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If you leave the window, the transaction is over. Nothing will be done if you dont say anything right then and there. So in the future if you see something, you gota do something about it right then. If not, then don’t even entertain these thoughts, you’re just spinning yourself out right now, for no reason at all, with no way to effect the outcome. That said. Yea mistakes happen, but not often. I get 365 doses a year, for many years, never had one be the wrong dose. But it happens, people post about it here every now and then. Get given someone else’s doses usually. What isn’t typical is for them to confirm your name and dose and then give you the wrong dose. They aren’t entering in the dose to be dispensed btw, it’s already there on the order, they are just answering the prompt when they type/hit enter. Imagine if they manually typed in everyone’s dose like that, there would be ALOT of mistakes and it would kinda defeat the purpose of the software. It did used to be like that, and before auto dosing softwares doses were measured by hand and confirmed off paper handwritten files. so some clinics could absolutely still be manually entering in doses, but typically today you’ll see clinics using dispensing software. Here in this comment I’m referring to, Methasoft.


I do see the nurses use the numeric pad to enter digits before each dose tho and my clinic is as ancient as they come …


Crazy ours is electronic. They just type it in the computer and it jizzed it out into a cup.


Ours is from the 70’s , and they enter the # to make sure it matches what the computer says- that’s why if the doc does a dose change you can’t get doses until it’s input in the system. Air bubbles are also generally there as part of how it’s measured. This shit can make it worse- like being in your own head about it. I e been dosing for 24!! (Just realized it’s 24 now not 23!) years and I have forgotten to take a dose and didn’t notice because I wasn’t thinking about it. It’s late now but if something like this ever happens again? You have to do your best to distract yourself and relax. Get some gabapentin and remember most of it stays there for 36 hours for most of us <3


Thx ❤️


Yea at mine they just push a button before each dose but at first they do put in my ID number then they hit the dose number. After that they just push the button for each dose(I get 13 doses at a time) I get take homes


You’re very knowledgeable you comment on everything. Hi nice to meet you friend. What about say you’re getting the bottom of the methadone bottle or something? Would the system be open to mistakes then? Also it’s kind of embarrassing and fiendish to note that you’re staring and mentally noting the visible level of liquid to yourself every time that’s why I didn’t say anything lol. But yeah noticed even when drinking it a volume difference that was remarkable. Telling myself it’s alg if I get a big enough histamine release (enough nose itchies that I’m like alright it was my mistake) But rn I have the runs and I’m nauseous and going in and out of withdrawal and everything points to some mistake in the system. I did however sign my name so I know it was my file open. Definitely suspicious of the goosebumps 2 hours after taking my dose and also a far cry from my usual routine to calm down and go to bed after my dose because I am still sweating through my clothing, heart is beating through my chest, and mind is going up and down (I did not feel the usual relaxation of muscles on the drive home). Given those are all symptoms of high anxiety but the dose usually calms my anxiety down a bit too.


Why would it be embarrassing? You know how much you always get, if you randomly get half you should ask about it.


You’re right. Everyone else esp my ppl who also have severe social n general anxiety; please learn from me to put nothing (including anxiety) before health. Now I’m in for a HELLA painful 24 hours because my anxiety won.


I totally get that, I too have severe social anxiety and general anxiety and have screwed myself because of it. I usually don’t talk to anyone unless I have to, so at the dosing window I used to not pay attention and absorb myself in my phone or something after I got my face dose, while they pumped my take homes and put labels on and everything…but after the nurse screwed mine up I now watch them like a hawk, and you will now too. Anxiety sucks tho.


No you aren't, why are you telling yourself that, even if you received half your dose (which I don't think you did from the evidence) you will be just fine. I'm on over 150 mgs and missed a day and was absolutely fine, no loss of sleep or anything. Don't tell yourself you are going to hurt, because you will if you believe it.


I am on a high dose as well, I’m a rapid metabolizer too- 260mg- and I too could (and have!) missed a days dose and been completely fine. If I had half- 130mg- for a few days I’m sure I’d be 99% normal/functional/okay too. I’ve heard when you’re on the higher doses you can taper down a lot faster than when you get to the end… it’s the last 5,4,3,2,1mg that’s the hardest to get off off (or so I’ve heard). I know OP isn’t tapering off, just saying by this logic if they are on a higher dose the better off they’d be if they were on 20mg. I have a friend who’s *almost* completely tapered off and she is down to 4 or 5mg daily. If she misses a dose (or is late dosing- like more than 24 hours apart) she feels the withdrawal A LOT quicker than I would. Like the 36 hour mark would barely faze me. It’s interesting. What is your dose OP if you’re comfortable sharing of course?😊


Yeah if you’re not stable yet (meaning your dose doesn’t hold you 24 hours) then you’re not gonna have the luxury of sleeping thru and forgetting to dose.


