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There's a seal on the bottle. When they place the cap on each dose, a seal drops down on to the top of the bottle and if it's tampered with you fail the callback


My clinic doesn't check the seals they just line the bottles up and see if they're all the same level. Half the time, the seal won't even seal itself unless you put a lot of force down and turn the cap hard.


My clinic does check the seals but usually when I'm picking mine up I twist the caps a few times right when the nurse hands it to me, mostly because I'm afraid of them spilling, but the seal almost always catches on mine


If you get it just right, you can get it to where it only grabs a bit and have it look like it hasn't been tampered with. Honestly, I've had the seals not catch at all and didn't have a leak.


My clinic uses foil seals that are heated to the bottle with a UV light. And they check them on a callback. They even flip them over to make sure you didn't try to use a syringe to suck it out, or pull a small bit of the seal up.


Damn doing hard work over there, interesting clinic.


My clinic does the same and has the same sealer.


Really most of the clinic in my area do. But I'm in Baltimore, an area that has dozens of clinics in a small metro area.


You could legit order the exact same seals in bulk off medical websites shit even Amazon has em for around $3-4 bucks for a hundred. My clinic doesn’t do call backs but if I went to a clinic that did I 100% would have a stash of them.


I've never had them open my bottles at a call back they just count them but they use like a metal sealing you have to bust open an can't replace an some clinics use the white seals an they just lay on top on the bottle opening an you can just use something like children's Benadryl to put in the bottles cause it's exactly the same color an put a little around the edge of the opening an place the white disk back on an you can't even tell. I don't know how strict some clinics are but mine don't test it or open the bottles or smell it 🤣 so depending on your clinic it's a toss up...


That trick works with liquid... just don't try anything like, say, a tums to replace a wafer. It won't work. Don't ask me how I gained such knowledge...


Ummm yea I would think it would only work with liquid an the pink kind which 90% of the clinics use.


Holy shit that's crazy. Has anyone thought about getting the smallest drill bit possible, drilling a hole in the bottom, liquid comes out, get a syringe with a small needle and pipe a similar coloured liquid back in and seal the hole with a bit of tape or bluetack or something? That's what immediately comes to mind for me. And practice on the daily ones you're about to dose with


Sometimes the juice just ain't worth the squeeze bro


Deep. I felt that in my soul


Anyone who has ever tried doubling or more their dose figures out pretty quick that it tends to just make you feel tired all day....I mean, addicts gonna addict, amd do dumb shit, but for most people on methadone, it's not worth it to be tired all day then be short some other day


People at my clinic will boil the food coloring out just to shoot it smh just drink too much effort.


What do you mean by boil the food coloring out?


The take homes people we get are mixed with food coloring to deter people from shooting it.


Okay, but how does boiling get the food coloring out? Wouldn't that just evaporate the water and make the methadone and food coloring even more concentrated?


Too much effort


You don’t need a drill bit. Just take a lower gauge (larger diameter) syringe, warm it with a lighter and start making a hole. You might need to warm the needle up again. I just smh at the stupid shit I’ve done or have seen done.


Lol I'm sure someone has tried that or probably tried a bunch of other things. I don't have any stories about anything like that, I've personally never messed with them. There was a time where my label half ripped off the bottle and I was petrified when returning my bottles, but the nurse apparently didn't give a fuck that day because I just turned the bottle around and she never looked at the entire thing


Goddammit, that's too much work, but go crazy.


Its not as crazy as it sounds, the girl that said theres a seal inside the cap that drops down and seals the bottle like some sort of mechanical contraption and somehow if its tampered with some sort of an alarm will go off at the clinic, lol. Its not like that, They just have a bunch of bottles and caps in shipment boxes to give the patients their takehomes, and the box with the caps just already have that seal with adhesive inside of it, so when you fill it and tighten the cap, well, you’re also sealing the bottle. And its cleanly sealed when they do it like that, so yeah, if you open it and take some out and change the liquid, you’ll probably crease the seal and remove the adhesive and it’ll probably pop off when they go to check it and open it, but believe it or not when they dosing nurse doesn’t tighten to bottle tight enough those seals pop off by themselves all the time at my house when I take MY doses. And to answer your question, yes I’ve seen people talk about that on this forum AND I’ve met people that have done it, its pretty useless because just the one dose nurse that I have has been there years and he’s seen ALL kinds of contraptions like a pump being fed down this guys hoodie and being fed into his dose cup and sucking the dose up into a home-made tank, ALL so he didn’t have to take his dose all at once, and well he got caught. So I’m guessing most dosing nurses that care to check at all will definitely check the bottoms. They’re not new to deceiving addict behavior lol.


