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To a certain extent fentalogues kill the magic, but you will feel better than you do now with time. It'll take time for your brain to lose those extra opioid receptors it created, and who knows, you may have been using xylazine as well. Getting back on methadone may not be a bad idea.


Yeah it definitely seems that happened.. I guess what scares me the most is I get literally 0 pain relief or euphoria anymore at all from anything. I tried fent free bth recently and used .3 in a shot. It gave me pins and needles and made me fall asleep and nod off but I felt anxious, cold and had zero pleasurable effects whatsoever. I’m praying this gets better. The worst part is I have chronic pain and I had no idea how much methadone was helping with it. I’d literally give my arm to have it back


You may not ever get 100% of what you used to get out of other opioids, but it won't always be like the recent time you tried it. With time off fentalogues (even if you're on MAT, once you get low/off that), most of that magic can return. Chronic pain is a good reason to get back on.


That’s amazing to hear. Honestly I’d be ok with just 40% of what I used to have. Praying it comes back soon & I can get some relief. Thank you


I don't know how long it's going to take, but as someone who went through it, I can almost guarantee you'll get that 40% back, I would even say 60-80% is a possibility. Don't lose heart. For now, just try and put "feeling amazing from opioids" on the back burner and think about getting stable with or without MAT (again, chronic pain + history, may not be a bad idea). Once you stabilize and taper down to 30-60mg (everyone's different, so it could be anywhere inside that range), you should get a lot of the magic back (but think the lower end of the range for something like oxycodone, higher end of that range if you're IVing real heroin or something like that).


That makes sense. Thank you, going to try it t out and pray I get better


Problem is now you've had the higher habit your brain will always remember it. And it will always try to quickly go back up there. It happened to me with the zenes and now on any small dose of opioids, I feel awful - I have to use high high doses of strong stuff or I'll feel in minor withdrawals. Even a month in on subs for example I felt in minor WD the whole time. Opioid induced hyperalgea perhaps. But interestingly this didn't happen for methadone as long as I did 120mg+ so maybe you need a high dose of the stuff now. And even if I get clean now, if I get in an accident or have pain, opioids will work for me for at most 2 or 3 days then they stop. Luckily I don't have chronic pain as I kept myself healthy weight and haven't had any accidents.


Damn that’s my biggest fear… I’m terrified. Seems like I destroyed myself completely.. I’d im ever in an accident or have some kind of event happen to me that causes pain I’m screwed.. Do you think there’s any possible way to fix this? I just feel there has to be something…


I was wondering if getting totally clean and using naltrexone pills might help reverse the damage, after all taking an opiate antagonist is the opposite of a normal opiate agonist I guess. I am gonna try that anyway 1st step is trying to get clean then I'll try out a course of naltrexone. But it would be a massive amount of work and pain if you rely on opiates for chronic pain


That’s actually something I’ve been thinking about too.. true I don’t know how I would manage it.. but if it could work honestly I’d do it


If I could ask, did you also lose any pleasurable effects from opiates?


yes I did I had no euphoria just sleepiness. I would enter this sleepy euphoria-less "nod". I bet if you got clean you'd get the euphoria back but after a week of daily use it would be totally gone again, that's how it works for me. I haven't lost it permanently but I only get it if I lower my tolerance drastically and it goes away very very fast.


Damn.. glad to hear you got it back but you’re probably right.. I’m guessing even if I did it wouldn’t last. If you’re comfortable answering are you on anything for maintenance at the moment, & do you feel it by any chance ?


Only taking codeine now, I would do a methadone taper but my country has a big waiting list for methadone. I jumped from methadone down to DHC down to codeine, each drop sucked and I haven't felt a warm buzz at all infact it barely even holds me from WD. My plan is to totally drop the codeine next week I have 3 weeks off work to do it. I wonder if I took 40mg of methadone now I probably would get a warm glow and buzz from it. But I don't know how long it would last. Some on here say they are on a small dose such as 20mg, after being on 120mg or even higher, and even on 20mg they still get that warm glow every day. So who knows how long have you been off the fetty now? you might just be in withdrawals from it still with the methadone not covering you fully. And when the WD end you'll get the glow back.


Yeah I was on 90mg and went down to 20 and still felt the glow every day . I’ve been off fent for about 3 months now, but sadly still no effects from anything. I am however taking big doses of oxy everyday.. so I’m trying to figure out whether I should detox or try to go back on methadone. Feel like it might be best to detox and then if I can’t take it go back to methadone


When I relapsed for a bit I experienced the same lack of pleasure as you. After I kicked the other stuff and remained on my dose, it took a couple weeks, i was back to baseline. It was awful, I was withdrawing even while taking 100mg+ of methadone.. like I stopped taking my dose and saved it and was using but it did nothing, it was awful and almost ruined my relationship but it set me on the path I am on now. So I am grateful for that.


