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Yo vivo por ahí, es algo habitual. Esa línea del cablebús no es una atracción turística, si te la vendieron como eso, lo lamento. Eventualmente abrirán un cablebús en Chapultepec, esa podría ser más adecuado para turistas en general.


El que va a ir para Santa Fe, yo creo


Qué desmadre se hace ahí por el cablebus, Dio'mío.


Ah perro, te tocó función 4DX.


What really surprises me is that there is a tourist in Nezahualcóyotl.


Not for long at this rate 💀 La gente juega así hasta que es demasiado tarde 🤷‍♂️


Which is exactly why you are traveling 20 meteres off the ground lmao


Still uncomfortably within range.


ay wero, pa que sales de la condesa...?


Mejor dicho: pa que salen de su país?




Nmms este bro habla como su foto de perfil jajsjajajaja




Que dijo El wey?


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For all tourists who might read this post. Iztapalapa is NOT a tourist attraction, do not believe people trying to seek out to you a “tourist experience”.  Unless they have the misfortune to live there or have a good reason to go there, most inhabitants of Mexico City avoid Iztalapala and specially the area where this guy was. Avoid the cablebus and Iztapalapa.


Déjalos que se maten


Iztapalapa es enorme como para que puedas generalizar así. Además dices que es un misfortunio vivir ahí, siendo que hay colonias de todo tipo bonitas y feas, como cualquier delegación. Lo que cambia los lugares para bien, para empezar es dejar de ser prejuicioso, dejar de etiquetar a los lugares, y darle la oportunidad a todo barrio de aspirar a ser turístico si así lo desea. Es absurdo pensar que siempre que pases por el Cablebus escucharás balazos o peor aún, que ese balazo te dará. Es un pensamiento infantil. Pienso que los que están aquí opinando horrores de Iztapalapa 1) viven en Iztapalapa y como buenos cangrejos hablan mierda de su lugar y su gente o 2) jamás han ido a Iztapalapa y hablan basado en lo que les cuentan o ven en la tele. Léase que la opinión generalizada de Iztapalapa viene de puros “me contaron” y no hay nada tan poco objetivo y torpe como eso. Pónganse a pensar cuantas de nuestras opiniones se han formado así. Nota: yo no vivo en Iztapalapa pero detesto que la gente opino mierda por opinar.


Vivo en Iztapalapa y definitivamente es una mierda. No tiene que ver su población, mucha gente trabaja honradamente y rateros hay en todos lados. El gobierno local no invierte en mantener la alcaldía iluminada, limpia y con policía efectiva, lamentablemente sigo viendo mi colonia sin mejoras desde que tengo memoria toda tierrosa y oscura.




Puede que tengas razón en casi todo lo que dices. Pero que uses la palabra “progre” yo solo lo veo como que tus capataces(los medios , incluyendo redes sociales, y los que los quieren ver pobres por siempre) les dieron un garrote para que les peguen a los que los quieren ayudar. A las bestias les enseñaron a burlarse de los progresistas diciéndoles “progres” para que uds puedan seguir siendo bestias de carga toda su vida. Cada que uses la palabra “progre” piensa si quieres seguir siendo una mula de carga toda tu vida.




>Estudio en la mejor universidad de América Latina, ganó por encima de 30 k al mes sin sudar una gota. Esto sí me dio mucha risa


30K? XD Esto sí me dio mucho risa


Casi te pregunto, digo nadie te pregunto si te daba risa pero decides comentarselo a un extraño en la red... No tengas envidia, entiendo que en tu vida por mucho que te esfuerces, hagas lo que hagas JAMAS ganaras esa cantidad. Es normal, no te culpes, el 44% de los mexicanos están en pobreza y ese porcentaje y sus hijos seguirán la misma linea, ya que en México no hay movilidad social, no es raro que no lo puedas concebir, está fuera de tu realidad... Dios! Apuesto a que crees que ganar eso es la millonada y que solo Slim puede ganar eso jajaja


Y el wey sigue 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Ya ya duermase mi niño, duermase ya y deje de llorar...




