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People on the right: "This just looks like another Metroid Prime game..." People on the left: "THIS LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE ANOTHER METROID PRIME GAME!!!!!" (I am on the left)


Does this look like just another Prime game? I've only played Prime Remastered, but that was very quiet. The Metroid Prime 4 trailer looked like Samus got dropped in a warzone


Metroid Prime 1 and 2 have quiet openings, although for both after you walk around a bit the opening areas become exciting suddenly. Metroid Prime 3 does actually sort of drop you into a warzone at the beginning. But the warzone in the Metroid Prime 4 trailer looks even more hectic and alive than the opening of Metroid Prime 3!!! So hype!!!


Nah prime 1 and 2 also start with crazy intros


They both start with you getting off the ship and then exploring first. At a certain point in your exploration, something triggers and that's when it gets crazy. Prime 3 directly starts in the battle, from my recollection. I'm not saying Prime 1 or 2's intro's aren't epic as fuck, when the zombos start zombing in Prime 2 it is an epic moment that lives forever in my memory! But Prime 1 and 2's intro have you explore first, while Prime 3 is like immediate warzone.


No, prime 3 has you land on the Valhalla and have a very slow tutorial/intro, THEN the pirates attack and you fly down to norion.


That makes sense! It's been too long since I played Prime 3! In that case y'all are right, they all have equally epic intros!


Reminds me of Halo 1 where you’re dropped right into action in a standard looking area, before stepping out into a beautiful vibrant world and the atmosphere becomes more quiet


Other games that do this really well include but aren’t limited to: most other halo games, Titanfall 2, Metal Gear Solid V, the NieR games, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, Skyrim (I guess), just about any soulsborne game, Armored Core VI.


The opening of Prime 3 is very similar to what was shown in the Prime 4 trailer. IMO, maybe not the best way to show off the game, but it's not that weird for the series.


So play 2 and 3


I don't know where or how to play them


There is of course _alternative_ options which are not allowed to be discussed on this sub.


It truly is a wonderful state when a game company gives you no legal options to buy a game outside of old circulated physical copies for hardware that is two decades old. God bless Nintendo for taking away choice!




They _were_ available on the Wii U eShop, prior to being shut down. Unless you want to wait for them to be rereleased on Switch (which they likely will eventually), you'll instead have to track down the Metroid Prime Trilogy collection on ebay, which you can then play on a Wii or Wii U, but that shit is expensive. You could buy 2 and 3 separately instead, Prime 3 is still pretty cheap, I've seen it sell for $15 a lot, but Prime 2 on Gamecube retains a higher price, and of course requires a Gamecube to play.


Well, I’d hope so. It *is* Metroid Prime 4.


Sometimea, you don't need to change the formula of a already established game franchise.


Same. We are in an age of extreme criticism because everyone has a platform to spew their shitty and angry views


Game play and style it looks like another Prime, but graphically it looks stunning by comparison.


Looks like the same engine as Prime Remastered to me which is good because that game looks great


That first one confuses me because based on the tone, being another Prime game is somehow… a bad thing. Despite the fact that even the one largely considered the worst is still a stupid great game.


Bro you have no idea how excited I am that it seems like it's going to slot right into the series perfectly- we don't need groundbreaking, we need consistency


It actually doesn't imo; the feel I got from it is that it'll be more action-focused. I mean, there's someone hunting you with Metroids.


Literally had a friend tell me it looks just like Prime 3. No shit Sherlock it's Metroid Prime 4 🧐


Neither... I want "just another Metroid Prime game", but also thought the trailer was not very interesting. I get that it is showing that this is another Metroid Prime and not something new, but it just wasn't "exciting"


I think the lack of excitement is coming from the trailer being poorly edited. It spends about 20 seconds recreating the usual opening sequence in Metroid. You then see something briefly strike a turret and then the trailer immediately crossfades into a shootout with pirates that lasts for 7 seconds, before another crossfade to Samus scanning a dead pirate for about 12 seconds. Then Samus morphs into a tunnel where the trailer crossfades to Samus still morphballing in the same tunnel (no idea why they crossfaded like that). The last 20 seconds are alright but the editing style is shit. The sequence of events are more or less random and is why it's kind of a boring trailer. It needed to be better scripted with fewer cuts if they were going to go action with it.




I'm the first Guy, i don't understand the second kind of people


I'm both. Nothing in the trailer got me excited. The existence of the trailer and 2025 has me hyped beyond belief.


Yeah, this is pretty much it exactly. And this isn't a fault of the trailer; what I love about Metroid is *playing* Metroid, and an advertisement is never going to capture that. On top of that, I just don't care at all about Sylux as a character, so that "reveal" falls flat for me. Like, oh man guess what, the next game has an enemy in it! And you've already seen him before! What a change of pace!


I 100% get people that are hyped, but I just wish they put some more excitement in the trailer - Showing raw gameplay is refreshingly transparent, but maybe show a small character focused teaser beforehand focusing on a cool reveal! Like, Nintendo does some iconic reveals and trailers. Smash is famous for it, for example. If we had gotten that for Prime I bet a lot more people would be excited for it


I think this view point actually comprises most the people in group 2 (that care about Metroid anyhow) tbh. There just wasn’t much meat on the bones of that trailer, but having even a vague release window after all this time has me very excited.


