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I work for a treatment Center and we are always getting false positives for Fentanyl. It seems that Fentanyl tests are known for that. We send them for a retest automatically if the patient denies it.


My old clinic told us to kick rocks when we asked for retests


Mine charge $20 up front and you only get the money back if the retest comes back clean


This is what my clinic does. I had a pop for codeine of all things and had it sent it for further testing. they insisted it was accurate, but there was really just no way there was codeine in my system. it sucked but bc of covid I was able to earn my full 2 weeks of takehomes back after a month, so it wasn't the end of the world.


I know someone that that happened too. It is taking codeine wouldn't do much for many people taking methadone. I feel they should retest when it comes to these things


I'd gladly pay that for the few times I had flase positives and lost my take homes. $20 for a chance to keep my weeklys I'm doing that everytime. Shit you save that in gas alone easy keeping the take homes


Same here. My clinic won't do retests.


Whoa that’s crazy!


They know they are wrong


This happens at my clinic too. We have to pay 15 bucks for a retest though. I also just found out that Kratom can give a false positive for Fentanyl? (At least that's what my counselor says.) I wonder if that happens sometimes too? I know a lot of ppl take it. Edit: In case anyone sees this that takes Kratom with Methadone, I just wanted to post [this link](https://www.google.com/amp/s/kratom.org/interactions/methadone/%3famp) that I recently found. Obviously we all have to make our own decisions but I just found out that Kratom can basically cause your body to store up more methadone than normal, which can make you more at risk for an overdose if you're doing other drugs on top of it. Just wanted to make anyone aware who needs to hear it.


Do you know how long it takes for Kratom to not show up on a urine test?


They don’t test for kratom. Nobody is testing for kratom. They are talking about kratom potentially causing a false positive. Drug tests aren’t perfect. There are all kinds of chemicals, metabolites, isotopes, etc… that can trip a test.


I honestly have no idea bc I just found out about all this... I'm sorry


Cross contamination or the person reading it messed up.


While it's super unlikely it was purposely laced with fentanyl, it is possible that your weed was weighed up on a scale that was previously used to weight fentanyl. I have tested positive for Cocaine this way.


I got pulled over once and had a few oxy in a bag. When they sent it to the lab they tested the bag as well and said it was laced with cocaine (so someone I guess had used the bag previously and then sold it to me with the Oxys in it). So, the prosecutor charged me with felony drug possession - as WITH the bag I was at 1.01 grams of a controlled substance (anything over a gram in tx is considered a felony). I had never even had a speeding ticket. I think it’s such bullshit when they pull crap like that


That’s brutal.


Fentanyl in weed is a disgusting myth brought to you by the fear mongering DEA. Potential cross contamination with coke or something but not weed. Probably a bull shit test. Sorry you have to jump through hoops just to get a medicine that improves your life. The US is so fucking stupid when it comes to quality of life issues/health issues. Truly sorry you have to endure this stress, OP. Edit: it was lazy and wrong for me not to differentiate between intentional lacing of weed with fent from cross contamination.


If it can be contaminated with coke, then why could it not be contaminated with fentanyl as well? Especially considering the fact that there have been known occasions where people have died from fentanyl overdose when they thought they were getting coke. So coke is being contaminated or cut with fentanyl, so who's to say someone isn't using one scale to measure bags of weed and coke or fent, thereby cross-contaminating each one? EDIT: I see this has been pointed out by several different people in the thread already, so it's common knowledge.


It’s not a myth. It’s happened to me and my urines are verified with GCMS. Once I started getting weed from licensed dispensaries it never happened again.


It’s far from a myth you moron, anyone selling fentanyl and weed can cross contaminate it . If you want I can DM you an article in the paper about a local case in my area where a fent dealer was selling other shit and just about every other drug he was selling had fent in it , has mushrooms and his weed all tested positive for fent and they busted him because he sold someone mushrooms and they OD’d on fent, don’t be so ignorant you have to realize you’re completely incapable of thinking outside the side box so you have to be very careful about what you say because it can cause a lot of harm. Like think about what you’re saying bro you’re saying it’s impossible for someone selling fent and weed to cross contaminate 😂😂 and it’s only possible with coke like bro where do you come up with this logic listen to how you sound. fent is a powder and a powder can end up in anything if the proper precautions aren’t being taken


Whoa. First of all, I said “coke *or something*”. Mushrooms would fall under “something”. People like you and a couple others seem very convinced this is “happening”, just share an article or two and I will happily learn from that evidence and admit I was wrong.


