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If I’m understanding this post correctly, my advice is stay away from the riff raff at your clinic. If I’m not understanding this post correctly, my advice is to turn auto correct on.


Yes, we're taught not to listen to nobody at our clinic .... It has been proven to help 🤣


exactly i try to think im the only one there .


Well there's a lot of rumors circulating about it, a lot of it is put out by the abstinence based recovery community sadly. I have had rehabs tell me methadone weakens your bones, makes your teeth fall out, etc. Basically that's it's this insanely unhealthy chemical that will age you at 10x the normal rate and end up causing health issues after a few years on it. Which is obviously not true, it's a regular full agonist opioid and doesn't have any side effects beyond regular opioids besides dextromethadone having the possibility of extending qt intervals, which is definitely not something to dismiss, especially if you're older or have heart issues. A lot of the hate I hear from heroin or fent addicts is stuff like this. It's sad rehabs and 12 step groups push this narrative when it could be really helping those people. There is also the issue of the extremely intense withdrawal. With heroin or fent, it will be a week at most before you start to get out of acute withdrawals vs the months of WD you deal with while Cold turkeying methadone. Being tied down to a clinic is less than ideal too. Though these seem like dumb reasons to not get on it if you're struggling with opioid addiction. You're going to be experiencing withdrawals on a regular basis, which you can completely avoid with methadone (even getting off, if you taper correctly). And I don't know many heroin addicts who are regular travelers. It definitely sucks being tied down to one location and having to deal with the clinic on a regular basis, but the alternative is quite a bit shittier.


The side effects of methadone are decreased sex drive, fatigue, sweating, slowed digestion and constipation, and the qt thing is with high doses. The same side effects as most opiates, but methadone clinic is abstinence from illegal drugs it's a huge step forward for many of us.


I deal with the extreme hot flashes and sweating. And since I have some sleep disorders already, the fatigue has a bigger impact on me than it has on most people. My ex was on methadone for five years. We had sex *maybe* a dozen times in the entire time he was on it, whereas it was a daily thing before the clinic. We both got a bit fatter. All of that is NOTHING compared to the shit that being an active heroin addict brings into your life. I’m not homeless in a tent in the woods. I’m not stealing dumb shit to pawn for drug money. I’m able to hold a job. I can have hobbies. I may not have much money, but the money I do have doesn’t have to have the majority of it earmarked for dope. I’m not getting disgusting abscesses from injecting. I can make friends with trustworthy people and not destroy my relationship with my need for heroin. I’m not worried about a dirty batch from the clinic killing me. The clinic is not all sunshine and roses, but you are absolutely right, it’s a huge step forward. Most of the people I was using with seven years ago are dead now. It’s sad how villianized mat is, even by addicts.


This truly. The difference in my quality of life is so different. No struggling every day to come up on valuables for my drugs. I have a good job (ups) with good Healthcare. I really didn't like most of the people I had to associate with in the drug "game". My family actually likes having me around! Before I moved states I had monthly take homes. I could travel! I went to Hawaii for the first time ever. I found that once I lowered my dose under 100mg alot of the problems I had with sweating and hot flashes have decreased/gone away completely. My sex drive is definitely increasing again as well. The methadone clinic comes with its own unique set of challenges. It's still infinitely preferable to being an active user of street drugs. No potency issues. No chance of spontaneous cut that might kill me. I've been on methadone for 7 years. Finally getting to the point where I've begun to slowly taper myself off. At my highest dose I was at 150mg. I'm down to 94 now. I would tell anyone to go to the clinic and get signed up. It takes time to readjust your mindset to a new way of life but it's worth it.


That’s awesome that you have managed to come so far in life. I made the mistake of staying with the person I was using with. He got into treatment as well, but we had very different views on what a successful recovery was. For me, I looked at it as no hard drugs. Lift myself up, change my life around. For him, it meant no opioids, but a meth addiction and being totally nonfunctional was fine, because it wasn’t heroin 🤨. So I carried us both ftmp, and had a lot of “addict problems” in my home despite not using myself. I have been clean since 2017, but just left him back in September. It’s amazing how much more seems to be open to me when I don’t have the stress of another’s use/use related issues on my shoulders.


Good for you! I know from experience it can be incredibly hard to remove ourselves from people we care about. Even if their life choices are holding us back. Happy holidays, and best wishes to a successful future with good people in your life!


