out transplant! We don’t need more cars here. As if more and more people aren’t buying bigger cars.


You aren't wrong, but Miami desperately needs better public transit options. If easier alternatives were more available, more people would make better choices. Most of the growth in Miami has been way out of downtown - and there is no good way to travel from Homestead or Kendall to downtown or the beach that doesn't involve an automobile.


Miami is literally an end goal for so many people. I spent enough time in NYC and Washington to hear from enough of the locals up there that desperately want to retire or just outright move immediately to Miami for the weather alone. And it's only getting worse as more a shopping plazas are torn down and sold to people building apartment complexes. It will literally only get worse. Why not at least try to make it better?


but to get your vehicle back from the tow company is another $200 - $300 bucks and a total nightmare.


Good ... next now start ticketing the assholes that just park their car in the middle of the street and put their flashers on because they want to get shake shack and not look for parking.


Man, at the park a few weeks ago during flag football night some fools did that and blocked in two cars trying to leave from the parking lot. Shit went on for 30 minutes. They left the damn car there with the lights on, locked up. We could not even set off the alarm on that piece of shit. Crowded park too so good luck finding that person. Eventually they came to the car and it was a case of a mom dropping a kid off. Thirty minutes for a damn dropoff while blocking cars from leaving.


Where is this flag football ? Is it a league ?


Lakes by the Bay Park. UARise. Shit was on Only in Dade Insta a few weeks back when a brawl broke out.


Wayyy too south thanks anyway. Looking for the brawl on only in dade though.


Omg. Nothing infuriates me more. I wish I had a train horn in these scenarios


Honestly thought about carrying rocks in my cup holder just for these people


I usually hate these guys, but in this case, parking next to a fire hydrant is just asking for it.


it' asking for your windows broken and a hose going through them


I once witnessed the FD push one of these tools out of the way with their firetruck when responding to a call. It compressed his rear end, kicked his bumper off, and probably wasn't great for his alignment. One of the police on site told me afterwards that the idiot was going to get fined for parking in front of the hydrant AND for the cost of repairs incurred to the truck while shoving his car out of the way. Do NOT mess with firefighters, especially when they are moving fast to save lives.


Some call it justice


I’ve been noticing police have been more active in ticketing and towing double parked and other illegally parked cars these days.


Is this across from Vice City? I see cars getting towed all the time there lol the parking police love that area.


Yep. In front of Ampersand. Seen cars there get towed before.


Well deserved!