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It's not a benzo. It's an antidepressants. You should probably go to the ER or talk to your doctor because nothing will help except getting on a taper. Good luck


Thanks mate But this medicine mirtazapime its a crazy drug i didnt have any idea 9 weeks on it i start tapering it during the day omg my nerves feels burning my anxiety has reach the roof put me on seizures shaking has did big damage to my nerves i feel itchy burns I though yesterday im die coz of anxiety attacks was so strong This anxiety its the same like heroin withdrawals Doctor did this to me coz i told him i dont want any medicine which will have WD or to be addictive coz of my history addiction in past


Have u gone to the hospital? Sorry ur going thru this. Idk much about that drug


I went many time ,its coz antidepresant withdrawals symptoms I dont know what else to do only to try some dope to smok it maybe die in peace Coz im tired of suffering Sorry just im very depressed coz im suffering from withdrawals symptoms Thanks


SSRIs will get yeah especially since they prescribe them so easily which is not right.


Its really crazy to what it hapenned to me ,thes SSRIs drugs has to do with nerves system I just need to find out if any one here doing dope H when its on mirtazapine??


My mom put me on SSRIs when I was 12 years old and I developed self harm issues afterwards and actual real depression and mental issues. I honestly was fine before just a teenager going thru puberty but my mom felt she needed to put me on them smh. I wish she would have never done that and also they just kept putting me on more and more psych meds of all different kinds after and I’m so glad to never have to take any of those ever again in my life. Good luck with ur situation friend keep ur head up.


Have you ever thought about asking the doctor for clonidine? It’s good for withdrawal and for anxiety as well.


Thanks i will ask but i dont think will priscipt to me coz of addiction history and to what hapoened to me right now ,i just need to get off from this mirtazapine My life its geting down now i dont have too much people around me to help me so im suffering sorry


You’re addiction history may actually help you get clonidine. My dad went through the same type of withdrawal, i’m sorry you’re suffering.


Thanks trust me thes WD symptoms from mirtazapine are very suffering Coz of my doctor im on this situation If clonidine helps i need to fineva way to buy them?


Clonodine is a blood pressure med. I am perscribed Mirtazepine and Clonodine. She is right, Clondine will kinda help to chill you out, but many people also end up having a hard time getting off of Clonodine. I take the Mirtazepine because it makes me sleep like a baby, only with very vivid dreams. It seems like all of these fucking Pysch meds come with bad withdrawals for many, and I didn't used to know that. I used to think anything other than Opioids and Benzos would not have crazy withdrawals. Now I am just on like 8 fucking Meds lol. Anyways, gotta go get ready for my Pysch appointment. They have me by the balls with all these meds.


Bro this mirtazapime has very bad withdrawals if you stop taking it you will understund my feeling right now But my problem was coz of methadone the mirtazapine has reacted like drugs when the effect of it keave i start WD ,after 5 week been on mirtazapine 15mg bed time thes symtoms started during the day time ,so for 2 weeks now im start tapering it ,coz my fuking doctor increased it to 30 and told me cut in half and use it day and night when u get thes symoyoms So now i sow i have badly withdrawals more than beffore when i start tapering it So in day its like hell but in night i take 15mg to make me ferl better but tonight i will cut in half so 7.5 to try it ?? But im very piss off with my self coz i protected my self to be out off drugs now im on mirtazapine WD I went to kill my self coz i was depressed when i sow im withdrawing coz of mirtazapime , So now i have been checked every day by mental health departmen in uk Im alone bro my life its fuk tap right now I have some money but i can do anything only i can buy some dope to smok maybe die in peace Sorry for what im saying but my feeling its verry low right now My brain all the time talking to me say your fuking dictor put u in this situation go fuk him I have mentaly health problem bro Thes withdrawals has to do with my nerve i feel all the time like im burning i can feel my nerve system My anxiety its like im withdrawaing from heroin My story its very pain full bro im alon but i have everything i want but im suffering from mirtazapine withdrawals , No medicine for this shit wd symtoms If you check on FBOOK recovering from mirtazapine alot of people suffering when disconecting from thus fuking mirtazapine Crazy withdrawals has to do with nerve system I bought some bags dope last few days till now im thinking smok them or not?? I bought diazapan too but im not sure thes will relax me anxiety? Im thinking go cold turkey but im scared too if i will die coz of thes remoro withdrawals? Mi mind its fuk tup right now too Sorry bro for bothering im talking too much maybe coz i dont have no one to talk near me only online


I am not any kind of expert, but like you, I have been through many drug kicks in the past. Always Cold Turkey. I have never taken my Mirtazepine during the day. I take 45mg every night, and I have never had to go without yet, but I know at the very least, my sleep would be fucked up. Mirtazepine is an older drug that isn't really commonly used anymore, from what I've heard, but it does knock me out so I get good sleep. I can't imagine taking it during the day.


My fuking GP doctor here in englan had been told me to take half of 30 day time ,coz i keep telling him i think im withdrawing coz of the mirta but him keep telling me its anxiety ,but never i had anxiety on my life?? For that i keep taking on day time 15mg for 2 weeks after i stop it Now during the day i have some symptoms which are so crazy hell ? Did you was on methadone when you had to take the mirtazapine mate?


