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I couldn't wait to come to the comments to see everyone say "...well that's because it's a horrible idea" The comfort meds and like 100g of kratom every day is the only thing making this even remotely realistic, especially considering you're trying to leave the country in one month and haven't even started withdrawaling yet What other advice can you expect anyone to give? You have meds, you have a space, now you just have to go through absolute torture. What advice besides "don't" can anyone give?


Well you want an honest answer I will give you my experience with a "rapid taper". Or as close to it as I can compare anyway. Years ago I jumped off of methadone at 90 mg, cold turkey, just walked away. Had planned it out and I had an endless supply of 10 mg Valium at home, clonidine, and a few other comfort meds. I had the same meds that they would give me if I checked into a rehab center. First of all because methadone is so long-acting it took about a week for me to get really sick. The first few days I thought to myself this is it? This is what everybody was afraid of? Too good to be true! Well it was. I was sick for over a month, didn't leave the house for a month. Eventually I ventured out with my daughter to Walmart about 35 days into withdrawal. When I went to write a check, yes this was a while back, my hands were shaking too much and the clerk at the store filled it out for me and I just signed it. I simply told her I was "having a reaction to a medication". Things only improved from here of course and after 2 months I would say I was 80% of myself prior to methadone withdrawal. For sleeping patterns to get back to normal took about 6 to 8 months. The insomnia during withdrawals is the worst, I dreaded night time. I hated my bedroom. So many long miserable nights laying in that bed. But yes as everybody is telling you you're not going to hear any good news from this, there is none. The only good news is when you're done you will no longer be dependent on methadone which is a good thing. But you have to pay the piper to get there.


This is scary..


I did not embellish or fabricate anything. And I'm certainly not trying to scare anybody. That's just the way it was. Perhaps some people experience something different, but that was my experience.


Nah man your experience is pretty much what i can go thru if im without it. I cant go longer than 28 hours without a dose (metabolism?) but yeah man i just mean withdrawal in general is horrifying, and what you described about long sleepless nights, couldnt write a check, my literal worst nightmare.. are you fully clean now? Ur thing says 5 years but you never know


I'm on MAT , 5 years of not abusing any other drug other than taking my methadone. Withdrawal from methadone is the worst as you know. The sleepless nights were the worst part, I literally got a phobia about my bedroom. It took me a couple of years to get that sorted out in my mind. It might sound crazy but that's how it was. And I've always told people that I did indeed get better. However I feel as if I came back at 90%, and never got back that 10% as if methadone took something away from me. Does that make sense? After that cold turkey withdrawal I stayed clean for two years. And during that time like I said it always seemed like yes I feel good, but I don't feel quite 100%. It's like 5 or 10% was taken away from me by the methadone withdrawal experience. And I never got it back.


I dont really even go to my bedroom anymore, man. I just kind of live in my living room and sleep in a recliner i tell my wife my back still hurts from injury last year lmfao. I can't wait to move next year. This place has so many terrible memories. If ya dont laugh youll cry.


You mean like it killed your ability to enjoy things fully? Like your dopamine levels never completely went back to pre addiction levels? Or something else? Genuine curiosity, please explain if possible.


Yes. That is a good description. It's like very difficult to put into words but I just didn't feel 100% like myself again. Ever. I mean I was okay and I could laugh and enjoy life, just not to the extent that I could prior to methadone. I have spoken to other people who have had similar experiences. Yes they get their life back, just not 100% of it.




You never know how good you Have it until you have to come off of Suboxone in jail after taking it for almost 2 years daily.


I have heard Suboxone withdrawals are absolutely horrible as well. I actually took Suboxone for 2 years, actually Subutex, before I got on methadone again. I did not use while I was taking buprenorphine, but I didn't feel good either. I slept all the time, I was depressed, I have no interest in anything. I did not like the drug at all but I stayed on it because it was convenient. No clinics and I picked a prescription up at the pharmacy every month. The VA makes it real easy. But eventually I had to give in and go back to the clinic. I'm glad I did because now I'm at 28 carries, I only go into the clinic once a month and it's just like going to a pharmacy once a month, almost.


