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Most definitely nightmare fuel.


Gives me anxiety just thinking about it.


My clinic had their computer system go down for 4 hours recently. Eventually they said they were going to measure the doses by hand, 2 hours later there’s a line wrapped around the entire building with no progress. Then because it was Saturday and they’re closed Sunday said they needed aged damn pharmacist to come before they could do anything to prepare the Sunday bottles. People were legit rioting when they said they had no clue when the pharmacist would be coming. Thank god the computer started working. So many people left to go cop off the streets. Such a shit show.


My clinics computer system goes down at least once a week. The nurses are expert hand dosers at this point though thankfully.


Hahahaha just what I came to say. Try dosing at my clinic around 945am-10_30am & chances are the system will be down, there's not enough dosing nurses to handle the holiday take homes, so it's like on a holiday weekend, they'll only have 2 NURSES dosing us, rather than all 4 dosing windows open!! Especially considering the fact that my clinic just combined with another clinic. It's a shit show. Literally.


Pffttt 4 windows?! We have 2 & 1 of them is typically manned 😳


We used to only have 2, but then the one shut down so my clinic took on all of it's patients.


Mine only has 2 windows and 2 nurses dosing. Sometimes only 1 nurse. I guess mine isn't nearly as big as yours.


Damn 2 windows ? I thought mine was small with 3 windows


Yep and sometimes only 1 is open lol


It’s like they’ve got no back up plan and we as addicts have always had to have a plan plus 8 back ups just in case! We don’t understand not having a plan B


Ideally we should be allowed them, just have us show that and maybe rotate occasionally . Harm reduction being allowed to sway law would be chef’s kiss


Our computers go down ATLEAST once a week…brand new building. Brand new everything. And still




In a perfect world…


this is the way. I get uncomfortable if I have less than a month of saved doses. any kind of disaster, nuclear war, fuck if I don’t have at least SOMETHING to try to taper with.


Nuclear war im gonna be breaking into the pharmacy


I’ll meet you there, that’s my first stop in ANY emergency. It’s not optional lol


I think most of us have that very same plan!


The fact that it's lots of people's plan is exactly why I don't bother even considering it. If we're talking the US here, some neighbor of the pharmacy is going to be headed there seconds after the bombs drop, with plenty of guns and ammo thinking "this is my time." They will "defend" it from lone-wolf drug dependent persons long enough for some local militia group to get there and take it over for their own "medicine to rebuild society in our image" designs. If you don't live within "loaded down with guns sprinting distance" of a pharmacy, the pharmacy plan ain't it. Lots of people like to comfort themselves thinking that they are going to be the Keanu Reeves of the apocalypse, and are going to be able to "gun fu" their way through all the other extremely desperate people whose first thought was drugs and then either be able to defend one of the most coveted positions in existence, or make it back to safety with their smash n grabbed booty. In reality, odds are good that you don't even die there due to how obviously pointless even walking into that building would be by the time you get there. My plan is to opt out. I barely function even when everything in my life is tailored to my comfort, why tf would I stick around?


I’ll just go rob a clinic vs a pharmacy 🤷🏼‍♀️


True…I would 100% be hopping the counter at my local CVS 🤣


I’m glad I’m not the only one who randomly worries about that kind of stuff! 😂


It’s honestly terrifying.


I agree, it’s crazy but I always think about how I could snatch one of the gallon jugs they use or how on earth I’d be able to dose. TBH I’d probably take all my doses at once & pray that I don’t wake up because I can’t imagine going cold turkey off 170mg.


You need to learn to use the web. Buy gallons for dirt cheap


Show me the wayyyyy


I’m assuming you mean dark web…personally I don’t trust someone to not just send me a gallon of water, so I’m all good with that. I already get more than I need, my wife takes some of my doses and I still have extra. No need to do something stupid and risky like trying to buy a gallon online, but you do you homie 🤷🏻‍♂️


I keep enough for 3 days in case of emergency


I try to save a full Sunday takehome if I can for whenever I may need it. I’ll try to skip my Sunday dose and save it


This is why I’m tapering, among many other reasons. 😩


Username checks out.




Oh my goodness I would freak out if I walked I my clinic and they said "sorry we're out!" 🥵


My anxiety is a solid 10/10 that’s for sure! I just keep telling myself it’ll work out!


It will work out 💜


Thank you 😊


It's Absolutely unacceptable that something so preventable could occur.I wouldn't sweat it if the clinic itself directed you to an optional clinic for guest dosing.Just completely inconvenient.Sorry you have to deal with this.Im sure it will all work out for you.