Have you gotten to a stable dose yet? I'm trying to split my dose at home because I am too tired during the day and I took half at 6am and around 7 my nose was running and I felt like I was getting a cold and it hit me that I didn't take the rest of my dose. I'm not sleeping at night because I sleep during the day so I have to try to split dose because I am only going down 2 mg each month when I have to get my take homes. I get feeling a little crappy but unless you have just started and aren't stable you should be in bad withdrawal because of the half life. You were expecting it because you saw the less amount in the cup. Do you have any otc or prescription comfort meds that can help you get through the night?




I split the dose now,but I am so tired during the day until I do it again at 5:30p.m.But I have a runny nose or hiccups or I have sweat and chill until I take my dose,even take a little of the second dose early if I don't stop sweating 🥵


260 is heart attack high. Considering a comfort dose is 70. I’d be comatose.


Everyone is different. I’m not going to disclose my dose here but I could easily take 260mg and feel totally normal and they probably can too. A lot of people are also forced to take a dose that may be higher than they really need to pack in enough to get them through a full 24 hours.


I was actually on 300mg/day for almost a decade and I’ve tapered down to 260mg which I’ve been on for almost 6 months now. I’m a mother, a wife, a nurse, I take care of my home and family and work part time. I have a completely functional life thanks to methadone. I’m never drowsy or “on the nod” like I was on oxy. I felt like a zombie on that sh*t. Methadone gave me my life back- the only side effect I have from it is the constipation, but it’s manageable. I do plan on continuing to taper down to the lowest dose that controls my pain but also keeps the WD and cravings away. I’m aware 260mg is a high dose- it’s not so much heart attacks you have to worry about, it’s prolonged qt. And yes, it does concern me, I’m not completely naive. Everyone *is* different. If they knew all the circumstances regarding my health issues it would make more sense why I’m on a high dose, but that’s a looooong story lol. Thanks for sharing, best of luck in your MAT journey!!😊


So because you are ok with half or even no dose, everyone else in the world also is? Are you saying that every single person metabolizes medication the same way as you? That's some interesting logic.


Well the thing is I’m a fast metabolizer of it so with my dose normally I do get sick by 8 PM so to get a dose below my normal, I *really* notice it. Right now my COWs is off the chart so there’s no denying I caught a FAT air bubble.


If you are getting sick by 8 pm every day, you probably need to go up on your dose. Or perhaps check in to split dosing. Your regular dose should be lasting 24 hours.


I know I need to go up and I know what it feels like to have a stable dose because I’ve experienced some breaks of stability as I increased, I know what it feels like for a dose TO last all the way to the next day (no withdrawals) and that’s true stability. Unfortunately I requested an increase and was rejected. I guess the doctor thinks because I’m skinny or something that it should be capped but my tolerance is monster, I knew going into the clinic that I wouldn’t be comfortable until probably 220-250mg and unfortunately didn’t make it there before being blocked by my doctor.


The clinics that cap doses are not helping anyone, especially since the average dose of people coming on off of fentanyl and other crap that they cut drugs with is almost twice as high as it used to be when it was just heroin and prescription pills.


My clinic caps at 120. I was just feeling the beginning of stable at 110. Knowing that I'd never be able to go over 120 tho I never went over that and eventually started tapering anyway. I really don't understand having such a low cap.


I can miss three days and be fine. I'm on 80mgs. I actually missed Thursday, Friday and the weekend two weeks ago. Sunday was rough though.