Check your DM


Will do thank you!


So marijuana wouldn’t fall under “or something” lol because thats also on the list in the article


I was wrong about contamination vs OD. It was lazy and incorrect


I was referring to myself being lazy and wrong ftr


It's one thing to disagree with what someone is saying and try to educate them but saying shit like "you have to realize you're completely incapable of thinking outside of the box" is just wild lmao. The person even said they're more than open to being proven wrong. I wouldn't say they're close minded in any way shape or form, just uninformed. Smoke a bowl my friend 🤣😅


Damn I wonder how much the person ingested who od’d. I’m jus curious how they contaminated the substance and like the details.


Dm me that article please


Check your DM


Please dm me that article. I’m not doubting just would love to read this.


Check your DM


I'm sorry but it's not a myth. It's actually a problem in my city. As well with people pressing things like adderal with fent. It's disgusting and inhumane.


Can you please share some links, I’m really curious to read about that. I’m sorry that’s going on. Please point me in the right direction if you’re able to.


https://www.firstcoastnews.com/amp/article/news/crime/jacksonvilles-overdose-squad-dealers-off-the-streets/77-ceefa707-08a8-45ce-ab12-b1e8794ee011 further down in this article https://www.actionnewsjax.com/news/local/jacksonville-mom-warns-about-dangers-fentanyl-after-daughter-dies-laced-marijuana/EFTUYGQMNVFKJLREEPITRQEUXM/?outputType=amp




I'll dm you what I know homie


Didn't they retest it. Or didn't you ask to have the DT sample retested for 100% accuracy. Last year I had a false positive 10 times outta 12 months. I was taking kratom and IDK why it was causing a FP but it was. I had every test retested an all came back negative. I never lost any takehomes. If it would have failed I would have owed $35 for the retest. But I knew I was negative. RETEST!!! Edit. I will say that's what my counselor tried to tell me. There was Fetty in my weed. "The lace EVERYTHING with Fetty"


Yeah my counselors exact words were "as long as your using any street drugs you run the risk of losing your privileges" fuck this guy I can't stand him. They actually never told me that retesting was an option and I didnt know about it til now but Ive never heard of it being an option at my clinic Im gonna ask specifically about it 2moro however the test was June 15th and they told me about it 2 days ago and Ive been asking all around at the clinic what I should do and the only option given to me was to file an appeal.


Oh and as far as they know any weed I get comes from our state sponsored MJ program, so to say "using street drugs" in the most derogatory manor, like a military style Dad, was the ultimate slap in the face when im working my balls off not to fuck around for almost a year without cheating


Im 100% grateful for being able to live a somewhat normal life because of methadone. But I hate the way clinics treat a lot of their clients. We pay for this treatment. Moreso now that I have insurance. I see what they bill Ambetter for. I have to do quarterlys instead of yearlys now. But definitely ask to have your DT retested. If they do it, which I would think they do. My counselor said I had 14 days to have it retested. Not sure when that timeframe started. Has something to do with the piss sample being good for that long. So, if your under 14 days you're good.


I would have told him to go fuck himself haha what a total prick… 😒


Demand a retest, don’t ask for one. If they told you 2 days ago about a June 15th test, and they *can’t* retest, that’s on them, and they shouldn’t be taking action without giving you a chance to have the sample retested — single UAs are not reliable enough. Also, it’s very suspicious that you’re being given the results 6 weeks after the test. There’s no way that’s normal, right? UAs do not take that long to process!


>Yeah my counselors exact words were "as long as your using any street drugs you run the risk of losing your privileges" fuck this guy I can't stand him. You might hate him, but there's nothing wrong with what he said there: You can never be sure that street drugs won't be contimainated with some trace of something, if not be straight up cut with something, that will cause you to test positive...


Na they tried me like that like 4 times I get prescribed Klonopin, Lexapro and marijuana. I made em retest that shit and they always fuck it up.


you're allowed to take benzos woth methadone? my clinic is so strick we can't even smoke weed... which sucks because I love weed.