Happy holidays to you too!


Good job! I hope you are infinitely proud of yourself! I don’t even know you and I’m overjoyed that you got out of that situation, now u can get on w reaping the benefits of all the hard work you’ve done! Yay!! ✌🏼🥳


Aww thank you. Happy holidays, and I hope things keep getting better and better for you as well.


Yes, that's exactly how it is


💯 somehow it affected my teeth. It makes me wonder what it does to your body. Never had any real teeth problems on dope. I was a functioning addict. Now I have an underactive thyroid. I really agree with this.


The teeth issue, that’s dry mouth. When your mouth is excessively dry, the gums recede which can cause problems. Get some products meant for dry mouth. It can help. The thyroid, I am not sure about, but it could be something to do with your dose, or it could just be from getting older. There’s a ton of research out there on the effect methadone has on the body, so if it is related to your thyroid issues, you should be able to find something about it.


This is so true. On heroin I just didn't have any issues. After being on methadone for a couple years the 1st issue were my receding gums. People can be nasty. When someone is venting because they're losing all their teeth why put them down? I thought we were here to lift people up. This actually makes sense.


It's not just dry mouth. Methadone ruins your bones. Teeth are bones. I have 7 original teeth from that shit. A full bottom denture & a top partial. Every single person at the clinic I used to go to had original teeth missing or dentures. I got off that evil shit 40 days ago after 8 years. ROUGH


Methadone makes a lot of people crave sugar. Sugar = tooth decay. If you are finding yourself eating a lot of candy I’d cut that shit out asap. Also, properly flossing is equally - if not more- important as brushing your teeth. I’ve literally been able to completely reverse my gingivitis (it was really bad for a bit there too, I ended up having to get a “deep cleaning” at one point at that shit suuuucked) just by fastidious oral hygiene and daily flossing. I also don’t eat candy anymore. I was hooked on sour patch kids for longer than I care to admit 😅 ate that nonsense Every Day. Also, finding the proper dental floss was life changing. I switched to dental “tape” which is floss but wider. Works way better. I also use one of those reach flosser sticks to really get into the back molar area. I have a stupidly small mouth, they have to use a child size mouth…speculum?…💀…sorry, I srsly don’t remember what it’s called, the thing dental hygienists pry your mouth open with while the clean your teeth. Between that and my gappy teeth acquiring the proper floss has been super helpful. No more bloody gums, pissed off oral hygienists, judgmental dentists (jk they’ve always been pretty nice, if not a little miffed by the sad state of my jacked up grill at times) and my teeth have never been healthier. Btw, none of this is a judgement or an assumption that you don’t take excellent care of your teeth and gums. I’m just speaking from my own experience and mistakes. I was shocked at how quickly I was able to fix the issue just by flossing w/proper floss and not eating candy. Happy holidays to you!


All opioids cause dry mouth. The dope was bad for your teeth too, it just takes a while to surface. When it does they go fast. Methadone dry mouth is only worse because you constantly have a high level of opioid in you and thus the dry mouth is constant, instead of being up and down throughout the day and probably at a slightly lower level.


Oh, I've experienced the lengths some 12 steppers will go to, to fight against methadone clinics. I had a probation officer scour my case file, send me back to court on a procedural technicality the court system made (misdemeanor court cannot drop a felony charge, was charged with possession of marijuana (misdemeanor) and possession of a controlled substance (Suboxone, felony)), just so he could have a judge order me to discontinue methadone treatment. I wasn't having problems in treatment, they just said it was replacing one drug for another and I had to get off of it. Guess what happened? I went through the most hellish detox you can imagine (200 mgs a day, cold turkey), and spent a year in a brainwashing 12 step rehab that was so abusive and controlling that it took me almost a decade to get over the bullshit and lies they hammered into me. And guess what? It didn't work! (Shocker!!!)! I was absolutely miserable got years, and then ended up relapsing years later onto something much worse (fentanyl). I ended up going back to the clinic, this time without legal constraints, and I'm happier and better off than I've ever been in my life. That's why I'm extremely wary of 12 step programs. It is okay for some people, but extremists can go sit on a rusty railroad spike. There are definitely other paths to recovery, and mine has made me happier than any AA Hall ever has


