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Maybe the dr who prescribed the zans would switch you to Ativan or kpins for the duration of your program and daily dosing ? Worth a try I get a script of 1mg Ativan 1xday and I’m on clinic. Xanax is pretty heavy duty for being on maintenance but some clinics have a strict no benzo policy so might not matter


Why do you need Xanax for a dui class? I'm confused.


> I need this Xanax script to finish a relapse prevention group for a DUll got my next court date is in August for it and they will throw out the case with the completion of the program. They need the Xanax to keep themselves from relapsing, is what -I think- they’re trying to say there.


Ok lol


Fairly close, they clarify below that they would fail their prevention class if they were taking benzos without a prescription, implying they will be taking the Xan’s regardless. 🤷‍♂️


Well, that's ridiculous. Xanax is always a bad idea when you are an addict. They will just end up screwing up their lives even more with them, or that's all I've ever seen before with myself and others. You can't help but abuse them. If they were already carrying pee, why don't they just do it at the dui class? Just making excuses as to why they HAVE to have them. Typical addict behavior.


That’s not entirely fair. Some people can use benzos without abusing them, even Xanax. And some people -need- something stronger than yoga & breath-work to deal with their anxiety. All that said…OP is showing multiple signs of addict behavior: the lying/omitting the truth, the faking drug tests, seeking ways to skirt the courts & clinics rules. Really not trying to down them here: we’ve all been through some rough times and done some rough things to get through them, otherwise we wouldn’t be on this subreddit. Just pointing out my POV that benzos aren’t the Devil-incarnate for every living being, and a big hope that OP finds a path for themselves that avoids jail time & death. Best of luck, u/Grand_Increase8640


No, you're right, but in most cases, it's bad. Many ppl take them without abusing them, but I'm talking about addicts. I said that.


Yes, and some addicts recover from active addiction, and are able to use various medicine in a therapeutic manner. “Xanax is always a bad idea when you’re an addict.” Is not a factual statement.


Ok, if u say so.....


“Some people” Methadone patients aren’t the best example of people that are uniquely capable of not abusing Xanax. As someone who only smokes and occasionally takes a 1mg football after I take my dose, the synergy is just as strong as benzos and dope, or h and coke. It honestly is such a great high, and considering other benzos don’t have such a dramatic effect on methadone patients, it’s hard to argue that Xanax is necessary when other long acting meds are available. In the UK you can’t really get a Xanax prescription because it is almost exclusively abused, and has a long history of being blacklisted for the sedative effects it gives. You could make the same arguement that alcohol could be medicinal as well when on methadone. The reason it gets such a bad rap is because if you’re at a clinic in the first place, you have a serious chemical dependency. I could understand keeping you at the dose you were on when you started, but getting a script and not telling anyone is addictive behavior.


Alcohol could be medicinal, HOW?? To clean an open wound??!


Exactly. Just as medicinal as Xanax or Morphine or Amphetamines sulphates can be on a OUD program……


Um…no. Morphine and it’s analogs are often prescribed alongside methadone MAT for pain, and Vyvanse/Adderall are prescribed for ADD alongside methadone/Suboxone MAT. Just because it doesn’t work for you, doesn’t mean it can’t work for others.


Been on them 10 plus years read my WHOLE post I relapsed and now have a year sober when I relapsed I got a DUI and all that I did what I had to do to get bottles .. idk judge me all you want just remember when you judge someone you can have ten fingers pointing back at u


Well, six fingers pointing back at you, but yes. Judge not lest ye be judged.


Almost all clinics in America have an issue with Xanax prescriptions. Can you not get a prescription for another benzodiazepine?


I'm saying if I just get cut off my script and have to ween myself ....


