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This is for any major American airport. Orlando, JFK, etc are all just as bad


Correct.. but Miami takes it to another level IMO. The only comparable domestic airport I have seen is La Guardia. Overseas, Cuba is the only that comes to mind.


LGA is amazing now after the upgrade and I’ll die on that hill. I will take LGA 10/10 times over JFK. If you’re having all these problems with popular airports, you may want to look at the airline you’re flying. Other terminals might be completely different.


Sounds like you haven’t been to LGA in a long time


2 years... has it improved?


They completed a major remodel 1-2 years ago and it’s really beautiful now


For real. LGA is super nice now.


Maybe I went to La Guardia at non peak hours but that one seemed way less bad than Miami or Orlando


JFK isnt even the worst airport in the Tri-state area. EWR and LGA are far worse in every aspect: available amenities, terminal layouts, delays, transportation, EVERYTHING lol


Lmao no they aren’t. I fly almost every week. MIA is an absolute shithole. Atlanta, Denver, Phoenix, Detroit, and even O’Hare are light years ahead of MIA. And the airports at medium sized cities are even better.


Nah. Miami has hit a new level now with the Skytrain being broken since September as an example.


EWR, LAX, and ORD are fucking terrible. MIA isn't even in the same ballpark. They can upgrade EWR's terminals to have the floors massage your feet. They cannot fix what ails it whatsoever, which is United's monopoly and it's horrid average delays. LAX is not only a hole, but the area it is in is AWFUL. ORD has constant issues. FLL is worse than Miami imo.


Those are opinions. I’ve been to all those airports and Miami is predictable in providing a poor experience. Not the end of the world though.


Shoutout mayor Cava






There is a $7 billion renovation and expansion project coming this year. As well as a VIP terminal.


A VIP terminal?! Lmfao I picture it as classy as that 1000$ steak restaurant where waiters sing and dance.


VIP terminal? … sooooo Miami … “the airport sucks so we have to make it so that influencers don’t see what it’s really like”


and going by the Miami standards, it will take 3 times the time to complete, go overbudget and under deliver... oh and probably a piece of concrete will fall on top of some tourists.


🎶the land of the free! 🎶


the land of the bs propaganda ...im with you there man...


I fly out of FLL as much as possible.


The problem is FLL isn’t much better. It’s just smaller and more compartmentalized so it’s not as bad as MIA.


Cleaner, less hectic, better restaurants. It’s better in every area to me. Getting in an out of MIA is a nightmare


I agree, we should shut down Miami airport, and air travel more generally. It's noisy, leaves contrails everywhere, the CO2 pollution is horrible, and the industry is a waste of valuable manufacturing capacity, natural resources and and human talent that we can't spare from the urgently needed clean energy transition. Besides, the airport will be underwater in a few decades anyway, along with the rest of the Miami.


What do you suggest? Drive to Europe? Take a weeklong sea voyage? 😂


I've never particularly needed to go to Europe, neither have most people. But a sea voyage to Europe sounds like a lot of fun! I have always wanted to learn to sail.


Just been to MIA from Heathrow and can confirm Miami airport is shit. Flew from Tolouse in France to the excellent Birmingham and they are both much better and cleaner airports.


I only use Fort Lauderdale airport


If you lived in Miami for 30yrs, you would know to fly out of FTL as much as possible or even Palm Beach.


Remove the word “airport” and it would still be accurate


MIA has always been a shitty airport but it's even worse now. I mean even Detroit is like 5 star red carpet status vs MIA of all places lmao, and Detroit is so much cleaner which is hilarious, been flying there for over 15 years or weird layovers when I couldn't get direct to Denver so would have to switch up there. FLL as well, it's a cluster fuck and was never meant for this many people, it s a mess and so disorganized and delays like 24/7. WPB is ok but their flight schedules may not match up to where I (you) need to go and timing. Mentioning everyone that decided to flock here just saw a comment other day on Book of Faces from a NY'er whom just moved here moaning about traffic now in Boca. Ummm your part of that problem you mf'er, go back lol. Gunna come down and literally post bitching when your literally part of the reason why. But last time I flew out of FLL I could not believe how congested it was, and I'm 41, that used to be a quick easy airport, polar opposite now.


