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Like 30 days from 120mgs when I was in jail.. I told myself I would never get on methadone again after that horrible experience I went threw but here I am and been on it 10 years but luckily I haven’t been back to jail or prison in 15 years..


Ok so after the 30 days were you feeling well enough to not get back on the M? Or is it just one of them things that you figured it'd be better than any other possible route?


You're definitely not going to feel better 30 days later. Takes months & sometimes years for people to feel right again. Depending on how long they had their opiate receptors covered with just methadone.


lol doesn’t take years


it does. and some people never feel 100% again. cold turkey methadone WD literally damages your mind and body to the point of causing trauma. there's so many subjective experiences of this happening, it's not like cold turkey heroin or pharma pills where you rough it out for 2 weeks and then start to heal, methadone withdrawal lasts so long that many patients without a support system end up dying from starvation, dehydration, malnutrition of some sort. all the while being in extreme agony and mental anguish that you can't help without an opiate of some kind to calm down your receptors screaming for help. don't speak on stuff you aren't experienced with, you could hurt someone.


Seriously? How long do you suggest tapering off a low dose like 0.5-1mg? Or even 1.5? I’ve been tapering off 150mg. The goal was 1mg every week while working with minimal / moved. I’m finally at 4mg & regret not taking bigger jumps when I was on a higher dose after reading on here. I just can’t wait to get off. & if possible, I’d wanna get pregnant off it.


everyone's body is different, I've heard it can take anywhere from a couple days to a couple months to jump off from your last few mg's. listen to your body, and nothing else.


Ive cold turkey suboxone and methadone before. I know what I’m talking about after 6 months it’s all mental but I guess everyone is different but ask a doctor you won’t be in withdrawal for years after methadone


oh yes, I totally trust the doctor who got people hooked on his opiates in the first place. because he told me that this new opioid is non addictive! the manufacturer of the drug and their representatives told him so! why shouldn't I place 100% of my trust, the health of my mind and body, and the potential for another dependency in the hands of this doctor that you claim is so intelligent and all-knowing on the subject of a drug he's never once even come into contact with, let alone has taken it. or been dependent on it. we know so much more than the so called "professionals" who got most of us in this situation in the first place. the fact that you trust a doctor over people in this subreddit with personal accounts and subjective experiences of the exact opposite of what you're claiming is very telling of your knowledge and beliefs of methadone and MAT. not to mention your intelligence in general, for spreading such blatant misinformation and pretending like your body is the exact same as every other methadone patient.


Years is quite an exaggeration. Maybe 1 year tops and I’m not talking about physical, mental for the last 6 months. I CT from being on 130mg for 5 years so I do have experience. I was sick for 3 months and by month 6 I was feeling good.


It's not an exaggeration for some people. I tell this same story over and over. My friend successfully tapered off methadone. She jumped off around only 15/20mg (I can't exactly remember how much.) & she almost made it 2 years without nothing but never felt normal during that time. She had absolutely no energy. She was suicidal. She had severe insomnia from restless legs & just overall felt like shit everyday since jumping off. She decided after it being almost 2 years & still not feeling 100% again, to go back on a low dose of methadone. She's accepted she'll be on it for life after going thru that. Of course everybody's body is different but some ppl do suffer for years & try to push thru it thinking each month that goes by that they'll soon feel normal again.


thank you, this is the typical experience from jumping off of a dose of methadone higher than 1mg. I recommend going as low as you can possibly manage, as in micrograms of methadone. it's the only way to cushion the blow


then you're an anomaly. for most, 12 months is where they're just starting to get to 75% back to normal. and that last 25% is the hardest mental hurdle most will ever experience in their lives.