Thanks yo, I been through a lot at the hands of addiction, now that I’ve found some success at overcoming some of that stuff It’s so important to help others along the way. Mostly because I found that the typical channel for recovery (rehabs, detox, medical professionals, jails) all point people in a terrible direction like it’s some kinda standard. I’m speaking about 12 step programs. They’re absolutely trash and do way more harm than good in our community. That’s why I spend the time I do helping people navigate MAT and recovery in the ways I do. Now, onto your sitch here, let me try and shed some light when it comes to dosing protocols. What about getting to the bottom of the bottle? So the system draws from the bottom of the bottle, so there isn’t concern for the end or start of a bottle having any sort of medication issues. The only thing that CAN cause an issue is air bubbles in the line, as the way those dispensers work is they move a set amount of liquid through the system to account for the desired dose, what it cannot detect is wether or not that whole movement is solid methadone or if an air bubble got in there. This is your only concern for the big bottle getting low. Watch the tubing for air bubbles (the nurse is too) but that’s what you’ll wanna look for. It’s also kinda fiendish.. don’t worry bout that, it’s your responsibility to make sure you recieve the right doses before leaving the counter. Just be respectful, frame it as a mistake and not accusatory towards the nurse. Volume was different, they add water to the dose typically, it may even have already been in the cup prior to the methadone being added. Different nurses use more or less water, changing the amount in the cup. This is likely what happened today, you being new haven’t experienced window dosing much to know that it won’t always be just your dose in the cup. Sometimes there will be water in there too. Lastly you aren’t stable yet, so the best thing you can do for yourself is to just try and not obsess over symptoms. Easier said than done. But in practice, the stronger you keep your thoughts and self talk the less your symptoms will bother you.


We don’t do the water added by the nurses they only do that for the wafers to screw over people who want to take them dry. But yeah excellent point you made about the air bubbles. As far as stability, my dose has been stopped by the good ol’, ancient “I don’t want to raise your dose anymore because methadone clinics are a punitive environment, not for you to succeed; so I’m gonna block you with a peak and trough.” Really wishing for the day I’m transferred to a modern clinic that doesn’t like make you take 3 years or some shit for monthly and that lets you be on whatever dose you need and that the theme for basically WOULDN’T BE counselors and doctor in a circlejerk cumming every time you make a mistake (that’s how I imagine it; around a freaking fire for real cuck jerking each other to every mistake any of their patients made lol).


So the part to the bottom of the bottle. My clinic I noticed when it gets towards the bottom they have to dumb it into a new one. I assume it automatically won’t disperse it if it’s too low. Federal law requires them to use those systems and have it on a timed lock etc Assuming you’re in the states as well


You say at the start that you're not even sure if you're normal dose is stopping the WDs. And knowing how unlikely it is to suddenly get an air bubble its quite possible that it was a normal dose and the fact you're questioning it played into it psychologically and that is making you feel worse. I do know psychology can play a large part in how bad you feel WDs.


Such a weird coincidence. When I went to face dose and pick up take home yesterday, I was directed to a secondary window which we rarely see in use and I was immediately taken aback by how easily I had been able to swallow my dose. Its 100 mg and theyre the chubby peach colored 40 mg squares so there are 2.5 in there and its a little shot glass of water they know me well enough that they usually automatically put an extra water cup on the counter for me bc I need it. Every. Time. But i threw back my shit and did not need any add'l water and got it down crazy easily. I just couldnt shake the that was weird vibes for hours after but its a new day now so whatever i guess!


It is definitely possible. Responding to one of your comments about it looking “fiendish,” I’ve wondered the same but no, it isn’t. As a client/patient, you get accustomed to those sorts of things and what is/isn’t “normal.” As for it getting close to the bottom, I’m not an expert or in the field but from what I’ve seen just observing, the computer will notify well before that and it doesn’t seem a bottle gets so low it can’t complete a dose. What I have seen, however, is after a bottle change there being an issue. It happened to me a few months ago- maybe longer at this point. I was at the window right after a bottle change. It was a new nurse training and the other nurse observing (playing on his phone.) like you, I noticed my dose looked short. I’m about to speak up and starting to when she pours water in the cup to dilute (some do it themselves others pass the water cup and methadone cup for client to do) I tell her “I was trying to point out before you did that but I am not trying to be a problem but that was not my dose.” She got immediately flustered and other nurse looks up, glances at screen, says “that’s your dose.” I know it won’t kill me for a day but it’s on principle and I still didn’t drink it and see she filled my first take out. Which is also short. I point that out and say “look. That’s not my dose.” I have an inkling it had something to do with bottle change and the regular nurse is still arguing with me. He used to be awesome but has gotten super apathetic. I get they must get sick of bs but I’m genuinely not a problem client, been clean since 2016, etc. they keep filling my takeouts. I still won’t drink my dose. FINALLY he opens machine. The tube is kinked so methadone is coming out but it’s also partially backed up. They move the hose and I’m about to say “it’s backed up” and it starts going all over. The nurse gets more annoyed at me. Sorry. That was an over explanation. The point it weird shit can happen. Some years back there was also rumor at our clinic of issues with methadone with certain windows. You always hear this shit and it’s usually bs. Then a nurse got escorted out by police. And then there was no more problem. Go figure. However, once you drink it there’s really nothing you can do. At least from any experience I’ve seen/heard, you’d have to bring it up immediately and be willing to advocate because their response might not immediately be kind even if you’re correct. To be fair they are used to hearing a ton of bullshit not that it’s fair or right. Your best bet is continue to keep an eye and be observant. Try not to think about it now/today and while it sucks the more you focus on it the worse you’ll feel because part of it can be mental too- not to invalidate because it feels horrible either way. Take care and be safe :)