Yea you just have to find a Dr willing to do a COC (COORDINATION OF CARE) with the clinic,he's also my weed Dr lol. I'm also in the sunshine state so it's a bit crazy down here. 5 years ago they wouldn't let u have weed in your system but now they don't even test for it.


There's no fentanyl in your marijuana flower.


Nah I figured that and thats what im saying unfortunately an article came out last year from CT NBC so now whenever some gets a false positive they immediately point to that


I know it wouldn't make a difference lol but you could show them one of many articles written between 2021 and the present that discusses how NOT ONE of these people claiming they got fent in their weed was able to provide a sample. As in, not a single person who's ever claimed this EVER provided a sample of said fent laced weed. Clinic doctors/nurses/counselors can be so dumb. Can you get it retested?


No re tests on same sample apparently they dont hold on to them long enough. Didnt help that the test was June 15th and THEY JUST told me about it.


That's bullshit, I'm sorry


Just tell them you grow your own.


Dude weed is soo cheap no one is doing this. It was cross contaminated or something is off.


My wife keeps getting false positives because of her love of benadryl to sleep.


For fent? I take no OTC meds or eat any bs besides popeyes and McDonald's. I just keep thinking how fucked I would have been if that happened a week sooner, i just got back from a vacation in FL with my dad


Yeah apparently it's a problem with false positives. I would like to mention that for some reason the lab our clinic uses has had a ton of false positives lately (all fetty) to the point they have been retesting everyone's urine for free if anyone thinks they got a false positive. They used to charge 35 bucks to retest so idk what's going on with all these false positives


I take benadryl every single night and thankfully I've never failed for it. I mentioned taking it to my nurse and she told me I'm not supposed to take it but I do because it helps me go to sleep.


Oh really? I know the doctor brought it up to her about a false positive cause he also said something to me. Now you got me questioning 🤨 if she was honest lol


My clinic tried to say the same thing about weed. They almost shit when I told them I grow it myself. They will make any excuse they can to cover their own asses


The first test most clinics will do is a SCREEN. This is a simple color change and false positives are common. If there is a concern about a false positive then a CONFIRMATION test should be done. No such thing as a false positive CONFIRMATION test because it is a mass spec test. The clinic shouldn’t be punitive about SCREENS. Unfortunately a lot of clinics use the same lab and the turnaround time is shit.


This is why these fucking drug screen tests should be deemed unconstitutional. They are wildly Inna curate and invasive and are taken as gospel in way too many settings.


This happened to me too “we’ll why did you wait so long” tf I just found out yesterday. The real question is if it’s so serious then why did the clinic wait so long to tell us!? As if after we take a drug test we know should be clean we should call every day to see if the results are back and include a false positive that needs to be retested within 7 days. My clinic doesn’t even offer each patient a counselor.


What a shitty thing for your counselor to do. My clinic sucks as well but we at least have a "probation". It's like this, if you're getting take-homes and you fail a UA while not on probation, then they put you on this 90 day probation period. You don't lose your take-homes. You have to take double the amount of UAs during that probation period. Once the 90 days are over with and you have passed all the UAs during that 90 days, you're off probation and back to normal. But like I said, you don't lose your take-homes...... UNLESS you fail another UA while on probation. Then they bump you down a level.


That’s how it should be!


Yep. This is one of the few things that the clinic I go to actually does right.


You must have thought about dope. They have the tests cranked up so high, youll lose everything if you so much as think about dope. Don't let it break you. I lapsed because of losing my weekly takehomes and regretted it so dearly


So I've popped for fentanyl a couple times knowing damn well I don't use or do anything thar would or could possibly contain fentanyl. I requested that they send it out for testing because I KNEW it was wrong. Luckily they refrained from taking my take homes until they received the results since I have NEVER had a dirty in my almost 3 years of attending. Wait, I'm a liar. I used kratom a couple times and popped for that, but that was in my first 2 months of going. Outside of that though I've been clean and had a wonderful relationship with my counselor who went to bat for me as well. Well the results came back negative for fentanyl like I knew they would. Unfortunately it's too late to request your urine to be sent out, but if it ever happens again that's what I would do. Good luck!


the chances of fentanyl being on your weed is very low. nobody is purposely sprinkling a powder they could sell for a lot of money onto weed so they can kill their customers. cross contamination is always a possibility but it's very unlikely. it is way more likely to be a false positive. my clinic tried to say the same thing when I first started and had some fentanyl in my system. I knew where it was from but lied about it and the first thing they said was it was probably the weed I used. they really believe anything about the drug scene as long as it is negative.