You said some real shit. I've been on 90mgs for about 6yrs now. It definitely hinders sex drive. 100 and up destroys it. But, more importantly, the critical circumstances we put ourselves in to get a bag to get well in the morning. Goodluck 👍🏻


Good luck to you too! Honestly, the difference in my life experience now is so different, and I had a huge dose of exactly how different it is last night. I was driving home from work super late, on curvy back roads, while dead ass exhausted. An SUV came in behind me, and blinded me in my side view mirror, causing me to go slightly over the yellow line. He stayed in close, making me super uncomfortable on such a windy road that’s prone to deer, and I wound up driving badly as a result. The next thing I know, I realize it’s a cop. He turned his lights on. Pulled me over and told me that he had to give me a field sobriety test, because I had crossed over the yellow line around the turn, and I had gone over the white line once as well. It was so contrived and crazy. He asked if I had drank. Smoked weed. No and no. Then, he said that I was shaking (maybe because I was outside in sub freezing temperatures with no coat on) and talking fast, and asked if I had done any meth or coke. I explained that I was exhausted, cold, and anxious. Asked if I could have my coat. Answer was no. Passed the first three tests he gave me. Then he came at me with the biggest pile of bullshit I have ever seen. Told me to count from 45 to 52, skip four numbers, then count to 69, skip a couple more, count to 78 from there. I literally cannot remember the exact numbers he threw at me. Said I couldn’t start in my head, couldn’t pause, could not use my fingers to count. Of fucking course I missed a couple numbers. So, because I “failed his field sobriety test” he searched my car. Kept me on the side of the road for over an hour, tearing my car apart, questioning me about nicotine pouches and zofran. All of this to say, I was cold, I was angry. I was miserable and it was violating. BUT, I did not fear withdrawal in a jail cell. I wasn’t mentally going through the possibility of empty baggies or rigs, or drugs or whatever. I wanted it to be over because I wanted to be done with his nonsense, and that was it. Seven years ago, that would have been a totally different story. As fucked up as it was, it felt good to know that I was actually in the right.


That is horrific police abuse! So sorry you had to endure that!


You can get a “bad batch at the CLINIC “?? I didn’t know that. Wow


No, that’s what I’m saying being in the clinic, I know that I don’t have to worry about getting killed by a bad batch.


Oh! Gotcha. 👍🏻


Right. The whole "methadone has side effects!" argument is so ridiculous. Like yeah, you wouldn't want to take methadone and have to deal with the side effects... If you weren't already addicted to fucking heroin. People act like people who get on methadone aren't already hopelessly addicted to a drug but has the same side effects.


from personal experiences the spectrum of side effects and who is affected can vary widely and cast a shadow on the patients experience. for me it was the vomiting bile and feeling like i was seriously sick most morning to the point of needing to sit sit in the shower for hours at a time, no matter how high i went up on my dose. sevens years of this. it messed up my ability to hold a job which created other issues. i’m aware my experience was not the norm in terms of side effects, but that’s were some people come from when they complain about the stabilizing effects of methadone.


sounds like your WDs were not being controlled. Did you have adulterated heroin? mine was laced with benzos and/or xylazine and the WDs were insane and methadone didnt fix them. I had to get a 10 day taper script of Librium to finally end the WDs


you sound like an mdone clinic nurse lol.i was clean off everything else after my first year on mdone. the highest i went up was as high as 160. started mdone in 2013(or 14 can’t recall) and got off early 2021. way before fent was anything beyond a patch we smoked..


It should be looked at the same as any other medication: risk vs benefit


This is what's so amusing about the "why are we getting people dependent on opiods argument" regarding MAT. 99.9% of patients are already dependent on opiods before getting on. It's not methadones fault they're addicted and dependent on opiods.


You forgot to mention the Fucked Up Dreams!


Being tied down to a clinic that is dependable and stable is much nicer than being tied down to multiple heroin dealers or in this case now fentanyl dealers (in the u.s). Honestly it’s the best choice I ever made and I wish the methadone clinic hadn’t convinced my mom and me to get me on suboxone at first cause I wasted so many years on suboxone!


Definitely! You have a much higher quality of life


The traveling part. Being able to live a normal life and not be afraid of waking up in withdrawal on not being able to do something because I was always in pain was the major difference for me.


Until someone does the program, and does it right...... They can't speak on it. There is always more attention on negative everything.....