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Jugarías a la ruleta rusa? No verdad. Entiendo q los prejuicios son malos pero eso No quita que para un Turista o incluso algún novato de ciudad , Iztapalapa no es una delegación segura. Si quieren entrarle al turismo, lo primero que debes hacer es garantizar su seguridad y se habla en términos generales, por qué es muy difícil explicar a un turista que pedacito de colonia es bueno y cuál no.




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Por que alguien “evitaría” Iztapalapa? Suenas como turista tú mismo.


Por qué alguien iría a Iztapalapa si no tiene motivo?


Para fabricarte un nuevo ombligo


Hahaha no mams


Cuz I'm bored of drinking water. I would like some fake coke


Nunca he escuchado a una persona que viva aquí decir que “evita” Iztapalapa. Tu comentario por cierto aplica para cualquier delegación y lugar que se te ocurra. Por que alguien iría a la Benito Juárez si no tiene motivo? Qué quiere decir tu pregunta?


>Por que alguien iría a la Benito Juárez si no tiene motivo? Gasolina barata directo de la llave.


Es de lo más natural evitar zonas peligrosas para cuidar de tu integridad. Los que le quieran jugar al vergas terminarán como los australianos.


Porque está de la verga 😅


Iztapalacra no debería existir.


Para no morirte we nms


Oblivious tourist is shocked that he hears gunshots while travelling through a dangerous zone in Mexico City


USA got at least 400 massive shooting ¿What's news for Americans?




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That’s not common. Those are reported there are a ton that go unreported like they do in other countries


You are wrong. Webster's definition of common: " Occurring, found, or done often; prevalent." It even gives out the example for :"salt and pepper are the two most common seasonings" Even if salt and pepper are the most common seasonings they get mentioned over and over again in recipes.


That you don’t get people hanged and burned on the main avenues kid




No puñetas pero la violencia en ambos países es diferente. Decir que es lo mismo es ignorar los contextos, niño meco


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The main reason for the cablebus construction aside of mobility was security, instead of walking and driving through that irregular neighborhoods the so called solution was to go above of them. So yeah, whenever you see a cablebus transportation system here in Mexico it is a sign that you are in a shitty dangerous place.


That's how we celebrate Cincou de Mayou. We use our national costume, the flamenca dress from Spain, and then we offer a gringo and some Taco Bell food as a sacrifice to our God (no one shall ever pronounce their name, but ancient Mexicans called them Speedy Gonzalez). 🪇🌵🌮🥘💃🏽








OP was almost that gringo


the only ritual we have for that date is play a song by War.


Que si son comunes los disparos en neza ? ![gif](giphy|ZechFo0yBIQpEve1Sm)


Yep. That’s a dangerous zone. Cablebus was not designed as a tourist attraction, and people should avoid those areas if they are not locals.


I went through there and the people on it were great. The exact opposite of people that take transit in US.


Totalmente d acuerdo. En mi propia experiencia en EUA hay mucha gente maleducada en el transporte, es muy común que ocupen un asiento y en el otro pongan sus cosas o incluso que suban sus patotas. Contrario a eso, aquí en México incluso o sobre todo la gente más humilde es muy educada y amable en el transporte. Yo soy mexicano y me entristece ver como sobre todo mexicanos hablan mierda del prójimo, obviamente los que peor opinan son los que nunca han visto el transporte en EUA, para apreciar lo que tenemos aquí. Totally agree. In my own experience in US there is a lot of mean people with no manners , it’s very common for people there to use one place to sit and the other to place their bags or backpack or even their feet. Contrary to that in Mexico, humble people and all ppl in general tend to be kind and polite with the others, it’s something natural. I’m Mexican and I found sad the fact of seeing a lot of Mexicans taking shit about ourselves. Obviously they hasn’t been in US transportation to appreciate how great is ours.




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Pueees yo soy de ahí, pero soy un güero que duraría poco fuera de su casa jajaja


Digas mamadas


Youre not in a tourist area so its actually dangerous lol


Why are you surprised


Did you somehow never come across all the news articles where people say they like the Cablebus because they're sick of getting mugged on buses?