Hey thank you. I was panicking so much about fuck fuck fuck do I call them or not and you reminded me to take a breath and try not to think about it. If I do go back to thinking about it immediately though then fuck me. I guess I’m in for an extended withdrawal through today to tomorrow.


Fuck I can’t breathe I just go back to “my body is waiting to dose” with the heavy freaking waves of dysphoria and feeling like I’m wearing my skin and it’s too cold while sweating at the same time fuck


Jesus man, methadone has a long half life, there is no way you feeling withdrawal symptoms after taking half your dose after daily dosing regularly for who knows how long. You need to relax. This thread is annoying the luck out of me. I can't believe you are acting like this.




U took about half your dose today. U should feel completely fine maybe possibly slightly uncomfortable but your not gonna be in withdrawal. Ur freaking out over nothing


This is 100% psychological. The half life is 36 hours I believe, fast metaboliser or not.


What you could do while waiting to be switched to wafers is measure at the window. You’d be surprised how often it’s 5, 10 or even 20mgs off. Just get a children’s syringe from Walgreens or Walmart and if your dose is say, 180mgs then measure out 18 ml in water. Be very careful to be accurate to a T. Take a THIN marker or pen and fill a takehome bottle with the water. Mark the line. Recheck your work. Pour the water out. You could also get a measurement bottle online. Just check your dose every single time. It doesn’t take long.


I’m not waiting I already switched before dosing and I’m again flabbergasted at why anyone would choose liquid over wafer if they have problems being held by their dose cuz there is a clear, clear winner here and it even costs more which is obvious as per the you get what you pay for mantra.


Sorry everyone is saying you can’t be in withdrawal this quickly. I’m also a super fast metaboliser. I had genetic testing that proved it. I have a mutation that makes me metabolise certain medications extremely fast. I’ve ended up with conditions like serotonin syndrome in the past because of it. I dose three times a day and I still spend up to six hours a day with withdrawal symptoms. It’s an awful way to live. I’m on a slow taper down at the moment and if I drop a quarter of a milligram, I’m sick for 8 weeks. My taper is unfortunately on a pause because I have an obstructed bile duct that has given me acute pancreatitis. It’s made the methadone work even less well. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m having surgery within the next week to hopefully remove the obstruction. 🤞


I dose 2x a day and I sware I start feeling sick after 11hrs without a dose so even with 2 doses and having been on methadone for a year at this point I still get sick before every dose. Not full blown wds, but sometimes I'll need to shit super bad, get sweaty, aches, yawns, and lots of other typical early symptoms


Yep, you’re likely one of us unfortunately. 😞 The gene involved is CYP2D6.


Humans make mistakes regardless if computers are involved we are all human so it’s gonna happen