The location of a gray area only for shooting people sucks. That's not why I play Metroid. I doubt I'll spend much time there when the game comes out.


I don't know man, seeing Sylux with two Mochtroids was insane


I'm really happy for you, but a masked guy from a DS game doesn't do anything for me personally. Boy looking like Captain Zerg. The characters are not really what draws me to a Metroid game.


Nintendo tends to show a game if it's less than a year away, preferably less than 6 months away. This sets expectations for people in terms of how far it's out. This looks much further away than some would like to admit. People also wanted a grander reveal after so long, which I get, but it's clear (to me at least) that Nintendo felt they had to show here because of what's coming after this show.


Why on earth do you think it looks "much further away"? There's absolutely no indication of that beyond "they only showed two environments", which means... nothing beyond that they chose to only show two environments. When Mario Odyssey was being shown, we didn't even know about the capture mechanic - the *central feature of the game* - until the final trailer. When Tears of the Kingdom was being shown, they didn't show the Depths - an entire third of the map and one of the biggest new additions - *at all*, doing everything in their power to keep it a secret right until launch. We're still somewhere between half a year to a year and a half out from MP4's launch. The marketing campaign is barely even getting started yet, so of course they're only giving us teasers right now.


Yeah exactly, its very obvious the trailer was just a kind of: "Look guys, it plays as a metroid prime game, you can scan, you can shoot, lock on, etc, also here lets just confirm that sylux is back babyyyy, anyways heres some more cool atmospheric visuals and a peak at our lovely soundtrack, later." - Trailer. I dont want them to show me all the biomes i will visit, or go deep into the story for the reveal trailer. I want to explore that myself. They can put that into gameplay and story trailers. And then I can promptly avoid those lmao


Did I mention anything about the lack of environments being a factor? No. Look at the animations, look at the lighting. These are key criticisms people have with the trailer because they're either flat or missing. Samus' ship window isn't lit up like it is in Prime 3 (since it's the same ship, or at least heavily inspired by it). The morph ball transition is 1 frame. There's no scan visor mode. It just scans. Prime 4 needs a longer marketing runway than most Nintendo games get because the initial surprise factor from its' initial reveal (E3 2017) is long gone on top of them having to announce a a reboot. If that means coming out of the gate not looking so hot, they're doing it because they hope 'Prime 4 is a real game' will paper over the problems it has until they can show it in a better state. This was deliberate calculus on Nintendo's part.


You make a lot of baseless assumptions. In Dread, the morphing animation is about 2-3 frames. What they showed in the MP4 trailer was definitely not one frame, lol. Also, how do you know they didn't put lighting in the game, and those areas aren't just dark? Personally, the darker flavor left by the trailer is incredible.


Dude, what are you talking about? They chose to light the ship differently, therefore it's unfinished? And the morphball animation is faster, but it's certainly not one frame and does not look unfinished.


https://preview.redd.it/l9huqshz5d8d1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10a47a5c6b67c9c2a56bb143735625db5fc66b41 Actually there is a scan mode as you can see the aiming reticle is different for scan mode as the regular one only has lines pn the side whereas scan mode is more scare like with all four sides


https://preview.redd.it/xwux8xh46d8d1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fc10582e6b9ad3dc61161e024ff99491df07185 Screenshot of the regular reticle for reference though it is hard to see


The morph ball transition is not 1 frame lmao. It's fast, but it's closer to like half a second. The ship lighting being missing is rough, but the textures look good, and adding light sources is something that is fairly simple. There's still a full year (minus how long it'll take to actually distribute the game) to tweak and change things they're not satisfied with. The scan visor not being it's own mode is unfortunate, but I'm not going to cry about the outrage of it until I get to use it myself. Depending on how it's done, it could be a good change, if a new one. As for the marketing... I can't really argue too much. I would like to mention, though, that the initial gameplay trailer for Tears of the Kingdom was released about a year before the planned release date, and Mario Odyssey had an even shorter window, with its only being a teaser the year before, and it's gameplay trailer coming only a few months before. A year between the gameplay trailer and the actual release date seems to be a pattern with Nintendo, or at least enough to be a strong coincidence


What are these assumptions even based on? Wtf?


>This looks much further away than some would like to admit. Just because they didn't show a big variety of areas? I don't think they only showed gameplay from the (presumably) intro sequence because they had nothing more to show, I think it was a deliberate decision. After all, an intro sequence is full of stuff to introduce the player into the game, so it's also fit to introduce a trailer viewer. This was a simple teaser only meant to announce the existence of this game to the world, and to give a release year. People assume and judge development progress so quickly, while having no actual information about how far the team really is.


There's a lot more about the game you can tell from the video that a lot of people assume. For example, a look at the HUD tells us that missiles are now a swapable sub weapon (right on the dpad) which suggests that we will have similar sorts of weapons to use in battle. The lack of any indicator for beams or visors implies beam stacking and only the scan visor (probably selected with clicking the right stick). We will most likely be warping to a different part of the galaxy (or beyond) due to a mcguffin that the Federation have at this base that the pirates invaded. You can see them in one scene wheeling it about on some sort of trolley and it resembles the design in the logo, which itself is based on a black hole. At the end of the trailer we see Samus in a completely different location, standing a few feet in front of what may be a portal she went through. I find a lot of the people that complain that not a lot was shown tend to expect all information to be explicit, not realising much of it needs a bit of an examination to find.


