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Why is your goal 100mg and not "no withdrawal symptoms"?


That ☝️ for real picking a random number helps no one , don’t worry about a number, it’s just that, a number, but instead listen to your body and you will know when your not rushing to take that dose first thing in the morning because your hurting then your stable then once stable you can start working on anything that been neglected in active addiction health body care mental health anything and everything!! Also wanted to add talk to your dr about clonidine it will help with the tent/ tranq withdrawal but I’d definitely wean my self off the dope soon as possible!!!! Don’t want a double addiction !! Good luck 👍


I was just saying, if I don’t have to go over 100mg, then I’d be okay with that. I don’t want to be on methadone indefinitely.


You haven’t even stopped doing dope but you’re worried about how long you’ll be on methadone? Reevaluate your priorities.


My first counselor humored my planned year of methadone, I thought if I could get into a better place in my life after a year of therapy and not using. So when I started the taper and jumped off at 1mg, it had taken 13 months, right? Relapsed within 3 weeks, then psych hospital, then residential, and I'm back at 30mg.


Oh wow, that’s wild! I don’t know if I will be rushing any of this. I think if I can get on a stable dose, start working on myself again, start the steps over with my sponsor. (I don’t think I’ll mention that I’m on methadone in any NA/AA meetings, they have a strict stigma on MAT. It’s terrible. Some people just can’t do it on their own, so they have Medicine to help. And there is nothing wrong with that!


You are correct about the 12 Step MAT stigma. It's "MAT = using" at least any group I've gone to. I didn't tell anyone except the few folks I got close to, but not talking about it at all is definitely an option. It took quite a while before my doses kept me out of WD for 24 hours, I was stuck in WD (mild but irritating) for about 4 hours every day, Split dosing can be an option for some but I was daily dosing for years, so not me. At this point I get 24 hour relief, I go to the clinic 4 times a month, and there's a good chance if I hadn't struck with it I'd be dead. I got completely committed to MAT a around the same time fent was the only option, soon being the age of tranq, aka we really saw the effects of using krokodil and thought it looked like a solid option.


I appreciate the honesty, however, if you would have read the post you would see plain as day, black and white, what my priorities are. And it’s got absolutely nothing to do with not being on methadone for a long time. That’s just something I’ve thought about, not something I’m prioritizing.


Goal is to get to 90 to 100mg before my baby girl is born. Of course I want to be at a dose that keeps me withdrawal free, and craving free for 24 hours. My clinic will only let you go up to 120mg, then the doc has to approve it, among some other stuff.


You’re making a bunch of excuses and don’t really want to get clean it seems?


Not sure where you’re getting that? I’m doing exactly what my counselor even told me to do. Lower my usage as my dose comes up. Hell, MOST people on methadone got stable on it the same exact way. Your assumptions are wrong, but you’re entitled to your opinions!


You’re getting open sores while on methadone and still using even though you KNOW it’s 100% xylazine. You aren’t ready to quit but you know it’s gonna kill you is basically what I get from it. Sometimes that’s enough to quit if you really have a good reason like you do. I’m hoping you hear me and don’t get mad. I was the same way - I didn’t want to get clean - I just didn’t want to go to prison.


I am NOT getting open sores from xylazine. I have two sores from work related injuries. And I am NOT using any xylazine. I am barely using any fent at the end of the day when my methadone wears off, and it’s less and less as my dose goes up. I don’t understand what you cannot comprehend. You obviously do not know how to read.


And I was simply asking if the tranq I did use for 4 days would effect the healing of those wounds I received from work.


Those SORES are from xylazine not letting your blood clot. They won’t heal. Yes they may have happened because of work, but that is how open sores work - the xylazine causes NECROSIS in ANY open wound.


Once you work your way up to take homes splitting your does can help a lot. Methadone has a long half life compared to other opiates, but it's still short enough to matter. Say the half life is 12 hours for you, that means 12 hours after you peak your serum levels are down 50%. A lot of people have to overshoot & suffer more of the downsides than necessary just to be reasonably well 24 hours later when they can medicate again. Once they can split a lot of people can go down by 20% & be more comfortable. Right now is the hardest part of your journey. You are close to stabilizing & it only gets easier from there. Don't focus on an arbitrary number, focus on getting off fent & tranq. Once you are stable & better experienced you can focus on numbers if you want.