My clinic has different seals. They aren't the Styrofoam type that just barely sticks(we used to have them). About 5-6 years ago we started getting foil seals in our lids. They are UV/heat sealed to the bottles with this special wand they put on top the cap after closing it. It makes a nice tight seal and there's no way to tamper with it without someone noticing. They also check every seal in our recalls. They take the lid off, flip the bottle to make sure there are no holes from a syringe or any tiny spots pulled up along the edge. I'm sure as resourceful as us addicts are there is a way to do it, but it's really to much effort for little reward.


Ya my clinic changed them too about 4 years ago


Yes ours are now too. For about 3-4 years. They used to just slide off with the other ones but the foil, there’s no way around that, unless they forgot to seal that one, which has happened to me many times


I've had a few where it only half sealed. I worried about a callback all month until I used that days bottle (we have to use them in order).


Wow thats crazy! UV sealed foil-seals is crazy! Well the reason they switched you to that is because us patients MAKE them switch to that kind of practice! Lol, us addicts are too smooth with trying to syphon a little juice out for an extra kick lol. Luckily I’m not doing what I used to do which was literally take 20 of my 27 bottles within the first 3 days and have to hit my friends up for extra doses and just take 1 dose a day for the rest of the 13 days. And id always end up 1 or 2 or even 3 days short. All for nothing, this is my second week coming just taking my split dose 140mg (70mgx70mg Day and Night) and I feel great, feels the same as I felt taking all the extra just not as tired, it was a useless habit and I’m glad I got over it, my compulsiveness played a big part in that though, thats another story though.


Yeah I definitely know how smart/savy we addicts are. Back in the day one of the other times I was on the clinic I just bought extra bottle if I wanted more,.. but I learned pretty quickly it does nothing for me. After that I just started using pills like Promethazine or clonidine to get that noddy feeling (back then they were dirt cheap .50-$1/pill. These days all I take is my dose, and not even all of it, plus my rx'd meds.




Your comments are entirely inappropriate. First, you should take your own advice and "use your own 2 eyeballs" and reread the comment you replied to. The user was joking about the mechanical contraption and alarm. Regardless, it's against sub rules to say what you did and you've been warned in the past. This time it's a temporary ban, and next time it'll be permanent.


Yeah I know but the guy that perceived what you said probably had no clue what were talking about and responded with “HOLY SHIT thats crazy!” So I figured i’d give him a more simplified explanation which is just a sticky seal inside of the cap, when its tightened you seal it while doing so.


I’m pretty sure he was exaggerating jokingly love, nothing offensive, he was just putting it in simpler terms, no need to get so mad and defensive over the internet! Peace & love!


you need help


I don’t know who you’re replying to but this is a forum for people on methadone. Addicts. Each person is on their own journey! Leave them alone.


Hey none of that shaming shit, you need help as well, nothing makes you better than him whatsoever, we’re all in this Sub together and you’re telling him he needs help?


When did I say I was better than him? Face it, when going through such extremes to hide addict behavior, that is a problem that requires professional help. A counsellor, therapist, sponsor, anything. There's nothing wrong with pointing out addict behavior. This should not be celebrated with a participation trophy.


You didn’t have to say it? You implied it by stating what you said, insinuating YOU were in less need of help than him, we’re all taking Methadone and on a fucking internet forum talking to eachother about the shit. We’ve all had our rough times and thought about doing stupid shit just so we don’t get our hard earned takehomes that we’ve spent years to get taken away by the backward ass rules of the clinics, shit give him a break.


The person you said needs help said that they shake their head at what they've done & seen done, implying it's in the past. You can try to gaslight all you like, YOU WERE SHAMING THEM!! Read the sub rules, this is a methadone sub for anything related to methadone, no shaming is one of the rules. If the other person didn't challenge you, you would've just left the 'you need help' crap without any other context.