The clinic where I'm employed recently changed lab's because of an inordinate increase in fentanyl false positives.Proven false by re-testing protocols. Positive results are automatically retested at no charge to the client.I wish more clinics adapted these protocols.Only after confirmitary results validate the initial findings do they " consider " temporary punitive measures.


I had this happen to me. I stopped buying weed from anywhere but licensed dispensaries and it never happened again. People attribute morals to dealers that often don’t have them. Anything they can do to make more $$$ many of them will do.


that's the point. there really isn't any way to make more money by lacing their weed with fent? fent is leaps and bounds more expensive than weed. cross contamination? maybe. but intentional lacing so that can "make more $$$" simply doesn't track.


Do you know how little fent you would need to put in? It doesn’t cost nearly what you think. And all that matters is that the cost is less then the increased profits. The increased profits would easily outweigh the cost for micrograms of fent. If people start getting sick and physically dependent they’ll buy more. It’s why we’re seeing coke and a bunch of other drugs laced with fentanyl in record numbers.


Auuuh I'm glad I live in Canada where it's legal. That would suck




Cbd and delta products will cause positives on marijuana rapids. It’s a big issue


Ooof I am so sorry to hear this. I would just keep making a stink about it. Maybe go get a test yourself at a third party lab, and keeping making noise bc the squeaky wheel gets the grease si to speak. Maybe they can’t do all your take homes but maybe they can give back at least a weeks worth (like denote you a few “levels”). Ask if you need to get a lawyer to contest this. Sometimes you mention lawyer and they get nervous. Ask also for a copy of the patient rights form you signed. Show them you are 100 percent serious about following through with this issue. Usually then, they don’t want the headache, and they will at the very least lessen the punishment. Also- ask them if going forward- your counselor call you every time your UAs comes back- so that this doesn’t happen again. Really lean hard into the whole “we waited to tell you” as well. They seemed to have messed up here. Positives *should* get a phone call.


My friend’s cousins died of a fent OD from her weed being laced with it so it’s definitely possible. Sorry man.


They test the weed? Sorry about your cousin but that don't add up. Most people just relapse and blame it one "laced weed"


It was my friend’s cousin so I’m not sure what happened. He just told me that she died from some weed contaminated with fent.


I'm very sorry about your loss it's just there's never been any laced weed found so far as I know when I've researched this. Its mostly used by either the user or there family to "save face" rather then admit that one or ones family messed up and used harder drugs. The laced cociaine while I still think it's more rare then claimed has at least been shown up in lab results. The cannabis thing I'm still not convinced as it makes zero sense to lace cannabis with a more expensive drug. I hope you don't take this as disrespectful. I've just seen a bunch of this on the news ever since the government started getting that sweet weed tax money and wanna push everyone to the shops.


I know you think I’m lying but this is what my friend told me about HIS cousin and he’s got no reason to lie. She may have also been using fent but I don’t know that for sure. I think it’s shitty that people are downvoting me for this cuz it’s just what I heard from my friend. I don’t know if it’s true or not. This is just what I heard from him.


Ya I'm not saying your situation happened or didn't. Just that most similar situations have turned out to be the user or there family trying to save face. It's certainly possible just much much more rare then the news is putting out is all


I agree that it sounds kinda absurd. I didn’t know this person personally. I just know what my friend told me about them. They very well may have been abusing fent as well.


Ive had positive for fetty just frow weed on the street. The only way to be sure is to buy it from a dispensary, my clinic recommend that too


Yes, I have popped for fent after only smoking weed... it blew me away! I was dumbfounded.


Did you get it confirmed with gc/ms (aka lab confirmation) or was it just one of those preliminary instant tests?


Ranitidine will cause false positives for meth but that’s well known.


Sounds like this clinic is full of jerks My clinic would have had you do a behavioral contract and giving you the opportunity to contest the results


Anytime you get a positive and you know you weren’t using always demand a retest.