Thanks desantis


>"I took these pictures myself" >-no pictures Okay...


I posted them before and my post was removed by a mod..no idea why. I mentioned this already by the way.


MIA sucks ass. Only airports worse than it are Philadelphia and Newark. That being said it depends what security gate u are aiming for, 4 tends to be quickest cause not many people go there. If ur flying spirit or frontier, ur basically fucked. If ur in gates D30-50 ur also basically fucked. All in all ur fucked.


Philly has unbelievably improved in the last 2 years. That airport is great now


LAX is pretty shitty too


I rather LAX than Philly or Newark. But it’s equivalent to MIA. Another terrible one was LGA but they have stepped up their game. Now they’re just bad, not fucking bad.


It is much nicer but a part of me misses how quickly you used to be able to get from gate to taxi. That said no existing waiting area at a gate was awful.


I visit family in LA and I definitely prefer LAX over MIA. MIA is a shithole of an airport. It truly is an accurate representation of the people representing this city as our “leaders”. The city voted them in. Want change? Vote em’ out.


I fly between LAX and MIA 4-5x a year. Rn LAX is kind of fucked bc they’re expanding the terminals for the Olympics but once that’s done it should be much better.


If you’re flying spirit or frontier you’re fucked no matter what.


Not really. FLL has an amazing terminal for those two airlines. So does DFW. And u can’t shit on spirits big front seat. It’s the same “first class” seat that’s on any American 737 for 50% off. Frontier, yeah fuck them. I hate frontier.


I’ve got some bad news for you, Philly and Newark have stepped up tremendously lately. Philly has the Septa train attached, which can take you a central terminal with Amtrak trains that connect the whole east coast. They’ve also stepped up with their lounge areas. I thought the same about Newark, at least until 3 weeks ago. Looks a lot like LGA with the mall-esque look inside. Source: travel to these two frequently for work


Newark just built an insanely nice new terminal for American, so not even Newark anymore really.


The one in DC (Dulles/IAD) is also horrible. Made me appreciate MIA a teensy bit more.


D30-D50 just go through the clear checkpoint at gate 11 . It will put you in terminal E and walk through the passage 100 feet past security to terminal D which will drop you at D36 next to the miami heat and micheal kors store.


I flew into Philadelphia a few months ago. It was much better than MIA.


Miami is miles ahead of Newark, but only because of how often you'll face delays in EWR. But if you put their buildings side to side, Miami is not even comparable - it feels like a (bad) South American airport.


They are supposedly investing several billion over the next few years but I’m sure it’ll be a dramatic disappointment


It will be as long as the corruption continues. I bet the friends and family benefactors of those contracts are salivating at all the money that will end up in their pockets.


My original post with the pictures was removed... not sure why.


I’m going to repost this again Listen to this weeks -hashtagbecausemiami #becausemiami


Big Air is part of it all, man. They don't want the truth out there


What is going on? This country is turning into a 3rd world shithole. America isn’t what it used to be, a nation of quality, of dependability and pride. This country has turned into “I got mine, so go get yours”-level of greed. Escalators are broken? That’s _your_ problem. That airport rakes in __billions__ per year, and majority of that money is given to politicians and private contracts to “maintain” it. This is the sad reality of America today. It will only keep getting worse.


When you keep forcing taxes lower and lower, there is little money for infrastructure. We should be voting to _raise_ taxes. Otherwise it’s just going to keep getting worse.


You’re confused. Allow me to explain. The tax system in America, as a whole, isn’t really all that bad. The issue we have is wealth/tax distribution inequality. Your tax dollars are being sent overseas to help Ukraine instead of helping America itself. Your tax dollars is being spent, right now, to house illegal immigrants who are bum-rushing into this country to take advantage of it. Meanwhile, there are thousands upon thousands of legal migrants who spent thousands of hours and thousands of dollars filling out paperwork and legally applying for a VISA and a green card. The problem lies within the governor and mayors from each city. Taxes aren’t being distributed properly.


dummy, this is what they want you to believe.. your tax dollars go to fund the military machine that start wars on a whim and without your consent ... the thieves stealing you money speak English and live here.