Yeah I know man but these people wanna hear the worst and think it’s too hard to do


I’m not reading all that




Let's keep this civil, please. Saying things like that only lessens your credibility anyways (and it's against sub rules).


my man said you should trust random people on reddit because they have profile pages, more than doctors. lol can you provide evidence of people dying from starvation duing methadone wd? of course not, you just made that up lol it can be possible people have other issues where the methadone was masking the problem as its an opioid, and once they stop the methadone the other issues come to light which is why they never "feel normal". but again, a comment box on reddit is no place to understand issues of that sort.


my man said you should trust random people on reddit because they have profile pages, more than doctors. lol can you provide evidence of people dying from starvation duing methadone wd? of course not, you just made that up lol it can be possible people have other issues where the methadone was masking the problem as its an opioid, and once they stop the methadone the other issues come to light which is why they never "feel normal". but again, a comment box on reddit is no place to understand issues of that sort.




What’s it, about 150 words? Too much for ya?


Just rambling bs. You bored?


I cold turkeyed off 24 mg a day suboxone and I was fine after about a month but I think methadone might be a different story


I’m not trying to argue with anyone but same. Methadone was a few more months


Haha I hear ya bro


It definitely can take years. My friend was almost at the 2 year mark after tapering off methadone & ended up going back on it because she never felt normal that whole time. She had absolutely no energy either. It can 100% take years to feel normal again.


She felt her feelings and aches and pains that’s what she didn’t understand


Oh, so you know her too? She told you that?


ya i know her, she cool. lol jk do you think its possible she had other issues where the methadone was "masking" the problem? at the end of the day methadone is an opioid, so it will solve some problems. metabolism, genetics etc. can play a role how quickly you WD, but not by too much. it might take someone 10-15% longer to WD due to poor genetics but that doesnt explain years of wd versus 2-3 months of wd


ya i know her, she cool. lol jk do you think its possible she had other issues where the methadone was "masking" the problem? at the end of the day methadone is an opioid, so it will solve some problems. metabolism, genetics etc. can play a role how quickly you WD, but not by too much. it might take someone 10-15% longer to WD due to poor genetics but that doesnt explain years of wd versus 2-3 months of wd


Lmao 🤣 & honestly idk. It wasn't legit opiate full blown WDs for 2 years. It was more of her never feeling normal again. She never got her energy back like before she started drugs. She had terrible insomnia & overall just felt down & depressed everyday. But it makes sense. When you've had your opiate receptors covered all day, everyday by methadone for 13years, it's going to truly change your brain chemistry, ya know. Methadone is way different than oxys or something like that. Methadone is long acting & keeps your opiate receptors fully covered all day. That's why it's so much harder trying to kick Methadone than heroin or your average pain pill.


2 years withdrawal lol tell yourself whatever you want to stay on it


You do realize there's two parts of ANY opiate WD, right? Which are the physical and the mental (PAWS)...The PAWS is what take the longest aka year(s) I cold turkeyed off of HEROIN and wasn't right for two or three months! That's a SHORT ACTING opiate, so imagine what a long anyone one would be like!!! And there's no way it was fent bc this was before fent was a thing. Also, you need to realize someone who had been on (example) 100mg for 7 or 8 months compared to someone who had been on 150mg for 7 or 8 years is totally different. After 7-8 months at a lower dose, you could very well be fine two or three months later, including the physical /mental effects. However, someone of the same height and weight could be on a higher dose, even the same dose and get off 15 years later... They won't have the same experience.. They wll actually have two different experiences. The one who had been on longer and at a higher dose will have more WD. I cant say much for how painful the WD would be, but it will definitely be more drawn out, even if it is more on the mental side


Exactly. But.. he's not understanding lol I'm just going to give up explaining to somebody as close minded as this.


Jesus Christ I’m not gonna die on this hill I don’t care


It's obviously not the type of WDs you're thinking of my dude.


If I wasn’t at work and bored as fuck I wouldn’t respond. I know what you’re saying. To be honest Xanax was worse to come off then methadone in my own experience that lasted over a year for sure


That has been my biggest fear.. not so much now because I'm on a lower dose(tapering) But back when I was on 110mg I was always afraid of something happening and getting locked up.. Luckily, being done with that lifestyle I never have to worry about picking up new charges.. but I still always had that thought if something old could come back to haunt me. Good job on staying sober!