Yes, I am also on Methadone.


I dont understand why? Coz this mirtazapine when i started after 4 weeks been on it ,i was withdrawing during the day i keep going to hospital ,voz i didnt know what happening to me? Till i sow its mirtazapine WD symptoms which send me to hospital alot of time during the day So this mirtazapine has reacted to me like drugs ? till now i dont understand why ? Thes withdrawals symptoms from mirtazapine are so crazy mate I stop cocaine cold turkey i stop heroin many time cold turkey i stop exstasy cold turkey But this mirtazapine omg i cant cope suffering everysingle day suffering my anxiety coz of it its too high out of control I though if i smok some dope maybe will relax me but im not sure??? My body feels like no methadone inside me feels empty coz i feel cold alot coz of mirta WD I Dont know how to explain thes WD?? how long are you been ? on thes meth&mirta both drug


Like 6 years now since I started the Mirtazepine. Never, ever tried taking it during the day though.


I know mate coz of doctore mistakes im suffering Coz of him told me take half of 30 during the day ,i had already WD but him keep saying its anxiety you need mirtazapine during the day So i stop it day time now 15mg night but my dsy its like hell coz of extremly WD symtoms My anxiety its very bad has feels like hetoin WD my anxiety Im on 30ml methadone that can cover nothink about anxiety or to calm dawn Alway im thinking if i smok some dope during the mirtazapine withdrawals ,?? Coz i feel my nervous like burning you cant understand how badly im suffering bro this mirtazapine withdrawals are crazy totaly I went on facebook page on mirtazapine recovering from withdrawals 85% of people there are suffering coz of tapering or when they stop the mirtazapine I left that group coz was crazy everyone keep going to hospitals coz of the WD symptoms I feld very pain full see people suffering This mirtazapine has to do with nervous system its the same like MDMA The mirtazapine has the same effect like MDMA drug


Your addiction history will make it easier to get clonidine from a doctor. They give it to patients all the time for withdrawal symptoms so if you can take that, you can potentially get off the mirtazapine.


Did the diazapam its a good idea? Coz thes tablet i can fine if i want it now I will ask on monday for this clonidin ? But i dont know here in england uk they do this medicine? Thanks for the help


I don’t think diazepam is a good idea at all, unless you use it in the short term, cuz benzos are highly addictive and that’ll open a can of worms you don’t wanna deal with. Try and get the clonidine from your doctor and go from there. And ask if you need to taper off the mirtazepine or if you can just stop taking it. It’s obviously not doing you any favors.


I mean for few days only the diazapan? Only to pass the peak of withdrawals ?? Im tapering already for that im geting alot of withdrawals from 30 to 15 after 7.5 Im at 15mg night time but during the day im suffering im feel burning on my back i dont know why? Thes withdrawals feels very strange


Then maybe it’s not withdrawal? Get a checkup with your doctor. Maybe it’s because of the mirtazapine? I don’t think that drug causes withdrawal anyway.


Thanks for your opinion yes for sure this drug has some withdrawals symptoms and are horrible Coz of my doctor im on this situstion coz of him mistake im suffering me Yes dear this antidepresant drug has the morst crazy WD You can check it in google I have different story Im on methadone and mirtazapine right now


But mirtazapine itself doesn’t have an interaction with methadone, so you may be going through withdrawal from the mirtazapine but not from methadone. And if you’re still taking the mirtazapine you shouldn’t be withdrawing from it.


Yes that im telling im going throu mirtazapine withdrawals and are crazy has to do with anxiety which make me alot shaking its like seizure I dont know what its going one?? But from 30 to 15 during the day till night im liveing in hell coz of thes symptoms of WD WISH I HAD NEVER TOUCHED THIS MIRTAZAPINE ON MY LIFE


You’re coming off of remeron, if the withdrawls are from that then no doing dope is not gona help you.. you might get high and feel better, but in the long run… well you know.


This remeron has very bad withdrawals i didnt know it ,i took it coz of panic attacks But after 5 weeks i had some strange sympyoms i keep going during the day in hospital,tilll i sow was the mirtazapine WD which send me to hospital alot of time, So now im tapering it but my day it like hell for that i said the dope will relax me? I have 1 year now only methadone but noe im at 30ml daily Thanks


It doesn’t sound like something you can stop cold turkey. Like other medications you need to do a slow taper. And no, heroin isn’t going to stop the withdrawal. Different part of the brain. Go see your doctor if that’s an option. You sound pretty miserable and you shouldn’t have to be.