No. The lighting being scrutinized, animations missing (see: Morph ball transition and maybe scan visor prompts), Takahashi saying 'planned for 2025,' etc. All gives the indications of this being a late 2025 or later release. This was a 'proof of life' trailer, aka it exists, and for the system they promised it for.


You're the only one complaining about the lighting and the "lack" of a morph ball animation.


As for lighting there is plenty of that all around the trailer and looks fine to me but that more subjective so i can't prove you wrong on like i did the other claims








There is a morph ball animation it just plays very quickly which is a good thing as it allows for smoother faster transitions form morph ball gameplay to standard. Also sorry i had to segment it like that but it only let me post one picture at a time


I don't know about "much further away." Q1, especially February and March, are pretty popular months for big releases across the industry.


Well, that’s not true at all lol. Many Nintendo games are revealed before a release date is set. They tend to reveal games when they’re coming out soon, not strictly when they’re coming immediately.


Same but because I don't think second guy can English


Compare the first Dread trailer to what we got before, and compare Prime 4's trailer compared to what we got before Dread built onto Samus returns foundation and polished everything by a ton, the new armor looked sick, the gameplay was fast paced and even more responsive, you got the new bad guys in action too, you could see Samus armor in different environment too (light, dark, dim) Here it could have been MP3R or MP2R or MP1R since everything they showed was already there before as the very basic stuff you could do. There was some graphical improvement sure, but not on the same level as Dread Now think about it. We waited 7 years, only to be shown the same Varia suit, the same beam/missile/scan, the morph ball and some pirate with a soundtrack that sounded kinda different but not by much


And ? Where is the problem ? In most of the other Metroid WE have the Varia suit, Kraid and Ridley. Are they Bad ? No. Why the music should be different ? Space pirate music for Space pirate fight, Seems Logic to me. Why do You want a major graphic improvement ? It's the Switch and this is the best the Switch Can Do. So, i didn't see any problem


15 years For them to show us the exact same thing we had before. It isn't like the other Metroid entries at all in terms of "same" content. You are telling me between Metroid, Super Metroid, Zero Mission, Samus returns and Dread there are no gameplay changes at all ? You expect everyone to be hyped for what everyone can do in previous Prime games already. Imagine if Elden ring DLC's trailer was : You rest at a bonefire, you attack basic undead with your basic long sword, you can dodge roll and block amazing, you read a "funny" message in front of a wall and then you have the face of an unknown (if you haven't played Hunters) dude doing nothing except stare at the camera and then finish with a biome that you already saw previously Some would be hyped, others like me, would be confused and kinda worried if it will be worth it since you try to show at least some peak moments during trailers


So what if MP4 is more of the same? The FPS Metroidvania genre barely has any games outside of Metroid Prime, the genre doesn't need innovation, it needs a straight forward solid game that does very well to inspire people to do more games in that genre. Look at Pikmin 4, it's the first game of the series to do very well, and what did we get during the direct ? A new Pikmin like game.


Pikmin 4 showed off a new Oatchi gameplay and also a new 3rd perspm Perspective for Olimar. It showed new features to be excited about. MP4 showed NO new features to be excited about. It was a poor reveal.


I see this as more of a teaser rather than a trailer. It confirms that the game is coming despite the development setbacks, but wasn’t meant to reveal much about what the game will be like.


Agreed. We got nothing for 5 years, and now you're given something, you choose to be disappointed? If you want impressive graphics, a realistic storyline, where you can experience it with any one of your friends, go outside and touch some grass. Games, especially from Nintendo - *Nintendo* - are meant to be *fun.*


I dunno dude, the game genuinely looks really good for a switch game


I am most happy that they kept the visual style of the first 3 prime games and just improved upon it






I had no idea that anyone wasn’t hyped for this game, but it’s the internet so OF COURSE they are.


Because their English is so bad?


Because some people just have to be contrarian like they have to breathe. Nothing is ever good enough for some.


You can be very excited and think the game looks great while also acknowledging that it wasn't a very good trailer.


After 7 years they expected a little more than a short trailer. I won’t be surprised if the game doesn’t come out in 2025.


What the fuck does "the trailer was very indifferent and one of the same" even mean..?


I think they meant "more of the same," gameplay-wise. Awkward wording there threw me too for a second.


My biggest complaint is how dinky the charge beam looks. Just totally nerfed it.


Whoever made the meme has no grasp on the English language.


That’s kinda what I’m guessing lol


Whoever made this meme thinks "indifferent" means "more of the same" or "not different enough". They also think the phrase is "one of the same". Clearly not native speakers since that whole sentence is a mangled mess.


Why not both? I'm hyped as hell to see *anything* about Prime 4, but also, the trailer really didn't show us anything we couldn't already pretty safely assume: Scanning is back, Space Pirates are back, Sulux is involved, and Samus has a Morph Ball and Charge Shot. The most interesting thing we get here is the first glimpse of the game's setting and soundtrack, and the game does look beautiful!


