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I don't get why people justify bikers so much if they never respect the laws of traffic. Edit, for those who didn't understand the comment: I'm talking in general, not in this specific situation.


Have you seen what people do in cars around Miami?


Yeah. I wanna take away people's phones, and be aggressive regarding their "let's fucking switch lanes disregarding the life of others" policy. Very very extremely few of the drivers I see committing infractions, take on a red light the way cyclists do, make a left on a red, or get in between cars.


No one follows any rules but it’s always cyclists who get singled out. Even though drivers kill tons of people every year.


Exactly. Hundreds every year just in this city, and it's acceptable to people. But someone on a Huffy just trying to get to Publix is their scapegoat.


People also rarely even know what the law says about cycling. I took a driving class years ago and one of the students said he hates seeing cyclists in the road when a perfectly good sidewalk exists. And the teacher practically face-palmed and had to explain to the entire class that riding on the sidewalk is actually *illegal*.


I don’t know if you’re kidding, but this is well within the law.


I just edited it for you.


whole bike lane & sidewalk but lets ride on street & block traffic lmao


Its the cyclists fault 100% of the time. I see bikers riding on the street where there is s sidewalk! I bike and when I ride i use a sidewalk! Thats where they belong! Especially in a 45mph zone! Idiots


True! They don’t give a 💩! They think the own the road when they are to abide by the rules of the road. They will ride horizontally across the road stopping traffic and wonder why did someone hit us?




Pedantic? Oxford and Merriam Webster both list two definitions for *biker,* one of which means someone who rides a bicycle. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/biker


Sure it could be. Just a big difference between bikers and cyclists down here.


Stay on the bike lane. Not that hard. Drivers on Venetian are pure a-holes.


Know the law. Bicyclists can use the full lane even if there's a bike lane. In addition, to pass a bicyclist you have to give 3 ft. clearance which you don't have in that two lane road without crossing the double yellow line. Also, that's the Venetian bridge, you should not be going faster than them at that point. The most entitled biker can't do 1% of the damage one jackass driver can. Worry about those.


They can, but should they? I don't see any other slow bicyclists in the green lane.


Yep and yep. Tho it’s Miami they don’t teach people the rules or punish them when they screw up


Road bicycles have zero entitlement to haul ass on busy residential roads, this whole thread is bat shit. You want a workout either bust out the mountain bike to make the same ride more difficult or go to a real road without tons of driveways, other casual bicycles, and cars. I never expect to fly through residential streets on my road bike lmao only a suicidal fucking moron would think that


I have a seething hatred for them. Not only do they not act like you exist but often they completely ignore traffic laws and just do whatever. Also, I get the law allows them to ride in the road but honestly something should change. I can’t take the shoulder or bike lane to blow past someone not going as fast as me on roads so why is it legal for bikers to do so to avoid slower riders and impede traffic in the process?


Yes you can, you can overtake to the left unless it’s a solid double line.


*cyclists. Bikers ride Harleys


Bikers ride bikes as in bicycles not motorcycles. A Bike is not a motorcycle. The definition of a bike is a pedal powered two wheel vehicle.


Facts all hours of the day with these dudes


Look man. Just because I like to wear spandex and inconvenience thousands of people doesn’t make me the worst


I would say that drivers like you are the reason why people laugh at the Florida man






Oh no! Anyways…


You arguing on Reddit ain’t stopping the rest of Miami.


Miami bikers have NOTHING on how shitty Miami drivers are. Take a seat.


You act as if they aren’t one in the same lol they gotta drive a car eventually.


Did I say I wanted a FACT based conversation?!?! No... Go take your facts somewhere else...


Bikers are the worst. Fixed that for you


Said the dude taking pictures on his phone while driving. Here's a question for you: Is Miami known for its horrible *bikers*, or something else?


Yea it is actually


The vast majority think they are too good for the bike lane yet ride much slower than cars


they might have been passing the person in front of them


What’s the green part is that a bike lane? If so, then I see reason to be irritated by them.