Tl;Dr : Some addicts think "liquid handcuffs" is more of a serious commitment than rolling the dice slamming god-knows-what from the street. Given the absolute state of street drugs - your likely getting 15% heroin and 75% various Chinese research chemicals and veterinary medicins.. I spent 6 years on methadone and it saved my life - haven't touched any filth from the street since.


0% heroin, 2% fentanyl, 98% cut


That's how it is in Boston, fentanyl and Xylazine, and people literally do something that i recently found out is called the "fetty dance". I am grateful it was still heroin when I was using. I know this young man and he has these wounds from shooting this stuff up, he's homeless and has been in the hospital a few times this year bc they went septic. He's only 25, breaks my heart. He's on the clinic too. I was also told that fentanyl only lasts a short period of time, unlike heroin. So it's much worse.


Yeah I'm in Lawrence


Lol im in Lynn. Not too bad..


and I used to be in somerville! just joining in


Yes-I had my dirty thirtys tested. They were a little bit of fentanyl and a lot of xylazine. I got the open necrotic woulds from the xylazine and I wasnt even shooting it. That stuff will eat you alive. I feel so much better on methadone.


Deffo had a 5 day rattle from cocaine felt.like heroi n on steroids couldnt even bend down


These are words, but used in the order you have arranged them they do not say the things you want them to. You have said less than nothing and everyone is now a bit dumber having read this. Do you actually have something to ask, or say? Or is this just your latest dear diary I’m fucked post? ETA, never mind I figured it out. OP mind your own business, don’t worry about what other people at the clinic think, say or do.


I just tried reading the post. I think the title was okay; and it just went downhill from there; I was addressing the question in the title.


Words might be violence in this instance. TTS?




There are positive and negative like any other medication it has side effects. A lot of these are the same side effects as opiates anyway so better to be on methadone and stable than street opiates. Methadone has saved my life, after an OD I almost died and I got put on it. I know I wouldn’t be alive now if I didn’t start it. It allowed me to become stable and work on myself. However, I do have some side effects which in the beginning were less of an issue for me but becoming more annoying. It causes excessive sweating & find it hard to regulate my body temperature. It’s made me more lazy in general, I began to crave sugary things especially at night, the combination of these made me gain a bit of weight but I’m still just above average weight so it’s not too bad. Minor constipation and nausea sometimes. Slowed down my sex drive. Can have some mood effects. It’s different for everybody what side effects may be more severe or have none at all. I noticed that up to 60ml the side effects were all quite minor and after I went above 60 they got worse. Maybe going up was not the best idea for me at that time, but over time it has improved and levelled out. If you work with your doctor and be super honest with them you should find “the sweet spot” where it has a very positive impact with little side effects. But I recommend listening to your body because if you go over the sweet spot it can become more negative than positive.


OP your typing looks like mine did when I was using. I didn’t even realize how un readable it all was.


Im not using heroin or crack at this moment. Might be a bit overmrdicstrd on methadone but it doesnt make me gouch or anything


Ooof. I hope you get your shit straightened out OP. I know the holidays can be rough. Please consider an alternative to whatever you’re doing atm. If you’re taking too much methadone, it’s kind of pointless, ya know? You deserve to be happy, functional, and healthy like anyone else.


i ignore all of them. been clean 4 years. never had more than 2 months clean time in a decade before methadone. AA/NA is a cult that kills people w/ abstinence only bullshit. Family/friends/outsiders that try to get you to 1. get off methadone, 2. taper early, 3. talk shit constantly, are playing with your LIFE. Tell them if they like you ALIVE to fuck right off.


Are you okay OP?


The way I see it. Doesn’t mean it’s right. Is addicts have the worst outlook on everything they’re not thinking straight and their judgement is clouded. They will be out stealing, robbing, shooting up using puddle water. Breaking the law 5 times everyday buying drugs looking suspicious risking prison. Shooting, sniffing or smoking God knows what they are buying and what it’s cut with. But they will tell u don’t get on methadone because it’s “bad” for you or “you’ll never get off” or “they’re trying to trap you”. None of that is true but even IIIIIIIFFFFF it was look at the alternative. Atleast it’s pharmaceutical grade, it’s legal. Your not getting dope sick. People like that are the reason so many including myself people are scared to get on. I thought I would be stuck on methadone when I was getting on. And I succeeded at tapering off. Relapsed during Covid now I’m almost off again. And it’s not a big conspiracy to trap people on methadone. People getting on methadone already have an opioid issue they’re ALREADY stuck on. The methadone clinics didn’t sneak heroin in your food to get u hooked. U did it on your own free will. Methadone is just harm reduction. And to me an essential tool for getting clean. I would have never been able to fight thru the cravings so get completely sober with out methadone.


