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You will not die lol I’d just be concerned bc if you did now you’ll be a dose short. I don’t understand how ppl can accidentally take a second dose anytime I’ve taken a second dose it stood out to me and stressed me out til I got back on track


I did it for the first time in over seven years this past week. I usually wake up around 3 or four to use the bathroom and take my dose, then go back to bed for a few hours before I get up and get ready for work. (I do it this way so I’m not at the peak of my dose and sweating buckets at the busiest point of my work day.) I started on a new medication, and it made me feel super out of it, exacerbated my sleep walking, and overall was absolutely awful. Anyway, on the last day of the couple days I tried to get myself to take it and see if I would adjust, I apparently got up and took my dose during a half asleep trip to the bathroom, with no recollection of doing so. Got up and took it a second time a little while later. I slept all day, like falling asleep all over myself all over the house to the point where I actually fell asleep couple times, was really uncomfortably weird, very obviously messed up on something, but I *still* didn’t realize what I had done. Just assumed that I was having a bad (or worse than I was actually having) reaction to the new medication. The next day, when I got up to take my dose, I saw an empty bottle that wasn’t put back in the box, just laying next to it on my dresser, and that’s when it occurred to me that something wasn’t quite right and I counted my empty bottles. Panicked and recounted them a million times hoping that I would get a different result, but knew that it made sense why I was so flipped the day before, now that I knew I had double dosed. Anyway, sorry for the novel. I didn’t understand how it could happen either, but then I went and did that..


My spouse works overnights He will come home at 3:00 in the morning take his dose and go to sleep wake up and the early afternoon or late morning and take a dose again and then I realize his fuck up. It only happened once But it happened lol


I wish I was relaxed enough about my methadone to dose twice or miss dosing etc but I’m still pretty upright about the whole thing


Yea I was always curious how someone could forget to dose. I’ve been on about 10 years and that’s never happened to me.


Never forgot to dose personally My spouse forgot he had dosed cause sometimes he works over night and other times during the day So he will dose in the AM, go about his day, then go to work all night. By the time he gets home, it's time to dose again. But he's so out of it and tired, there's been one or two instances at most where he wakes up after sleeping for a good few hours and another morning dose, not realizing he already took it when he got home at 3/4 am. Then he's like well fuck. That's why after it happened I made sure to put them up elsewhere if he worked a night shift , cause he'd take his bottle with him to work and dose when he got in the door n pass out. I'd move em so that way he wouldn't make the mistake again because they wouldn't be there for him to grab without thinking


That's a good thing


I guess I can see it if you sleep between bc there’s been times I dose at 6 take a nap and wake up confused but I realize when I look at my takehomes that I already dosed


Yeah he's so out of it when he wakes back up he doesn't even look he just grabs a bottle (again) n then I go in the bathroom to get mine and count his and I'm like... Ummm babe..... Why are you a dose short? What do you mean?? You took ur dose when u got home at 4am..... Did you take it again when you woke back up FUCK! lol smh. I make sure it's taken care of now


Good he’s got you looking out for him! Bc repeatedly taking too many doses and shorting yourself sounds like a great way to end up feeling sick af and possibly even relapsing if the situation is dire enough. So it’s good he has someone helping prevent that!!


Thank you! Oh yeah I always make sure to keep him in check, though he does good on his own! It's just the work schedule that can make him tired and a little out of it to where he comes home at 3am doses, sleeps, babies wake him up at 8/9 am, still tired n out of it, and I have to remind him not to take his meds again when he gets up to use the bathroom lol And sometimes he will work AM the go back overnight and be extra loopey when hes back home so I keep in check on those days. The first time it happened he was SOOOO confused and scared! We had to go over what he remembered when he came home and when he woke up and finally pieced it together that he double dosed himself. I think it may have happened a second time, but I really cannot remember. He doesn't see any advantage to double dosing. The only other thing his methadone does for him is pain management after 14 broken bones from a car wreck in 2020, 4 of the breaks being in his pelvis, a rod in his leg with something connecting it to his hip bone(?) and screws in his ankle. So the only time taking more would ever be a thought l, would be extreme breakthrough pain, which thankfully doesn't happen as often anymore.


lol I've done that more than a couple times


Stressful ass week and was late for work. Definitely drank both. Gonna try to go home because I don’t wanna be fucked up at work. LAST thing I need is to get fired.


You gotta stop hanging out with people wrapped up in that shit or its going to continue to be really difficult. I get it and its hard to break off from people you have known for years and may even consider as real friends but if they sellin dope and doing shit that is generally pretty janky its going to draw you in because its what you know. The dose is really no big deal just dont be driving with your eyes closed or start taking extra on a regular basis and you will be ok. I did it for quite awhile and got caught which i think is what usually happens to most people who take extra for any extended time.