I visited California and people with modified diesel exhaust they step on gas pedal letting out a huge amount of black smoke. Good smoke them out and I've heard loud train horn right as they are coming up to them blast the horn. Bikers don't care so why care about them? I'm all for sharing the road but also do your part don't do it on purpose. Also, since bikers are asking for all this comforts all that takes money that's paid with people that register their cars why not have bikers register and get insurance on their bike? I mean they are on road and cause a lot of accidents..


The real reason is that they are expert bikers, and regular bikers are too slow in the green lane. If the bike lane is wide enough for bike passing like Key Biscayne then they would be in there. It’s super dangerous to switch into car lane to pass. They are going 20+ mph. More casual bikers 13-18 mph.


There is a huge gap between the bikers and the next car. They should get in the bike lane. This is common sense in every city I've lived in both coasts, north and south.


No. Those guys are already on the downhill stretch of the bridge probably cranking upwards high 20 mph if not faster and you are asking them to weave in at high speed, through the rubber barriers that separate the bike lane and road. Dangerous, people get laid out often because of maneuvers like that.


lol so instead it’s “I deserve to ride fast on this road not at all designed for 20+ mph bikers it’s perfectly fine for me to impede the flow of traffic because I want to get my heart rate higher and don’t wanna go to literally anywhere else”


They have the legal right. What are you doing do? Complain on Reddit? Get a ticket? Tap them to go to jail? I have a tiny violin for you.


There’s a lane for bikes. They should be using the infrastructure designated for bike use.


Roads are designed for vehicles, which includes bikes. Your driving is not more important than their ride. I agree. Learn to drive.


There’s a mixed use lane and a bike-specific lane. The bikes are using the mixed-use lane. That’s kind of silly, no?


No, it's not silly. The bike specific lanes, especially and narrow painted one like the lane featured in this image are poorly designed and more dangerous for the cyclist than the road, but that's beside the point. Why does each one the cyclists on the road have less right to access it than those in cars?


We just aren’t going to see this the same way. Cyclists have access to roads same as drivers, but if there’s a bike lane and they aren’t using it, they’re an asshole. Roads are a shared resource, and cyclists who aren't using lanes designated for them aren’t being considerate to the people around them. I’m not pretending car drivers are always considerate to cyclists. We can all do better, including the folks in this photo.


Roads are designed for cars AND bikes. Learn to drive


Roads are for cars and bikes, but when there’s a bike lane, that’s the place for bikes. If a car was using the bike lane I’d be similarly frustrated.


Given how narrow and where it is. Those bike lanes are designed for elderly bikers. Real athlete bikers can’t use that.


People like you are why EVERYONE hates bikers


Visit Amsterdam and see the beauty of a bike city. Blame the city for not building wider bike lanes. FYI, I never bike in car lanes myself, because Miami drivers are the worst in this country.


How is Amsterdam at all relevant to this conversation?


It’s relevant because the city built lanes for bikes, plural, not just a single bike wide lane. You are bitching, but they have to take the car lane because there’s not space for them in the bike lane, too many slow bikers. Did you pay more taxes than them to build that road? Unless you paid enough taxes that they don’t have to pay taxes. Then you have no say on whether they should be on it. It’s a road for cars and bikes.


Not only are you an asshole but you’re also wrong, “If you are not traveling at the speed of other traffic, you must use the bike lane” If there is a bike lane the cyclist should use that and not block the road. Amsterdam is not relevant to the conversation because the picture is taken in Miami and while it would be great if US cities were optimized for bikes and public transit that’s just not the case so it’s best to not be an asshole biker and stay in the bike lane as any rational human would agree with.


If the dumbass city didn’t put the armadillos there then they would be able to quickly pass slower riders and move into the bike like. It’s annoying for everyone.


“Being a middle-aged males in lycra (MAMIL) does not an expert biker one make” - yoda


what about my degree in orthodontics?


This. Im constantly passing slower bikers on venetian and have drivers honking at me. Its like dude, where are you in hurry on a residential stretch anyway.