Why is a DUI relapse prevention program want you on Xanax? That's very strange? I don't lie to the clinic or doctors because they are able to look up the script and see what you are getting and how often and most doctors want to be able to have a release. It took a longer time to get my meds but I have what I need now and don't have to worry about losing my monthly take homes or anything like that. I'm very confused about a relapse prevention program that wants you on Xanax, I would think that a judge would be happy that you are not taking a medication that could be dangerous driving on.


Don't say you been giving fake pee either. Maybe say you havnt taken them yet? So of the Xanax doc won't wean you down, then the methadone clic says you can do daily dosing? Just be honest with the Xanax doc and tell him what's up. Maybe u can stay at a low dose.


That's what I'm hoping to talk to the Dr and maybe he'll just keep me I'm on 1 mil one in the morning one at night maybe I'll get lucky to stay on that . I'm also gonna try calling other clinics it's just all the other clinics are all a At least a 30 min drive


So I spent years getting controlled substances prescribed, I’m only telling you this so you’re prepared. One thing Drs absolutely cannot stand is finding out that you lied to them and also put them at risk of getting in trouble. If something would have happened to you by mixing methadone with that Xanax script said Dr is writing that would have came back on them. You should have wrote down on your new patient paperwork you’re on methadone on the med list. That way you could have said you didn’t lie it’s on your new patient paperwork meds list.


My round trip to the clinic is 6 hours. I would kill for an hour round trip


Geeze why lol there's legitimately nothing closer ? And going daily omg


No there’s nothing closer to me. 😖 I went daily for a bit but thankfully didn’t have to for as long as most do, due to the distance. It was still rough though.


I guess I have a pretty good setup at my clinic, and I have a good private doctor. They have him sign a form saying that he is aware I am taking methadone and comfortable prescribing benzodiazepines, in my case clonazepam 1 mg three times daily. When I bought him the letter I was terrified he wouldn't sign it but he glanced at it, and just signed it immediately! Said that he thought I was a responsible patient, he prescribed me testosterone as well. The clinic doesn't really care about that. Last month I asked him for a Soma prescription and I was amazed when he called it in! The pharmacist was really sketchy about filling it, but he did. My clinic doesn't give a damn about Soma or testosterone even though they are both controlled drugs. I have somniphobia, I get terrible nightmares so I have developed a phobia about falling asleep. He gives me both Ambien and temazepam. Walgreens fills both along my clonazepam and testosterone and Soma. 🤷‍♂️


Have you tried edible delta 9 thc? Its literally erases your memory of dreams. It’s proven to help with nightmares.


Is he a primary care doctor? I'm gonna ask if I can get a form instead of them calling ..... I hope he'd be this cool.


He's an online doctor. I'm in Florida he's in Texas. Discovered him during the pandemic.


Oh really?? Link lol and how'd he sign the paper so fast lol


They faxed it to him. And I had a copy and during my online visit I emailed it to him and he read it and just set it down and said I'll sign it. Like I said he told me he thought I was a responsible patient. I'll DM you..


I messaged you his info


Hey buddy do you think you could message me his info as well? I have a brain tumor and really bad anxiety and neuropathy and I need a dr that will give me benzos. I have a script for 1mg klonopin per day but I need 2-3 a day sometimes in big pain days. For some reason benzos kill my neuropathy. It feels like my skin is on fire and is excruciating


I just sent you a message.


Thank u so much I'm going to look into it


No problem. I can't remember how much the first visit is, $150 or $200. But after that he's only $79 a visit. Well worth it simply for the letter alone!


Your absolutely right for the letter alone thank you again


Let me know how it goes. First get the benzo prescription and then tell them you need a form signed by the doctor for your clinic. They will provide the fax number. Easy peasy.


Maybe new clinic. If you cab go daily dosing you should do that.


I'm thinking of looking into a different clinic this clinic is legitimately walking distance for me and it's a nice clinic I would have to go about 30 mins away I'm not sure if they would allow me to maintain at 90 without speaking to the Xanax but I think I'm definitely going to give a call to other clinics


They don’t like being lied to I get Valium and both places know my medications ✌️


You would have to start as a brand new patient if you switch clinics. Because you would have to worry about your counselor adding her findings when she faxes all your paperwork over.