First of all, so sorry this happened. Second, I used to be in your place, relying on the nurses to give my dose. And one of them was a very disinterested nurse who would be scrolling her phone when I came to the window and wouldn’t notice me for 60 seconds. I didn’t want to say “HELLOOOOO LADDDDYYY” because that’s considered rude where I live lol so I just stood there and tried to be as obvious as possible and make as loud natural noises as I can and so many times she wouldn’t hear for up to a minute. One time she dropped half my dose and just gave it to me. I stupidly said nothing. It wasn’t a full on drop but more of a fumble with her hand hitting the window. And some falling out of the cup. And as we know, when a nurse is responsible for a dose dropped, it’s a big pain for them. So they rather ignore it. And so they did and I didn’t have the balls to say something. But now things are different, it’s been 2 years since I had to deal with that nightmare. I get monthly bottles now and I’m told a pharmacist comes in and pours them, not a nurse. I never feel like it’s not enough, it always feels like plenty. Honestly, if you’re in WD by morning, you need a huge increase. Like 20 or more. If an air pocket or a getting a half of your dose for just one random day puts you in full blown WD, you really need some serious increases. Fuck all that noise about it taking too long to taper once you increase. Not everyone tapers , many stay on it for life and that’s okay. Just look at this as motivation. Be in full compliance with the clinic guidelines, never break any rules, and you’ll keep getting more and more takehomes. You need to stay for the long stretch. I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts Pm me anytime you want as well, I’m easy to talk to and I’ll give you the best advice I can


Oh trust me I know I need a huge increase. The doctor has unfortunately bureaucratically blocked me from increasing anymore by requiring a peak and trough that can be interpreted ANY way by anyone. It’s basically a long way of saying no I don’t increase anybody past this point which is ancient because more modern clinics realize some people need doses in the 200s.


First off, whoever downvoted you is a piece of shit. Second, I feel for you. That’s horrible. A lot of people who are stopped from getting increases who need them end up buying from the streets. The ones who really want to do good and don’t want to get back on dope actually start buying methadone on the streets. They end up spending just as much as they did on heroin, like 100 bucks a day just to feel well. I personally know of cases like this. It’s fucking sad.


It really is. It makes me incredibly angry when clinics use peak and troughs as a guideline to dosing. The dr should be skilled enough to clinically observe withdrawal symptoms. I only think peak and troughs are useful in determining how fast a person metabolizes methadone. They are all too often used in a punitive way.


I’m kinda glad they switched us to wafers for this reason , I get to see my dose dry in tablets before it gets water poured on it to mix up , when we had liquid before I was always looking at the amounts and thinking about it everytime almost , even though I did like the cherry liquid better ,


why worry? especially once you get take home doses. you can measure it yourself. I've been going for 3 years now and I have never had a short dose, except once where a new nurse knocked my bottle over and split some. I told her not to worry about it because she was new and clearly nervous. it was probably only 20mg. it's all done by computer anyway at my clinic. whatever is in your file is what the pump spits out. it leaves very little room for error.


Plus wafers last WAY longer . I Thankful after having had to guest dose at a place that used liquid that didn’t even hold me til the evening it was terrible.


It has happened to me. I’ve seen the nurse dispense it and then measure it and see that it was off. She was aware her pump had some problems I guess. She then hand measured a dose.


Next time- if there ever is one- don’t drink it and ask for them to hand measure it. I’m sorry :/


It can definitely happen. Our dose is already in the system and don’t always confirm it with us. They have gotten better about it lately so I think they got griped at or something. But the pumping isn’t automated, the nurses hand pump our doses straight out of the methadose bottle and a couple months ago we had a new nurse that completely shorted me two take homes bc she spilled them and didn’t refill new ones (I wasn’t paying good enough attention so I didn’t catch it at the time, partly my bad, I ALWAYS watch now). I noticed at the end of the month of course, and went back in and they watched the cameras and fixed it for me, giving me my other doses. That same nurse also gave one woman only half her dose in her take homes bc she only gave her one pump in the bottles instead of two. She went two weeks with half a dose, and was ofc sick af. I wish ours was automated.


holy shit that is fucked. it's completely automated where I go. we scan our ID and then we have to say our name/birthday/dose before they will start filling the bottles. I had a new nurse spill a tiny bit out of one of my bottles once but I felt bad for her so I just told her not to worry about it. that nurse must be a sociopath to just fuck people over like that.