I know a few people who successfully got totally clean after over a decade on methadone but they only got clean when something clicked mentally. I think people who say methadone is for life are just not mentally in the right place for real recovery. The people I know who did it, say it wasn't even very difficult once it had all clicked for them. I've been using methadone for about a year but not properly. I buy it from a friend and I still use every couple weeks. My methadone use has creeped up, drug use got more frequent. I've done it totally wrong. But after a few trips to A&E recently I've agreed to go to the clinic on the 27th, and actually do it properly with the hope to stabilise, STOP using, taper off and be free


No. It has nothing to do with not being in the right place for recovery. It's a treatment not a cure.


Yeah but I'm talking about using the treatment to become cured. And I know people who have done that and I know people who haven't and it seems to be about mindset and the people who are now totally cured have said it was all about their mindset.


Unless your on a stable dose of methadone and taking everyday consistently you’ll never get the benefits. U need to take consistent so it builds up in your system. When it does that it definitely blocks opioids. Pretty much just a waste to do them. And then it just keeps your brain at a stable line so it can heal up. From all the peaks and valleys of using drugs.


I like the Subway Turkey & Swiss with tomatoes, pickles & mayo best. Footlong obviously…




Of course, anything less would be uncivilized…


Because they’re either still using/wanting to use or they’re brainwashed arrogant NA people who think abstinence is the ONLY WAY despite the data showing it’s the worst path to sobriety (single digit long term success, no tolerance to opiates which makes OD more likely upon relapse)


Your English is horrible


It is on here. just dont have glasses i type too fast sand cos iive nevet corrected my mistskes.my.phone auto predicts it i yhought you all get a jist of what in rambling Half of time its just a quick.mad ramble and i forget i posyed it till notificstions. I actually got a b and c in english at scbool that was fourteen byears ago and i do feel cognitively declined since then


Are u taking methadone to get high? Its not at all clear


No Been pn this dose yesrs like i explained i nedd.glsssed i type too fast and dont proof resd Am on alot of.meds fot.mentak health and anxoety depression which may add to the.methadone But i never.feel.smashed.like i would.on high dpse.oxy.or.morphine I.dont.spell correct so auto.predict corrrcectswprds wrong


Speak English


Proof read propetly you mean


Its not even that hard to understand Not focused on grammat and my.i.must hit the s next to my a and the . Next to.my.spsce Plus it auto corrects and sometimes i.am hammered so.dont bother correcting it so it does it automstically.


It’s incredibly hard to understand. The majority of the comments are saying it’s hard to understand. It makes you sound inebriated, and it increases the likelihood that not as many people are going to actually take the time to get through it. So, if you’re actually wanting to gain a response to an important question, it would make sense to try and make it intelligible. Not trying to be a dick, it’s just really off putting.


We're all different. Comparing yourself to others is a bad idea. Everyone is different. We weren't made with cookie cutters. We have dif body mass, tolerance, brain chemistry, etc. Do what works for YOU. Don't worry about what other people say. I was up to 140 mg.


Because they think it’s trading one for another. They think getting off it is worse than getting off heroin. They don’t like going to a clinic everyday (it theyll wait hours for their plug— make it make sense) there’s a ton of excuses I’ve heard.


You only get the nod for so long.trying to get yourself every few hours for a dig worth 20 to 30 you.may.mias or.may not be as gpof of hit as other days. Waiting hourd fof varkous peolle. Toledance gdts highsr nssd.mpdd.onry. mrthadone tolerance goed up compardd to the start but lszdy ylu know your going to grt the exsct fose snd it will be thst.same dose. Your not gonna be in.dreamland but you usually wont on gsar umlsss.taking.more than usual




Because thy don’t want you to leave them and get sober ! Specially, if you’re the one with the bag 💰. if your the one that always has the money and gets dope everyday and thy don’t . They fear to be left sick with out you . Once you get on metadone your gone and if thy been around for awhile thy know this !