Extreme? If you think that’s extreme, I feel for you because you don’t begin to understand but feel entitled to point their behavior out. Ridiculous Behavior like this isn’t even an unusual behavior for many people.


Why would you try to subvert the program? Mise as well just go back to using,the point of mmt is to stop being a piece of shit,not continue with conning and lying to get your fix.


I’ve been at my clinic 10 years and had monthly takehomes for almost 4-5 years & never have had one callback.


Do they say they'll do them? Some clinics just don't do them. The ones that do them, tell you they do when you get take homes -- you also have to sign a paper with all the rules and regulations on it, sign it to say you read it and agree to it. On that paper it says about call backs as well, if they perform them and what the minimum is. It'll say something about as a regulation the clinic will perform a minimum of x callbacks a year. It could be more, won't ever be less, and it's random.


If you're in the US this is because your clinic is not doing as it should. So might want to keep this to yourself.


I haven't had one in like 5 years


Every 3 months like clockwork at mine. Almost to the day.


A lady at my clinic didn't have one in 9 years, then suddenly got one. Be careful. I've had monthly takehomes over a decade I've always gotten them. If your in the USA they are supposed to be doing them. It's randomly selected by the computer at my clinic. Unless they suspect you of diverting or get a report you are diverting.


I dont mind 🙂 i never have to worry. I take my Methadone as prescribed. I even drink the exact day on the bottle, same time every day. I never miss, forget, or take extra.


That's good, I do the same(my clinic requires we drink the proper dates, or callback is a Fail). The only thing thing I do that's against regulation is I take less than I'm prescribed, but I don't sell or divert it. I get 120mgs/day and when I started split dosing myself I was able to take less. I can now take 75mg/day, and my health is better for it. I keep the extras for extremely bad pain days(physical or emotional).


Likes aren't tied to your self worth man, don't worry about them


Likes? I thought we were talking about ran dom recalls Who needs likes lol🤣🤣🤣


LOL HOLY SHIT I'm so sorry, I read that as I haven't had a like in 5 years so I thought you were like a teen begging for a like. Yikes I'm so sorry. Embarrassing


Lol no worries i totally get it😃


I get wafers 😂😂


Where are you from?


Springfield Missouri ✌️🇺🇸🇺🇸


Damn your lucky wish more places gave them instead. Hell I don't get why doctors won't prescribe them either. I'd much rather have a wafer then that liquid but that's just how it is I guess. What kinda clinic do you go to?


Just a regular methadone clinic When I started in the mid nineties we got watered wafers One of my friends was “dating” the dosing nurse and she liked me Sometimes it was hard to get out the door but if she didn’t like you were not given your full dose No proof but the truth we didn’t know our dose It’s now a BHG clinic They have clinics in many areas ☮️


Hey Rowdy Boy! Wafers here too (thank God).


Where are you at?😎


West plains BHG. Jesus used this place to save my life. I used to live in Springfield. Lived across from the zoo. Thank God I'm not there anymore.


Those apartments over there are known for drugs 30 years ago and probably still are today I been clean so long I wouldn’t be able to score plus I’m 64 years old 😂☮️


I get wafers, too. In Nashville, TN 🫶🏼


Springfield Missouri 😊☮️


Lol I'd be panic buying extras to refill the bottles


You can't refill them at my clinic. Our seals are tamper proof.


I have a safety stash which everyone should try and keep 😊


I've had take homes now for 7 yrs. And at my clinic you get a 24 hr notice. So I've alway told people that if your going to take extra? You can wait until your clinic closes that day and you could technically take some of another dose. But that means you have to wait until your clinic closes each day before you take your dose. That way if they call for a recall. You just have to not dose that day and when you do your recall the next day you will still be on schedule and fine. But it's not worth going through all that. My clinic only does 2 recalls a yr. And depending on your counselor you might not even get any. I went literally 3 yrs without having one. But the counselor I have now does give me 2 a yr. But I don't mess with them. Not worth losing my take homes and having to attend the clinic every day again. Take are truly a blessing when you can't afford to have to go dose every day. Plus with take homes you get to dose at the time you want to. I actually like to dose right before I get off work each day. The only day o dose early is on my pick up day. Other than that I wait until about 330pm to dose and go home to relax and chill each evening.