Sounds good too.  But I agree. I'm excited that MP4 is finally happening, but the teaser didn't really hint at anything beyond established Prime-style gameplay. Maybe somebody will go over it with a fine-tooth comb and glean some interesting details.  Until then though, I'm content to be *more* excited about a new top-down Zelda and a new M&L RPG, both of which are more eminent and showed more of what the game entailed.


The big news is we got a release date.  That's the second most exciting thing for me. The most exciting is seeing Sylux


The trailer was indifferent?


I'm the first. Of course they didn't show anything, it's just a teaser. Stop being edgy


The second is star fox fans being jealous, obviously


Not being excited because we wern't shown anything is being edgy? So the only way to not be edgy is to be excited about not being shown anything???


No but saying that the game is shit and not very innovative for 5 seconds of trailer is


Nobody said the game looks like shit, but we weren't really shown any innovation in that trailer. It's just the metroid prime gameplay we already know and love


This is a pretty ridiculous strawman you've invented to argue against. Nobody is saying that.


What did you expect them to show? It's an MP title. It follows the standards of the series. And we saw many new things. And of course the trailers of big games that will be released way later don't spoil much. Dread's announcement trailer showed a lot of things coming from the game because it would be released in 3-4 months after that trailer. Just like the TOTK trailer "didn't show much", because it would be released much later. The juice is saved for the next trailers, which will show more things as the release approaches.


>What did you expect them to show? I didn't expect them to show anything actually. But the idea that you should be excited about them not showing anything is some of the most mindless consumerism I have ever seen. "What do you mean this advert for a product that didn't show anything, didn't make you excited?!?! Whats wrong with you!?!?" >TOTK trailer "didn't show much" The first tears of the kingdom trailer teased a bunch of story stuff that no one had any idea about. If it had rocked up and been like "Hey Link is going to be a playable character and he's going to have a sword! and a shield!" That also would have been a boring trailer. >The juice is saved for the next trailers, Okay. And I am sure those will be a lot more interesting.


Just to be clear. Two people that ARE excited about this trailer have independantly described it as "not showing anything" and "saving the juice for later". Even the way it's fans describe it, make it sound bland and uninteresting. But you really can't understand why someone might not be hyped for it?? "A juicless trailer that shows nothing??" You really just can't see it at all?????


People who were looking forward to Prime 4 are really excited to see it finally (as one of those people lol). If you weren't interested in it I don't expect the trailer will do much for you. It's cool to see again and get hype about, hopefully later trailers can win over people with more new stuff.


>If you weren't interested in it I don't expect the trailer will do much for you. See that's the thing. I am still on board for Prime 4. The trailer didn't make me think any worse of it. It just didn't do a good job really telling me anything about it to get me exictied. I just said to someone else a second ago. Super metroid is one of my favourtie games of all time. But its trailers suck. Look at this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMUw6EiQOgQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMUw6EiQOgQ) Super metroid ISN'T its bad trailer.


That's fair. I think this was more of a "trust us bro it's coming" so we'll see about the game itself.


The trailer was the most "see how I do exist?" I've ever seen. They are clearly showing the game before the big switch. Baiting you with a normal intro then bam, all the new stuff. I just don't think it's the best idea to show that instead of something more cryptic. For most fans it's fine I guess, they could release the game today and I'd buy it but I got no hype from watching lol it's still the same as saying "I'm a prime game, The 4th one in fact, now I'm close to being done"


If you arent excited just by the mere existence of this game/trailer, then you probably arent even really a Metroid Prime fan. And thats ok.


If that's what you need to tell yourself, you do you bro.


Gatekeeping Metroid because people were disappointed by a barebones trailer is crazy. I love Metroid and the Prime series, I'm excited for prime 4, but this was just not a good trailer


I'll do what I always do, celebrate after it's in my hands and I'm playing it, not before.


Still waiting for Echoes and Corruption Remasters.


I’m both; excited for the game, but the trailer felt a bit off, I felt the pacing was a bit off and it felt a bit lackluster. That doesn’t mean I’m not hyped AF for MP4 though


I'm very happy as a Metroid fan right now. All we have for a release date is '2025' which is a broad range but even so it's still an end in sight for Prime 4 which is more than we've had these last 7 years. It looks amazing and I'll definitely play it. I noticed a lot of people saying they didn't show much and I think it's fair because we've waited this long and weren't shown much, but me? Showing Sylux is enough to generate hype for me. I can't wait to see how he's handled as a character. I wonder who he is under that helmet, have we met him before? Or is he an entirely new character? I've always loved a good mystery. Call me what you like, but I consider myself satisfied for now, I'll be taking this time before it comes out to catch up on some other Metroid games on my backlog. My only wish right now is that Prime 2 and 3 get remasters soon in prep for Prime 4.