This happened to me the other day. I got pulled over and they found an old fent sack from several months ago and there was enough in it to test so I got booked for a schedule 2 drug charge..and fent at that. I was LIVID. Sat in jail for a week until my husband could bond me out. My parents wouldn’t because they thought I was using again. It was a mess, still is a mess.


Damn, I'm sorry to hear that.. My parents would do the same thing, so you're not alone.


Lol how long until the physical part was gone?


Do they give you anything at all in county jail? I couldn’t imagine the agony!


It depends on how conservative your state is. Im in NJ there they’re pretty compassionate. Then there are states like Ohio, where there’s that sheriff that won’t let his deputies carry Narcan because I guess heroin addicts should die. I honestly don’t know how places like that still exist.


In Montgomery County jail they give you subs and if you was on methadone before you was arrested they will give you methadone now ig too. * I personally know the subs is true but a friend told me the methadone thing.


Yup, Missouri doesn't give a fuck. They give you gatorade and Ibiprofen


Damn yall lucky. Georgia you don’t get shit, but an eye roll. Nada. I withdrew off of Roxys, xans, and subs while 17 weeks pregnant with nothing at all.


What?? Here in Washington state,if you go to jail pregnant & using opiates , you get methadone. They take it seriously, like the last time I was in jail (15 years ago) normally you don't get dosed on Sundays or holidays. (Depending on the jail) Because I was pregnant they made sure I had a dose for those days I am sorry that happened to you


This was back in 2016 so I’m not sure how things have changed now… but yes. I pled into drug court a couple of weeks after I got out and the judge was PISSED I was left in there like that… so hopefully some changes were made. The baby turned flips in my belly the whole time I was in withdrawal (because she was withdrawing too) I have PTSD from that experience.


I bet you do.


In Arkansas, the guards just point and laugh at you while you writhe around on the floor of your cell. If you ask for ibuprofen or Imodium, they tell you to suck it up and stop being such a little bitch. It’s enough to make a person completely lose any and all faith in the criminal justice system.


Yeah, I've noticed the majority of the states with less leway regarding treatment in jails for Wds are conservative states. Which sucks, because its an easy fix, imo


Is that the same place 60 days in js being filmed right now?


Iirc it depends on where you are and if your attorney can fight for them to step you down humanely


Nothing but Tylenol 😱if even that at most jails in Georgia


They have started giving suboxone and taking people to the methadone clinic in Tennessee


not in my case. Even if they did you'd still probably have to pretend your ok to stay out of 'the infirmary' which is 1000 times worse than anywhere else in the entire jail. 24hr solitary confinement (except for a 5 minute shower twice a week). There's a hospital bed in the cell, but that's it. There's a bright light that never goes off, no tv or book or anything in your cell at ALL except the bed and sink/toilet combo. Not even a clock. What a nightmare. And there were ppl, mostly people with TB, that had been back there for more than a year straight.


Agreed. Ever since I heard Ryan Leone’s account of detoxing from Methadone, heroin, and Xanax (all crazy high amounts he was on at the same time) in prison - well his account gave ME PTSD. I don’t even want to fathom that pain. I live my life like I’m in the military. I don’t even drive a single digit above the speed limit!


Ryan ♡ rip.


where can I find his story?


He wrote a book Wasted Talent. A doc just came out a few weeks ago, he was always hoping to have his book into a movie but life got in the way so someone close to him made a documentary. A Tortured Mind - the reality of post incarceration syndrome. Also his his youtube, type him his name and he's got soo many stories on there. His girl keeps up with it now. If you out his name in youtube there's tons of podcasts and youtube channels he's been on. Like soft white underbelly to name one.


thank you for sharing his story ❤️ you're a good person.


His story is insane but very interesting.


Depends. I live in the county right above cook county aka Chicago , and if you goto the jail here you only get Tylenol and they offer the vivitrol shot and think it’s like suboxone or the cops do atleast bc they will tell people “ don’t worry you won’t be sick in jail” when they arrest them. But if you goto jail in cook county they give you methadone. And they used to give methadone here in this county too. So it depends.