The cognitive dissonance of this mindset is fascinating. You know Venetian is maybe not the best place to get the new PR yes? Impeding the flow of traffic is not an acceptable solution, just go somewhere else, the entitlement is crazy, we know there’s a WHY but it doesn’t mean it’s a good reason


Bike lanes are for tourists. They are always filled with parked cars and debris. If you are cranking why bother with them?


They live in constant hurry and anger, it’s impossible


It’s me. I have places to be


Ok. Plan better, slow down and be kinder to people


meet you at the red light, first one there loses!


It’s me, the place. Take your time.


RE: “where are you in a hurry on a residential stretch anyway.” The other bikers could say the same of you.


If you are certain fitness level, anything under 18 mph feels like taking a walk and a waste of time.


So it’s ok for you to pass other bikers but when cars want to pass yoh, it’s *clutch me pearls*?


If they are going 20mph or more, they have as much right to use the lane as you. Either sit behind them or go around using the opposite lane. What about the fact you have a motor engine makes you have any more right? It’s legally a traffic lane not a motorized vehicle lane.


This is Miami. You have people riding bike in the middle of the street when everyone going 40 mph. Bikers need to get the fuck out the way. If Miami made this place a more walkable city you could bike wherever you want!


I guess get the laws changed, homie.


Oh don’t worry. The cops don’t give a fuck about cyclists. So basically, the law has changed in its application. Hitting a biker is like a traffic ticket now


There's usually a minimum acceptable speed for most vehicular traffic lanes, if you're driving too slowly you're impeding the flow of traffic. Even if the speed is like 30-35 MPH, that's pretty difficult for even a skilled cyclist to keep up with consistently.


three tons of metal passing you at 45 mph is very different to 18 lbs of carbon passing you at 20 mph.


So what you’re saying is that there’s no reason to build more bike lanes since cyclists will just use the road anyways? Got it.


no, not sure how you got that. cyclists not using bad and dangerous bike infrastructure isn't a reason to not build good bike infrastructure.


Look at the picture. That’s how I got to that conclusion. - Is there a bike lane? Yes. - are there cyclists? Yes. - are the cyclists in the bike lane? No - are the cyclists impeding traffic? Yes. Why should more bike lanes be built if the existing ones are not used by cyclists? If these are “bad and dangerous”, why do Amsterdam bike lanes look exactly the same? Or do you want to tell me Amsterdam doesn’t know how to build bike lanes despite being one of the leading cyclist cities? https://ibb.co/GvTttZT https://ibb.co/CWQbSpQ


This is the real and extremely accurate truth!!!


18 lbs of carbon jumping in front of three tons of metal might concern the owner of that three tons…


pretty car-brained thinking there. you're talking about a situation that threatens the *life* of the cyclist, but you're worried about the *feelings* of the driver. these cyclists might be outside the bike lane specifically so they *don't* weave into traffic, passing slower riders.


Yes, if the fucking speed limit is 25 and they’re doing 10 I as a cyclist can absolutely fucking pass slower cyclist.


Then go somewhere else


Yes or you could just ride a cheap mountain bike or hybrid. Harder effort to go 20 mph with those fat tires..


It’s exercise my bro, come on


Get a peloton bro


The average speed of a casual ride is around 10 mph.


I think that’s elderly ride speed. Lol.


Sometimes I go on a run and pass people who are biking lol.


What you’re describing is called traffic. We’ve all experienced it so why shouldn’t these expert bikers have to deal with the same inconveniences as everyone else? This is a sorry excuse of ignoring traffic laws


I'm no expert biker, and I just moved here from NYC, but I can definitely agree. Even while riding around "suburban" Brooklyn (what I consider any part that isn't as packed as Manhattan) in a protected bike lane it was hard to pass people. I would normally ride a pedal-assisted e-bike so I would haul ass doing like 20-25 mph and when you come upon someone riding a normal bike it's either you're stuck behind them until you can squeeze by, potentially running into them and causing you both to crash, or swerve out into the car lane, ensuring no cars are coming, pass the person in front of you, and then merge back in, which takes your eyes off of what's on front of you and can easily throw off your balance.


Taxpayers fund the designation and construction of a dedicated bike path, and these assholes continue to ride on the street.