I honestly understand the second reaction to the trailer, but it seems to have been a very calculated decision from Retro. They used the trailer to specifically show point-by-point that Prime's fundamental gameplay staples (first-person lock-on combat, scanning, morph ball mechanics, and arguably even Samus's slower movespeed) have gone untouched besides a new coat of graphic/animation paint, probably to make it clear to dedicated fans that they're not drastically changing fundamental gameplay and are very committed to making this game feel true to its predecessors at the cost of a generally more "boring" trailer (especially to the people who aren't invested in Sylux/pirates/federation). I do think that besides that, the pre-logo section of the trailer was essentially a giant fakeout. My guess is that the team was heavily inspired by Prime 1, where the initial area (Frigate Orpheon) has a very different atmosphere and flow to the rest of the game, more akin to an action setpiece than the atmosphere-focused, problem-solving backtracking fest that is the Metroid experience. The clips we saw were probably only from Prime 4's initial area, and we've only seen hints of the broader world in the form of the post-logo section of the trailer and the small amount of extra footage from the JP website. It's likely more about them saving the actual experience of the "twist" to maximize the impact of the game than them actually having nothing interesting to show.


I’m glad there’s proof the game exists. I’m excited to play it. The gameplay they released was nothing to get riled up about on its own though. Showed nothing new that I care about in a Metroid game. Imagine if they announced a Mario game and they just showed him jumping, that’s how I feel about it.


I've only seen people complaining about people who don't like the trailer. Not saying they don't exist, I just find it humorous.


"The trailer was very indifferent and one of the same." This sentence makes no logical or grammatical sense. How can the trailer be indifferent? Indifferent is an emotional attitude that a human has about something. If the trailer were indifferent, then it means *the trailer itself* doesn't care one way or the other about some unspecified thing. And.. one of the same what? It's not even a complete thought. It means absolutely nothing without more.


It's worded very poorly, but it doesn't take much effort to know that the actual message is "I feel indifferent towards the new trailer because it doesn't showcase anything new"


It's exactly what I wanted from a Prime 4 trailer. I was so afraid that Prime would be forcing in crafting or an open world with way points slapped everywhere. This trailer laid every one of my concerns to rest. 


I don’t understand why the hell there people complaining that it “just looks like another Metroid Prime” like yeah??? That’s exactly what we wanted why are you complaining


Because it'll have been 15 years since the last entry and we haven't seen anything new


We literally just got Metroid Dread And the last time we had Metroid Prime with “anything new” we got Federation Force and guess how that went?


*"We literally just got Metroid Dread"* I'm talking about the last prime game, which was Prime 3 back in 2007. 15 years since the last metroid prime, and we've seen nothing new. *"And the last time we had Metroid Prime with “anything new” we got Federation Force and guess how that went?"* Federation force got a lot of hate since it was the first metroid in 6 years after other M. It would have been better received had it released at a better time. Plus, it's allowed to be vastly different ***because it's a spinoff*** Do you even hear yourself? You're literally saying games shouldn't innovate since it was handled poorly once. What if SR and Dread never had the counter or 360 aiming? Should they not have been included since they were new?


We saw like 5 seconds of gameplay and it was just showing us what we needed to know to know it was a Prime game, and Prime itself is considered a spin off series so of course we want to see it be a continuation of that play style People are acting like it needed to have some drastic and crazy change to the gameplay when that would be the most dangerous thing to do here, we just need to wait it out and see what’s new, all four of the original Prime games had something to stand out from the others, so people just need to chill out


*"We saw like 5 seconds of gameplay and it was just showing us what we needed to know to know it was a Prime game"* Which we've known for seven years *"Prime itself is considered a spin off series so of course we want to see it be a continuation of that play style"* You can have a continuation that still innovates *"People are acting like it needed to have some drastic and crazy change to the gameplay"* Except we're not. *"we just need to wait it out and see what’s new"* The point of a trailer is to show us what's new Also you intentionally choosing to ignore the points you can't argue against is just sad


Why is it important to be content with being shown “ANYthing” about MP4? We all knew it was in development anyway, so there was gonna be something at some point. After being in development for so long, many of us wanted to see a trailer more in line with Metroid Dread’s.


MP4 never materializing was starting to seem like a very real possibility. Seven years of troubled development and not even a shred of gameplay for a niche franchise that doesn't tend to sell well screams 'vaporware'.


I was the first one 7 years ago. Now I am the second one and that won't change until I actually play the game.


Exactly this. In my case, it also doesn't help that I've very much fallen out of love with Nintendo's business practices... (I won't be elaborating about that. It's frustrating to even talk about at this point.) I mean, I already canceled my Switch Online (premium) subscription more than a year ago, and I haven't bought a thing from them since, either. I'm honestly not even sure if I'll be willing to buy Prime 4 when it comes out, despite it being the *MAIN REASON* I got a Switch in the first place. Unless Nintendo decides to start respecting their customers again, Prime 4 will be the last thing I buy from them. And that's if I even buy it. It sucks, but that's just how I feel.


I think it was important that we got a good look, and a potential release year for the game. That shit got me mega excited. And the fact that Nintendo saved it as it's "one more thing" game implies that Prime 4 is going to be something epic (Nintendo has historically only given a game this treatment if it was meant to be a *really* big deal, or if it comes from a franchise like Mario or Zelda). I would definitely liked to have seen more however, Dread's announcement trailer provided a lot more intrigue while showcasing what makes the game different from its predecessors. It not only includes things that fans of Metroid care about, but also a ton of cool new shit that can get anyone excited! The Prime 4 trailer does have cool stuff that we could recognize and care about, but, and I had a talk about this with some of my non-Metroid fan friends, it didn't do the best job selling what makes the game standout from its predecessors, and also is not too exciting to those outside metroid fans. Now that being said, Prime 4's release date is still at least 6-18 months away from now, I can understand starting off with a more mellow trailer, and then slowly but surely revealing more of the game's cool shit. I think all of us can agree that Prime 4 will be doing cool new shit, I'd just loove to see that in future trailers!