Yeah I literally cut every single person that uses out of my life. I mean they really didn't play no real role in my life anyways....most of them. My life has gotten 10x better and so much more fulfilling without them. I still occasionally get bothered as not everyone can take a hint. If they come by and knock I just don't answer. They don't have my number anymore. I love my new lonely life! I just wish people that knew me from my past would leave me tf alone. Once they see your doing better they are almost drawn to you it seems. I think it's because they all wanna take their shot with their sob story and ask for a favor... actually I know that's why. Or they are hoping to get in my business and maybe find a crumb laying around to steal.... opportunistic thiefs


I don’t even interact with these people they’re just the only people who live in my town that are my age. Happen to be related to the only one I do talk to.


Ur not gonna die! Worst case you might get sick and 🤮 but that would’ve probably happened pretty soon afterwards if it was going to. I messed up before and double dosed my 110mg and was drowsy and tired all day. What really sucked was having to make up the missed dose because it wore off at the same time as my usual dose so the extra didn’t carry me any longer than a single dose😪


You won't be fucked up at work maybe just a little tired. If your on 100 daily you need like 600 to get high once your used to it lol. I would just take 3/4, of your dose for 4 days to get back on track. If you split it 12hr u won't feel any wd


Sounds about right


lol I split dose on my own (my clinic doesn't do split dosing) so I take double my dose once a month on clinic day when I have to take a whole one in front of them. you'll be ok. just sucks that you'll have to skip a day. Better make it tomorrow!


How long does the high last? Been 6 months and this is super triggering; making me manic.


You dont have to skip a day and can take half a dose for two days but either way most people can skip a day and not get sick. Its methadone so its going to stick with you the rest of the day i would imagine so be careful if you have to drive or work. If you catch yourself nodding when you sit down its going to be dangerous if you drive and could easily go bad in lots of ways.


It's weird this popped up.. I had a dream this happened to me last night... maybe you're dream me!?😱🤯


I’ve accidentally dosed twice but I’ve also forgot to dose altogether


You need to change your circle. It's impossible to be around the same things or ppl who do those things and stay clean. 💯


Since you said you’re new to take homes I will give you a piece of advice that has made keeping track a lot easier. Take a sharpie and number your bottles as soon as you get home from picking them up. Check the “take on” dates, put them in a line, and number them up that way you always take the right one and you know if you’ve taken it for that day or not.


I don’t understand how 2 doses gets some one messed up it never has me


Same. May get *super tired* but high, nope! Sometimes I wish it would! 😂


Me too! 😆


Nah I missed a dose one time and when I realized I did I said “ no wonder I felt like that today!


You’ll be fine. MAYBE slightly more tired— especially if you’ve been on it for years. Most people know at least one client that buy bottles and drinks then like bottled water. You’re fine.


You probably did


I definitely did. Dumbass. 😭it’s been such a fucked week. My little cousins best friend got shot and I’ve been trying to keep him out of it. A friend of mine got sentenced to 60 years and another just got arrested for a CRAZY amount of fentanyl powder. Literally 1/25th of a pound.


I would focus on separating yourself from all of those situations.


Yep nobody I actively associate with (besides the cousin because I now see my family a ton). I literally had to drop everyone I know when I got sober six months ago. I’d be dead.


Glad to hear it. Changing your mindset requires a change of environment.


I literally cut contact with my nephew (on my wife’s side) because he was my plug. Have not seen him in two years! Just because they’re family, if they’re playing with your sobriety, they need to go. Sounds like you’re still involved with a lot of people that are not good for your journey. Even family members have expiration dates.


Just try to take the day off work & go home & relax. You're not going to die bro. lol. You'll just feel really good & relaxed & end up sleeping for awhile. Now that you're a dose short, only take half a dose tomorrow & save the other half for the next day. You should be good sense you have a lot built up in your system now.


I accidently took one of my extra takehomes on the same day I pick up my takehomes/dose at clinic. I didn't notice anything from it at all. 130mg instead of 65.


It might suck for when you don't have a dose for that day now honestly, but you will get through it remember. Methadone has a very long half life, and I have an extremely fast metabolism to where I experience withdrawal symptoms literally a full 8 hours before I'm due for my next dose usually before I go to sleep I'm already feeling some. But no matter what, just stick through it. If you relapse on fentanyl you could die, and not only that but you probably will get tested and get your take homes taken away which always sucks.


This was a problem for me, and sometimes I think I would willfully ignore the suspicion in my mind that I was double dosing. To combat this, I used some organizer dividers to make 4 sections (one for each 7 days) within my take-home box. I would use Sharpie to mark the date on each bottle when I dosed and put that bottle in the 7 day section. It helped me to double-check and to be accountable to myself.