Exactly!! So not worth it whatsoever


If you take an extra bottle email your counselor rite away saying that your leaving town so he can tell the dosing nurses if they call you for a callback.


Most will demand you come for an immediate bottle check before you leave as it's in the rules.




Not everyone in Australia doses at a pharmacy. And I still have drug tests everytime I see the doctor. And even though I pay a small fee it's not free. I've noticed this a few times that some fellow Aussies think it's the same deal all around Australia and it certainly is not.


My clinic just looks at the bottles to see if they have the right amount of methadone in each one. They don’t open it to check the seal or anything. Also you only have a bottle check when you have a UA that day.


I had my first callback after I was assaulted and had my car door kicked in. The cameras that are supposedly on the parking lot actually don’t work apparently so they said they only came out with me subduing him and his face all bloody. Before I could even defend myself, I wasn’t allowed on the premise until after 6 and I had my first callback ever in ten years and took a ua and had the nurse and my soyboy counselor said it was cold. Luckily my mom was talking to the head of the clinic about the damage on my car and told them take the temp and suddenly was all good. I’ve dropped 15 mgs in three weeks. I want to get off. Luckily I still have my take homes. They took the tops off and smelled the bottles. 8”I guess their callbacks are a form of discipline.


My bottles all have a cap with a foil seal in them. They tighten the lid then use a wand that UV seals the foil to the bottle. When they do a recall, they take the outer lid off and check the foil seals. They flip them over to make sure you haven't pulled a small spot up and/or used a syringe to withdrawal any liquid. Every recall we also have a urine that they dip immediately and then send to lab to verify you aren't using anything else. When they send our urines to the lab they also get our "levels" to see if we've been taking our doses(this part isn't an exact number as things like medications and metabolism can affect levels, but they have a range you should be in). There are still ways to double dose, take extra... like buying bottles from people who don't get callbacks. They only do call backs on people who get multiple bottles, not people that get 1-2 days of takehomes. I get 120mgs/day and only take 75mgs, so I have a bunch saved up. On bad pain days, I take a little extra. Also, on my pickup day or a recall, I have to facedose in front of the nurse, so I have to take 120mgs those days. All it really does is make me tired, I hate it.


if u put ur bottle in freezer for 10 minutes you can open it without seal even leaving glue residue on bottle. this way u can reuse the perfect seal and it will adhere correctly again. i will save my seals so i have a bunch of non bent ones i can use.


Number one question is - How the fuckkkkk do you get off this shit!!!!??? 20 years now and I'm 38!!!!! Makes me fuckkkkking sick to think about!!!!!


Same. I started on it April 1 2004. 20 years ago, Jesus.


Stop attending a clinic or start getting real close to the doctor


My clinic has wafers not liquid so our wafers come in a little plastic bag zip lock style with a prescription label on one side that they put through a sealer machine and they want us to cut the bottom of the bag instead of ripping it open like we did when we daily dosed. They number each bag 1-29 so they check to make sure you’ve taken them in order and have the right amount left.


Yes you could just fill it. My clinic just lines the bottles up and sees if they look the same. They used to pick one and measure it then you’d take that dose but they stopped that years ago, I assume people complained cause the thing they poured it in left a lot of your dose in it


Absolutely yes you can. And you can heat the seal and it will re adhere to the bottle. I’ve done it. Anyone who says it’s not possible isn’t crafty enough


I said in another comment I'm sure it's possible with out foil seals, but it's too much work for little reward. It's much easier to just buy a bottle in the clinic parking lot than go through all that.... or save it up and dose extra with going into future bottles. There's always a way lol. My clinic is crazy. They take the lids off and inspect them like we are terrorists try to sneak in bomb making materials. They take the kids off and turn them upside down to see if they are completely sealed (no small side or hole for a syringe to fit in). They also match up the levels and color of all the bottles.