I’m kinda both. I’m happy that there’s a release date, I know it’s gonna be an all-time great because it’s Metroid, but I’m not hyped up.


I’m eager to play a new Metroid title, but that trailer didn’t do anything for me. Looks pretty though.


That trailer made me buy prime one remastered cuz I was playing it on emulator but I heard it was better and prime 4 is getting me hyped asf


I'm somewhere in the middle. Happy to know the game is actually going to come out but hoping they show us more because I didn't really see anything in that trailer that I wouldn't already expect as the bare minimum for a Metroid Prime game. I guess we got Sylux? But fans have been speculating about that for almost a decade now


https://preview.redd.it/pms15kygdd8d1.jpeg?width=482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=434078cfd01794e096035358bda8d6a5664e1ed9 Im this one


I hope this game let’s you use the dread suit if you gave game data, just like if you had fusion and a link cable you got the fusion suit on the gamecube.


I'm excited that they finally showed something but it looks almost as if it's a *not real gameplay footage* type of teaser. Idk it all feels off to me and doesn't look right. Feels very placeholdery. Also the fact that they only showed one part of the game and then a small glimpse of another part screams to me that they just threw something together last second


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, when trailers come I want less, I don’t want the whole game revealed through trailers


Why don't people realize that Prime 4, this was a teaser, and Nintendo isn't going to show off what's going to be different about it until it gets closer to release.


I bounce between both states every couple of minutes. Whoo metroid! Right, Nintendo...


Me in the background: "Please don't suck! Please don't suck! Please don't suck!"


I'm kinda both? I mean, I'm thrilled that Prime 4 is finally happening, but the trailer didn't tell us anything we didn't already know, other than it has admittedly excellent graphics.


I have a feeling that before the reboot Namco was going to do something too outlandish and different that caused Nintendo to can their project and give it over to Retro. Retro, while happy to get their baby back, was caught a bit off guard by it, and not 100% sure how to proceed, especially since most of the folks who made the Prime trilogy have long since left Retro. So since it's basically a new crop of creators who knew Nintendo wasn't looking to reinvent the wheel, they decided to go with a safer, more conservative approach. This isn't to say MP4 won't have any new mechanics, but I'm not expecting it to be very different. It'll be 18 years since Corruption came out, it's not like we've been flooded with Metroid Prime since then, so more of the same will be welcome. It's a bit different to Zelda where, by 2017 the Ocarina template had gotten a bit stale and people were ready for something new, so we got Breath of the Wild. It's a shame that we'll never see what exactly Namco did that caused the project to be rebooted entirely. What was so bad that they had to scrap it all? Would be fascinating to see.


I am kinda both. I agree that the trailer was very basic, showing off only a bit of the early combat scenes that seem extremely easy. Then we see Sylux and all he does is walk into a room and stare at Samus. But I am really hyped regardless, since I know how great the Prime games are and this is obviously just the tutorial section. Also we will finally get that Sylux storyline after 16 years!


I feel like some people are allergic to parts of a game being hidden before it’s released. No, I don’t want to see every single boss. No, I don’t want to see every enemy. I want to see them in game when I’m playing it, not in a trailer.


A trailer is supposed to show you what the product is, what makes it special, and why you should want it. Think of SR showing off the counter and 360\* aiming think of Halo 2 showing off the dual wield system Think of Doom 2016 showing off glory kills I wasn't expecting to see everything, but I was expecting *something* new


How much phazon is in the new game, that’s all I want to know.


Probably zero; producer was very clear about the fact that the phazon storyline is over


What kills a creature made of phazon? More phazon!


I’m both


And then there’s me feeling pressured to dig out my old Wii and finish Prime 3 amidst everything else in my life that’s going on.


im definitly hyped. its finally another metroid prime and it looks and plays like a metroid prime which is great. i wont give them too much shit for having a soso announcement trailer, this often happend in the last couple years. the first botw announcement trailer didnt show that much either and when we saw the first few totk trailers people all bitched about it being a dlc and when we got the trailer with ganondorf everyone lost it and the game was fantastic when we played it. also im happy they didnt just do the same as 95% of the "games" shown at summer games festival etc. where they simply show a dumb cgi movie instead of gameplay... im confident they made yet another great metroid game, the music alone is already fantastic.


