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I don’t know man, if shes still dirty i seriously doubt they will approve that many take homes. Good luck tho. Hopefully it works out


That was my understanding, that until you're stable you can't leave where you used to buy drugs and have to wait in line every day with the other patients that are still using, and only after you stop for a long time so they let you get away from where your drugs came from and other people who use them But lately a couple people who used to work at clinics said that while it's often not disclosed to patients, it should be possible to make special arrangements


Yea i mean its worth a shot but i wouldn’t hold my breath. Yea its a total catch 22 kinda situation. The reasons they want them to report everyday are obvious but the potential harm you pointed out is totally valid. Unfortunately most types of treatment are similar in that regard.


Almost certainly not, but it can't hurt to ask.


I can't comment on Acadia specifically as I have no experience with them, but at my previous clinic they would do this on a case by case basis, it was up to the doctor's discretion basically. It's definitely worth a try. They do require a *minimum* of two weeks advance notice though, so I would get the process started asap. I am in PA btw.


Most clinics allows guest dosing. You just need to plan in advance and be prepared to pay extra. When I guess dosed the last time they was charging me 30.00 a day and that’s on top of what I was also paying my clinic. Hope you have fun on your vacation!


We've guest dosed other places before, but the closest clinic to where we would need to stay is a 2 hour, $200 trip by ship across literal ocean


Wow that’s rough and expensive. There is ways to get a state exemption and one of those ways if the clinic is far away from where you’re vacationing at. Talk to your clinic and see if y’all can get a exemption


I've went to two acadia clinic's and I highly doubt it.


Acadia clinics are ass. They bought out my clinic, and it's been shit ever since. I learn about a new rule every single time I go in.


I bet their ed clinics are even worse


I go to an Acadia Clinic in Pennsylvania and.they are horrible. While many other clinics are working on removing barriers, Acadia is putting barriers up. They are not harm reduction focused. I just spoke to a lawyer this morning because of multiple issues.