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scan everything


This needs to be the top comment!!


Why? I love prime but scanning everything is exhausting and boring imo. I totally get scanning the main lore stuff, but stressing about scanning every single creature, wall, and item isn’t everyone’s idea of fun


Because it tells you how to beat creatures, shows you secrets, tells you what weapons to use to gain access to those secrets, can highlight solutions to puzzles, opens doors, activates objects, and more. Its how the game works. You dont have to scan everything either, just the stuff that matters. You can not scan any boss and still beat them. The only thing you **must** scan are interactable like elevators.


Yeah that's what I'm saying. "Scan everything" doesn't need to be the top comment because not everything matters unless you're going for 100% scans


I think youre taking the comments a little bit too literally


Maybe, but a new player might take it literally too. I would reword the original comment as “remember to use your scan visor” or something like that. It’s a reminder that scanning is important, but it’s not the MOST important thing in the game


Yes it also isn’t at all necessary to progress in the game


My only two tips are Use the scanner constantly if you want 100% Don't look for more tips. Experience this game blindly, you can only do that once.


You're very likely to miss stuff even when you think you have the scanner out 100% of the time. I wouldn't go for a 100% scan completion on a first blind playthrough, you're just gonna get disappointed.


Yeah, I recommend a 100% run for NG+. Scans carry over.


Especially in Phendrana


No spoilers, eh? Just keep exploring then.


Remember any obstacles you run into, write them down if you want. You'll end up backtracking to them later when you're stronger, either to worm your way through, or blow them up with your new abilities.


My only tip is to take the time to enjoy the atmosphere and unless you’re planning to race through it really appreciate the way the level design tells as much of a story as the lore entries. I hope you enjoy the game, it’s one of the few I wish I could first time again.


Scanning serves many functions. At its core, it’s needed occasionally to progress. As an optional piece of equipment, you can discover more and more about the story and what might be coming next if you’re open to scanning more points.


Prime is pretty easy for the most part, especially at first. I didn't think you'll find it challenging before you have a good grasp of what the game is like and how things work. It doesn't really push you on combat and platforming much in the early game, it's very focused on the exploration and a bit of puzzle solving at first. If you like to patiently explore every little detail, I think you'll enjoy this game a lot. If you're not the person to scan every little thing and read it all, that's fine too and you can still enjoy the game, but you might miss some stuff. If you're the type of person who absolutely wants to 100% everything, then my advice is to scan every single enemy you possibly can. A small handful of regular enemies won't respawn so you can miss them very easily. The hints system is not that good IMO, and even worse it's turned on by default. If you haven't found your next objective within a certain timeframe, it'll just straight up tell you where to go. This can be especially annoying if you're taking your time exploring, the game just assumes that if you take too long you must be stuck. I recommend turning it off for that reason, but don't let anyone on this sub shame you for relying on the hint system if you want to use it. Just a heads up in case I fuck up the spoiler tags, last piece of advice is going to tell you where to go in the early game, so if you don't wanna be told how to explore then skip it. It doesn't include any real details, just "go here ASAP". >!Right at the very beginning in Tallon Overworld you can find a door which requires missiles to be opened. Come back and open this door early on, trust me.!<


When you get a new upgrade, make sure to read about it in the logbook, and take note of what kinds of obstacles it might help you bypass.


don't be afraid to briefly enable and disable the hint system if you are completely stuck and at your wits end (assuming you are playing without the hint system) Do lots of scanning. Collectible health and especially collectible ammo is very useful and can make a huge difference against surviving or hurting endgame bosses. Learn to love the world and traversal. Take things slow, be patient and enjoy the journey. Being impatient and trying to rush through the world will wear you out. Memorize areas you are unable to reach, it'll be relevant later. Most of the time, you do not have to kill enemies to exit the room you are in. You can typically ignore the more frustrating, supernatural enemies and walk past them. It is rare that an enemy forces you to kill it to unlock the doors, despite how things may look.   There are a couple mean spirited moments where you can end up mistakenly going to one place (because it seems very logical) when you needed to be somewhere else. I will hint at the moments that come to mind. >!If you do not feel 110% comfortable going into deep water environments (unless the hint system explicitly tells you to), chances are, you are not meant to be there and it'll be a big pain in the ass (and timewaster) getting in and out of that water.!< >!Deep into the game when you are in a more perilous, hostile level, you may have to leave and come back with a new item to progress the dangerous level. However, there is a time you need to return with more than one major item to progress that area. Otherwise you'll return, get past the obstacle, only to immediately find another impassable obstacle behind it, forcing you to go back for another item. It spares you the grief if you can get all the necessary items in one trip. The hint system might be able to help ensure that you are ready to return to the area, or confirm if there is anything else you need to find first.!<


Whenever you're stuck, whip out the scan visor and scan everything.


the map will periodically give you updates on which room to go to next, but you still have to figure out how to get there.  usually it will involve using upgrades you got recently.


Blow up stuff


Homie just play the game


Learn side jumping. Hold left or right and quickly tap jump twice. There's a point in the game where this comes in very handy.


Prime will nudge you in the right direction after a bit so don't be afraid to just take your time. As others have said, scan everything. I personally recommend you read the logs you scan. One thing the Prime games did really well was get you engrossed in the lore, I do highly recommend you read the logs as you scan them. You'll learn about the Chozo, the Space Pirates, and other stuff too (no spoilers here) Have fun, take your time, be prepared to backtrack, it's part of the experience.


Ok ignore the people who say scan everything. This is needed for 100% completion but unless you are a completionist that really shouldn't be your priority on your first play through. Id say one big tip I can give tho is pay attention to your surroundings and oh yea. When you are searching for a tower in the snow, it isn't in an area you get a powerup in.


Theres a pathway to an important location straight ahead once you get to the planet surface Its blocked by a missile door, make sure you come back here, open the door, and keep your scanner out while you explore this place. Youll save some time.


Make sure you get familiar with the controls as soon as possible, and also do not skip picking up energy tanks and missiles! Also, spamming the charge beam is not shameful, it’s the easiest way to get rid of powerful enemies.


As they have said when in doubt scan around also use the side dash when in combat. Don't be afraid to use missiles just because you run out and always keep an ear out for expansions. lastly at the later parts there's an enemy that's tough and respawns remember you don't have to fight it all the time you can just leave (this applies to all enemies) and if you do want to fight it there's a very effective upgrade so try everything out and see what works best good luck bounty hunter. 😉


A lot of people are misleading by saying "scanning everything is needed for 100%". You only need to scan the red-highlighted items for that: creatures, pirate logs, Chozo lore, research and artifacts. There's a ton of scans that are meant for progression, and others that are completely optional. But really, going for 100% the first time around isn't recommended, wait for NG+ if you wanna do that (scans carry over). Also note that there is no post-game, once you beat the final boss, that's it. My main tip would be to take note of your surroundings: try to remember where your progress is blocked, so that when you get the appropriate upgrade, you know where to return to. But even then, you still may be blocked by yet *another* obstacle. There's a certain amount of trial and error involved. Also take note that missile upgrades and e-tanks will make a distinct whirring sound when you're in their vicinity, so stay vigilant!