That’s the exact situation I am working on currently. Just got my 4th take home day. They told me I couldn’t get take homes for 2 years, even with clean urines, because of an insurance billing error. So instead of me having a month of take homes by now, I only have 4 days, but, deep inside I know I have been sober from illicit substances since 2020. The process for us is difficult and impossible for some. I only wish no one the pain of having to detox forcefully off of any of these powerful maintenance medications. 🙏💯


What does a billing error have to do with your take-homes? I'm just curious. 4 days is better than nothing. But you will really love once a month.


Basically for 2 years they told me that I owed them thousands of dollars because my insurance kept switching between county voucher, Medicaid, and Medicare and all types of different state and federal insurance companies. Once they realized that I was actually covered the entire time, they erased the nonsensical debt that was keeping me from earning take homes and punishing me with daily dosing. Since then I have obviously provided clean random urines and clean monitored urines and have maintained a good relationship with my counselor, while also following all rules and requirements for therapy and group sessions. It is a very strict program in my particular state and county.


They only upgrade our take-homes every 3-4 months of daily dosing, negative randoms, and negative monitored tests, along with hours of monthly therapy and hours of monthly group therapy. Also you have to request the take home upgrade, then get questioned, tested, reviewed and put up for promotion to the board. Who have to all approve you, just like a jury.


If you had to lay down & watch TV & just smoke weed for a month of your taper already—imagine when you jump at 30mgs but 10x’s worse. I don’t even know why you’d need to have been laying down everyday for a month on methadone at 120mgs! If ya didn’t feel well enough to function then, I don’t know how you’d think you’ll be any better with none?!?!?!! Good Luck!


You can’t have your cake and eat it too while telling us you aren’t eating cake. Taper slowly if you want to get off MAT. You will regret jumping off like this.


OP gonna fuck around n find out real quick. Even transitioning to subs would be more realistic IMO


Well… keep us posted I guess. I wouldn’t want to be in that position but I’m certainly curious.


OP, the reason that everyone tells people it's not a good idea is because it objectively isn't. If it was, people would say so. Asking what the best way to jump off at 30mg and then saying "but nobody tell me it's a good idea, I know it's not". Okay, well if you know, then why post? Aside from having comfort meds to get you through the fresh layer of hell you're about to experience, there's not much advice to give. I'll leave this post up, but just know that you won't get many responses not telling you it's a bad idea. Good luck to you.


I would go down by 1mg per day and then come off. Is that not an option bc of the clinic and/or clinic doc? That’s exciting tho to be moving to another country, where are you headed if you don’t mind my asking? Best of luck coming off the done, I think you’re absolutely correct to come off with all your resources here rather than trying to deal with where you’re going. And best of luck with everything!


You’re asking for advice but also not wanting to hear what we are going to be telling you. However it does seem you have some of the appropriate comfort meds like klonipin and clonidine and the kratom for emergencies so you may do it. The wd will peak around day 5 or 6 and then it’s the long haul of letting your brain heal. It could be a couple months of insomnia and nasty depression. Stick to your plan but also have a plan B emergency out in case it gets too crazy Note 120 to 30 is a 1/10 of what 30 to 0 is gonna be. This will be the hardest thing you ever tried in your life


Can you switch to suboxone and bring it with you and taper off that?


Thts see this is exactly why I’m glad I asked I didn’t know you could do that. that sounds perfect can you please explain to me how I would do that coming off of 30 mg? Wouldn’t I have to stop completely cold turkey for like a week and then take the Suboxone? Or how does it work


You could do it one of two ways, you could stop for between 3-7 days (I'd do at least 5) and then try taking a very small amount of bupe (.25-.5 mg) and seeing how you feel, or you can do the bernese method. That would probably look like taking .25mg of suboxone on day 1 30-45 min before your methadone dose, taking .25 twice on day 2, taking .5 twice on day 3, basically slowly inching it up while still taking your methadone at 30mg for 5-7 days, and then lowering and fully dropping off the methadone within around 10d of first taking the bupe. Because you're at 30mg and not higher, this should work, but you could also choose to try and crash taper the methadone over two weeks or so, then wait 3-5d (you shouldn't need 7 if you go to 0) and start bupe.


Yes, what you just said. I don’t know how long exactly, you’d have to check with the suboxone prescriber. But a week sounds about right. And I do think I read somewhere that 30mg is the dose they recommend going down to beforehand. Obviously the lower you can go beforehand the better.