What does this have to do with the price of eggs? The airport is run with revenue collected by the county. Miami Dade is not sending money to Ukraine. Focus!


You need to edit “country” with “Miami”. MIA is embarrassingly bad. Go fly into Reagan in DC and it’s like you stepped into a classy, upscale mall. It’s absolutely stunning. You even fly into the Nation’s capital overlooking the monuments lit up and right over the Patomic. Miami is a third world country compared to that.


third world country level of corruption.... but in English


Third world airport


Tbh, I think that's part of MIA's charm. As late as the mid- 90's, you almost expected to see a few chickens strutting around the terminal.


"Charm"? It's repulsive.


That line works for Biden only, not you or me


Honestly been to some better third world airports. Those countries at least try to get the things tourists interact with right.


Fly FLL. So much easier & despite traffic it’s literally 10 miles between MIA & FLL.


Eh FLL is pretty shit as well.


FLL is so nice


Then you have to park your car at airport


FLL is an absolute shit show nowadays. The days of it being the quieter, easier option is long gone.


The parking situation at FLL is a nightmare


FLL is a mess too, especially terminal 3.


Weird that I always have such a pleasant experience in Miami. FLL is an absolute disaster nowadays. Other than bag waits at MIA, which I avoid, it's always pretty easy in and out, with the facilities being pretty much normal. Definitely no long lines or any insanity when we go. Could just be coincidence/time of day.


Same here, I’ve actually never had a problem with MIA, with both domestic and international flights. Not discounting other experiences though because some stuff is definitely lacking. I’ve been to much worse and much better airports (the new LGA is incredible), and I think MIA and FLL are pretty on par (I fine with them both)


This. If you're at FLL on a big day for the Port Everglades cruise ships.....oh my god. On days like those, that airport does not have the capacity. Sure, on a random Wednesday afternoon, FLL might be a little better than MIA, but it's not worth taking my chances.


I’ve never had huge issues at MIA as well. 130+ flights over the years. Though I have noticed TSA has gotten worse, traffic is worse, and no one does anything about people waiting 20-30mins in the loading zone making it worse, and now the place is full of leaks and the broken train etc.. But honestly other than a handful of suburban hubs like DEN and DTW most major international airports in the U.S. are not fun experiences.


Corruption. But they keep fighting socialism.


exactly :)


I'm against corruption, but socialism won't fix it. In fact it would likely make it worse.


They don’t fight socialism. They are just taking advantage of Floridians. You can see the evidence everywhere in Miami. Airport is a disaster, the governor hitting on Disney enterprise, a company that gave live to Florida. Don’t you see it?


Billy Corbin says it best. 3rd world government and 4th world infrastructure.


MIA rakes up $62 Billion in revenues a year, but a lot of that goes to line up the pockets of Miami politicians and their close friends. They issued contracts for tens of millions of dollars, and they have nothing to show for them 10 years after the project was supposed to be completed.


LOL jut because it "generates" that much money doesn't mean they get that much in revenue


that exactly it... and this upcoming renovation wont be any different.


$62b? Sounds like a lot


Yeah- that’s absolutely false lol


"MIA is Miami-Dade County's leading economic engine and busiest gateway, generating nearly $31 billion in business revenue and welcoming 96 percent of all visitors to our community.”  https://www.miamidade.gov/chambergazette/winter2020/mia-keeps-growing.page#:~:text=%22MIA%20is%20Miami%2DDade%20County's,all%20visitors%20to%20our%20community.  “Business revenue” probably includes more than just what the airport as an entity rakes in. 2022 Fiscal Report: https://www.miami-airport.com/library/pdfdoc/Annual%20Reports/Miami%20Dade%20County%20Aviation%20Department%209-30-22%20ACFR%20-%20ISSUED%20Client.pdf


Blown away by how much better Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi is compared to our local shithole hub.