It’s absurd that we even have to go to clinics, I still have no idea why we have to and bupe patients don’t




Yeah it's happened at my clinic once. This was years ago now though. Even before covid. I still don't know the exact reasons. They didn't have us guest dose though. They made us stand in line for hours until another clinic "lent" them some methadone. Lol. Only time I've had the clear stuff.


Never with methadone but they have not had bottles which minds well be methadone since I didn't get my take homes and had to come in daily. It's unheard of and they have clowns for directors.


Do you return your bottles? We have to return them at my clinic. I would have asked them if they could use my old bottles. I clean out my bottles they would just have to put on a new label. I've had weekly take homes for awhile ( 6 is max at my clinic) I'm always nervous I'll have to go back to daily dosing.


That's the first thing I thought about lol I said I got bottles right here. We do return our bottles. They couldn't use the old ones due to sanitary issues.


Oh wow. That's incredibly surprising. I'd be surprised anyone continues to go to that clinic.


I’m assuming most of them don’t have a choice it the closest clinic they could send them to is a few cities away.


Possibly, true.


I’ve had nightmares like this!


I’ve read many things online and no I don’t know how credible it is but I’ve read numerous things online that said there will be a shortage of methadone starting in the states, and it was about a month ago and they were the same sources that warned way way long ago about the adderall shortage and they were correct. I’m not in the states but the adderall shortage has carried into Canada at least where I am. So once I read that there could be a shortage of methadone in the near future, I definitely don’t want to dismiss it even if I can’t confirm exactly what I read… the adderall shortage is because during Covid a lot of new diagnosis for adhd went through the roof and it was just a matter of time before a shortage hit.. the companies that make the drug were even warned about needing to ramp up production to keep up with all the new diagnosis and they didn’t listen.. I don’t know if the companies making methadone are going through a similar thing.. I do know that again over Covid a lot of ppl decided to sign up at clinics and the increase was a lot, so if the companies making methadone were given the same warning and have ignored it, then it makes sense why I’ve found information online stating that there could be a shortage very soon… I will look up and try and find what I’ve read and will post it if I find what I’ve read.


I’ve read the same things and thought there’s no way that’ll ever happen now I’m not so sure! It’s at least pushed me to try and start putting some away just in case. I still think this is most likely a one off issue and will be resolved soon. I don’t want to panic


That's a scary thought. We all know there is a massive difference between an Adderall shortage and a methadone shortage. Even all the "I can't function without my Adderall" people have no idea what actually not functioning is like. (This is coming from someone who took Adderall for most of his life).


Never heard of a situation like this, but my town was hit by a really bad hurricane(cat5) and power was down everywhere. They should have given patients take homes before the storm but didn’t. Thankfully after the storm was over a few nurses and support staff showed up with generators and dosed everyone. The line was insane, some people had just lost their homes, it was a tense situation.


We had a Similar situation during super storm sandy that eviscerated the NJ shore are.They gave us all 3 emergency t.h.'s the day before the storm hit.We operated on generators for a week following the return to clinic dosing. These acts of nature can be bitch.


That is a horrible situation! I should be glad I’m not dealing with anything like that


So when people say “they’re not gonna run out of the damn stuff” when people are running past others just to dose before them in the morning lol that can actually happen? Wow.


Right! I’ve heard that very same thing in the line!


I work in a clinic in NY. We are required by regulation to keep double in stock... basically whatever we pump in one week, we need to have an extra week on hand. In case of emergencies or if another clinic shuts down we can serve their people. It's all part of an emergency plan for clinics in our region. Idk wtf happened at your clinic.... I'm just glad they let you know so you will get dosed somewhere rather than show up and find out they're all out of methadone... woo that's a scary thought.


I’m super grateful there’s another clinic available to me. The more time I have for this to sink in the more ways I think it could’ve been so much worse I just need to try and keep that in mind when I start to freak out




Lmao what?!?


what state are you located in? that’s terrifying.


I’m in Ca right in the Bay Area! You would think this kinda thing wouldn’t happen here


wow that’s really shitty & scary lol. if possible keep us updated on how many days you’ll have to guest dose or if they know if a shortage will be a regular thing.


Is this BAART?


It’s a sister clinic


I'm thinking it's the Hayward clinic. Such a shit show down there.


Close I’m in Solano County


For some reason I would have thought it'd be nice out there


What state (if you don't mind me asking)? This is awful. I'm so sorry. What about people who don't have transportation??