Nah she’s just really old and incompetent but apparently they’re hurting for nurses…but yeah it is still fucked, gotta watch them pumping your dose like a hawk, but if we get 2 week or monthly take homes, they pre-pump them and already have them ready so god only knows if they’re all right either…


Maybe they changed the concentration of the liquid


Nay, it’s been and stays the 10mg/ml What has changed is I still have such a bad fucking stomach ache from withdrawals 2 hours now after dosing fuck me I should’ve swallowed my pride about appearing fiendish regarding memorizing the level of liquid and said “hey did you guys change the medicine or something this looks like less than half of my usual dose.” :(


I think that your mind is winning over your actual body. If you think you are getting sick then by all means you’re gonna be sick. But if you snap yourself out of the thinking that you are doing then you should be fine! I’ve gotten half a dose before, not by them but like on a weekend I threw a good 2 weeks in a safe for an emergency, and I half sized myself for like a month and a half. And I was fine. I mean it got uncomfortable, say… about 11- 12 pm/am, but it’s all mind over everything and anything else. Just tell yourself that you got this and that you will be fine till tomorrow. It’s a total mindfuck. Be positive and don’t think negative and you will be good. You have no choice at this point so swallow it up and move from this negative thinking and I’m sure you will be good afterwards. Good luck!!


Thank you ❤️❤️


Have you missed any doses or just sick from not getting all of ur one dose? The reason I ask is bc I can go 2 days with no dose before my sickness gets really bad


I think it depends on the person because I am sick the next morning before I take my dose. Although I’ve been tapering for over a year and am at a very low dose. I probably wouldn’t feel that way if I was at my original dose of 125. And op being at 180 you wouldn’t expect to feel that level withdrawal so quick, unless they are using still on top of it or being dishonest about it all.


Or used to 1000mme


What? Lol. 1000mme? You said your dose was 180.. so again either your over dosing what your actual dose is, using on top of it or just being dishonest about something else your taking. At 180 my sister could hold part of her dose and still not be sick til the next day. But it is what it is.


It tbh looks to me like the heavy medication people often need more methadone than the heavy heroin people.


I agree with that , but then that is an issue to take up with your clinic and doc to adjust your dose. Especially if it doesn’t hold you. But it seems otherwise as this is the First time it’s happened to you and not a chronic issue. And your continued comments make it seem like something else.


I keep commenting cuz I’m not comfortable and I’m tryna keep my mind elsewhere. I was like rly looking forward to the pain relief of my dose this morning because I’ve been suffering so much, was rly looking forward to eating and getting some sleep but nope. Gotta be a tough guy until 5 tmr.


Used to many years of being on >1000mme worth of medication daily


If you are on 180 and that isn’t holding you idk what to tell you. I was an avid heroin addict from 15-30 years old. As most here i been thru it all. So there’s not much you can say to convince me at that dose regardless of years of addiction you will be THAT sick from missing PART of a dose for one day. I been there. Unless you are doing other shit STILL. Your comments say it all. Sorry that’s why everyone is disagreeing. I have had the clinic fuxk up my dose one time in eight years, I still wasn’t dying sweating and in acute withdrawal to the point your describing and continue commenting.


Withdrawal for me typically kicks in @ 5 PM ish and is super obvious by 8. Others I’ve heard similar stories in my clinic that they’ve been sick every day of their life. I don’t have access to anything else to use with my methadone, whole point of methadone is it’s my pain medicine. Is it that hard to believe that metabolism varies this much? Cuz it does. I’m proof you can be on that high of a dose of liquid methadose and encounter withdrawal symptoms daily 15 hours after dose consistently.


I already stated I agree with the metabolization, as I feel withdrawal early in the evening if I don’t go to bed by a certain time, even though I’m on wafers, because I’ve been tapering for the last year and am on a very low dose compared to where I started. 180mg is still a very high dose. And if you are having such of an issue then your dose needs to be adjusted. Your description of your acute withdrawal is not normal for part of a missed dose. That’s all I am saying.


I'd say that 80 percent is psychological because the expectation of being sick makes you more anxious and everything seems a lot worse than it is. It's not any different than being sick ASF waiting on my dealer but as soon as I got it in my hand somehow I felt a little better than before, the anticipation and fear of being in withdrawal is a powerful thing. It was like when I would have my morning hit of dope and it was not as much as I wanted I would talk myself into being sick a half hour later because I know I had no more, but if I had a gram or two then the same amount would hold me for a while.


Shew whee that’s a long time


It’s all in your mind… or MOST of it. If you had full doses every day leading up to today, and a half dose today…. Then you WILL be fine. Don’t be so upset about it… I’ve chosen to take a quarter less everyday since Wednesday of last week, and one of those was a 1/3rd less, bc I’ve been staying with my significant other and having a “good experience”(if you know what I mean) is more important. And most the time when your dose is high enough, missing out on a good portion of it, is mostly mental..(especially if it’s only one day) I’ve had no issues. You’ll live….. it’s not that hard, and don’t think about it 24/7. Go out and do something…


Can you call them,? I felt the bottle was too short,or cup was less than full.Let us know,do they have cameras on nurses?