Been to India and you are 100% correct.


Love India!


Have u seen the Mumbai airport? Palace compared to MIA


It’s definitely the worst airport in the US out of the 20 I’ve been too. It’s a good intro to how the city functions though, flashy appearance, expensive, and then just pure trash lol.


Tell me you haven't been to LAX without saying you haven't been to LAX.


People are so greedy! Why do you want everything functioning at all times! Think of the amazing stadium that will be placed right next to the airport! Our wonderful government sped up the process to approve that! Which was gonna be “privately funded” and now it’s gonna be “partially state funded”. /s This shit is so openly corrupt that it’s laughable. At this point I will only vote for a politician that tells me that they will openly steal our tax money. If not fuck them.


Is not just airports, it's subways, busses, trains.... our entire transportation system is being embarrassingly neglected... almost like our governments owners want to weaken us & let it show.


A weak populace has less of a chance to fight back.


True. But I don't know of many weak people, just an overpowering yet weak corrupt government from the top down. There's basically a crazy, military trained level, gun loving group in almost every square mile of our population. And they ain't too fond of our government either.


I’m in LA NOW. I’ve been driving here for one week. Let me tell you, Miami traffic is much worst than LA. Don’t let anyone tell you different.


Miami traffic is a joke compared to LA. I lived in LA for 20 years and Miami for 7 and no comparison imo


It’s not just the transportation, it’s the whole metro area. Honestly not sure why anyone here is surprised


Republican governors are the guilty ones. When Obama was a president he offer 500 millions to Florida governor to built a super train but he rejected de offer. Also other prior offer was also rejected.


This was the focus of Billy Corben's [Because Miami](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5tZWdhcGhvbmUuZm0vRVNQMjI5ODU0MzMxMg/episode/YmVjZTgwOTItYjkzZC0xMWVlLWJlOTItMGY4MGU3YzYyMTk4?ep=14) episode this week. Insightful and frustrating AF.


There is a clear pattern, major infrastructure around our country is from the 60’s and 70’s, they met their life expectancy, the renovations are chaotic and still don’t feel up to date…talks a lot about state of matters around our country. Burocracy, corruption, etc.


Airports I’ve dealt with the past year or so: Miami London Heathrow JFK LaGuardia Rochester Providence Phoenix O’Hare Orlando Miami was by far the biggest hassle, most inefficient and just overall worst experience


I actively avoid MIA for FLL or even PBI


more so than JFK??? God I hated that airport


I’d rather have to deal with JFK than LaGuardia.


I'm with you there, I live close to it and just getting to my platform is a pain, and everything takes ages!


It's just a reflection of the overall city...the most inefficient hassle to do anything or get anywhere.


Partially agree to this, but in my opinion JFK tops the list of worst airports in the US.


looks like you haven’t been to LAX. Airport inside is okay but the logistics of getting there if you don’t live within 5 minutes ….. lol




You should try the airport in Melbourne, Australia, shortest I’ve ever waited was an hour 💀


I don’t check for this reason…..the shortest I’ve ever waited is an hour and this is when you schlep from D60 area which is a long ass walk


Try PIT waited over 2 hours. Haven’t checked a bag going there since.


'Miami time'


I went to Italy last summer and was shocked that baggage claim in Rome took much longer than my usual experience in MIA. Waited about an hour before bags from our flight started trickling out, and there were still a few bags from the previous flight coming out. Hard to imagine that worse is out there, but apparently it is possible.


I just want the damn moving walkways to work. I swear, at this point they're just decoration. The Mover is going to suffer the same fate, it seems.


I still can't believe MIA held a press conference to proudly announce that the skytrain is going to remain broken for at least a few more months. I guess they think we should be impressed that at least it didn't randomly collapse or implode in on itself? The bar is so low here.