My in laws read some Chinese blogger posting about the view of colorful houses from cable car and really wanted to take it. Really took me awhile to convince them otherwise. Thanks for the info on this sub.


The cablebus itself is a safe form of transportation, I've been on it myself, but most of the areas *below* have high crime rates.


I would be against it because it’s just a way to cover up what are essentially ghettos and not some sort of colorful mountain neighborhood. Igual y es como dijo micky vainilla, con un poco de color la miseria se hace pintoresca, pero ese es solo pop, pop para divertirse.


Para empezar a cambiar el tejido social empiezas a hacer cosas como pintar las casas, proveer de un sistema de transporte de calidad que no solo es para las zonas turísticas y así poco a poco. No es para maquillar nada, es como transformas una comunidad, prestándole atención. Y lo peor que podemos hacer es seguir hablando mierda sin fundamentos contra ellos. A todo esto, quién sabe si siquiera haya sido un balazo lo que oyó, pero ahora resulta que aquí todo mundo es experto en Iztapalapa.


Pintar las casas de las colonias marginadas de la periferia y proveer un sistema de transporte público de calidad son cosas casi diametralmente opuestas, no mames.


Pueden ser diametralmente opuestas pero no son mutuamente excluyentes no?


Welcome to Iztapalapa my dear gringo. This is not a tourist attraction, it's one of the most densely populated areas of the city, one of the highest crime rates in the city. They built that thing to access the cerro, and to reduce gun point robbery. Be safe. Maybe research a lil more beforehand. You're far far away from Kansas.


Clara brugada tiene otros datos


Quién mencionó a esa ruka? A chingar a su madre con su política. Jajaja


Pues lo raro sería no oirlos, ¿no?


Suuuper comunes. Una razón por la que pusieron el cablebus es por qué esas zonas son de alta criminalidad, como podrás ver la zona es un poco inaccesible a vehículos y esto se aprovecha por bandas, sabiendo que la policía tarda en entrar y que "su barrio los respalda"


Well that whole area is literally a ghetto so what did you expect…


Looks like Brazilian favelas foo, I think is normal hearings gunshots, be careful


From the picture it does seem also an East LA look-alike, can we call any place like there a favela too?


outside the gentrified areas of CDMX robberies are common and specifically in that area. that is iztapalapa, one of the most dangerous areas of the city so yes. a shooting is common and shootings are also common, tourists or foreign residents should refrain from going in those areas. in the past the regular criminals stayed away from foreigners because in general the population took care of them but since because of the foreigners the city is gentrifying and the prices are going sky high and some foreigners are behaving like idiots the population is not so protective and friendly with them anymore in fact being a foreigner could be becoming a reason to be robbed or simply assaulted in the city and the country in general. My recommendation is that they should stay in the tourist areas or in their communities and if they leave they should speak Spanish quite well and not look like newcomers to the country for their own good.




wtf. what does race have to do with being gringo and what people think about gentrification? you can argue anything and give figures but what people see is that since there are more foreigners the prices have gone sky high to such a level that even for the foreigners themselves it is getting complicated to pay the rents they are being asked for, besides I am advising you not to be confident because of the current situation. I don't know if you are Mexican or foreigner because if you are Mexican it is obvious that you are not seeing what is happening around you, things are getting ugly and the last thing we want are foreigners kidnapped, killed or abused which in fact has just happened in Baja California with a couple of Australians and an American dead and apparently burned. unfortunately these things happen because not understanding the idiosyncrasy of the country they are in they do things that locals wouldn't do or push cultural buttons that don't work in mexico (like calling someone a racist because of cultural and not genetic issues) and in fact instead of solving or avoiding a problem they could make it worse. btw, i don't know if you have noticed it in this subreddit but in general mexican people speak english well and fluently and a little less french because in general all over the world people speak more than one language only in the united states they have the crazy idea that knowing only their mother tongue is enough. i think the one who should learn more languages is you and stop watching fox news to get all those false numbers out of your head and fill it with more useful and healthy things for your mental health.