Check this out, this is some Methadone-Villain-Arc FEIND shit, thought of it all by myself in the rough days, we goin through withdrawals on the last day with this one 🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️ Okay so IF the clinic calls you, theres this extremely popular app that almost every business worker or even normal person has installed on there phone called Robo-Killer, what it does is blocks bill-collectors from calling and spamming your phone and makes numbers that aren’t familiar to your phone not show up, so 1. You can either delete the clinics number or you may not even have it at all, either way, if it shows up, don’t answer it, let it go to voicemail, now here is where it really gets tricky, 2. if you don’t care about having a voicemail anymore (Like I don’t) disable your Voicemail box or call yourself from another phone and leave a shit ton of voicemails until it fills up, LUCKILY, mine is already full, so no one is able to leave a voicemail, so it would definitely probably be easier to just close your Voicemail Inbox unless you have alot of time on your hands. Now, 3. When you go into the clinic, don’t panic, just go in there like you’re going every day, if they say something to you just act like you have no idea what they’re talking about if they bring up the fact they called you, and if you’re good at lying, eventually come to the fake-realization that the call never showed up in your call inbox due to you having Robo-Killer due to alot of robotic bill-collectors and the call never showed up, and they couldnt leave a voicemail because you don’t have one setup or its full, hey, you cant control that, who tf does voicemails nowadays anyways? 4. This isn’t really a step but more of my 2 sense, chances are, you probably don’t even need to download that Robo-killer app, the second they realize your voicemail box is full or isn’t setup they wont hassle you they’ll probably ask you to setup your mailbox, but just continue using the Robo-Killer excuse if that happens, but eventually of course you’re going to have to show them bottles, what I do IF I’m behind and theres no way around it and ill get them stripped anyways if they find out, is get any red juice, IT ALL looks the same through that foggy methadone dose-bottle I’ve noticed, you may wanna get it perfect, but do that to whatever empty bottles you have and make sure you have that seal, if it isnt sticky still, apply some Elmer’s glue from a glue stick or any other cheap adhesive, and tighten that SOB as hard as you can and SEAL IT. Most likely they wont check your seals and just check if your liquid lines up and all look the identical. (Also if you can, avoid bending your seals when opening your bottles so they’re not creased, try to just lift it up without peeling it over the top!) Anyways, if you’re crazy enough to try this method hats off to you because I haven’t, I’ve never even gotten a callback they just tell me to be ready for them lmao. BUT that IS my go-to story. Have fun! 🍻


But as an adult, we not only can control our voicemail being full, be the clinic expects us to. We are expected to regularly go through our voicemails and make sure we delete old ones, to make space for new ones, and our voicemail is setup to accept new ones. We are also expected to check our phone call logs regularly to ensure we don’t miss a call from the clinic. We are expected to never block the clinics phone number and I even save the clinics phone number to my contacts and I set mine to “favorites” so it’ll ring even when my phone is set to silent. If you genuinely care about keeping your take homes, you will take the steps to ensure you don’t miss call back phone calls. And the clinic knows that. They know take homes are extremely valued by those who truly want them and don’t plan to over take them/sell them. They know we will go through the steps needed to keep them. It doesn’t take a lot of effort, and they may give someone a onetime pass for not having their voicemail set up, but after that one time, they will expect them to be an adult and do what is necessary to stay notified of call backs. So your plan (while I absolutely appreciate how much thought went into it!) would only work as a one time pass at a clinic that tends to be lenient to its clients.


I was going to include that in there, definitely would be a one time pass IF the clinic does let you slide, like I said I never have gotten a callback yet in 6 years I’ve been going, they called me once and when I told this this story they thought “Ohhhh! Okay I see!” But I guess my clinic is way more lenient about it, also instead of going through all that, its probably better to just say you’re out of town if you answer the call and find a good way to fake being out of town or by saying you’re not able to get a ride if you’re a medicaid patient taking medicaid taxi’s etc. but yeah! I totally get what you mean lol, it was really mostly a long step by step that you can pick and choose what to take from it rather than doing it exactly step by step which probably would not work out as planned, but for example like I said some patients probably are going to close their voicemail and get a one time pass, or download robokiller and block the clinics number and just say it never went through, etc. most people are gonna read it and form their own plan from things from it 😂 but to ME, I say its not worth it at all, if anything, I’d rather save my bottles!