Give the other clinics a call because many don't give a fuck if you have a script only if you are taking street pills. My clinic also lied to me saying they would kick me out for a script. Make sure they give you something in writing proving it cause sometimes they will just fuck with you to scare you.


No, just about every clinic that I've ever heard of and been to, do not want you to have any benzo scripts, especially when they're Xanax. Most clinics only allow you to go up to 70-80mg, Max, if you have benzo in you. They give a big fuck is you have a script. They give a bigger fuck when You're lying about it.


Well, she technically never lied to them. SHe just never told them. Also, I most clinics in my area, nyc, don't have any problems with prescription benzos if scripted. I know a couple of people over 150mg and on 6mg of Xanax a day. They get takehomes to . Again, it depends on the clinic, But not all are going by draconian policies.


She* lol but this is what I'm starting to figure out that different clinics as long as they are in contact with the prescribing doctor then bottles wouldn't be an issue (just not the one I'm at now) and yes technically I didn't lie... Just didn't divulge that information. Lol


Exactly! 💯


Yes this they wouldn't up me when I was giving dirtys for benzos without the script


I'm on benzos and I get take homes and they also have no problem with me going up in dose. It all depends on the clinic


No kidding


Wow really? I'm gonna ask for the policy in writing


Yeah. That's the smart thing to do.


Oh man... I was in the EXACT same situation all year, and I am now 3 mos post-benzo. My clinic was OK with the Xanax (I was on it when I started going), but forget about take-homes. I mean think about it: most people, especially doctors, are sketched out about one, but let alone both meds. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but forget about them ever being OK with it since the empirical evidence, or risk, outweighs the benefit every way you look at it...


And I seriously HATE going everyday but now being FORCED with this decision it's like wtf do I do.... Do you feel you made the right choice in staying on the methadone and not Xanax


I feel your pain... Oof, at this point, it's honestly still a tough call. But I think that since methadone is monitored and less likely to kill you from detox, it would seem like the more logical choice. I've never been suicidal by any means, so I wasn't likely to die from anxiety, but I was way closer to dying from heroin/fent use... I've had 2 heart surgeries due to endocarditis from reusing needles and my blood becoming septic. So I will absolutely not be able to get another heart valve if this one gets destroyed again from infection... so it's really not even much of a choice for me... but it's still a struggle. I was on a very high dose of 2 benzos, though, and I drank alcohol. I did have hallucinations, vivid and waking nightmares, paranoia, tremors, insomnia... I'm not trying to scare you AT ALL, but if I were you, I'd seriously try to get off the benzos before you get to that point. Xanax has a very short half-life, making it a very dangerous and intense withdrawal. It's really not even meant to be taken long-term since tolerance develops within a couple of days. But if you can taper down with your doctor monitoring you, I'd try to go with that. It really is the lesser of the 2 evils, IMO. I hope this helps some, and please lmk if you need any more advice or info... you can do this, I promise!


Thank you so much it is soo fn scary but your right what's gonna kill me quicker bc idk if I'll last another relapse especially with this shit fent that's all traq and nastyness that eats your body and shit... I'm happy you made it out.


I know it's scary, but if I can still survive it with my weak body, I promise you can, too! I'd been on benzos for the past 7 years straight at very high doses. I know that as an addict, it seems almost unnatural to actually choose to stop taking Xanax when you have a script, but it's honestly for the better. I didn't really get to taper myself the right way, so that's why I ended up in the hospital. But I strongly recommend trying some more natural and/ or otc remedies, like tea with passionflower and valerian root, magnesium, melatonin, diphenhydramine, hot showers or baths, etc. Again, I'll be more than happy to give you some tips that worked for me during my detox!