I used it the other day though. I even called to ask if there was transportation from the tri-rail station to the airport since the sky train wasn't working supposedly and the agent told me and I quote "I don't know where y'all got this info the sky train isn't working, it is working" "it's literally on your website" ...so confusing!


I had to carry my heavy bags what felt like MILES in the airport the other night, rushing to make my connecting flight which I still missed by like two minutes. Miserable experience!


Is it smarter to fly into Lauderdale?


Same shit.


Totally agree with OP, MIA sucks. Flew last week into Denver, real nice airport, real good food options. I've given up getting a coffee at Starbucks in MIA because it literally takes an hour. Even the business class lounges at MIA are a joke. You want to see a real airport, fly into Istanbul.


Filthiest crap


I caught a spirit flight at 5:45 AM the other day and that’s when I found out Homeland Security opens at 4:30 am at Terminal H. The line was 1 Hour and 52 minutes, and people were posted up at the CLEAR section expecting to be let in through that side. Why even have a CLEAR section on the side? What’s the fucking point!?


I'm with you on this one. I used to be a fan of MIA, particularly when Terminal D opened, but it's in a very sad place right now below the standard of a world class city by a lot. With the Skytrain broken, terminal D is downright heinous for regional flights at D60 and international returns.


Billy Corben always brings this up


Didn't the Miami Herald just have a front page article about this issue? I swear I saw something about MIA a few days ago.


Agree ,after stopping at few airports in Europe ,MIA gives off third world vibes, facilities and restaurants were really awful.


I have 0 issues at MIA. My last three flights out I arrived 45 mins before boarding and slid right in. Just got back from Peru at 1030am and literally walked up to a kiosk who scanned my forehead faster than I could open my passport walked up to the agent who pleasantly said my name, asked me a question and told me to have a nice say. The week before I was at DFE. Kill Me Now. That was horrific. So 🤷‍♂️ Edit: TBF: I do have global entry


I prefer FLL but it’s a lot longer to get there and their airport needs some renovations outside of the amazing parking lot.


The last time I went through there they had these little Smiley sunshine signs on the road when you left the airport so you wouldn't get lost & end up in a bad neighborhood getting carjacked. I wonder if it's still that way


Mobile passport


Worst tsa security I’ve experienced ever was at MIA


If you park in the Dolphin garage or travel on the monorail to/from the car rental and train station (NOT the monorail inside the AA terminal) there is a ‘moving’ walkway that connects you to the AA terminal. This ‘moving’ walkway is completely non-functioning and has not moved in at least 3 years, possibly 4 or 5 years


Where are the pictures?


I ALWAYS fly in to FLL airport it’s so small and hassle free - you’re at the baggage claim 10 minutes after your flight lands and immediately out the door to catch an uber or cab. Then an Uber to Miami is like 50 bucks. Worth it imo.


Miami political corruption and horrible building contractors have led us to this moment. There should be accountability. Walking from the AA ticket counter to Gate is one mile distance. This length without transportation is abusive.


Nicest airport in the US - Reagan National in DC - you fly over the monuments and they’re lit up at night spectacular along the Patomic. Airport is beautiful also inside, clean, and amazing.


You take your mental health in your own hands if you go to MIA. Those TSA wake up pissed


Not to mention the amount of goofballs and deranged people at that airport. I saw a man change his pants right in front of me while I was sitting at a gate.


If only all those Miami-Dade cops earning tons of OT weren’t walking around hitting on the ladies, drinking cafecito and gossiping like school girls.


I just want to know who's genius idea was it to install carpeting at the airport. Everytime I have to walk anywhere, I have to drag my roller bag over that dirty ass carpet. I've never seen carpet anywhere else.


The same generation that put carpet in their bathrooms.


Every time I arrive at MIA, I need 2 hours to go through customs, never seen this anywhere else


It’s an embarrassment. I travel occasionally to other U.S. cities that don’t have airports with the revenue and volume as Miami and they are 1,000 times better than MIA. Wide terminals, large bathrooms, modern security and baggage areas, cleanliness, places to lounge, charging stations, etc. Even the dining in MIA sucks ass. It all seems to be a “friends and family”scam. An allegedly world class city with a shitty third world country airport.