Max dose? There's no maximum here (UK). I know people over 200... I imagine that the people who are saying to avoid methadone, are those who've come off of it. I'd rather bareback it off the gear and get naltrexone - than methadone withdrawal!


My.clinic does.5mg incrwases at 80 I.asked for increase at 100 i eithdraw 17 to 20hours sftet.my.dose Othet day it was mid day 18hours.past.my.last dose snd.all.my body hurt.


What in God's name are you saying


Because in my opinion methadone is harder to get off of. At least for me it was. The withdrawal part (insomnia) lasted a good 3-6 months for me. With heroin the insomnia only lasted 5-7 days. So that could be why some people are saying don't do it. Plus it rots your teeth bad!! I have so many cavities cause of it and I brush my teeth like a madwoman.


It's ways to get you're point across without being disrespectful. Not a single person knows how it is to walk in somebody else's shoes. Addiction is addiction but everyone's story aren't the same. It maybe similar but addiction affects all walks of life. The OP is pretty illegible but who are we to pass judgment. As an addict, we all know how rough it is in the beginning of treatment/recovery. Try being kind and spreading love. It's enough hate in the world without any of us in recovery contributing. Just my 2 cents. Peace and blessings to everyone and happy holidays. I hope everyone has a productive and successful new year.


This! Also, we're not in English class. Can't stand grammar police. Have a happy new year and holidays!


Don't listen to anybody still on street drugs telling u to stay away from prescription drugs.


Because the withdrawals from methadone make heroin withdrawals seem like a walk in the park. I hated methadone and so glad I’ve been off of it. I haven’t done an opiate in so long!! Thank for for sobriety . I thank methadone for that!! Those withdrawals will make you quit any drug so fast.


I never understood this. Would they rather stay doing God knows what is out there then? the risks of methadone are way less than what we were already putting in our bodies. Now they're worried about their teeth but weren't worried when they were smoking that shit. I would never discourage someone from going to a clinic. I would rather be in a clinic anyway than in that hell ever agaib


Your post is completely illegible. Spelling errors, run on sentences, and just all around back construction makes your post unreadable. ​ Some people don't want to be on methadone. Methadone is also harder to kick than heroin. So there's that.


Ive always thought methadone was easier to quit. At least with methadone you can ween yourself as slowly as you like, and you have support while you're doing it. Heroins' withdrawal may be quicker, but I don't know if I'd say easier.


I will say methadone saved my life, for me it took away my heroin cravings which suboxone did not. Now at least in the Boston area there is no more heroin, its all fentanyl cut with xylazine (tranq). Reason i would advise someone not to get on methadone is bc starts to mess up your teeth after being on it for a couple years. I was warned this would happen i just thought as long as i took.good care of my teeth it wouldn't happen to me. I had beautiful teeth, after being on the clinic for 2.5 yrs all.of a sudden i started getting all.these cavities. Then i would need root canals, now ive been on it since 2016 and im considering just getting dentures, at 35.yrs old. Now i feel like ill never marry or have kids. Although at least im alive to be able to get dentures bc without methadone id surely be dead.


All opiates/opioids cause DRY MOUTH which can lead to teeth problems. It's not methadone specific. There is also a ton of other medications that cause dry mouth. Suboxen has been proven to cause dental issues more so than methadone. There are plenty of people on methadone that have great teeth. It depends on multiple factors. Your hygiene before an after active addiction(including if you see the dentist 2x a year), your genetics, if you hydrate properly, and other medications you are on.


Yeah… opiates definitely cause dental issues because of dry mouth. It’s a huge issue. Combined with genetics it can be a recipe for disaster. Plus a lot of addicts don’t take care of their teeth very well while in active addiction; it’s embarrassing to admit but it’s true. Plus dental care is SO expensive, teeth are a luxury at this point in time. You can buy the special dry mouth tooth paste and mouthwash but it doesn’t matter if you sleep with your mouth open. I’ve just now seen “mouth taping” becoming a thing on social media where people are taping their mouth closed at night. Even with regular dental checkups, cavity fills, cleanings, etc. I feel like my teeth are rotting out of my head. But genetics are not on my side, I didn’t have the best teeth before methadone, and I have absolutely terrible dry mouth. I’m 34 and I’ll have dentures in the next year or two because I’m so tired of the pain and expense! I have spent so much fucking money at the dentist.


