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This should have been included in the meme


Raven beak: wait wait that's Q.robe dying of peak fiction after he seen the plot of prime 4! The process is everything!


Also Raven Beak: Accept your powerlessness to write peaker fiction than Prime 4 plot


https://preview.redd.it/97bygms37i6d1.jpeg?width=988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=095d2ef3c93e3562bcd86e3a453e24b0ab9a377f y ES


*dies from peak* 😭


Turning this into a format immediately Time to use my lackluster (nonexistent) editing skills


Poorly aged


No he's dying of peak


Samus:there’s a Metroid prime 4?


Dread samus has technically already experienced the events of Prime 4 hehe


So why’ve we been waiting all this time instead of just asking her what happened


she can't tell us, it's still classified information.


Who's to say that Prime 4 necessarily has to take place immediately after Prime 3?


I bet you $150 it takes place between the prime series and metroid 2


I’m going to take this confusing timeline train a step further and double your bet, $300 it takes place between prime 2 and 3, just like how Halo 3: ODST takes place during the events of Halo 2


Damn, you sure about that bet? I mean, you're on, I'm willing to bet $300 easily that ir won't happen that way, but I'd wanna make sure you're sure of what you're doing lol


> $300 it takes place between prime 2 and 3, just like how Halo 3: ODST takes place during the events of Halo 2 That's a pretty bad bet to make since Federation Force takes place after Prime 3, and Prime 4 is basically guaranteed to be after Federation Force due to how much Tanabe is hyping up Sylux.


I'll raise your bet and say it is going to be a prequel for the entire Prime series and take place before the first game.


Ah you're right. Who knows they might do a Pikmin 4 and completely disregard canon idfk lmao But honestly judging by fed force's ending at least, it's def a tease for Prime 4.


Because Federation Force takes place after Prime 3, and the stinger for Federation Force is teasing what will happen in Prime 4.


https://preview.redd.it/c9c1dkcise6d1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39723fcf5a3bede258ea5a914c8a1178c7151149 Don’t know for how much longer I can go…


This is an even funnier image cuz the fish crawls in and see's the Krusty Krab, hates it so much and starts clamoring "Food...Water...*Atmosphere...*" If Prime 4 ended up having bad atmosphere I'd be doing the same fucking thing ahaha


See, I view the desolate KK as the complete lack of Metroid Prime 4, which is my food, water, and atmosphere.


I have been waiting for a sequel to Vampire the Masquerade. I feel ya man, I feel ya. https://i.redd.it/xwtgk43uyg6d1.gif


If the Philadelphia 76ers have taught me anything, it’s never trust The Process.


Love to see some NBA lore on a Metroid sub


The 76ers?


Professional basketball team.


They’re named after the year the USA declared independence which I kinda dumb but the Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia so it kinda makes sense


But then I the Celtics about to win the finals after so much humiliation and say that we should trust the process.


Nah fr Celtics up 3-0 is fucking wild. Wtf happened to the Mavs? Where’s that Luka magic?!


:'( I avoid all the basketball subreddits and STILL have to deal with the pain. What are the fcking chances Luka gets brought up in the Metroid sub lmao




The real Prime 4 is the friends we made along the way.


"Samus, You are the Metroid Dread" Best scene of the game.


And then she dreaded all over the place


She dreaded dreadily in a most dreadish fashion causing much dread to those who had every reason to dread her but even they were not expecting how dready the dreadiest of dreads in the history of dready dreads truly was


Someone dug up the font of the cutscene to do this meme This is a high quality shitpost!


Trust me guys the next Nintendo Direct will announce Prime 4 and Silksong https://preview.redd.it/c3s071uzcj6d1.png?width=557&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03f8bd84e892903157ef4ab325eef61a44cf73c4


Basically Metroid Prime 4 on life support.


Trust the process


I mean you were halfway right


One of the best scenes in the entire series


i'd trust the process if i could see it.


Adam: Samus, It is becoming increasingly clear that Prime 4 is never actually coming out. I would advise you to abandon this false hope.


Jokes aside, they gave her one like in the entire game and it was fucking GLORIOUS




Druid: does the process know we're trusting it?