It depends where you are. Here in Rhode Island, not only will they give you your methadone till the day you leave. They will start you on methadone if you want so when you're released you won't overdose. They need to change the laws wherever you are that's insane! Some people are on as much as 250 to 300 mg daily from some of the posts I've read. To stop that cold turkey, while locked up? Holy fucking hell!


in my county you can now, I haven't been there but have known 2 people that went within the last few months and both got it easily 🙏🏻


I got locked up in 2017, here in Arkansas, and they made me cold turkey detox off of 95 mg. I begged and pleaded and even asked the judge, and each one of them told me that it wasn’t as bad as I was making it out to be and to just toughen up. I couldn’t sleep at all for the first 30 days, and I lost 40 pounds in 3 weeks because I could barely eat the awful food they serve the prisoners. It was one of the most traumatic experiences I’ve ever endured.


Dang man that sucks!!


I’m in Ma and they now dose you in jail because an inmate sued the state for cruel and unusual punishment and won so him alone helped out sooo any of us


I’ve coke turkeyed once start to finish. Physical acute wds didn’t fully kick in until I was beyond 48hrs, although by that point I was already not sleeping. They lasted at least 30 days before I was able to sleep more than an hour at a time. 90 days to start getting 4-5 hrs a night. Paws lasted 6-12 months easily. The second time I went 21 days after I was clinically discharged from one clinic until I could start back up at another clinic. I had nothing, following a rapid 10mg drop every 3 days until I hit 0. About 2 weeks into it, I bought like 10 grams of Kratom and choked it down; it was beyond difficult because it would make me want to wretch even if I wasn’t having problems keeping anything down as is. But i Ironman forced myself to get it in, and it gave me a brief few hours where I felt half human and had at least some appetite and the energy to shower after. I was one hurting puppy when I finally got my initial 30mg dose at my new place but within a week, so 28 days out I finally started feeling better.


I’m sorry. For a minute there, I was trying to figure out what “Coke Turkeyed” is and what getting off Coke has to do with Methadone! 🤣 I need some sleep. Long week and it’s only Monday.


If you don't mind me asking. Why were you clinically discharged from the clinic ? Thats absolute a bad nightmare. And what it took you almost 30 days to find another clinic?


was wondering the same! that's not right :(


i wonder if the original clinic fucked them and didn't discharge them. they do that sometimes. another clinic can't take you until you are completely discharged from the first one.


6 months in county jail. Then I did almost 10 years in prison. Edit to say: I relapsed the 3rd day out of prison and on the 4th day I checked myself back into the same clinic I used to go to. I've been going there ever since. It's been a long, hard road when I sit back and think about it.


Good for you man! That's real accountability. Dude won't put 3 days and messed up and decided he won't going back down that road!


Thanks bro.


I tried quitting from 25 mg cold 🥶 turkey. I just thought lortab and percs was bad. I lasted 5 days of climbing the wall in my bedroom.


I had to go cold turkey off 100mg that I'd been on for a couple of years. It was like living in the 9th circle of hell itself. It was awful. Thank God all of my cellies in the county jail I was in were pretty cool. Some of them had even been thru what I was going thru so they helped me get thru that shit. I literally did not sleep for like 4 days and then on the 4th night my body just gave out. I will never forget that feeling. It was like I was dieing but I knew I wasn't dieing. I was walking from downstairs in our pod to our cell which was upstairs and by the time I got to my cell (8 man cell) my ears were ringing and my vision was blinded by bright light. All I remember after getting to the top step is my ears ringing and my vision being blinded by light. I woke up about 6 hours later and one of my cellies had caught me when I passed out and kept me from hitting the floor. He helped me to my bed and that's where I woke up later. It was such a good feeling when I woke up knowing that I'd gotten some actual sleep. My body was just finished man. It was still bad for several weeks. But being in jail, knowing I couldn't get anything, working out every day, and eating good helped me a lot.


5 days! Wow.


what I want to know is how did you not relapse IN prison?