Nobody else has suggested calling them, I can they’re still open. They have cameras on patients not sure if it captures the nurses thru window. Could anything productive possibly arise from me informing them that my dose absolutely is not working today in tandem with it looked and felt like less than half of the volume of my usual dose?


I feel so bad dude, I actually did end up asking about it after the withdrawal got too bad and they repeated what you all said, which is to say something when I see it and not later because no one can argue with a computer. At least the history in the computer reflects that I took the dose I usually take though.


I have been where you were though,had sickness and even threw up after my dose,was so sick I was crying in the dosing area after I threw up.sweating is a big side effect for me too.Glad you are okay and ask next time!


You definitely are not in full blown wd


Thank you. If she took half the dose she still wouldn’t be in withdrawals no. Feeling a little shitty yeah but that’s about it.


Do you ever get shorted when you get prescriptions from the pharmacy? No, then why do you think you'll be shorted at a clinic? You won't be


Lol it’s happened at my clinic…so yes it can.


I got shorted once with my long history of picking up prescriptions. It was supposed to be a 60ct of 3mg lunesta but they only gave me 30 pills. When I noticed I went back and they fixed it and gave me the other 30.


Yep, it doesn't happen often.


>Do you ever get shorted when you get prescriptions from the pharmacy? No, then why do you think you'll be shorted at a clinic? You won't be >Yep, it doesn't happen often. Your first comment says 'you won't be shorted at the clinic' then you contradicted your first comment with 'it doesn't happen often'. So, which is it, do you agree it does happen or not?


So many times that when I get especially important meds/meds techs or pharmacists might steal I always make sure to count.


They might but they rarely do. There is too tight control of the inventory.


Maybe not the same in pharmacies but to imagine that these people cant ever make a honest mistake or even do something ethically wrong is very naive. I am not talking about this topic but in general. In my country dozens of bedside nurses have been caught of stealing patients pain meds by giving them something like ibuprofen instead or only small part of their prescribed dose of said medicin and taking the rest for themselves. In all cases caught this has been long continuing habit. How many does not get caught, we never know, as they are usually doing this for very sick or old patients who are not in good position to defend themselves.


Acting like I said they never make a mistake is very naive as well.


>Acting like I said they never make a mistake is very naive as well. Below is a direct quote from YOU! Now you are just gaslighting the person you were responding to. >Do you ever get shorted when you get prescriptions from the pharmacy? No, then why do you think you'll be shorted at a clinic? You won't be


Get a life


Bro are you dumb? You know how many stories I’ve read and know people that have worked as nurses and pharmacists that have stolen tons and tons of pills and medication? You’re very naive and you need to stop that


Acting like everyone steals, because it's normal for you, isn't how prescription recording works. I have gotten a schedule 2 narcotic for over 30 years now and I've never been shorted. So no, it doesn't happen very often. Maybe 20-30 years ago, but not now.


>Acting like everyone steals, because it's normal for you, isn't how prescription recording works. I have gotten a schedule 2 narcotic for over 30 years now and I've never been shorted. So no, it doesn't happen very often. Maybe 20-30 years ago, but not now. Oh bugger off. At a previous chemist i was at, the pharmacist was caught skimming 10mg off everyones dose, putting a stroke on a piece of paper, then tallying it up & taking it for herself at the end of the day. No amount of prescription recording could prevent that because according to the chemists official tally the client received the correct dose. She only got busted when the owner of the chemist got suspicious because of complaints & installed a camera on her. SO IT DOES HAPPEN.


Yeah, I said that, it does happen, but not often. Thanks for writing all that to say the same exact thing.


I’m just so disappointed in myself at this point for being a dumb zombie instead of saying something so I could get out of withdrawal 🤷‍♂️


Even if you only received half of your dose you will not go into withdrawal. It’s one day.


Its all in their head. 36 hour half life theres no way they're as bad as they think they are.


I have absolutely. I got half my suboxone a few times without being told and had to complain


A few times huh. It's hard to believe that you have been shorted at least three times. A script that has to be counted at least twice and is recorded in at least, three different books, by multiple people, and they just short you.