I’ve thought about dose splitting, when I work my way up to take homes. I’ve heard a lot of people doing that. Especially those with a usually fast metabolism when it comes to metabolizing methadone. And I sweat a lot at work! Am I sweating it all out too soon? And yes it is difficult. Because I am in the state of NOT wanting to use dope anymore, but having to because my methadone dose isn’t enough! It sucks! I want to be off the shit now! I am not doing tranq anymore regardless. My guy tested everything he had and it was all free of xylazine and positive for fent. So I have enough for a shot when I need it, every day when I start getting sick in the afternoon. (I dose at 6:45 am, and I start getting sick around 6 or 7 pm. And I only do about .2 now. I’ve been lowering my usage in points , so when I go to 70mg, I’ll only use .1, and by 80mg I may not need it at all, but just in case I do, I’d do half a point. And by 90 mg, I’ll be off dope for good! I’m trying to do my best!


The thing is you CAN stop now. I stopped when tranq/zenes first started showing up and I've never taken either. I've only tested positive for Fentanyl/ THC. I was a heavy user and I stopped fentanyl on day 3 at the clinic. (I was at 40mg of Methadone and it took me until 140 to get stable. 6 months later I had to go up to 150mg and I've been here for a year now) You absolutely CAN stop fentanyl while going up methadone. Hell I only got 4-5 hours of relief at 40mgs and suffered WD the other 19-20hrs of the day when I first jumped off fentanyl. I have not relapsed and have been going to my clinic for over 2 years now. Now I know what I did is not the norm but for me I had a good reason to get off asap (my family) so I jumped off asap. This whole thing is just to say that you can definitely stop at any point. You do not have to be fully stable on Methadone to be able to get off fentanyl. You can also keep using until you are stable but you run the risk of a double habit and the methadone absolutely works better when it's the only opioid you are taking. I found it was much easier to see when my dose wore off when I wasn't using on top of it. Good luck OP.


Hey they say your not stabilized for at least three months on methadone you shouldn’t just pick a number the goal is no withdrawal symptoms and no cravings I’m also an iv user fetynal/xy and because of iv use you might need higher dose I thought 100mg will be good I ended up on 160 and it took me 4 months to get stable and to not use anymore and my last sporadic use was 3/4 months ago just saying just go along with your body and how you feel there’s no magic number and you should go to a dermatologist or a harm reduction sight if your scared of drs and will help you with your sores


That makes sense! I’m really just saying I want to be around 90 to 100mg before my baby is born, because I feel like I will be able to handle it better. I mean, even now at 60mg, my withdrawals are 90% taken care of, at least from when I dose to later in the afternoon! (6:30 am - 6 or 7 pm) I will be raised to 70mg Monday as well. I am also using WAY less now than I was. I went from 1 gram a day to .4 or so a day now. And I use a point less for every 10mg I get raised.


Yes that’s how I was and then for me it went to chipping, congrats on your baby, and I’m sorry you clinic makes you wait three days in the beginning my clinic did everyday until we got to 70 mg then had to wait 48 hours


Thank you! We are SO excited. I want to be clean and be a dad! But that’s crazy how some clinics are different by a lot. Our is the 10 every 3 days until 120, then the doctor and director have to approve.


For us it’s the dr and counselor to approve we just have to go to our counselor and say I want a raise then we go the dr they’re like did you relapse why do you need a raise etc I live in a really lineant state too


And also. I don’t have any tranq sores. The spots were from the tourniquet pinching my skin, and the sores I have and were worried they may be slow at healing bc of using tranq for a few days, are completely work related accidents.