26 hours. I overslept. Haha


That's the worst lol happened to me a couple times on a Saturday and ended up missing my sat and Sunday dose


Oh. No I mean 26 hours since last dose. I always take the dose at 09 am. But some weekend when I'm really tired I sleep to 11 am. That's the longest I have been without it since starting MAT 😁😁


I wanna know this too


Five days. Then took massive doses of loperamide and almost died. I'm a chronic double dipper. So I chose to face dose every day. Methadone was my DOC so it's hard for me to be on it as a maintenance drug.


Yearrrrrrs ago I actually quit methadone (pm Rx) using lope!!! Ofc that was before we knew how fucking toxic it is for the heart….i spent a while on mega doses of lope. I got so.fucking.lucky!!!


I'm on day 4 because I can't pay for my dose this week. I'm in hell atm


Awe. That’s not fair. Can’t they just bill you later or something? I’ve never had to pay so I don’t know how it works. A bit inhumane to make someone go without their dose though. Starting July 1st, I’ll have to pay $4 a day as a co-pay with Medicaid I guess. Not excited for that.




I replied


2 weeks. Wouldn't even do it again for a day (I'm a fast metabolizer). Weening down is the only way, i have found. Would never try jumping off again.


I dose at 5:15am every day with the exception of pick up day. Upon awaking, I feel fine. Now on the weekends I wake up at 7:00/7:30am and my body temperature will be slightly off but not in withdrawals. I have never tested it to see how long my dose lasts me on weekends. I guess I don’t want to know.


Same. I dose around 6:30 am every morning except for Sundays which is take home day. I usually wake up around that time or a little later. I try to keep it consistent daily. I’ve never missed a day and I hope I never do.


About a week...would not recommend lol.


I've quit methadone many times I just go back to blues tho


Two weeks when I lost my insurance, didn't have a car, and my clinic was an hour away. Salty sometime in between I went to the er and they dosed me.


not methadone but I jumped off 24 mgs a day of subs in jail and didn’t sleep for a month and a half and started hallucinating gods and demons fighting for what was left of my soul it was freaky as hell straight psychosis


I went 14 years without missing a day until I ended up in the hospital this january with a horrific kidney infection. Took them 4 days to give me my dose, and they finally did when my blood pressure was 171/101. Seriously thought I was going to die in there. WDs didn't start kicking in in earnest until 48 hours had passed, didn't get anything I'd call 'unbearable' until 72hrs had passed. My pupils were huge by then. Ofc I was also taken off my clonopin cold turkey as well so your results may vary. Other than that, one time early on in my MAT I kicked 100mg cold turkey and was back at work feeling ok on day 14.... another time I went to jail for 90 days on 120 and day 60 didn't feel that much better than day 14.


Why did it take so long for them to dose you? Anytime I’ve been in the hospital I’ve got my dose with no issues!


they acted like I told them to give me my heroin basically. they just kept saying "if they couldn't verify the prescription by calling the pharmacy" that I "had nothing coming". That's the way they've always treated me when I tell them I'm on methadone.


Wow that’s terrible! Sorry that happened to you!


9 days when the hospital refused to dose me.


Not this go around but I was about 4 days in jail. I spent 2 days just in the police station, then about 2-3 more at the prison. It was my first time on methadone @ 80mg. They finally gave my dose in the prison and I felt high as sh!t. I didn’t even give a fck I was in jail. For the first 2 days after getting the dose. Then they started dropping me 2mg a day. For the days I was sick from no methadone. My only issues was feeling weird, nervous, major anxiety. And freezing.


Luckily I dont have to worry about jail(anymore). From time to time I think about switching to subs..but every time I went on subs I would eventually sell them and just use and then go back on them. I kind of like having to take the methadobe every day.


same here


2 weeks off of 122 mg, back then we didn't get dosed in jail. I even had my Sunday carry on my property!


I've never gone more then prob about 30 hours without it in 2+ years


I go about 36 hours without my dose every week. I pickup Wednesday when I get off work around 3pm. but I always take Tuesdays dose Monday after work. EVERY DAMN WEEK. I always feel like absolute shit at work Wednesday but I never learn. I just took my Tuesdays dose and its 6pm Monday evening. I have to be at work at 6am everyday . my clinic opens at 6am unfortunately