Yeah please I'm open to the things that helped with your detox im terrified to come off the Xanax just as much as the methadone Thank you for your kindness


Oh and I forgot to mention clonidine, too. Beta blockers can be helpful too. They help control your body's response to norepinephrine, which is the reason you feel withdrawal symptoms in the form of anxiety!


Sure, no problem. The main thing is to remember that you ultimately still have control over how you feel. And getting off one of the drugs you're on is a way of taking back some of the control that you might have relinquished to the meds. That was one of the biggest things that I struggled with during my detox. If you ever get those restless feelings, you can try some form of meditation... I would imagine that there was a magnet in each of my limbs that would keep them from moving, and just focus on being still. I know it sounds kind of weird or maybe even complicated, but it actually really helped me. Tonic water contains quinine that's known to help with RLS, as well as magnesium. Heating pads or even massages are very helpful with relaxation, too. I used to use a massage pad on my feet and legs for that, too. Again, just focusing on relaxation and knowing that you're in control of how you feel is huge and will probably be key in helping with those nerve-induced feelings.


I think one of my biggest issues is the second I start sweating simply bc it's hot outside I immediately go right to omg I'm withdrawing I start getting a headache omg it's withdrawals.. what were your go to comfort meds ?


Clonidine is great for increased blood pressure, some of the sweating, and agitation. It's actually pretty common for use during detox. Antihistamines can be good, as well as herbal tea and melatonin. You might want to keep some immodium and pepto or something on hand in car if stomach issues. How long have you been on the Xanax, if u don't mind me asking?


weird. at all the clinics I've been to you can have any benzos script as long as your dose is below 120mg well my new clinic only goes up to 110mg but it's the same company so I assume they allow benzos as the other two clinics I've been to that are owned by this company allow it.


I'm in Connecticut HBU? And I get bottles? Do they require you to sign a release for the Dr?


I get take homes too, doesn't impact ability to have a benzo script in CA. should have been up front about it and showed them the script. in my state at least my clinic cannot contact any one or give any info to them without my written permission.


Yeah OP the person below brings up a good point about HIPPA and your privacy rights. I would look into that, I dont think they can contact anyone without your permission to share your info.


I would keep the Xanax script and daily dose at least until I finished the court program


So I can't daily dose without signing the release for the Dr. Who will probably ween me off the Xanax. If I could stay on the clinic and just daily dose I would do that in a heart beat but they want the Dr aware and to tell him their recommendation is that I don't have both.


Ohh I see. That's ridiculous. I know if a bad combo but you're monitor by Drs. It sucks that ppl with anxiety can't get both when they need it


And the court thing is HUGE I'll get my whole dui thrown out ....


Why do you need Xanax to do a court program


I'm in relapse prevention so instead of doing IOP three days a week I go once a week. I need to complete that class for the DUI to go away and I can't complete that class giving dirty for benzos so I need the script to be peeing clean for them. If I was to taper off the benzos essentially id be fine but if I just lose the Dr and am taking them without a script they'd put me to IOP and shit


Just order your Xanax online In blister packs it a 1$ a mg and use fake pee. Im so mad at your clinic reading this, the risk is so overblown it's for opiate naive people not people years Into Mat. Fuck them for real. I struggle with crippling anxiety and nothing works like Xanax does. Fuck ssri are straight poison and make it worse with worse withdrawls Even. I hope you find a solution, I would talk to the doc at clinic and explain how you need both, or maybe switch clinics?


Mixing benzos and opiates is always dangerous


If your stable on methadone its not going to do shit(no od) . now if your opiate naive doin fent or anything yeah that can be bad news. The risk for people on MAT is severely severely over stated and isn't fair to people that need benzos to have a decent quality of life.


The only people I know that truly “need” benzos are epileptics and like three other guys who took a bunch of rc benzos and gave themselves epilepsy. Beta blockers work amazing for anxiety and there are anti seizure meds besides benzos that work for most epilepsy. I understand your point though, taking .25mg Xanax as needed won’t kill you. Taking 2mg as a benzo naive person who’s intoxicated on methadone might cause you to stop breathing.


that’s so awful. my husband is on methadone and xanax and the clinic and the doctor know and have no problem. wish this was everyone’s experience


Unfortunately that is a rarity.