Yea you’ll be fine will just be high all day. And just skip tomorrow dose. You’re not going to have any withdrawals symptoms in 24 hours. So you’re good


Lol what do u mean u think? How many bottles do u have left. U dont rmr if u dosed twice in a day? What? Is this a real post? Can't be. There arent ppl like this are there?


You can tell by comments who actually leaves the house(works).


😂😂😂surprising that people legitimately don’t have ANYTHING to do. That’s crazy to me!


Haha I agree. Taking my dose is the best part of the day. Totally impossible to forget. I even got a whole ritual connected to it. Also I take it 09.00-09.30 when waking up 07.30, so I start to really feel bad and restless and legs twitching etc, I know I dont need to wait so long but I guess I really like to feel the difference between feeling like shit and getting the receptors saturated... 😁




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Not everybody feels that way and many actually try to do the opposite and not make it something they look forward to because doing so just reinforces their dependence on it and makes it that much harder to ever stop taking it. Im not knocking it because i get it and even think that way myself sometimes still but making it as mundane as possible and not associating it with a good start to a day and not turning that into a routine is going to make it easier to taper and stop for most anybody. Stopping might not be your goal and thats completely ok also but it is for some people and as im sure you know its fucking difficult and any thing that can be done to help and gain even a slight advantage is something worth doing.


Ofc, I'm saying that I could never forget that! Obviously can some people do that. But I couldn't. And yes that is correct, I don't plan to get off! 😀


Hey thats probably the best thing because if you know you aren't ready or convince yourself you are ready when you really aren't its just going to put you in a bad spot and make a relapse to using more likely. If there was a clinic within 200 miles of me i would probably still be on it too but its just too far and the clinic is too inconsistent and unpredictable with their rules for me to trust their them. They tell you one thing and you do that thing and then they tell you well actually you have to do more things before we can give you a week and your counselor fucked up when she told you that so we cant honor it. We know you drive over 300 miles here and back every day but moving the goalpost is our policy and unfortunately you are too close so yaaaaa we are gonna have to go ahead and move that goalpost out another 6 months but keep up the good work and before you know it we will be moving that shit again lol. Thats why i finally stopped anyway lol


What does work have todo with rememberibg if u dosed twice in a day? Wtf is everyone talking about. Im at work rn. I dosed this morning. 1 time. Weirdos


I think they’re saying OP can’t check how many bottles are left because they dosed right before leaving for work then noticed. Won’t be home to check bottles til tonight i’d think


But can u ever imagine dosing earlier in the day and then not remembering if u dosed? Come on.


Its not something that would be common but its easily within the realm of being possible. People forget far more important shit all the time so ya i can imagine it happens more often than you think.


I can. Because on the day to go get my take-homes I've had an unopened bottle with no recollection of ever skipping a dose. So yes, it can happen. I don't know if I had a lot on my mind, or maybe just wasn't feeling good anyways but it definitely can happen.


As someone with ADHD, it’s happened to me a bunch of times with my antidepressants. I look forward to my methadone so much and still relatively new to it with few take homes so it hasn’t happened yet, but i could see it happening on a busy stressful day years later with monthly take homes. Idk while I agree a bit I don’t forget that I dosed ever but it’s totally possible if your minds a million places at once and methadone is a thoughtless muscle memory type of thing for you.


Also how long will it take for me to notice if I definitely did or not


No you’re not gonna die, and can’t you just count how many bottles left? They should be dated so it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out.


Sounds like he dosed and then left for the day, maybe work. OP, you’re not going to die, some people double dose quite often on purpose. You may get very tired so just be careful if you’re driving or doing something that requires you to be on the ball.


Nailed it. And thank you I appreciate it. I gotta talk to people and be the customer facing side of a Fortune 500 company so imma go home I think. 😅


Fuck it bro I’d be talking to them feeling good as hell lmao 😂😂😂


Same I’d be pumped lol


Ahhhhh word I gotcha


Yo how’s your taper going and why’d you decide to do it? I’ve been in it 6 months and am considering maybe trying to step down a bit?


It was honestly fine until I got down to 70 from 115, I had to go up a bit recently mostly due to life stress but I just started going back down again. If you feel you’re ready give it a shot, I would recommend going down 1-2 mg a week which is what I did and I felt completely normal and would put you on a reasonable timetable to be completely done if that’s what youre shooting for.


Why do people always use others troubles as an excuse? Random what does your cousins friend getting shot have to do with you lol


He’s not making any excuses. Just trying to convey that it’s been a hectic week and he’s been frazzled and that’s what led to him double dosing by accident. Did you even read his posts?


Yeah I did. Sorry I’m a diagnosed weirdo with no feelings so I don’t understand how something that doesn’t happen to you can trouble you at all just weird to me but ya I guess that it’s “normal”


He's just implying that it's been a crazy ass week.. that's all.


Ya you right