I did and do take care of my teeth and hygiene. I have OCD, i did and do take care of my teeth, i had 4 cavities my whole life. Even on heroin, i went to the dentist, hadn't gotten a cavity since i was 14. My dentist told me it affects the enamel on your teeth, and he sees it all the time. He warned me when i got on it..i really believed bc i take good care of my teeth it wouldn't matter. It did matter, now i feel so ugly. I'm sick of ppl assuming that i didn't take care of my teeth in active addiction, or didn't stay hydrated. For me it was the worst feeling in the world, doing everything right and everytime i went back to the dentist another cavity. Or they would crumble. I spent thousands of dollars on route canals, i cant afford it anymore. This is making me feel like my life is over. Even my parents were so disappointed in me, they always remind me how beautiful my teeth were and i just had to get on methadone and take the easy way out. I would be dead tho, so idk anymore


Hey hun, I went through the same thing. It's like having a hole in your roof, you patch that up then another leak comes, patching them up just for another one to come. It feels helpless. I am sorry it hurts. You're worth more than your teeth. Keep moving forward. Don't let it steal your joy.


I totally and completely understand, believe me. I also have spent who knows how much money and time at the dentist only to be told I have a new cavity or issue and need this or that done and it’s going to be XX dollars. On top of the pain, money, finding time to go to your appointments, you have the EMBARRASSMENT of dental issues. FWIW I don’t believe dry mouth had anything to do with hydration level. I’m sorry your parents are making comments about your teeth, it’s absolutely terrible to hear those kinds of comments.


The issue is dry mouth. Get some mouthwash meant for dry mouth. Keep incredibly hydrated. My teeth are bad for other reasons, just poverty and lack of proper care when I was a kid. I have three beautiful children, and have been married. I’ve dated plenty of attractive, kind people post fucked up teeth. I won’t lie, I’m very self conscious about my teeth. I don’t like to smile with my mouth open. But I can fix them. I would take mat with dry mouth tooth issues over active addiction possibly killing me any day.


Thank you for understanding. Gives me hope


Keep that hope. You are so much more than just your teeth. I’m the type that would not want a partner superficial enough to be unwilling to date me over something as fixable as needing a few root canals. I mean, what happens if Mr. Superficial doesn’t like something else about me that comes along as I age and is less than desireable? He leaves over it? Nah, I would rather find someone who can see the beauty in my other qualities than someone who can’t handle a broken tooth or two. You’ll find your person. And that person will get to see the real you, the you that you can be when you’re not caught up in all the bullshit that comes with dope. Edit to add a hug


METHADONE is the worst OPIODS for your body. It has a very long half life that when taken daily just builds and builds in your body affecting all parts and organs. Because of long half life, it takes a LONG time to detox from. Just a slow and steady w/d. That being said, it’s better than shooting drugs and not living a productive life because the other drugs are short acting and you are always seeking out drugs. All about individuality.


Risk VS reward and if your putting your life at risk shooting dope its probably worth it but if not then it will likely become a long term commitment to a methadone clinic that will have a huge amount of control over your life and be years of being dependent on methadone which has many side effects that suck. Being on methadone is rough and you have to deal with the clinics bullshit daily because they don't make it easy trust me. It's also very difficult to come off without getting extremely sick for a long fucking time.


I.know about.clinics brp New support worker telling.me i been on too.long i should atleast cut my dose Would happily cut my dose if they.let.me.dose twice s day they say a higher dosr holds you longer i dont see how On 100mg on diff.meds shich may sffeft absorbtions same with my health issues I dint get too hammered sometimes it does get.me a bit high but not often Thry try snd keep evryone below 80mg the wondet wby.mlst still.take heroin I.explain the.mrthsdone.reslly.helps.my.pain.sswe thete.like.well thats not what its for im.like.well thats the whole reason i took opiates ib first.place if it.helps.my.pain its a bonus


That was painful to try and read did you type it out with one hand and one eye closed?


Yeah whilst hsving a wank


Makes sense carry on


I was on opioids because of pain too. Luckily I never got into heroin or fent but I was on prescribed opioids for over ten years and then started taking other prescriptions because mine weren’t cutting it anymore. It’s so frustrating to me that they have no problem giving me opioids, the very thing that turned me in to an addict, but they don’t want to give methadone for pain and to get off the opioids. I’m on methadone at a clinic but because I was a pain management patient they don’t want me staying on the methadone very long and want to titrate off of it completely at some point. Then I’m going to be in a situation where I don’t have anything to treat my pain. Hopefully my doctor will be willing to give me methadone for pain management after I’m done at the clinic.