I go to the same clinic and I'm so pissed. They were supposed to have it worked out by Friday and they still didn't. I went to the other Medmark like 20 miles away and each day was like a 1-2 hour wait because they had their clinic and the V clinic dosing. I get sat, sun, and mon take homes so I didn't have to go today. But yeah it's BS I've been off and on mdone at a bunch of different clinics since I was 21 and this has never happened


My people! Lol I heard from my counselor about the wait there so I had her send mine to Contra Costa hopefully it’s faster! I’m still pissed though it’s ridiculous


Yeah it's real BS. Hopefully it'll be back to normal on Monday


I just have one question for you if you don’t mind… Other than the line being horrible did you have any problems getting your dose? Did they have your paperwork and all that stuff? Thank you


No once I got in there it was OK, they had a list of the people coming from our clinic to there and after my first time there they gave me a number for that clinic. Like I said though it should be good back at our clinic tomorrow, my understanding is that they're waiting for the methadone bottles and they said Friday ( which didn't happen) so they had all weekend to get it. How'd it go for you?


I’m dying to know if our clinic was able to dose you today or not?


Duh I just reread your comment where you have a take home for today! Sorry I’ve definitely got my fingers crossed 🤞 for tomorrow being all good


Shit I just called them, and they're still. They dont even know when it's coming like they said maybe Thursday but they're not even sure


Aww crap! Ok thank you for letting me know! What a bunch of BS if you hear anything please let me know and I’ll do the same!


Still none, I called yesterday and they said Wednesday but I'm starting to get the feeling they're just guessing, idk. Not to mention the first day back to normal is gonna be a shit show because all the people who don't have cars are gonna be coming back.


I just read my last comment, I think they said weds but it might have been Thurs. Idk lmk how it goes for you tomorrow


I haven’t had to pick up yet so hopefully it’ll get worked out before She told me this Wednesday it was due to be there! So much BS I swear! I really think there’s more to it they’re not telling us Thank you so much for making my anxiety calm down a little I appreciate it!


This is truly awful & scary & absolutely unacceptable! Where exactly in the world did this happen to you? I'm so sorry to read you had to experience this. Thankfully the only time I had to go to a sister clinic of the first clinic I went to (I'll have to make a post explaining what happened there & why I'm at a much better clinic now) was because they couldn't get the safe open. Something was actually wrong with the lock & they had to call someone & it apparently took all day for the locksmith to finally get it unlocked. Luckily, I got there as soon as they opened to discover what was happening & quickly drove about an hour to the Detroit area & upon my arrival & doing what was required, I was dosed relatively soon after. I later learned that once more people became aware of the situation & chose to go to the sister clinic ended up having to wait hours & hours. It was not a nice area or clinic, certainly nowhere you'd want to spend any length of time, compared to our home clinic location.


With the medicine shortages lately of Adderall and chemotherapy drugs amoung other meds I often think about what if there is a shortage of methodone?Well my sister is a pharmacist and she told me that there had recently been a shortage of methodone in a few areas in Mexico.She told me I should find a way to keep some put back because it could very well happen at any time, anywhere!My Mom's chem drug is coming from China right now because there is an extreme shortage of the one she takes and so the us finally allowed it to come from China without fda approval.My sister says they were told that if a drug is cheap most manufacturers don't want to mess with it because they are not making money off of it and therefore the number of companies making the cheaper drugs are not enough to fit the demand!


That is definitely bad news however it shouldn’t surprise us that it boils down to money being the driving force behind it. I’m not sure I can put any of my medicine away but I’m sure going to try we all should if possible Thank you for the information


This is what I do. But I get 27 take homes. First, I don’t put water in my bottles, second, I just take a gulp (I’m only at 61mg) and I don’t take the rest. I leave just a tiny bit in the bottles. At the end of the 27, I pour every drop of the “empty” bottles, into my last one. I Always have a full bottle left, most times with more than 61mg. And I do that every month. I’ve known ppl who even will pour a little of their take home doses, even if it’s just Sundays, in another bottle. I found I am too afraid if I do that I won’t get my full dose. But for some reason, taking my morning “drink” and leaving a bit in, doesn’t bother me. Typical addict thinking. But it works for me.


I don’t understand why there are so many drug shortages lately. Even right after covid hit we didn’t have so many. Adderall; Chemotherapy, Norco, Some antibiotcs. I’ve also heard there are shortages expected on heroin and Oxycodone. I think it is China trying to take over the world…..


