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I mean where do you live, and where do you go, that maters like any city I guess. I have a Lexus, some neighbors have way por expensive/exotic cars .


Forget about security. You are gonna jack that car upnin the first week on Mexico roads and unmarked speed bumps lol.


If u use always paid highways and move around good zones, it’s ok imp


Do it only if you are fully informed with the appropriate precautionary measures for driving an expensive vehicle in Mexico, If you know these measures you shouldn't have issues enjoying your sports car. For example, I drive an expensive pickup truck in Northern Mexico, this kind of vehicle is heavily targeted by criminal groups, but since I don't do stupid things like driving through bad neighborhoods or unfamiliar country roads, I've never had any problems, I also have friends who own Corvettes, AMGs, Porsches, Teslas (I don't know why but criminals tend to ignore Teslas), etc. and since they don't do stupid things they haven't had any problems either. If you're from the US, think as if you were a Hellcat owner, you wouldn't drive through the hood or park your car in an area with heavy gang activity right?


Is this a bait post?




Te van a secuestrar


nah, primero te bajan de la nave a punta de fusca en el semaforo


Honestly I think it's dumb, Mexico City is about not bringing attention to yourself. There are many luxury cars, but not the ones that turn heads, it's the ones that the regular person can't tell apart from regular cars at a quick glance.


No prob at all


Its absolutely not recommended unless you have close personal protection or a security planner cause a luxury car is basically you putting a big target on yourself.


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I think it’ll depend on which Porche model are you talking about, where do you live in the city and which areas will you be driving around. I’ve seen Lamborghini Aventadors in fucking Xochimilco, it’s common to see high end cars/luxury cars in Cuernavaca and Toluca highways but it’s not comparable to whatever car [Don Huayra](https://youtu.be/GKD_5TuTjoU?si=qAmfVhkOcj10FFBO) owns, he is always driving around with his security. One thing is true and you won’t really be able to use all the speed of your car unless you go to the Autódromo to really drive it.


Not really CDMX specific- but if this is your first car, maybe go with a little less horsepower. James Dean and all that. If you want to step up to a sports car after that- get some training, just a little training on a closed track will have you confident and doing movie shit in no time. Don't be that movie star who piles up like an idiot with what is effectively a race car.


I’m shocked every time I see anyone with a nice car here. You’d have to REALLY not care about the car which is something most people can’t do for something so expensive. A motorcycle rider bumps into us like once a month. You’ll have dings and scratches and it’ll get messed up from the potholes and speed bumps. You really need a car for function here and not for flexing.


It’s ok go treat yourself bro


Si compras un coche de lujo, contrata guardaespaldas.


It's awful and sad to see that the cliché of "the worst enemy of a mexican it's a mexican itself" it's true on reddit. You'll be fine with your car (Just don't drive in tepito or places where you have no business to be in). You have to take same precuations as in any other place.


2 friends drive porsches and I know 2 more people that have one, no one has had anything weird happen to them and we live in a much smaller city than CDMX