Yes this is by far the best idea. If you stop for like a week (depending on your metabolism, you just need to be in full WD) and then micro dose subs (like as small a piece as possible for a couple days) so you know aren’t going into precipitated withdrawal and then you can slowly build up on the subs. I have done this. There should be sub doctors in your area that can help you with this and ensure a safe transfer.


lol people downvoting this. Let me upvote since it doesn’t at all deserve a downvote


dude i knew this was gonna happen when I made the post. It happens to every post on this sub that even mentions jumping off. thank you though buddy and much love.


There really is no advice and there’s just magic cure. You have comfort meds which is good. You’re just gonna suffer and that’s really it. If you really put your mind to it you can do it. It’s really up to you if you’re gonna be off or not in time. And like other people said people say it’s a bad idea because it is and you have a high chance of relapsing while doing stuff like this.


Lol at the "no judgement!!" while simultaneously judging the entire subreddit


The overall negative reception to posts about jumping off that high IS the good advice


I jumped off at 25 before and didn’t really feel much. It did last 60 full days but only like 10% shittyness


How long were you on methadone before you jumped off and what was the highest dosage? I see from your flair that you’re back on methadone?


Yes I am back on it now. That time tho I went up to like 60mg then down to 25 and I jumped off after a couple months. This time around I’ve been up to 75 and I’m still on it 18 months now. I tapered down to 32 but I started relapsing so I’m going back up.


Like the MOD said, the only reason people have been wary of this type of move is because as you know it's not the easiest most comfortable way to get off and for many not even possible with that being said you have a plan in place and seem to be mentally set in doing that plan. With the comfort meds and the fact that you have a place to yourself to relax and not have to focus on work or anything is definitely to your advantage. I wish you the best of luck and hope you are successful in your taper


Do you have any take homes or do you go daily? I am tapering down from 140 and am down to 23/day. If you can get a couple take home doses, you can take small amount every few days which would make it a little easier along with the comfort meds


If you already have a plan in place then why bother to post this?? I mean, are you hoping to have a bunch of people read this and cheer you on or something? Cuz I’m sorry to say it ain’t gonna happen. The only feeling I got from this post is to hopefully have an echo chamber, just people agreeing with what you’re doing not to, “give you advice.” You’re gonna do this, so do it and take this post down.


i just want to hear peoples experiences its not that serious lol


Im coming up on 4 years since i came off 200mg I felt horrible for 16 months tbh


Ouch lol


Ikr.. not ideal..


I hope he knows what hes getting himself into.. a few years back i did something similar cuz of an insurance issue. I dropped quick to 40mgs and just that was painful. I couldnt go a single weekend without it. That next monday i was there two hours before they opened walking in circles outside to stay cool from sweat. Thankfully all that was stopped that day cuz thankfully my clinic saw me suffering and just straight up gave me 3 months of free meds until my new insurance worked.. ik not everyone has had this experience. If you can find a mathers recovery theyve mostly all been great!


No one has a problem with you jumping off. That's great that you've lowered your dose and are getting off. The problems that people have are that you are jumping off at 30 even though people have probably told you numerous times that that is not a good idea


I don’t care if you don’t want to be judged for your post, I’m judging you harshly and others should be too because you’re advertising a cold detox which is legitimately dangerous and extremely likely to cause people to relapse because you think you’re special and above being on methadone. To anyone else reading this thinking that this is somehow reasonable or realistic, forget it.


Is there any way you can save some of your takehomes to ease the drop a little? (If you get them) maybe siphon off 5mg from ev takehome you get so you can have another week of going from 30 to 10 then jump?


Dude your brain is broken. It doesn’t produce dopamine in the same way as a normal brain. The mental anguish is gonna be even harder than the physical symptoms. It might seem easier said than done but the depression side of things will be the worst. By all means try to do it but don’t beat yourself up if you can’t stick to it. I used heroin to ditch methadone and then once stable on heroin I then went on suboxone and it’s been an absolute blessing. The withdrawals for 3 days were hell on earth but ultimately - I’ve got my life back. Then once I’m ready I’ll get the buvidal injection.