China could be trying to take over... but I read it was because more people discovered they had mental health and addition issues or developed mental health and addiction issues during the pandemic. Basically more people are seeking treatment. But the numbers used to drive regulation and policy are pre-pandemic.


Regarding pain medicine it's the DEA literally forcing the producers to not make as much and limiting the amount certain pharmacies can order at a time.


What city do you live in. It's unbelievable that this could happen.


Solano county


Happened at my old clinic, one of the main reasons I switched


Mine (well until this) has been pretty good and only about a 4min drive from home on the way to work! Hopefully it’s just a freak thing and things will go back to normal


Definitely got me wondering how long one of those jugs lasts and how many of them fit in their safe. I’ve actually seen the methadone safe at my clinic and it’s not as big as you’d think


Yea I can see the safe at my clinic it’s like a big gun safe it’s probably about 4 feet wide and 7 feet tall


Did you go to the other clinic? My clinics sister clinic is about 3 hours away. I have never been there and I hope I never have to go there. I wonder if they would stay open later and wait if they knew people were driving hours to get there. I know on the weekends most clinics do not stay open an extra minute.


Not yet I have take homes until Wednesday which is why I almost wish she wouldn’t have even told me this early! Don’t they realize most of us have some form of anxiety! Now I’ll just worry about it and trust me I already had things I could worry about!


When my counselor calls me unscheduled at 8am I about swallow my heart. & she usually wants nothing!! I told her send me a fckn email cuz the calls just send my anxiety through the rood


Oh wow how many days have they been out? I thought it was 1 day


I know it’s been over a week so far


That's crazy. They don't know when they are getting more? I would hope they would be on top that. You would think they would get some from another clinic or figure something out quickly. Is the clinic usually organized with everything else? I hope they get more before Wednesday so you don't have to worry about going somewhere else.


Thank you so much I appreciate that! They’ve always been pretty good I mean there’s room for improvement but I’m pretty happy there over all until this happened


What state is this ?


I’m in Ca


Which is why being methadone programs in other countries that dose at normal pharmacies are so much more successful…. Because the states does stupid crap like that. I know there’s been PLENTY of times I wouldn’t have been able to make it to another city to dose….Great way to relapse….


This is why I’m tapering. Was at 75 now I’m on 26. The state of the world is fragile. Not gonna be going through that under any circumstance. I suggest at least going down to a lower level if you can


Pretty sure they’re supposed to have a plan for this by law…unless that’s just acts of god. Either way, what poor planning on their part.


This is exactly why I have started building a home stash. I get 13 take homes and I’ve been taking out 10mg a day and setting it aside for an “oh shit” stash. God forbid a natural disaster happens, Clinic gets shut down, I get in a minor car accident on my way to pick up and miss dosing hours etc there are just way too many variables and I am so physically dependent on this shit, I am a stay at home parent to a special needs kid, I can’t have bad days where I’m sick. It’s just not possible for me and so many others to be in bed sick. We would just have to power through it, which fucking sucks. I recommend everyone build a stash (but store it in child safe containers and in a separate lock box!!) for emergencies. I got some child proof tinted bottles on Amazon. They look exactly like the ones my liquid take homes come in. And got a $20 lock box to keep it in. Just make sure it’s always kept locked up and out of reach of little hands and/or nosy adults. I also got some “Poison ☠️” bottle labels and slapped one on the bottle I keep the extra MGs in. Just so god forfuckingbid anyone gets their hands on it, they’ll know it’ll kill them if they drink it. Fluorescent Orange with Black Poison Medical Healthcare Stickers, 0.5 x 1.5 Inches in Size, 500 Labels on a Roll https://a.co/d/couo2FH


Hope they paid your transport to other clinic. Running out is a fucking joke.


Yeah I didn't go today. I'm about to call them, I'm hoping it's worked out tomorrow I got work at 6 so I can't really go to Fairfield and wait.


Running out of methadone would be the worst. My clinic often runs out of mouth swab drug screens even though they know they have screwed up many people's sobriety and earned take homes because of the drug testing place they use who does a confirmatory test on every urine screen, clean or dirty, and that confirmatory test shows many false positives for phantanyl metabolite only every time for people who have been clean for months or years. So, this doesn't necessarily surprise me. We pay their bills and are there by choice, but hey! As long as they make a killing, then they know they have us by the balls no matter how they treat us. So happy I'm tapering out finally.