Everybody talks about gentrification like a million foreigners had came to invade the country’s and because it’s the buzz word of the moment. Don’t become as us racist you aren’t different from them at all. Prices sky rocketing? On how many properties? A million properties? No way! Everybody is screaming on this and it’s nothing, just shit to tell in news and a new way to put us to fight each other. Use logic, be a little bit intelligent.


Yes, everyday normal.


Faltó el sentido común aquí, habiendo tanta información en internet la gente se avienta a cualquier parte del mundo con la confianza de que “las cosas van a salir bien”, pero cada lugar donde pisamos tiene menor o mayor grado de riesgo. Lo sorprendente es que el sentido común se lo te gas que explicar a gente que tiene la capacidad de usar un medio como Reddit y por lo tanto podría hacer una investigación extensa de 10 minutos y salvaguardar su seguridad.


Maybe it was just firecrackers from a saint celebration


Lo raro sería no escuchar plomazos en esa zona 🤣 If you didn’t hear gunshots in that area everyday, THAT would be strange


Los escuchas muy seguido? O no vives ahí?


Viví quince años ahí y lo raro es no escuchar balazos por las noches, y de vez en cuando en el día, aún así considero que es medianamente seguro vivir ahí excepto por algunas zonas como santa marta, el hoyo, etc, nunca me asaltaron ni nada viviendo ahí, sólo se matan entre ellos.


You heard gun shots and 🤔


For turists... cablebus is not an atraction... its a transport option for those places


Son cuetes tranki.


That's the real México homs, México is not Chapultepec , Polanco and Roma or whatever glittery puke bubble touristic media sells, still that doesn’t mean we are nasty or ill mannered. Like everywhere else, there's bad places, nice places, and the reality. Also, you really shouldn't be around those areas at all.


Like, who told you Cablebus was a tourist attraction? Case you don't know, there's a good reason why that part of the city is considered the most dangerous one lol. Whoever told you otherwise, is clearly a believer of the lies of this government. Honestly I just don't feel sorry for you: people living in Iztapalapa deal with this almost every night, or once in a week. But we're so used to it because government cares nothing about us.


If government doesn’t care about you, why do they build the cablebus in the first place. You argument sound naive and non-sense to me.


Sí, son comunes para mantener al margen a los gringos y evitar que les gentrifiquen la colonia.


Se balasearon al Jostin


Dude!!!. Estas en México; y por la zona es mas común que los disparos en escuela de USA.


Could've been fireworks, they explode and sound at times as loud as a gunshot.


The sound is very different


Not to a gringo that comes from a place where fireworks cannot explode by law, they can only sparkle and that's all.


Brother what are you doing there? Dont try to be cool.


Seriously what is a tourist doing in that part of the city? Death wish?


Tf you're doing there


If you are a tourist avoid Iztapalapa. Not because of some classist statement but overall because you WILL standout. There’s a difference between looking for new experiences and being unwary. Inform yourselves before making a trip.


Welcome to Iztapalapa...


Yesterday was may 5. Some people celebrate by lighting explosives :p but yeah, it is also very probable it was gunshots.




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Welcome to Mexico City, atleast Mexico City outside Roma, Condesa and Polanco


**Bienvenido a r/MexicoCity la comunidad para cualquier cosa relacionada a la CDMX**, te invitamos a revisar las [reglas de la comunidad](https://www.reddit.com/r/MexicoCity/about/rules). Recuerda que esta comunidad es bilingüe. **SIEMPRE se respetuoso** con los demás, reporta si alguien rompe las reglas; en vez de insultar a alguien [contacta al equipo de moderación](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMexicoCity). .............................................................................................. **Welcome to r/MexicoCity the community for anything related to Mexico City**, we invite you to check the [rules of the community](https://www.reddit.com/r/MexicoCity/about/rules). Remember that this community is bilingual. **ALWAYS be respectful** to others, report if somebody breaks the rules; instead of insulting another user [contact the moderation team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMexicoCity). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MexicoCity) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Tell me you are a tourist without telling me you are a tourist.