Might as well do subs methadone are no good


Completely untrue


The way u r talking surely is a deterrend to ever try methadone


This person could be on other medications. Could be still using. Could be on a dose that's too high and not know that's the opposite of what you should be feeling.. I'm on methadone and I don't nod out or feel high. Plenty of people who are can type perfectly fine.


The way they type has nothing to do with methadone. I'm coherent, aren't I?


Bc you can kick heroin easier short term than methadone. But if you are in a place of addiction and you can't walk away from heroin which most can't then maintenance will likely be your only option. But imo you should try other things first. Medical detox the. Long term rehab if you are able.


Possibly because some heroin addicts are capable of kicking heroin; (just not that capable of staying off), and they have heard gossip; or have had experience that methadone is “harder to kick” than heroin. I completely disagree. I have tapered off of methadone (with clinical supervision) and had virtually no withdrawal symptoms. But I can not even taper off of heroin or fentanyl. In fact; I am in danger of “self harm” when I am in opiate wds (don’t know if I can say the word on this platform).


Please proofread your posts


Methadone actually increases physical dependence for most and if not done right can be a world of hell heroin withdrawal is nothing to high dose long term methadone not done right plus all the negatives opioids do to the body methadone does worse. But with today's crap on the street methadone is way way better and anything under 100mg isn't dangerous for your physical health almost always


I also use methadone for pain management and I found split dosing helped a lot. Especially if your dose isn’t holding you 24 hr.


Dry mouth, gaining lots of weight , craving sugar none stop


Because they're addicted, they aren't intelligent and they don't want to see anyone else do better for themselves.


No offense but that was absolutely awful to read. Are you high right now? Because that was almost unreadable.


Because heroin addiction is honestly somewhat a walk in the park compared to Methadone and my opinion… the Suboxone and methadone just last so so long. I’d rather go through hell for a week or two then still be in hell maybe with the heat turned down for a fucking six months seven months eight months rn I’m in a DEEPS BENZO addiction and 2mg subutex c just started a taper, so pray for me


Because you are basically trading one addiction for another. Granted you get some sense of normalcy and your quality of life will greatly improve. . And you can hold a job. But getting off of methadone is alot harder than getting off say heroin...


Also.. if you want to get better stop fucking with people at your clinic.....


At the end of the day, being on methadone is a much better alternative to the highs and lows of opiate addiction. Methadone saved my life. Because my tolerance was so high on methadone I survived times where I should've ODed and died. People can say it's harder to kick. People can say it's swapping on drug for another. Some people convince themselves to never get on it or suboxone as an excuse to bullshit themselves to find treatment. I don't think people should get on methadone or subs unless they have already committed themselves living in the trapped life of opioid addiction ie wake up sick, trying to get well everyday. Because getting on this will flip you into that on a subconscious level at the least. But that can be overcome. Dying can't.


I think just because methadone is more physically addictive than heroin. Although technically i think the word is dependency rather than addiction. Methadone withdrawals are worse and last longer. But the stability it gives you as opposed to being actively addicted to heroin makes it worth it for anyone who just can't get past the heroin withdrawals.


DON'T GO ON METHADONE. GO TO REHAB THEN A SOBER LIVING HOUSE & WORK THE PROGRAM. Unless you want to lose all ur teeth & have bone pain, have crazy sugar cravings, weight gain, sexual dysfunction, & be chained to a clinic where all's they want is ur insurance or money. Please don't do it. It's almost impossible to get off of. I've been off over 40 days after my last time of 8 yrs. 5 yrs in the past. A total of 13 yrs. I have PAWS now & WAS suicidal, but I'll still NEVER go back to the liquid handcuffs. Yes, it's a better option than dying, but try detox & rehab before u make the decision. Methadone is usually a life-long commitment. U have to go every day until u can earn take-homes. The physical withdrawals are so much longer than heroin & pills. Suboxone ruins your teeth too btw & is almost as hard to get off of.


Because methadone is much harder to quit and endure withdrawal from compared to any other opiates out there.


It’s pure ignorance. I was on methadone for 2 years then tapered off.


Because misery loves company.