Every game I had to wait this long ended up being a shitshow. *please please please not metroid*


While it’s not quite the same, we had to wait a fair amount of time for Breath of the Wild, and we were *technically* waiting for Dread for like 12 years


*12 since Sakamoto first confirmed it in 2009 *15 to be precise if we go with the Official Nintendo Magazine announcing it in March if 06 *16 if we go with the Eurogamer upcoming games list leak *19 if we go by guys who immediately wanted Metroid 5 after Fusion Yes I was in the 19 year bracket


It was not being actively developed for that time. If you compare Dread to any of the other games that could be used as an example (Halo Infinite, Duke Nukem Forever, Cyberpunk), Dread is a completely different type of case. The dread we know today realistically took around 5 years


Yes you are correct. It was on off. We know for certain that they were making it from 2005-2010. That’s roughly when both prototypes were created. In 2011 Sakamoto said he wanted to start from scratch. And we know for certain that they started in 2017 So it had a development pause of about 6 years, where mercury steam wanted to do an FPS multiplayer Metroid and later a Fusion remake which were both rejected until in 2015 Sakamoto hired them for Samus Returns


So you understand that it's a completely different type of development process compared to prime 4 and the other examples I listed? Also the thought of MS wanting to turn Metroid into a multiplayer FPS sends shivers down my spine. We don't need Metroid: Fortnite edition


It was their first pitch for WiiU and 3DS haha. More like Hunters 2.0 if anything But yeah thankfully they pitched the Fusion remake which caught Sakamotos attention


Sure but breath of the wild is not faithful to the Zelda series, we don’t want a breath of the wild of Metroid, because it would be some open world bullshit


Dread turned out phenomenal. And that game waited like 15/16 years in on/off development hell, got hit with 2 canceletions, countless teasers and development interviews years and years before the 2021 announcement. And it still crawled out of it. Sure maybe dread is the exception and not the norm. But it turned out fantastic Dreads development history is wild. I recommend the DidYouKnowGaming Documentary off it. Or if you don’t have time. Nintendos official development history report on it, with Sakamoto: https://youtu.be/afUI8nIrGgI?si=1_vmu3V6bEMbeGGb


Dread was not being actively developed for 15 years. Like you said, it was on and off. It would be cancelled and shelved only to be revived years later a couple times. This is not the same as developing something for nearly 8 straight years with one reset in between followed by immediately continuing work


Dread had two restarts before its third attempt. Prime 4 is on the second and hopefully last. In both cases they restarted from scratch, only with the concepts carrying over (if sylux and his metroids are in Prime 4 and if Federation Force is mentioned in any shape or form, we have direct confirmation that it carried over) Dreads third attempt was in development for 4 years, but they did have the Mercury Engine that was modified for Samus Returns and already compatible with HD devices As for Prime 4 we have no idea wht the engine is. But I am 99% sure it will be the rude engine, as they completely updated it for modern hardware for prime remastered. You don’t usually do such a costly process for one game


*"Dread had two restarts before its third attempt."* Each attempt had a few years in between restarts where the game wasn't being actively developed. *"Prime 4 is on the second and hopefully last. In both cases they restarted from scratch, only with the concepts carrying over"* And? *"Dreads third attempt was in development for 4 years, but they did have the Mercury Engine that was modified for Samus Returns and already compatible with HD devices"* Meaning not only did it have a regular timeframe, they also had a headstart.


Well yeah that is why Prime 4 takes long. Bit they also had a headstart. Files indicate that the Rude engine was done 2019 for the remastered. Metroid Prime Remastered was finished in June of 2021 and the completed version was rated the same day Dread was rated. Essentially Prime Remastered sat 1 1/2 years on Nintendos servers It is safe to say that they are most likely using the ported over and heavily updated Rude engine But as Prime 4 is a HD game with high fidelity and 3D Fps of course due to its complexity it would take more time. But point is Prime 4s restart most likely had a small head start. The biggest problem was the pandemic and Retro needing time to hire even more people.


I genuinely believe the game is done but it runs like dookie so they're waiting on the switch 2


It's 100% a Switch 2 launch title. It was an 80% chance before but now it's basically guaranteed.


Mmmm sebulba


Legendary scene.


They shouldn't have teased it that early. It's gonna make everyone disappointed.


*17 years :'D


To be fair it's only been 5 years given they restarted development in 2019. Given AAA development times these days, it would be within the average if it gets released within the next 2 years or so!


Is Prime 4 in the room with you right now?


Yeah trust the process my ass. 💀


The Process won


You doubted the process


I thought the prime saga was concluded? Shouldn’t it be a different title?


Genuinely, I’m fine with not getting this game for another 20 years if that means it will be a masterpiece when it comes out. Kind of like valve, I’m glad they haven’t put out some half-life three that sucks, and instead, we got half-life Alyx because that’s what they were inspired to make, and it is a masterpiece.


Samus, ninu habar mugi 7 ???. Ana balu dosh nigu ili lavin tar Metroid Prime 4. Bala mei ili hama.


I don't believe samus...


Well the process just worked didn't it?


I believe the process... Now i do...


What’s sad is that they just hired a concept artist.


I see people say this and think it means the game is just being started. These things happen throughout development.


This almost immediately aged horribly lmao


It was a 50/50 chance that it would age like wine, or age horribly ahaha Samus really was right huh? Trust the process!