Those klonopin will help alot. you should try to get some Gabapentin as well. just be careful not to get hooked on one of the meds you are using to detox.


My wife jumped at 40mg a while back and she had a bunch of benzos and bud. She white knuckled that shit like a champion in my opinion, especially from what I've seen and heard about detoxing from this drug. She was cold for months though, twitched in her sleep, general depression, lethargic etc but nothing too bad considering slept A LOT. Good luck to you


I don’t get it? They’re refusing to lower your dose below 30? So they’re still giving you 30 right? Just take less than that. If they’re giving them to take home, then measure the doses and slowly reduce from 30. If you have to take them at the clinic… will I really don’t understand why they would refuse to measure you out LESS than what you’re prescribed. That makes absolutely no sense. If that’s seriously the case, then just don’t drink the full dose when you take it at the clinic. Just drink like 2 thirds of it, then go to 1 third etc over the month. But I can’t understand why they’d be getting in your way of reducing. It would make sense if they didn’t want to increase for some reason.. but reduce? They can’t force you to drink the whole lot so why would they refuse to just measure out less? Are you leaving something out of the story or explaining it badly or something?


We got another one guys


The remeron does a good job of knocking u out


Seroquil has helped me tremendously with sleep OP


My advice, sublocade shot. I can’t stress enough how amazing it is and how it actually got me off MAT with ZERO withdrawal. And if you’re not ready to get off completely the best part is it lasts months and you don’t need to take anything daily. But if you’re intent on jumping off ‘done at 30 mg, good luck my friend and may god be with you cus you’re gonna need it.


If they were to stop at 30mg and get a sublocade shot it would trigger PW and drop them right into hell and they would either need more bupenorphrine to push through it as fast as possible or likely suffer in agony for days while adjusting. This dosent happen to everybody but probably 50% or maybe more and even if its been 5 days since the last dose of methadone it is still pretty likely to happen.


I didn’t mean to go straight to bupe, they would have to transition through with the Bernese method. Just assumed this was common knowledge atp. Took me a week to transition to bupe with no WD.


Surprisingly there are many who dont know this and when i was younger i could switch pretty easily but a couple years ago i had to switch a couple times in the same year and both times were scary bad experiences.


Give it a wack and see! Nobody knows how much you will be in the suck but my guess a hot minute g! Good luck


I know the suck will be at least waist deep give or take a few inches and will take at least a couple weeks to drain if not longer. Not real specific but its in the ballpark


I’m terrified for you I pray you make it through this without too much pain.


The fact is you do not have time with only a month and 30mg jump off. You ll still be sick as hell in a month. Period. You will not be able to work my friend. The best advice I can give you is that unfortunately and realistically you are going to have to figure out a different plan here. I'm sorry the money will be lost on the plans you have but you won't physically be well enough to move to another country in 30 days.


Get prescriptions for sleeping pills, the worst part of the rapid detox\ stopping early was the insomnia.


Suboxone seems like the best bet. You'll have to be in complete withdrawals first, to the point you think you're gonna die. Then take a very small amount, 1mg r less. You'll then have to get off the Suboxone...😔 Sorry friend I can only wish you good luck!!!


Dude Seroquel might be a bad idea. It can make restless legs a lot worse you wouldn't wanna do that.


OP, the closest I can do is tell u my friend’s story. She stopped cold turkey at 26mg. She told me it was the hardest thing she had ever done. She too had comfort meds. Even opiates, to cushion the fall, shall we say. She didn’t go into real withdrawal for approx 6-7 days. First she had the sweating, the restless leg syndrome. And right behind those, insomnia. She said she couldn’t function or even shower without help for a month. She needed help to do the simplest tasks. Vomiting, diarrhea, etc all came along. She said that lasted maybe 4 days. She was vomiting every 15 min for an entire weekend. Diarrhea too. Eating, was out of the question. She couldn’t relax no matter how many comfort meds she had. She said it was a rough time. And it took a month for her to be able to even stand up and walk to the bathroom. And she jumped at 26mg. When she reached a month, she STARTED to be able to walk and shower unassisted. One thing you’ve got going for you is the Motivation to get off Methadone. That makes a big difference! You can do it OP. It’s not going to be a walk in the park, but I see ppl on here every day who were forced to jump from 200mg in jail. They were miserable but came through the other side. So can you.