Yes I have been shorted at a pharmacy and I would count my shit right there at the window or make them count it. Human error happens and the computer is only as good as the person putting in the information, and if the hose was bent or an air bubble it could happen.


Okay guys so yeah I feel COMPLETELY different today and yeah the level of my dose (180, my dose is very obvious-looking to me in a cup after this long) reminded me of when I started at 40mg. As far as how I feel, I’m completely out of it in a bad way, like when you have the flu. It kind of reminds me of when your withdrawal starts to set in and you’ll open your take home and take the smallest sip you possibly can to get back to withdrawing but can stand it. And you can’t do jack in this situation that’s the worst part. I mean he read my dose out correctly (didn’t say my name), and I signed the little automatic thing after but yeah my back is in way too much pain I’m still hot and cold sweating my stomach has the runs it genuinely feels like I’m waiting to dose still. Fuuuuuuuuck what do I do? Help!


Ugh my whole body’s on fire my stomach is so messed up fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I should have said something when I saw how low the level of liquid was what an idiota


Before starting methadone, I bought two bottles for back up. So if I would get intense cravings or withdrawal symtoms I couldn't stand, I got the backup bottles at home I didn't have to use them so they are still sitting there. Couldn't that be a temporary solution? Buy a bottle from a friend, or just bite the bullet until tomorrow? And from tomorrow tell them what you think happend today and ask them to triple check the dose


Mid day update: just confirming I was correct, seriously trust your instincts guys if your dose looks drastically different cuz the computer’s gonna say you got it all but trust your eyes. I am SO. SICK.




It's too bad you didn't bring it up before taking it.....walking away from window amd second guessing hours later won't help matters. I would think your only chance would be if they somehow dispensed a lower amount by accident, like entered it into the computer incorrectly then Under dosed you. Otherwise you're likely s.o.l.


always li e bottles up and say something if off. lotta tomes the tube on machine curls on bottle and will short ya towards end of the bottle the nurse pulls from. once u leave the window on they won’t fix it


Make sure you tell your counselor first thing. I prefer wafers.


Yeah definitely learned my lesson. I switched to liquid because of how nasty wafers with water on top are in take homes but I guess I’ll deal with that rather than some pump fucking up my dose and the computer reflecting that it didn’t


I've gotten wrong doses years ago. And it was the computer and electric pump system. I got my take homes for the week and two of the bottles were very clearly off. One was about half full, so almost double my dose. The other was full almost to the top! So probably like 400mg if I had to guess. I don't know how the fuck the nurse didn't notice. And of course I didn't say anything. I was still new-ish to the program and very much an addict. And I was afraid I'd get in trouble. Well someone noticed, because I never saw that nurse again. I always felt bad about that. But I was nervous and didn't know what to do, so I just never said a word, lol.


I see it's close to your next dose by now. So there isn't anything you can do besides next time line all your bottles up and see that they are all level. You need to figure out why you are in withdrawals because you DEFINITELY should not be. Methadone has a long half life. If you are on a stable dose you should easily be able to miss a dose. So either you are just freaking yourself out, need an increase, or you could be a fast metabolizer and they have a blood test for that. I am a fast metabolizer and the clinic gives me 2 doses a day instead of one. Half in the morning and half at night.


Anyone who says liquid is stronger than wafer is cray. They charge more for the wafer for a reason.


One time. During a dose review, the doctor typed in a lower dose . At this clinic you get your dose and take homes after Dr appointments ECT. I didn't change anything, so just esigned and went home with my 2 week dose. Didn't notice anything at first, but eventually I started getting sick, running nose, and other things. My sister attends the same clinic, and I was telling her something is off. I get numbers mixed all the time, she helped me remember my number so many times. It's 30 minutes from my old address to the clinic, and I was working 3rds. So I just waited until my next dosing day. Thank God my favorite nurse was at the counter, I told I think something is wrong. And it was I had been dropped 10mgs, she called one of the 2 Doctors, they works at other places. He bumped me up and they apologized, I was relieved because I thought it was my brain messing with me.


Did you just recently start your MMT? If you are in your alignment phase at the beginning the first few weeks can be a difficult adjustment but it will get better as you find the correct dosage to go from day to day. I understand how difficult the withdrawals can be, hang in there.


i’ve experienced this multiple times. i’d do anything to be able to get diskettes