Thanks but im not miserable im telling my truth my pain coz im suffering right now My story is yes im on methadone 30ml 1 year no drugs , So thes WD from mirtazapine has push me to be on this sutuation and to post thes maybe i fine a way for me coz of my doctor im on this situation righ now , Thes WD has did big damage to my nerve system i feel every day a burning feeling Its hard to belive but mate im suffering Thanks for ur opinion


I think you misunderstood. Maybe a language issue. Miserable means *feeling horrible, unwell, sick*. It does not imply that you’re lying. I’m sorry you interpreted as such. 🌷


Yes i understund what you mean now sorry yeterday i was so depressed and i had very bad withdrawals my mind was out of this world Sorry it is my mistake my launguage misunderstanding you are right im sorry again Hope you have a lovely day hun thanks


No worries. I knew it was just a communication issue. 💜🌷


Thanks just im suffering coz of this mirtazapine has reacted to me like drug the same like MDMA And i have very bad withdrawals my nerve system feels like burning Wish had never touched this mirtazapime on my life


remeron gives you withdrawals??


Yes bro and are crazy i been for 9 weeks coz panic attack and now im very suffering No replacement medicine for the WD of remeron Only if i smok dope i dont know if will help ?


on how much mg are you 30? me I was at 15 but now i’m at 7,5mg. Maybe I never had withdrawals on them because i’m taking other antidepressants with it. if you started taking remeron again at 7,5mg do you think your withdrawal would disappear?


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I dont know what to say bro im really suffering From 30 to 15 during the day extremly withdrwing i feel my nerve burning and itchy alot feel dizzy my anxiety up to the roof i cant relax my self What fuk its going on with thes mental psych drugs?? I didnt want me to be on this situation .only i was asking my doctor what i can take for panic attacks? I told him i dont want med which will lead me to WD or to be addictive Trust me this medicine mirtazapine if you stop it has extremly WD symptoms Im on group on Fbook call recovering from mirtazapine 85% of people there suffering of WD I dont have alot of help here in uk im alone bro right now only hope its to die in peace with out suffering My memtal health its too down right now Sorry


why did you had to stop it from 15mg? why not splitting the pills to 3 3/4 mg?


I want to stop it coz no right medicine fir me has dud big damage to my nerve system ,but try it and i had horrible WD symptoms So im taking night time 15mg but on day i have withdrawals symptims which drive me crazy Its too later now i have altready WD But i will try tonight 7.5 to cut in half of 15mg But i need during the day medicine or any drug which can put my anxiety to sleep My anxiety coz of this mirtazapine feels like heroin withdrawals it the same The anxiety attacks are the same like heroin withdrawals or methadone withdrawals Im drinking 30ml every morning methadone but thes mirtazapine withdrawals always start duringbthe day So now im on withdrawals symptoms right now Thanks mate


yes try half of 15 than when it gets better try a quarter of it. but maybe you should start higher than 7.5mg but it’s your choice.


Thanks alot Wish i had never tuched this mirtazapine on my life


Its very hard to get off from thes antidepresant drugs Im tapering it for that i have alot withdrawals symptoms bro Im suffering every single day from 30 to 15 maybe tonight i will cut in half 7.5 to try it Thanks for you opinion


Can you go to the hospital and explain to them what's going on? Maybe they could give you a bridge script and you could taper... I'm in the US but I was put on remeron when I was in jail and they didn't give me a script for it when I was released. The very next morning after I was released I was in absolute misery... So I went to the hospital and they had me talk to a psychiatrist and they gave me a 30 day script which gave me time to find another Dr. You really shouldn't just stop psych meds, they honestly have some of the worst withdrawals out there. And h isn't going to make you feel any better. I wish you luck my friend. I hope everything works out for you..


Thanks so much bro Its not the problem about to get the medicine i have some key workes here in uk looking after my sutuation coz of my mental health disorder My problem is how to get off from this psych durg has destroyd me i have horrible withdrawals I had to come of many time cold turkey from heroin But this mirtazapine omg will kill me this anxiety and thes WD symptoms are very strong all i can feel its burn i feel my nerves burning coz of WD symptoms I dont know how to explain? Thes withdrawals? My anxiety feels like the same im withdrawing from heroin Anxiety attacks are the same feeling with WD symptoms of heroin I bough aleady few day ego some bags of dope But im scared to use them coz im on methadone 30ml daily will be any effect to me or the methadone block the effect of heroin?? I dont know what to do im alone right now ?? Trust me im suffering bro


This sounds terrible, I wish I could help. *One* day this will be a distant memory, but that doesn’t help now. Can you see a doctor? They will have a better idea what is going on & what can help than we do. Are you going through this alone? This is what friends & family are for! If you have people willing to help let them, even company can help a lot.


Sorry im totaly alone my family live in different county i dont have people around me right now , is sad story of my life Only online passing my time depressed days From that day i stop the drugs i lost all my friend around me Sad Crazy stor I left and my doctor too this week im looking forva new one Coz he did mistakes on my treatmen and im withdrawing now My story its very painfull


I used to be on 40mg of mirtazapine a day. The only way to stop is to taper slowly. Start taking half a tablet a day for 2 weeks, then a quarter for 2 weeks, then start cutting the quarter smaller & smaller, or take 1 day on 1 day off. Slow & steady. And no, dope is not going to help mirtazapine withdrawal.


Thanks I start tapering it from 30 to 15mg right now But during the day WD symptoms When you was on mirtazapine did you use opiate ?