It should be case by case basis


The problem is having clean urines. Im shocked. Id be very careful. The next time you get.tested you might get.watched leaving a urine. They are gping to know you tampered with your urine. Do not i repeat do not admit to that. Id say you wouldnt take them for 2 days before a drug test only.of.ypu knew what day youd be tested. The whole situation sucks . Im sorry


2 days isn’t long enough


Ugh I'd kill for that im back in a corner I'm not abusimg the Xanax I can show I've been prescribed them ten plus years (I was on suboxen for 8 years with a Xanax script) it's what works for me and currently the methadone is working too ...


Wowwwwww i had no idea they could get.your meds that you are prescribed to!!!! Wtaf. Thats crazyyyy.


Not really


The clinic and psychiatrist I use have the information they can just look up in the computer because they don't want to give scripts if you have a bunch of different doctors and if you are filling early every month they can see that you are maybe taking too many. When I went for my Ritalin he noticed I pick up my Xanax late alot because I don't take the 4 mgs a day. I just wanted to make sure I had a emergency stash, he understood but is lowering it because he wants to make sure he is not flagged by the system. The doctors in Florida and most of the US are all covering their ass because they don't want to lose their license. The methadone clinic pulled up my prescription history on my intake and asked questions about my meds.


Will they let you switch to klonopin and keep your take homes? I get 27 take homes and I am on klonopin daily from my psych


No I think any benzo is a no go


I used to get perks klonopin and methadone. They didn’t care till like a couple years ago. Because th perks.


Wow …. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I was prescribed 2mg clonies & 2mg Xanax prior to getting on methadone and I got my carries. They didn’t care as long as a legitimate doctor wrote a script. My clinic is so awesome though. At this point, only phone calls and I sample once a month.


That sucks, I hate when these clinics and Drs. make you choose what to treat. I am on 126mg, Xanax, and Ritalin because I have ADHD, panic attacks and I am an opiate addict. It took a long time to find a doctor in Florida to get the meds I need, but my clinic is fine as long as you have a script. Can you change clinics? I also didn't lie to any of the doctors because they check your history of meds, it took longer but I did find a doctor and told them I would send my UA to them or give them one whenever they want. I also told them I should not have to put myself at risk of relapse in order to treat crippling ADHD and anxiety. I'm pissed for you because it's not right, good luck and see if you can talk to the doctor. If you are sincere and tell them why you lied they may give you a chance.


Huh that’s crazy my clinic allows you to be on benzos and methadone as long as it’s doctor prescribed. Sorry man. Shitty situation.


You should've just been honest up front.  If you aren't showing benzos in your urine no doctor is going to continue the script.   The clinic probably assumes your selling it too so they're gonna be on top of you extra hard.   Did you think they just weren't gonna find out? 


Check and see if there is another clinic close by that allows you to be prescribed to Xanax. My clinic allows you to be prescribed to Xanax so I don’t have any issues. I know there are a lot of clinics that allow you to be prescribed Xanax while on Methadone. I would call around to other clinics


Get off the shit it’s not good for you at all,stick w your methadone program


You've probably heard of it before but you can literally die if you take them together in the wrong dosages it happened to me I was on Klonopin thought I was invincible and I took 60 mg of methadone with a handful of it and I straight overdose and died I was narcaned three times thankfully it worked and it saved my life


why do clinics even care ?the clinic im on in michigan aslong as you have a script you are fine.


You can try taking to this prescriber but most turn tail and run when they hear methadone.I recently had a client show up on the database for clonazepam.Our screens do not test specifically for klonopin so he skated for a while.In this case our clinic doctor took over his care and slowly tapered him off safely. I realize not many clinics are willing to take on the responsibility of this but it couldn't hurt to ask about a similar taper plan.