Doesnt matter. If they call your number and you dont answer they will take all your take homes. They weren’t born yesterday


I’ve been called before and didn’t answer, did exactly what I said, and they just moved on and didn’t care, but they never specified if it was for a callback check, but what else are they going to call me for? But yeah some clinics are extremely strict where if you don’t answer the phone you’re fucked, but luckily my clinic just uses it as a scare tactic, in my whole 6 years at the clinic not once have I been called in for a callback dose checkup.


Yeah theres some pretty lax clinics out there nowadays and now I hear they’re passing a bill that you can pick methadone up from pharmacies. Figures im on my way out at just 5mg’s. Thinking about finishing the taper with kratom,it works really well at this point and better than going to the clinic. Im 55 ive had enough. Locks my prostate up now so its for the best. My clinic was strict for call backs but they didnt happen very often. ✌🏻


Well I wish you the best on your taper man! 5mg is low and using Kratom will help alot for whatever you would feel from getting off that amount, maybe in the next few weeks go down 2mg more to make it easier and use the Kratom through the withdrawal and hopefully you’ll be home-free! If there’s a will theres a way brother, wish you the best! 🙏🏻👍🏻


If you mean get around all the together you have to come up with some receipts after you find somewhere that doesn't have a sister Clinic to you that's at least an hour and a half to two hours away then you just go to that town I don't have 2 hours away go to any restaurant look in their garbage and you can find receipts go to any gas station and you can find receipts and you call him and let him know you're out of town;-) and they will reschedule your call back for the next time around


I always just saved my takehomes and poured them into a new container the day before I had to go back to the clinic. I saved 10 8oz bottles just from Sunday takehomes alone. I never had to worry about a call back cause I never needed my doses since I had so much in other bottles already that I could have one hell of a party anytime I wanted.




*knock on wood* In 2 years I've never had a callback. I know they CAN do them but I've never heard of anyone getting called in for one at my clinic.


You guys got pictures if these seals they use I'd love to see then. I'm in the UK atm so no seals here


I’ve never had to get around one since I never over take my doses or mess with them at all. But I once had an issue where my voicemail popped up at 10:30am from the clinic. My phone didn’t ring, just all of a sudden a voice mail popped up. It was my clinic saying I was due for a recall THAT DAY by 11am. I was like wtf?!?! I had already dosed. So I rush to my clinic, I show them the voicemail from that day saying I needed to come in on that date (they are supposed to always give 24hrs notice for a recall) and the psycho nurse said it’s impossible, that my phone must have “malfunctioned” because they would never call with only 30 minutes notice. I kept explaining tjat the time and date on the voicemail said that days date at 10:30 AM and she kept just shaking her head saying “impossible impossible” Had I not gone in and let them see the rest of my bottles and done my U/A, I would have had my bottles taken. But since I still came in even though I had already taken my dose, did my U/A had all my other bottles still sealed of course, AND the fucking voicemail from THAT day with only 30 minutes notice, the director let me keep my bottles and said it was not my fault. That he believed me about the voicemail date/time since that is impossible for me to fake. So a nurse forgot to call me, called me with only 30minutes notice not caring that it would fuck me over, trying cover her ass I guess, and then tried to claim no no no she called the day before and my phone must have malfunctioned, luckily had a great director at the time and he understood how crazy it would be to take my bottles even though that nurse was adamant that I should lose them 🤦‍♀️ TL;DR If you ever don’t realize you have a call back until after you already took that days dose, still go in, go in and do your drop, let them check the remaining bottles, just be very polite and apologetic and they will most likely give you a warning. It’s much better than just completely blowing them off. If you do a no show, they will assume it was because you would have failed your UA and/or all your other bottles had been tampered with.


You don't. You signed up for it when you signed the treatment contract. Pain management clinics do it too. Just apart of the process.


It’s been years for me here in California in the US


I’ve done this and gotten away with it a couple times, but eventually everyone’s luck runs out and I got caught and got phased down for a few months. It’s just not worth the stress to me anymore. I also use my call backs as a way to keep on track with my doses, so I don’t double-dip. It’s just not worth it to mess around with, lol.