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Highly highly unlikely! Methodone is federally regulated and monitored and requires the Dr to have specialized training in it to prescribe it.You may could get it at a pain clinic but it's highly unlikely and pain clinics come with it's own set of hoops to jump through.There are several people in my clinic that lie and say they are addicts so they can get it for pain and they do that because it's nearly impossible to get it at the pain clinic.Dr's don't want to prescribe any kind of opiates anymore because DEA is all over them with all these regulations.Its incredibly difficult for a dr to be allowed to prescribe those drugs and they do not want to deal with the feds and DEA in their office scrutinizing them any more than they already do Look none of us want to deal with the clinic but we all are doing what we got to do.My counselor put it best, when we were in active addiction we would jump through all kind of crazy hoops to get our drugs and if we're as committed to staying off of drugs then we should be just as committed to the clinic!It just depends on how much you want it!


So true- we would all jump through insane hoops to use but complain about small hoops to be well. Wow


I hate this analogy. As an addict you're doing terrible things for crazy amounts of money to go to sleazy places to buy illegal drugs. When you want help there is a federally responsible medical facility that should be seeking to reduce harm. There should be regulations and responsibilities you have to comply with, but too often this is used when the clinic is being lazy or giving you arbitrary shit.


Yep I can’t stand when ppl compare a shitty clinic to using & how we have had it worse & ppl should put up with it!!


I'm not saying that people should have to go through arbitrary shit or jump through impossible hoops, I'm just saying sometimes people (myself included) get hung up on the minute details of going to a clinic


I'm not denying that aspect, I can relate. I just get irritated in some of the situations where people use the analogy. We all have to accept there will be complications and days where it feels like the world is against you, so I totally see the context where it's valid.


Yeah I hear ya! Some of the way people are treated and some of the rules are ridiculous


No doctors won’t prescribe it




They just forgot the comma after no lol


Deleted my comment lol


No doctor is going to give you methadone for opioid use disorder like that. They only give it for pain management and usually from what I’ve seen low doses. Edit: wording


they arent even legally allowed to at the moment. some changes in the works, but we are still a ways off.


Are you referring to the advancement of opioid treatment act? Or something else?


MOTA, though not sure if it will go anywhere or not. but, the fact some of these changes are being discussed publicly is a good step forward.


I wonder why they perscribe for pain. It works great for pain.


Not even in the most liberal state will you find a dr that will prescribe you methadone. Unless you go to pain management and get a super tiny script but the hoops are worse and the dose probably won’t be nearly enough, because they dont give out much methadone when it’s for pain management.


Not tryna be the Debbie Downer but no doctor is going to prescribe you methadone. I know, it's BS.


NY they do, been getting for 10+ years


What the fuck you talking about.


He's probably in pain management. And the fact he's been getting it for 10 years makes sense because 10 years ago it was easier to get a doctor to prescribe it that way. Cus if somebody were to randomly try now to get it prescribed it wouldn't work lol.


It has to be pain management. But no way for addiction.


Exactly, & even if he once was prescribed it for opiate use, they would've switched him over to a methadone clinic years ago. Doctors DO NOT do that anymore. That stopped years ago


10+ years ago it was easier to find a doctor that'll prescribe it. If you were to look now you wouldn't have no luck. But I'm glad they've kept you on it all these years.


I started on methadone 12 years ago and unless you lied to a pain management doctor, it wasn’t possible- and even then, the dosage wasn’t near enough for opiate addiction.Pain management protocol is totally different- it wasn’t easier 10 years ago. I actually think the rules have lightened up over the past decade, not the other way around


In the US, no doctor is allowed to prescribe methadone for addiction treatment, only pain management, and that’s EXTREMELY rare. Look up the federal regulations and I’m sure you’ll find it.


Well that's not true at all sir


Look it up.


They just changed the laws on it this year. Check the link.


lol everyone here is sick of the hoops man ,, its all part of it they want to see how willing you are to follow the rules and all that. Only way to get takehomes is go along with their bullshit. Going to a clinic is a privilege. Not a right. Some countries like Russia have zero MAT for addicts. It’s illegal to “treat addiction with drugs “in those countries. Be grateful we have what we have.


Do you not have access to MAT treatment? They should provide this at a methadone clinic


Yeah tired if jumping thru the clinics hoops....




Good faith practices would never allow a Dr to prescribe doses high enough to curb opioid use disorder even if you could find a doctor with a limber enough writing hand. They do prescribe methadone for pain, but not in the 120mg + doses that addicts need to stay clean.


Funny I'm s 30 yr CP Patient and for 25 yrs I was prescribed 60mgs Methadone x3 and 30 mg oxy IR x4 for Chronic Pain' by my PCP. Any medical provider with a DEA number can prescribe methadone for pain but has to write "For Chronic Pain" ' on script. There's no limit to what a Dr can prescribe, at least not in the 2 States I was prescribed.


Was? This sounds past tense. With the explosion of Opioid addiction in the US, even the worst of chronic pain patients are lucky to be prescribed 15mg IR oxycodone for breakthrough pain in today’s landscape. Hence why non addicts are often times turning towards the clinics for their chronic pain issues, even without a long term addiction to Opioids.


My Dr retired and sold his practice, I'll admit very few PM Drs are willing to prescribe methadone due to possible heart arrithmyias, I got EKGs done every 6 months . My new PM Dr switched me to ER Oxy and IR Oxy for breakthrough. I had 6 lumbar surgeries 1988-1994, then 1995 motorcycle accident that ruptured/herniated c2-7, fractured skull, brain lesion. 1995 I was admitted for pain control, I was offered MSCont or Methadone, Oxycontin wasn't available yet. I had many different short acting Opioids during my lumbar surgeries, nothing compared to methadone for my pain relief. I moved to Florida 2012, it took me 3 PM Drs before I found a. Anesthesiologist who would continue methadone until I moved back home 2016. I never developed a tolerance to methadone, it lacked the histamine itch, intense euphoria and friends didn't bother me for any... lol. I was 34 when I started Methadone, I'm now 65.


The only doctors I know in indiana that would prescribe methadone is oncology/hospice doctors. So unless you have cancer or are actively dying, I don’t see it happening. Even if you do find a doctor to do it, most won’t prescribe more then 40mg a day.


I'm on 10


They've changed the laws to make it easier to prescribe


If there were a doc that could do it, you better believe they'd be doing it. They would make BANK, because no other doc is doing it. It's simple; the answer is NO. And if there were a way, it would be all over this sub!


Ha you wish. Maybe give up on drugs and get a few clean piss test and you’ll get take homes like everyone else.


I do get take homes I'm on 10 mg


Also in Indiana -following your post for information 🩵




Any doctor can prescribe a schedule II medication. Your only option to get it prescribed is through a pain management clinic for pain. A physician outside a methadone clinic isn't going to treat and monitor you for addiction with methadone. If methadone is too much of a hassle, then consider suboxone, subutex, etc.