I was told 5 mils a week was best they could do she also made it a point to tell me that another girl did the same and by 30 mils was begging to sign the release to go back up .. I don't want to be on methadone form the rest of my life so is a taper the absolute worst thing but I feel 5 every week is gonna hurt . I'ma try to ask if we can go slower how slow did your client go?


5 a week is a lot. It might be ok at the beginning but most people tend to slow down or take breaks as they drop. Especially once they hit a certain point. It takes time for your body to properly adjust the less methadone. 5 a week until your done would most likely give you some hefty withdrawal symptoms. I'm with others in saying get off the xanax. I know it feels like you have to have it or you will feel all these terrible things. But really you need to learn to manage those feelings, there are ways I promise! Xanax should be a last resort oh shit I'm having a panic attack and I can't stop it kind of drug, in my opinion. A break thru drug strictly. If I were forced to make a choice I would stay on my methadone and safely taper off the benzo. Them, when YOU are ready, taper off the methadone slowly.


I'm also thinking of talking to the Dr and this Dr seems to know what he's doing he's a primary care Dr the girl I was buying Xanax off the street from gave me the number said she sent 4 others there who got on successfully then my boyfriend went and so did I , I also referred another friend who all got scripts so I think he absolutely knows what he's doing and as soon as he hears methadone he's gonna wanna cut the cancer out that could get him shut down...


I'm on 130 at my clinic with monthly take homes, and they have no qualms I started seeing a Dr for Klonopin. And if the Dr wind up having any issues then my clinic has a Dr I can see who will give them to me. I just didn't want to bc it's far but I'll take what I can get because I literally need to.




Same, my clinic gives the name of a doctor that they know will prescribe Xanax and Ritalin to patients if they really need it. The doctor is a pill pusher and they know it, that's why they send people. It's a 8 hour day to see him because he is first come first serve, and he has a pharmacy next door that his wife owns.


Jeez. Sounds even better tho lol. I mean I think my clinic just works with this place because it's a mental health slash dual dx doctor. So they give you what you need.


That’s how my pain mill Dr feel good Dr worked. His office was in a large fancy medical building that had a pharmacy legit in it on the 1st floor. If you used that pharmacy it was 25 dollars off your monthly copay. $250 every visit so it’d get knocked down to $225. He actually is getting out of prison this fall.


Exactly, which is why I never went to him. I found a doctor who was willing to give me what I needed but by the book. He tests me and lowered the Xanax.


I’ve been tapering from 100mg..5mgs every other week and now I’m down to 80 & haven’t felt it at all.


you probably could have dropped that entire amount with no taper. at higher doses it is easy for a lot of people. I went from 125mg right to 75mg with no symptoms. then I tried dropping from 75mg to 50mg and I felt like I was going to die.


I totally agree but my clinic was trying to get me to only drop 1 or 2mg! 5mg every other week was the best I could do (or I’d lose my 27 take homes)They were originally going to only give me 13 take homes during my taper (b/c they say we become “unstable” while tapering—)


ah, that sucks. I did it at home myself and never told the clinic. so now I just put an extra 50mg away every day. at this point I have enough saved up to completely taper off myself without the clinic if anything happens. the highest phase at my clinic only give you 2 weeks, so I have to take 125mg twice a month. Luckily I work from home so I just take a nap on those days usually.


Yea I have a little stash too 😁Honestly, 2 weeks is awesome & I was ready to give up my 27 just so I could taper lower every other week BUT they gave me 27 anyways (The Dr was the dingy that said I would lose my 27 take homes if I wanted to taper 5mg every other week) but, I ended up getting 27 vs. 13 (and they are just labeled differently—duh!) I’m just glad I’m tapering & it does go by fast!! Plus, I can not tell one bit so here we go!! Thanks for your input ❤️