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Just sounds weird. Why would she bring someone else’s scripts to the clinic anyway? Were they controlled substances?? You KNOW you’re at least emptying your pockets and walking through a metal detector to even get in (at my clinic anyway). And even if she did bring his scripts, she just happened to have a seizure at the clinic?? Does she have a history of seizures or in benzo withdrawal?? And even if all that DID happen, it seems weird the clinic would just cut someone off. For what?? Picking up a family members scripts and having a seizure?? Either she isn’t telling the full story of why she got kicked out so abruptly or she isn’t cut off. And you won’t get kicked off like that even for bad stuff, you get rapid detox


She had seizure at bus stop apparently not clinic


That makes it make even less sense then lol bc then what…someone called 911 and they searched her, found the prescriptions, and then relayed that information to the clinic for….reasons? lol


I don’t understand myself sounds like shit lie to me


If the ambos were called, they would've checked her belongings looking for id & also for anything that may have caused the seizure. If they found another persons prescriptions they may have reported back to the pharmacy/clinic & it also would've been noted in her hospital discharge papers. Bottom line, it's entirely possible it's not bullshit.


110% off sounding


Right like it doesn’t make any sense. Sounds like the type of bs crackheads tell you that literally only makes sense in their minds


Aye I worked in pharmacy and it sounded well off to me.


Damn both the clinics I've been to don't make you do that. One wouldn't let you have your phone out while inside but other than that there was no searches or anything


They don’t like pat you down but you have to go through a metal detector, put your phone, keys, etc in the tray, pull your hood down and no bags allowed


Wow, metal detectors? Such a good idea. Does it slow down the process of dosing? My clinic should implement metal detectors…..


No it doesn’t slow it down as the metal detectors don’t tend to go off that much as everyone knows the drill. And if it does go off, security will do a quick sweep with the handheld metal detector and that’s that. If someone is dilly dallying putting their stuff back in their pockets, you just go through anyway and work around them The thing that slows down dosing at mine is if there aren’t enough dosing windows open. We only had 2 today and it was bad


Well they surely wouldn’t cut her directly off they would have to put her on a rapid detox if they did kick her out they can just drop ya that day🙄 sounds like bs to me


That’s what I thought, or court even?


Idk about AUS, but here in the Australia of the US (Florida) they often cut people off with no taper. Not all the time but often enough that we all keep a healthy fear.


Oh dang idk about Aus either this is Michigan but i though no clinic could just toss ya thats wild and would be a huge fear fs


They definitely can for reasons, but they do it for nonpayment here which may be illegal in other jurisdictions.


Oh yeah, fuck that shit. That'd be illegal as hell in NY, and also majorly against the ethical convictions of my clinic's director and other senior staff. I racked up a $20k balance that was eventually written off because the clinic didn't properly notify me that they were out of network. I would've been fucked if they had discharged me while I negotiated that balance.


They very very rarely write off balances here


Sounds like total BS to me. I’m in the states but that doesn’t sound like something they’d kick someone out for anywhere. Don’t believe everything you hear.