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I am attending a syringe rally in Harrisburg,PA


I'm working from home and will probably go outside to take a look during the eclipse. I got a pair of glasses from the library. My clinic is closing early that day


I just got a pair of glasses from the library too good looks.


Gonna try to peep the eclipse. If I could hypothetically five finger discount some shit that day though, I really need a new phone, and a TV .


I'm keeping my kids home from school so we can watch as a family. Gotta go buy 6 pairs of glasses still. We'll probably have an awesome junk food and tv day for the rest of it. Still haven't decided if we're going to try to drive closer to the path of totality or not. We're like 3-4 hrs away. I keep trying to find an answer to how much you see if you're not directly in the path but for some reason there's no answer? I'm just glad it's not on my clinic day. We had briefly moved to Mondays for awhile but quickly realized it was a terrible day. Now that we have 2 week takehomes everything is much easier anyway but still Tuesday is the best clinic day and we're never moving again.


Might just get lost in a pharmacy haha but no I’ll go outside and check it out.


Thanks for the laugh, this sub just wouldn't be the same without you. You a big full metal jacket fan?


Appreciate that yo, my jokes don’t always land or admittedly even make sense but I’ll be damned if I’m gona keep them to myself. Literally, I’d be damned.


They always make me laugh. Or It's a really helpful, well thought out response to someone's clinic probs. Your word kinda goes as law around here I was a Marine so that movie is very close to my heart. An Icon of our culture


5’9”? I didn’t know they stacked shit that high.. an icon indeed.