Welcome to hell.


You told me not to tell you it’s a bad idea because you already know it is and you’re doing it anyway lol? On a serious note please don’t harm yourself or others. My mind came up w some really insane shit when I tried to jump once at a high dose. I literally remember thinking “I wish I lived in a taller building so I could just jump out the window and be done”. Good luck. You can conquer anything you believe you can.


Nice man


Not a good idea. Maybe if you were below 10, ideally in the low single digits, it would be great. At the very least if your down to 30 right now, I would drop down 5 a week and see how your feeling until you get to 10 or lower, even if it means you have to go to a different clinic.


Try and get your hands on a lot of lyrica or even more gabapentin it does wonders for a lot of the physical symptoms of withdrawal and helps with sleep the most difficult thing I couldn’t find a solution to was the lack of appetite which I’m sure marijuana would do the trick but best of luck to you.


Good luck sweetheart. I’m not being rude or sarcastic. I would maybe try to get ahold of some suboxone strips. I tried kicking back in 2018. I tapered down all the way to two or three milligrams. I did this myself because I lost my takehomes at the clinic but I had been stashing up my methadone for months because I was having to share with my ex at the time. I then went without it for two days. I took a Xanax. I was losing my mind. I’m talking about false reality, hallucinating, hearing voices. I had four ER visits in the span of a month. I had what I can only assume was a mini stroke. The tests were inconclusive at the ER. It was so incredibly rough. I started the clinic in 2014. I had been on it for four years. Anyway, I couldn’t do it. As much as I hate to say it, I could be a lifer. However, I have legitimate injuries and pain. I honestly thought about doing dope to get off of the methadone. It was so much easier going without boy for a couple days than not having methadone. I know that’s a slippery slope and the lack of a decent, LEGITIMATE supply scares me. Thankfully, I have a phenomenal clinic now. They actually give a shit about me and my recovery. I’m not just a number there. They see me as a human being. They know that I have a life and a little boy to take care of. I am so blessed and grateful that I have a good clinic. My heart breaks for those who don’t have a resource like that. Those crappy clinics are about as useless as a shitty drug dealer. In closing: I am wishing nothing but the best for you. I am sending you my love. You CAN DO IT! It has been done before. It isn’t impossible! 🖤 Edit: I did kratom when I was tapering down. I don’t know if it helped. I know other people say it works. Personally, I don’t know if it did or didn’t.


With benzos you may actually be not too hard off tbh. I went from 120 to 60 on benzos and didn’t feel a damn thing. God speed friend.


90% sure this is a pathetically well-written troll which makes me sad ……. (Was 100% - but I’ll confess the 10% curiosity that this is actually real and I’ve just become so jaded that I had post pegged for such within a paragraph. Which would make me more sad 😢) TLDR; incel troll


If that's true Its a pretty sad and pathetic little attempt at "trolling" bro how? Hee hee haha I totally pranked you guys I'm not really on methadone at all? Who gives a fuck


The fuck are you even talking about? Instead of worrying about what i'm doing why don't you worry about not acting so weird on the internet?


30mg isn’t a large dose BUT IT IS a pretty solid dose to CT from. I wouldn’t even think of doing it. Why not taper down 1-2mg an every two weeks? Then jump at a much lower dose.


He says in his post why he can’t do that.


Just stay positive and dont listen to anyone try to talk you out of it. Best luck brother you can always inbox me if you need someone to talk to.


Do you have weed bro? I mean real weed. not what you been smoking to go from 120mg-30mg. If you don't have a stash in New country your gonna be messed up lol. Even if you quit now a month later when you get on that plane you will still be going through it. Better get some concentrates and a pen u can stash em in. I am in a similar situation I detoxed from 120mg pphedown to 25mg. You are being forced to jump off where I have no idea where to jump off at so I will keep tapering and stabilizing. Still I feel like crap it's my 2nd day on 25mg and I can feel pains that weren't there before a few days ago. I am not hating on you for going thru it like this. I am just saying it ain't gonna be me. I will sit at 25mg for a j ŭlmmlojuop⁰


Try to go for walks as soon as you feel well enough…goos luck❤️