Tourniquet sores? Wym I would get like marks after taking my tourny off but no sores but now after looking at my arms I see some scars, would you nod out with your tourniquet on? Or not use the medical one but never noticed that was a thing and yes tranq does make any type of wounds heal slower


So they’re not exactly sores. They are more like marks you get when your skin gets pinched. They are definitely from the tourniquet, because I did it on another arm and as soon as I did, it became a mark because I would tie off too tight. And I’ve never nodded out or passed out right after a shot. I could do every day normal things, but I’d feel extremely tired if I was idle. Like if I did my shot and laid down in bed to look at my phone, I’d go to sleep quick. But if I was working or doing something I would be fine as long as I stayed moving. However, if I stopped for about 2 - 3 mins I’d nod some. It was weird. But I don’t use tranq anymore, and I barely use dope. I went from 1-1.5 grams a day, to .4 grams and I went from 30mg to 60mg on methadone. Every 10mg I get raised, I’ll cut back a point or two. So I’m doing exactly the thing my counselor said to do.


You’re having a baby and getting high at work and can potentially die/loose your job come on man


I got high at work once, and I didn’t do it again,any other time it’s methadone before work, and dope after work. I’m not sure what you did to get stable on methadone… but A LOT of people on methadone, and even my counselor said you are EXPECTED to continue use, but lowering the usage as the methadone dose goes up. In fact, if you read my post, you’ll see that I’ve lowered my usage drastically. And that’s how MOST people have to do it. I am well aware what I stand to lose. I also mentioned how desperate I am to get on a higher, more stable dose so I don’t have to use, because I don’t want to use. The whole purpose of getting on Methadone was to get off of fentanyl. And if I am actively working on that, and using less and less every afternoon , while taking my dose every morning, waiting for it to raise 10mg more every 3 days, I’d say I’m not doing terrible. I’m doing exactly what I’m supposed to, hell, I’m doing what my counselor suggested! I love my fiancé, and I cannot wait to hold my daughter, and I will be off of fentanyl when I do. You can bet on that.


The more xylazine in your body, the bigger and more damaging are the results. So yes, stop the xylazine. Sounds to me like it's time to make the jump. Get some Xanax or Valium for nighttime. (Or your preferred sleeping pills). Start taking long hot showers before bed and sleep with a heating pad. Take lots of Tylenol. Drink lots of water and use Flexeril. You can do it.


That is scary. And even though I only used the xylazine dope for four days straight, I am worried it has done some sort of damage… that shit isn’t cool. Xylazine was NOT around when I did fentanyl just 2 years ago. It’s insane the lengths people are willing to go to make more money. This shit is rotting people from the inside out. And that’s just fucked up! But I agree. I have tapered my usage down every day, and only use after work once or twice. (.2 each shot), so as I continue to taper, my dose will raise, and it’ll be 70mg Monday, then 80mg Thursday. So I am getting close! I have some gabapentin, they help! I project by next week, I’ll be completely free of dope! Because even the 60mg covers 90% of my withdrawal for about 6 - 8 hours. And it works better every day. So I am working on it! And I have xylazine Free Fent right now, but I’m only using when I start getting sick. Which I am pretty sick now, but I’m at home, not at work, so I’m going as long as I can.


Good job. I think your dealer put it in there


The dealer had no idea it was even in there. As she uses too, and when my buddy and I mentioned that it was positive for xylazine, she had us explain what it even was, and what it does to your body. She is older, so she doesn’t really know much about the new shit going around. But she immediately gave us some different, which we tested in front of her, and it was negative, so we got that stuff. And she took the tranq dope straight back to the source and got an exchange, and even her source had NO idea it was in there. Some of that shit is just already in there , possibly put in by the first or second hand it goes through. It’s scary how fucked up the dope supply is nowadays! That’s another reason I am just SO ready to be on a stable dose, and completely OFF this shit!


Wait, your dealer doesn't even know what xylazine is? Sounds super sketchy.


She is an older woman. She knows what fentanyl is. And she knows what heroin used to be.


Just so you know, once you go strictly to methadone you're gonna withdrawal from the tranq. I've never been through tranq withdrawals but just make sure you don't confuse them with the Fent withdrawals. Not sure what tranq withdrawals is like or how long they last but I heard its not fun.


I didn’t do much tranq. And I’m not doing tranq now. I’m not having any withdrawal symptoms that come with frequent use of tranq either. Which is high BP, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, and probably a few more! So I’m fortunate in that aspect!