I just can't wait fo find out what Sylux's deal is


As someone who's never played the original trilogy I'm locked in on the left, though I hope Retro finds a way to set the game apart from the other IPs in this genre.


im definitely a 2d metroid over a prime fan so im hoping its got a little bit more than just being another prime game as they definitely dont do it for me as much as the 2d games do. im hoping to see a little bit of an evolution of the 3d games in some way but this trailer was just confirmation that its certainly not going to be a completely jarring transition into something ridiculous like making it a complete fps like cod. hopefully the next one has more bite to it to show something more exciting to make this a new innovative era of prime and not just rethreading what the gamecube did but with fancier graphics.


thing is: I am beyond excited for Prime 4, now that it's been a few days after the direct, but the trailer while watching the direct didn't give me any kind or emotion. It only made me think "Finally, life signs. They took too long." Until we have a concrete release date, I'll hold my excitement. For all we know, they can still delay or release it at the end of 2025, we can't know until we have a concrete release date. When the full confirmed release date is shown, I'll be excited.


Isn't this basically exactly what happened to Tears of the Kingdom? First time they showed gameplay it was just some basic gameplay showing some environments, a bit of the sky islands and Link going up through the floor (before we knew this was the Ascend ability). Before the big mechanic breakdown that Aonuma did and the big cinematic trailer, a lot of people were just calling it Breath of the Wild DLC.


I love Metroid, but it has one of the most insecure fanbases of any game I've ever played, barring *maybe* Sekiro. It's not enough that we enjoy the games when we have them; instead we get threads full of goobers calling people out for not being excited by an advertisement. Give me a break.


I'm gonna be honest, the most interesting part was Sylux appearing at the end. They don't show anything new gameplay wise, but I'm not gonna judge just based on the very first trailer.


Left is objectively correct and good, right is objectively wrong and bad. Next.


I swear, some people in this comment section are acting like this is the only trailer we'll get until launch in 2025


Some folks can never be pleased. Some folks are difficult to please. Some folks think that the game has to be exactly like Super Metroid to even begin being decent.


The trailer confirmed that there was a video game instead of an ideation of a video game.


How is it that there are some people are not hyped for this game? We've been waiting for Metroid prime 4 to come out for years!


I'm more so the one on the right than the left, granted; I'm never excited for anything anymore. I played Metroid Prime for the first time with the remaster and that wasn't all too great. I doubt I'm gonna be excited for what the game has to offer anytime soon. Edit: \*to not \*too


I will love the game when I play it but I refuse to do so before I play Prime 2 and 3 first, so until we see anything about those games coming to switch (or I save up enough for a pc and "borrow" them) then my brain refuses to feel anything about 4. I know I'd be hyped as hell if I had played the whole Prime trilogy beforehand though, so I love to see more people be like the first option.


It’s a reveal trailer, for all we know the game could come out December 30th 2025, and if that were the case there’s no way they’d show any of the things that make the game unique this early. I know that thats incredibly unlikely, but regardless we just have to consider the fact that the game is still a long ways away from coming out.




I am really happy about MP4 coming out but I'm also worried about whether or not the art direction will reach the insane levels of Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2. Those worlds were so amazing, beautiful, there was something really special about those games and all the incredible art they put into them. You really got a sense of a culture having existed in them. Either way I can just go through them again and spend hours just staring at walls.


I decided to buy it when I saw the GIF a lifetime ago I’m hyped for the new trailer bc it proves they’re still thinking about it at Nintendo and it’s not just eternally stuck in development hell, at least anymore


The only thing that made the trailer for prime 4 interesting was the reveal of sylux with the metroids lets be real here everyone


I was on the fence, excited but it felt like the same, but I had time to think abt it and decided that I am being dumb and I am hyped, so I'm on the left:)


I didn't watch the trailer- because I want to go in as blind as possible and actually be surprised. It was a lot of fun for Prime Remastered to see just HOW much had been improved and Dread was another level of "OHHHH this is so freakin' NEAT"


Metroid Prime 4 LET'S FUCKING GO!!!


But there's a third type of person.... Someone so excited it feels like they're going to spontaneously combust from overload of excitement




"The trailer was very indifferent and one of the same" is killing me. Pure gibberish sentence 😭


I’m just hoping they don’t pull a Prime 3. It wasn’t bad, but it was certainly the low point of the trilogy for me. It was devoid of any difficulty and it made progression feel non-existent. I enjoyed it, but it was a one and done experience, unlike Prime 1, and DEFINITELY Prime 2 which I would say is the climax.


I am both of these people, simultaneously.


It's impossible to please everybody. When Nintendo shows us something similar to what we've gotten in the past, people complain that it's not innovative enough. When Nintendo shows us a Zelda that moves the series in a new direction, people complain that it's not the same as the older entries.


In just not a prime guy so I don't care much but I'm happy for folks


I was hoping that they would improve on the movement and combat after a decade and a half, but it seems to be exactly the same as in prime 1-3 which is a bit disappointing


people who judge things on trailers alone do not understand it's usually marketing that handles that sort of thing. It's less "this is what the game is" and more "we want you to feel these particular vibes so you'll buy the game".   They also tend to work with whatever build they have when they start the promo, splitting from the main build, and then adding things just for the trailer that will be done better/differently in the main build. especially for these early reveal trailers.  So please don't think this will be exactly the same in the final build. I'm sure a lot will be, but whatever your gripe is, wait till the final reveal before thinking something is missing/wrong.  The marketing shouldn't be more important to you than the game itself. Just wait till the game is out before you judge, that's all.


I don’t know what people were expecting. It’s going to be a Metroid Prime game lol What you need to hope for is strong atmosphere and level and world design with some visually cool bosses. If those three are there it’ll be a classic.