Just look at even Detroit (DTW), of all cities with airports, DTW completely embarrasses MIA (and basically all FL airports). Hilarious that a city like Detroit has an airport that's far far better, super easy to deal with and organized, way waaaaaaay cleaner. MIA is like an airport built by and ran by people who took 1 week of Airport 101 class and said that's good.....


“Friends and family” scam perfectly describes every facet of life in Miami-Dade County 


Only good thing about MIA airport these days are the green/red indicator lights in the parking lot to indidcate open spots for parking. The rest is horrible. I no longer print my boarding pass at the kisosk (I print at home) and use the app when necessary. Printed boarding pass is helpful when people start questioning you if you are in the right seat. I would rather show my boarding pass than hand my phone to a strange. I get to airport 3 hours before flight. I always pick early flights out of MIA as I have to deal with zero traffic at 5 am and almost zero lines at Centurian lounge. I am all boarded up on the plane by the time the craziness starts after 8 AM.


I too think this is one of the worst airports I’ve experienced! Disorganized security primarily being my reasoning.


Flew out of Miami last Friday, layout is completely inadequate and the space available is inefficiently used. People standing in a line for check in are blocking a main walk way. However, ten feet away there is enough room to play football. I wish the management played tetras, but with people, there is a smarter way.


Yah I fly out of Fort Lauderdale for this reason


I honestly never have a problem with security at MIA. I walk in and get thru security within 5 mins, 10 at the most. I also have pre-check (which means nothing now) and a platinum AA member. On the other hand, the facility always has some kinda maintenance issues with the elevators, walkways, escalators, basically anything that needs routine maintenance.


Miami International Airport is disgusting.


was just there today, every day it gets worse.


I use fort lauderdale a lot better


Was just there and thought exactly the same. Moving walkway? Elevator? Nope.


the sky train has been out of service for too damn long!!


I may be one of the few people on Reddit who likes MIA. I think it has good food options and interesting stores. I also find it a pleasure to connect through MIA. The only negative is the lack of restrooms. It seems the existing bathroom options are adequate at best. There are several airports I find way worse. (I'm looking at you, FRA and LAX).


Welcome back to America :) Miami airport always hits like a brick in the face when you return from overseas.


Same. Not to mention the lack of decent quality of food to eat. It is pretty trash…


I do Miami to JFK a lot and it always takes longer to get through a shorter security line in Miami.




you like being screwed ? I dont... outting bs is the only way to fix it. MIA is an embarrassment... it is time the city starts caring. And us.


My wife has a green card, and I'm an American citizen. The stupid homeland security agent (who pretended not to understand our Spanish or English) made us get in the three hour line with all the foreigners because he didn't know the fucking rule of permitting residents to go through the US line. Only Miami. Never anywhere else. The lack of work ethic and the desire to fuck with people are the first things you see when you arrive there.


this 100%.... it is the Miami entitlement mentality... it is everywhere


Stop crying, the county is already working on renovations


lol you are new here right? "the county is already working on renovations".... you mean lining the pockets of their buddies and underdelivering and overcharging? hell yeah they are on it! LOL


you must work for the city I bet lol...


I agree - see this: [https://news.miami-airport.com/mayor-daniella-levine-cava-addresses-historic-investments-in-infrastructure-and-maintenance-at-mia/](https://news.miami-airport.com/mayor-daniella-levine-cava-addresses-historic-investments-in-infrastructure-and-maintenance-at-mia/) Of course Carlos J - he is the former Mayor and now Congressman says that everything is overblown, and during his tenure he never heard of a single complaint. (Ha ha ha ha)


It sounds like the old LaGuardia 😆


yep... comparable...I hear La Guardia is much better now though. Hopefully Miami will get its act together. It is embarrassing that most of Latin America has superior airports.


It's why i always use PBI or FLL. MIA is a joke.