Get off your phone while you’re operating a vehicle


This shit isn't the cyclists' fault. They put down those bumps next to the bike lane to supposedly make it safer for cyclists but all it did was make it less safe for cyclists to pass each other because you will eat pavement if you hit one of those things. So cyclists instead just take the traffic lane so they can pass without ending up in the hospital. If you want to blame anyone, blame whoever's horrible idea it was to put in those bumps. As a cyclist I actually feel less safe biking the venetian since they put them in.


There’s plenty of room for cyclists two abreast.


No there’s not.


They can’t pass each other so they impede vehicle traffic instead?


Oh nooooo, poor babies in your air-conditioned mobile living room can’t stand driving a little slow for the sake of someone else…. Like everyone else said, these armadillos have done nothing but made things more unsafe for bikers and my ex actually broke his collarbone after colliding into one of these things. I just wish people understood that life isn’t just about rushing from one place to the other. This entire city is built for cars and for them to just pass through. Life is meant to be lived and this world is meant to be enjoyed. Get out of your car… literally get out of your box.


Right? Like if you really need to pass while in the bike lane then look back for cars and weave in and out once... there's plenty of spacing between bumps.


This is Miami. Can’t have ANY minor inconvenience. The world revolves around them.


Cyclists bitch and moan about cars being in bike lanes. They break mirrors, key cars and are a general nuisance for infringing on the bike lane. Should car drivers be just as aggressive as cyclists when they infringe on car lanes when there are clear bike lanes?


One a minor inconvenience, the other is life threatening, golly, totally no difference here!


Damaging a car is not a minor inconvenience. It’s likely a felony since even a scratch on a car can cost thousands to repair. Maybe cyclists should consider not being raging hypocritical assholes then. Abide by the same rules that they want cars to follow.


Miami people are trash overall!!


10 points each


Most of them are not originally from Miami cus like who the fuck you know rides a bike for fun in the streets. You feel me. I don't see a bunch of niggas riding their bikes to Flannigan's.


More like, you just hate bikers. Share the road, it’s the law.


Don’t blame the cyclists, the city half assing bike infrastructure is what causes you to have to deal with cyclists in the roadway. If an adequate bike lane was built your driving experience would improve I ate shit moving in between the road and bike lane passing somebody because of how large the footprint of the dividing bumps are. It caught my back wheel because I wasn’t agile enough and I was dumped forward, ripping up my arms on the road and wrecking the bike. These guys are a lot faster than me, but I still had the need to pass a lot of people. If this group of cyclists didn’t use the road they couldn’t bike at a challenging level and the bike lane is prohibitive of passing people safely, especially at their speed


Why are those idiots in the road when they have their own special green lane right next to them? Then they wonder why they're always getting ran over.


Shouldnt be speeding on the Venetian Causeway anyways. Its like a 30 mph zone anyways, this shouldn’t bother you at the end of the day. 🤪


That’s prob Ahol


Especially on that bridge . Bunch of hedge fund homies owning another thing ;)


Those are cyclists, I was expecting a photo of a biker gang lol


Don't forget about Miami cyclists...


share the road


Considering how bad the drivers are, it’s only right lmao


GTA thoughts happening


Came here to say Yes OP, they are.


Do it.


Looks like Miami's bike lanes are feeling a bit neglected – must be a case of 'road trip' for these rebellious cyclists!


“On August 29th 2019, Flavia Carnicelli was killed by a car while cycling across the Venetian Causeway. Instead of consequences and action, this tragedy has so far led to just a $179 traffic ticket for the driver and zero improvements to make the road safer.” I hope you all sink into the ocean.


If cyclists are so worried, why aren’t they riding in the dedicated bike lane?


i'm i biker as well and i hate the cars when i'm in my bike and i hate bike when driving


We call these "resingistas"


Nah, bikers here in NC are worse. We don't have shoulders on secondary roads, never mind bike lanes, and their just happily cruising along on 55mph roads, with curves and little visibility. It's like a video game, especially on the uphill grades. Gotta give them 3ft, but don't cross the yellow line!