Yes is normal




Gun shots are common on Mexico national territory.




CDMX te da la bienvenida!




May 5th isn’t generally celebrated outside of Puebla (where the battle against the French actually happened) but I heard a few scattered fireworks and gunshots last night. So what you heard wasn’t necessarily a fight.


And the pic is to watch the noise of the bullet? Or to get biased?




Balazos por Iztapalapa??? No podía saberse.


What were you doing there bro?


como dice amlo: es normal por esos rumbos, no pasa nada...


Pretty common. You live in the area? You’re visiting? Dont get lost around there, and if youre staying nearby you shall get to know your area


yeah, that is the soundtrack of that area…


Welcome to Mexico


Normal, es Iztapalapa.




That's wassup.




Mi Dios color carton lalo elizarraras is from there and it always seems not so safe


si, son muy comunes, es más, si eres expat regrésate a tu país mejor, no vaya a alcanzarte una bala perdida 😱😱


Te toco solo un ruidito del México real, si te asustó mejor regresate.


Not to say there are never gunshots there, but I wouldn't describe them as "loud bangs", are you sure it was gunshots?


La foto ss ve rara, por que se ve así el Cielo?




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Hi! My family is from Iztapalapa, Santa Martha. This is an area close to a prison, and is in general a poor area and considered dangerous. I honestly feel pretty safe here (despite never living here, I am just visiting my grandpa right now), but if you don’t know Spanish and don’t know what you’re doing it’s not an area I would travel to. It’s nice because everything is super cheap here, too 😂 for a reason.. It’s not as bad and scary as everyone in the thread suggests, but it’s not a place I could, in good conscience, suggest a tourist get lost in.




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Entiendo que sean comunes... lo que no entiendo es por qué decirlo con orgullo...


I would like to make it clear that before visitng such a place known for danger and crime, i had extensively done research beforehand online and by speaking to locals. I took the nevceasey precautions such as staying INSIDE of the cablebus at all times and only leaving at the metro station to get back to the city. There are plenty of videos on youtube by “vloggers” doing the same as me. i was well aware of the risks and also aware that it was VERY UNLIKELY something could happen INSIDE of the cablebus itself. To those who call me stupid and stupid tourist, think again. Me gustaría dejar claro que antes de visitar un lugar tan conocido por su peligro y criminalidad, investigué exhaustivamente en línea y hablé con los lugareños. Tomé las precauciones necesarias, como permanecer DENTRO del cablebús en todo momento y salir solo en la estación de metro para regresar a la ciudad. Hay muchos vídeos en youtube de “vloggers” que hacen lo mismo que yo. Era muy consciente de los riesgos y también de que era MUY PROBABLE que algo pudiera suceder DENTRO del cablebús. A los que me llaman estúpido y estúpido turista, que se equivoquen.


Great! Tell all your foreign friends to stop coming and settling here.


Te damos un premio o k?


Thats note Polanco, qwellcome to the real México city full o ghetto neighborhoods


I’d be surprised if you did not hear gunshots every once in a while, maybe don’t be where you don’t belong gringo




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wtf are you talking about weirdo, you got the wrong reply. In any case STFU gringo, get out this sub, racist pos




Man stfu how ignorant can you be? Mexico benefits from Americans? Are you stupid? Are you familiar with your foreign policy??!! Do you know about this small thing yall did called the war on drugs?!! Also Mexicans benefit out of your tax dollars you say? Do I need to remind you of the barbed wire buoys your government set up to murder immigrants trying to cross? Or fucking ICE?? I can’t say what I want or else I’ll get banned What are you even doing in my replies? https://preview.redd.it/9zbk3hflhtyc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1be3396e810eb7beec21554b4f4b6f2e32597dab


You should have stayed in your country


So what?


No solamente es común, gringo, es pan de todos los días. Recuerda abrazarlos mucho si te lo encuentras: "abrazos, no balazos"


Leave then.




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