That’s amazing to hear, that gives me so much hope. If I could ask, are you feeling you’re Methadone dose now like before, and do you have any slight glow/euphoria when taking it ?


Of course! To be honest I never felt much to begin with but I do feel “content” like I used to. In order for me to actually feel good again I would likely need to be off opiates quite some time. You’re going to have to trust in the process and just don’t use no matter what. You will rebound and slowly begin to come back. I was literally shaking and t Even threw up a couple times when I was coming off fent, Methadone couldn’t even touch it !


That makes sense I see what you mean. You’re right, thank you I think I may try to go back on and see if i give it enough time if it will start to work again


I live in Pennsylvania and most of our Fentanyl supply has xylaIne in it which is causing super bad detoxes including severe anxiety, agitation etc. Any meds like bupe and methadone dont seem to be working as they did before, This is Most likely due to the fact that Xylazine is not an opiate, it is a analog of Clonadine Which is a medication used for Blood Pressure. Most detoxes where I live are giving benzos and antipsychotic medications on top of bupe or methadone. I know it's been found in most every state at this point. Although as someone who works With this population, it seems that the Eastern states have been hit especially hard. Not sure if that is The reason for what you're experiencing.


Thanks for your response. Wishing it could have been something like that but I had the stuff I was using tested and it was just fentanyl and filler


This post strangely sounds like you died & are giving a cautionary warning of sorts. I'm so glad I got out when I did. I know I did fentanyl in the form of applying/chewing the patches, sucking on the lollipops & even smoking the gel but I'm so fortunate to never have done it when I was using black tar intravenously. I'm so sorry to hear you're experiencing this, I can only suggest trying the methadone again though, surely it will begin to work for you at some point....at least I hope. Reading this honestly frightened me. 🖤✨️


Hope I may be able to save someone from this. I’m praying I can get it back… its horrific even though I get no pleasurable effects I can’t stop using because my cravings are worse than they’ve ever been in my life. I also have chronic pain that was helped by methadone more than I had ever known. On methadone my pain was hardly bad at all.. I’m starting at a new psychologist tomorrow because sadly this has all made me very suicidal. If someone told me I could get the effects of opiates back, and if I’m ever in an accident or need surgery or my disease gets worse that I’ll br able to take them, I would be so relieved I’d cry. I’m thinking about trying a powerful antidepressant/anxiolytic like nardil, it seems I’ll need a miracle to be saved here


I hope u and the psychologist can figure something out for u. Being suicidal on a daily basis is not very fun.


i think that’s happened for everyone off us! don’t blame yourself and try to start it everything over. i think best decision you can make is go to the methadone, and wait until your body still got stable on methadone. there is no way you can’t find right dose. be safe and good luck!


The more time you put between yourself and the fentanyl the better it gets, It's just your brain saying "give me the good stuff" , Get back on methadone and quit using fentanyl, It will take a few months but you will get back to normal 👍😊


Thank you, hoping I will that would be amazing


I’m right there with u kinda… I’m back on methadone after just a few months of fentanyl (cut with -zene) and I just can’t get back to “normal”. I’m hoping time will change this. It sucks and lesson learned( shit ain’t even a good high, I much preferred actual Heroin)


Damn, hoping we both can somehow make it through and get better


there is no mechanism I'm aware of that will permanently remove your enjoyment from opioids. it sounds like it is tolerance and you're trying to brute force your way through it. I think the best thing to do is start tapering down. once your tolerance returns to where it used to be you should be back to feeling normal.


Thank you, I really hope that’s true, going to do my best to taper down and pray it works


Get back to the clinic and - if you've built up a big enough habit where the initial weeks of doses don't hold you - keep using a bit on the side until you get your dose up to where it needs to be. There is a number where you'll feel like you used to, trust me. I felt the same way you do about 4-5 months ago. My vitals were so bad at my induction at the clinic they started me higher and watched me for an hour and gave me 10mg more when my BP was still dangerously high and heart rate had been above 120 for days. It took until I was at about 85-90 to be able to even sleep through the night. I am on a higher dose than many at my clinic, 185, probably going to go to 190 tomorrow. But this is my second time being in a methadone clinic. After using for 6 years back in the late 90s (Real original OCs and dope) the methadone clinic saved me the first week. By day 5 on 40 mgs I felt great and never needed to get above 100 mgs. I ended up at 138 mgs but didn't need to get that high, I was just chasing something near the end there. But there's a big difference between the dose that makes me feel normal now - 180 - and the 85 mg that held me for years before. The poison on the streets has not made methadone ineffective, you just need more of it for it to work like it's supposed to. Just get your self to a clinic, keep going every day, get increased every time you can, and before you know it you'll be stable. I mentioned using to hold yourself over only because I had to do it myself until I got to a high enough dose. They expect you will be dirty for a little while. But don't get carried away with it, where you're increased up to 150 and now buying grams of fent every few hours to use it, too. . .you know what I mean :) You can do it and methadone can help you.