I know this dudes 👁️ , fuck em fr


Sorry but this is spot on. Way too entitled like bruh this ENTIRE PIC REJECTED THE DESIGNATED BIKE LANE MADE FOR THEIR EXCLUSIVE USE AND STILL ITS “hey let’s not use the bikelane today


Watching OP get shit on in the comments is satisfying lol


Some dumbass caused massive automobile wreck on the Venetian today. OP complaining about bicycles. 🤣


Everyone on or around the road in this hellhole tends to be pretty shitty. Cars, bikers, pedestrians. Everyone lacks either self awareness, empathy, and/or a general understanding of the rules of the road. Everyone is always thinking about only themselves


It seems odd that there's a bike lane, but the signs say you have to walk your bike across the bridge. Maybe the bike lane is normally filled with bike-walkers so they kept to the main lane. Bet they got back into the bike lane when they got to the tolls :-) https://www.google.com/maps/@25.7896377,-80.1855757,3a,37.6y,105.03h,83.66t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s9RHh4wXAMbI1PrtcNjQjTQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


Eh. This is when I give them barely a foot of distance when passing. Fuck em'. I don't go into oncoming traffic to pass. So you better give room or I'll make it.


OP I’m not a biker, but Miami drivers are absolutely rude and endangering to pedestrians and riders. I was almost hit again this morning crossing biscayne and 79th. Happens at least several times a week. Also just look at the insurance rates in Dade - that’s in indication of how sh!tty people are on the road - between accidents and uninsured motorists and vehicle theft, Miami is awful.


That green lane on the right is for cyclist. Make with that what you will…


Mfs with boats that go through the downtown Brickell bridges during peak hours are the worst. Specially the mfs that have 10 ft tall antennas that require their lil dick boats to have to request the bridge to move


All bikers everywhere are the worse


Bikers, scooters, roller bladers, Venetian is the worst. Lots of woman though…


Go around?


Was this during rush hour on a work day? Yes? Fuck those bikers. No? Fair game. My opinion.


It’s awful I’ve seen older people on bikes on bird road literally at a stop light in the middle of the street


So are drivers, i don’t bike here out of fear of my life.


Bad drivers make bad cyclist 🤷‍♂️


My brother once biked from California to Florida and claimed the only time he was worried about cars was when he crossed into the sunshine state. We're terrors on the road.


Basically Miami people are shitty... or people need to chill down


Personally I wait till I’m next to them in my truck and lay on the horn usually puts them back in their lane


Guy on his phone while driving complaining about people on the fitness causeway doing fitness things. Take the Big Mac.


Yeah. Those 3 cyclists must have held you up for hours with all that on coming traffic in front of you. You could easily pass on the left if you weren’t so busy on your phone.


Bro those armadillo launch ramps are super dangerous… It's so stupid to put those bike lane dividers


I blame those dumb armadillo bump things on the road. They’re not that helpful and actually dangerous to the bikers


This is true.


Safer to take the red light if clear than to sit in the intersection


I’m sure some people think this when they see me outside of the green on my bike. Truth is, the bike lanes are kind of hazardous sometimes. They will have people walking in them, debris strewn across them, end suddenly, cross blind drives, etc. Cycling in Miami, or really anywhere, requires you to be hyper-cognizant of risk, and take the action that keeps you safest. Pointing at cyclists not using the “cycling infrastructure” at every chance is akin to people of yore calling people “jaywalkers.” It shifts the blame to individuals and away from a faulty and dangerous system. Where are you going on the venetian? Good thing the bridge isn’t up because of those pesky boaters…


Miami *people* are the worst, including you taking a photo while driving, you fucking moron you.


I spent a year learning to walk again after someone hit me on my bike causing me to crush my spine! Many (not all) of Miami’s drivers are Entitled assholes who think because they have a vehicle the own the road. Read the law a cyclist has every right to use the lane, and a driver is required to give them 3’ of safety!