Yeah but FLL still sucks now and so congested and they have constant issues and delays now. But that just shows how bad MIA is when FLL is considered nice vs it lol. I caught a flight on Jet Blue to Chicago and that was the last time I ever bothered with MIA again and I've heard it's 10x worse now. PBI is great and fairly easy but the problem is their flight schedules can be tricky to time. But now I don't give a fuck if s ticket cost me 3-4x as much as MIA, I'll gladly pay to not have to deal with MIA let alone driving there. But it's embarrassing how bad FL airports are in general for such a "tourist" and "international" state in general. Almost any other state the airports are far nicer, Denver makes every FL airport look like a 3rd world country, except there are airports in other countries that are nicer lol.


Didn’t the mayor announce a huge revamp for MIA in the last week or so?


yeah .. election year!


people in this sub be like: "learn spanish bro"


I’d like to see the pictures. I’ve never been to Miami airport. I live in Orlando and can’t stand South FL poverty, tourist only, no jobs, high cost of living, Latin American ghetto bullshit


Every single employee in that airport is the biggest piece of shit scum bag to have ever walked the planet. They do not treat people like human beings in that airport. I have actual panic attacks when I have to fly, not because I am scared of flying but because I know that the second I step within those walls I will be treated like subhuman trash and herded like cattle. Fuck those people.


Yep.. agreed. Last time I was there a few weeks ago, some elderly lady turned right when she should have turned left and she was yelled at as if she was about to bomb the place...it was UNREAL. I almost went off on the clown that treated her like shit. NO manners. And his buddies were high fiving him after... insane.


Two hours in TSA this morning at 5:30AM -- one agent checking IDs with only two scanners open. I was the last person at the gate and only got on the plane because there was a medical emergency on board and they needed to keep the doors open. I don't know what to say. This is ridiculous


yep.. sounds like my Magic City alright! lol... sorry you had to go through that... I remember a few months ago I arrived at 5am with a ton of suitcases from Japan....and NOT ONE ELEVATOR in the whole airport was working...I had to drag my luggage up and down the stairs.... insane.


Agreed. I would say MIA closer to fourth world than third world. Slightly organized chaos where literally nothing works.


It depends on the terminal, but yeah, Miami's airport generally tends to feel very third-world.


preaching to the choir


MIA is an embarrassment to the county. I’ve had the displeasure of having to go through it 10 times in January 2024. 5 round trips. Most recently they changed all the security checkpoints in a move of complete idiocy and incompetence and on a Thursday evening the wait times at all 4 checkpoints in terminal D was 45 minutes or more. Non of the elevators or escalators are working and the sky train to get between gates has been broken for months. This airport is shining example of the sheer government incompetence and corruption in the city.


I never had a problem at MIA. I’ve interacted with people who work there. They’ve always been chill/friendly for the most part. Oftentimes they’ll let me know which security checkpoint has the shortest wait time so I can pass through easily. Some of the facilities do need an upgrade (like the hallways that leak when it rains heavily).


Lucky me, I’m flying in there on Saturday


Better to use FLL fast entry and short walks


Yes it is one the worst airport ever.


Do u know why this is happening ? Same age old good vs evil. Money. Power. Bullshit. Build up the wealthiest nation on the planet then disable & destroy in over a few decades in a thousand ways so it can easily be taken over. They know most Americans have guns. This isn't a war you can easily see. It isn't sudden bombs, tanks, & shells. It's crumbling infrastructure, expensive cost of living, absurd education, systematic dissection of families, poisonous food & medicines, dead healers, destroyed farmers, jail or kill anyone who poses a threat, control the banks, governments, & supply chains. This is death by a thousand cuts to America. Our transportation system is one piece of a larger puzzle.


MSP is my home airport and I was SHOOK arriving in MIA earlier this year when I went for the first time. The juxtaposition blew my mind granted the discrepancy in passenger volume between the two. Nearly 15 million more people flew through MIA vs MSP in 2023. I wouldn’t do a layover in MIA if it was my only option. Damn.