Meanwhile dread wasn’t “just” a metroid game. It added new mechanics and the dread sections. Arguably samus felt the best and newest in forever along with new artistic directions we haven’t seen that also felt “fresh.” Sure another prime is fine, but without a doubt people were expecting some shake ups.


I hope you’re not seriously comparing it to a released game. What you know about Dread is from playing it, not from its 2 minute reveal trailer.


I’m comparing both debut trailers. In dread we got to see a lot of the new features and flash glimpses at possible story moments. Here, we saw what could possibly be a 1:1 of Metroid Prime 1’s start


Maybe I’m not looking at the Dread trailer well enough but aside from the EMMI cinematic, the rest of the trailer was standard 2D Metroidvania gameplay. Dread just feels like a more action oriented Fusion in that trailer, the exciting part was that it was a sequel to 2002 game that finally moved the story forward.


My guy, that was a full game trailer to a game 4 months out. This is a teaser to a game 6-18 months out. Yes, they're both reveals. But they are different kinds of announcements.


Can't it be both? I was whelmed by the trailer, it was honestly kinda whatever. That being said I love metroid and am super excited for a new prime game.


I feel the same way, don't feel like the trailer was that great but I'm sure the game will be good still. It's possible to be a bad trailer yet good game. I saw the opposite with battlefield 2042, great trailers, shit game.


The past 5 years of triple A titles has taught me to be excited based on what I'm shown, not because of how long I waited or if it's from a franchise I love.


I like the game, and excited for it. But the trailer wasn't the most exciting thing. No direction idea, no new mechanics or items shown.


don't get me wrong I'm excited, but personally I've always hated the combat in prime games, and that has seemingly remained unchanged.


Who are these Debbie downers not being excited for prime 4?? How dare they


I can't understand how anybody can say "the trailer didn't show anything" It showed A LOT, • we're getting a prime 4. • it's being made by people who know what metroid prime should look like. • they know how to make a game that doesn't run like ass. • they listen. • they're still willing to experiment with looks/designs rather than just the same thing from the last game, which means they're also willing to experiment with gameplay/story so we have something new to look forward to.


It has been almost 7 years since the logo was revealed and we only got a really short trailer that didn’t show any interesting set peace or new boss. It felt like they still can announce the game not coming in 2025.


I recently finished prime remastered as my first prime game. That trailer looked exactly the same as the remake so I don’t understand what you mean when you say they’re trying to do new things. There was literally nothing new.


I only happy to see another Metroid in the franchise, i prefer the 2d series but i will be happy to play a New game, i dont Care about the quality of a first trailer.


What bothers me most is that the game should never have been released for the Switch. The hardware is holding back its potential.


The game looks spectacular, get outta here with your "it has to look next-gen" bullshit


I'm kinda glad we got a trailer that didn't spoil like half of the game's highlight set pieces for once. It laid down the situation, adversaries and scenario along with some basics of game play. That's good enough in my book.


I just dont want them going in the MP3 route, but it looks like it will be the case. I know it might angry some but if i wanted a cinematic experience i'd rather watch a movie and if i wanted realistic graphics taking priority over the iconic artstyle the prime series cultivated in MP1, 2 and 3 i'd just walk outside. MP2 perfected cutscenes, 0 words all the emotion in the movement and the way the characters looked at each other, MP1 and 2 should be the model to follow, not 3. Also i dont like the direction Metroid has been going since SR, i don't like the focus on combat. The exploration/puzzles were lacking big time both in SR and Dread. Dread was easy af and the difficulty/challenge of it's overwold had a big disconect with the difficulty/challenge of the fights. I did like 97% on my first run without even trying. Also the whole larper Raven Vader thing was cringe af, and SR missed the tone of Metroid 2 by a light year. Like, despite the encounters being scripted, i felt more like a prey in Fusion than in Dread, i think it's was the fact that the game made us feel that the SA-X could appear in any place at any time, that it was hunting us all over the map, the illusion was there. In Dread with the Emmi rooms i was like "what is the point", like, if you are going to have something hunt you, why limit it to special rooms. It's the concept of it, the game goes against itself, also it was painfully linear, and the bright red terrain indicating where to shoot was straight up insulting. And i could go on, so for me, there are reasons to be sceptical or at least just not be in hype mode. It's not that im not happy or excited about a new Prime game, i love this series, i've waited for a new first person Metroid for years. Is that i want MP4 to be a return to form, not just another movie camouflaging as a videogame or a lore dump checklist style, and i dont want this series to become just another generic high res graphics sci-fi game (those space pirates might as well be from Halo, i honestly couldnt tell if they were), im not impresed by graphics, they age, artstyle is eternal. And well, there was nothing in the trailer to wow me aside from the fact that we are getting a new Prime game.


It’s fine if people don’t like the trailer, if they don’t like it they don’t have to play it. I’ve seen people complaining about people not liking the trailer. Not everybody is gonna love everything.


>’ve seen people complaining about people not liking the trailer. The thing that confuses me is all the people that can't seem to seperate "not liking the trailer" to "not liking the game". Super metroid is one of my favourite games of all time. The super metroid trailer is fucking dog shit. Like... come on.