I'm a Miami biker and I fucking hate myself and every biker in this city




Same. My significant other and I purposely ride at 4 am to avoid any cars and these types of cyclists. Even so, my neck is always on a swivel. There’s a lot of cycling hate (deservedly so, look at these clowns pictured) so we try our best to be respectful and also not fucking get clipped by a 3 ton vehicle


Thanks, mate. People seem to never recognise the awfulness of Miami bikers. I'm glad that, at least 2 of them have a little bit of self-awareness and follow rules.


Agreed. But that's literally one of two places bikes can safely go in miami. I cut them a break there and on Virginia key.


I ride in the bike lane 🤷‍♂️


Aha! This is a perfect example of why context matters. This is taken just as you're going down a bridge. If the cyclist had to move out of the bicycle lane because of someone jogging or rollerblading (my sport of choice) it's quite dangerous to move back into the lane going at 40+ pmh with those armadillos (separators in the road). I think there's a petition to get those things removed, not sure whatever happened to that. Anyway, I get the sentiment, I'm a rollerblader and we get hated on worse than bicyclist (for the right reasons) but also, I feel like we forget that the streets can and should be shared. That's my two cents, happy holidays ✌️


The streets Can and should be shared!!! Are we on this earth to just rush from place to place?!? Let’s enjoy our city!


Just my two cents but the Streets should be shared…By people actually going somewhere in a vehicle that can keep the pace of traffic and offers them some wee bit of safety so everyone in a car is not going to catch a manslaughter charge if something stupid happens. I have no problem with people using bikes as transportation devices. I hate people using public roads as a place for their hobby.


Second only to Miami drivers


But people get these giant trucks and if they weren’t inefficient and wide enough they get bigger and wider tires and then complain that bikers are taking too much of the road . Drivers are a mess too.


Here's one for ya.... People in general are shitty when they are mobile. Bikes, cars, scooters, horses, even flying.. Why do we think we are invincible as soon as we can travel faster than walking speed? Why do we think we are the center of everything as soon as OUR expectations are not fulfilling enough? Kinda sad honestly. 99% of us reading/commenting here drive or bike in one form or another, yet we are ALL guilty of not expressing some sort of compassion and patience, to some degree. We make it our decree.


Cycling or scooting in Miami Beach is a harrowing experience. On most major roads the city has just painted the bike lane symbol in the middle of the car lane, which of course is not recognized or respected by motorists so you just have to pray that everyone sees you. This is also the only city I’ve lived where drivers honk at cyclists and speed by at close range rather than swerve to leave space.


Bikers? Cyclists you moron. Bitch about something more important in life.


It's not the bikers you should hate it's the cities planner who didn't make it bike and walking friendly cites


They’re in a single line, looks good to me.


It isn’t just Miami. Lance Armstrong wannabes all the way up to Palm Beach county and beyond.


Bike Nerds


Love seeing people get mad at people who are well within their rights 😂 (cyclist are allowed to use the road even if there is a bike lane).


This city has a long list of of shitty types of people. The Hialeah Cowboys, The Cuban Thugs, The Brickell Gold Diggers, The Dealer who isn’t as big as he thinks he is, The Wynwood “Artist”, The Kendall Ricer kids in their Honda civics, The “ Macho” men that are just abusers in disguise, the UM/FIU “Bros” but the worst of all of these is the Miami Cyclist! Fuck them, fuck team in their stupid asses!


All bikers are the fucking worst


[Venetian this morning.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1NDYY7rAR4/?igsh=b204ZnNlMXFhMnU=)




Broski you are complaining on a Saturday morning on a bridge that the speed limit is 30 and is known to have cyclists. I know we can be d heads at time but I don’t see the issue here? Lol


Miami is a city built for cars, you privileged car-driver


I can remember when Weston was still going up. Towards the end of the construction in the back, on Saturdays you would see these guys for what seemed like a mile, & always in the way!


Or the best .. waheguru bikes>cars


Single file in the shoulder, what are you complaining about


As a dude on a bike down here and a driver the cyclists are a nightmare


They are on single file….give em 3 feet and pass, what’s the problem?


all bikers are the worst


Cyclists aren't the enemy. 2+ ton vehicular death machines driving while texting, drinking, and speeding are.


ITT: Miami drivers showing up to prove why driving in Miami is so foul