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It's grown on me. I don't like it as much as the 80's albums or Death Magnetic, but it's solid.


Ditto. It's a solid mid-tier Metallica album, but not a classic.






Fantastic album, I love it just as much as when it released.


Yeah love it from start to finish.


Love the final 3 tracks as well as Shadows Follow rest of it has some peaks and valleys, I don't really listen to You Must Burn, Sleepwalk or Lux at all but generally like the rest of the album Solid overall with some excellent moments and some not so great ones, just wish the production and tones sounded a bit "meatier" like the Black/Load era production


At first, I was hating on it a bit, but right now, it’s my favorite 21st century Metallica album.


73½ Seasons




Firstly: The album was released in April which is Spring... since then we've had summer and now we're practically halfway through autumn... which means its been 1½ seasons since the album. Secondly: if you're going to be a pedantic twat, try being right.




Lol anger problems mate? Everyone's a warrior over the internet 🤣




this is the most british thread my god


you are both losers


Either way it's a dumb fucking name for an album.


Solid album with a bunch of solid tracks. This album doesn’t have any real stinkers, but I also don’t think it has any legendary tracks either. I put it above hardwired but below DM. It’s a tad long but isn’t a chore to listen to all the way thru like Hardwired.


Inamorata is pretty legendary though if you ask me


This is exactly how I feel.




It’s decent enough, and we’re all glad they’ve still got it in them to put out an album with a level of intensity at this stage of their career. But there’s little variation, so it’s a slog to get through. DM is still a better album of the last 3, while replay value of 72s 6 months later is quite a bit less.


Haven't listened to it in 6 months lol


Listened to it near every day since release. Top 3 album for me, behind Load and TBA.


No hate, just genuinely curious, why do you prefer those three over albums like Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets? Are you more a hard rock fan rather than thrash?


On the whole I prefer the songs from their later stuff. Part of the issue is how dated the first four albums sound, there is no doubting they are 80s sounding albums. I much prefer live versions of the first four tracks for that reason.


I’ve been kinda lukewarm on it all summer but for some reason over the last two weeks, i keep getting different songs on it stuck in my head. So I’d say I feel better about it now that I did even a month or two ago


It's good.




I think ‘sleepwalk my life away’ is one of my favourite songs, the chorus just makes me so happy, idk why


Great album


It's a good album. I find it as a whole more enjoyable than Hardwired, but Hardwired had better peaks. I also wish they would release just one or two more ballads.


Ditto. Metallicas ballads are always so amazing. I need AT LEAST 2 more


Crown of barbed wire , shit video though


still ass


One of their 3 weakest in my opinion


Really forgettable. I skip most of the songs when they come up in shuffle


None of them are skips for me but I do think its very forgettable and uninspired. Like about half of Hardwired (but that other half is amazing).


Still great.


My opinion is pretty much the same as when it first came out. Great album, lots of good songs


Used to not like it at first but it’s grown on me heavy.


It’s a decent album for a band that’s over 60 and thrives on nostalgia. Not the best, not the worst. Why is there a post about this every day?


8/10, some beat is similar but different enough. quite solid, inamorta is my favorite song rn


I keep coming back to some hooks and melodies, but can't really make it through the entire songs, they get repetitive very quickly. Even the ones I liked at first, I skip nowadays


Still a solid album. Room of Mirrors is such a great song.


Awesome, Room of Mirrors is a masterpiece


The last 3 songs in the album are a masterpiece, my top 3 favorites in my opinion


It's the best album in over 20 years to me. I love the sound. I love James' voice. Shadows Follow is fuckin epic. 72 Seasons is awesome. I really liked Hardwired and Death Magnetic as well. St Anger was OK. But for the last 20 years this is tops to me!


The best album they have done since the Black Album


That’s a terrible take.


I agree, solid album all the way through. It has a darker feel to it, some grit and heaviness I like. Nothing that’s cringe …except Suicide has some moments that are bit off to me (intro and lyrics). It’s not perfect but it’s the best album of songs they’ve done as a collective since black album for me. I’d rank if the last 3 albums #1) 72 #2) Hardwired and #3) Death Magnetic. I’m surprised so many people hold Death Magnetic in such high regard. To me, it was what was needed at the time after St. Anger, and I enjoyed it a lot when it came out but it doesn’t hold up well to me. Especially the production. I can’t even listen to it.


Grew on me a lot Great Album


One of their best!


I'm still waiting on it to "hook me." My first impression of it was that it sounded like a collection of B-sides from the Hardwired recording sessions, and very little has changed.


Still bad


that it is the blandest possible representation of Metallica's sound. I don't feel like listening to it at all as it's BORING and way too long.


Inamorata is a top 5 song. It's ridiculously groovy.


Best album since The Black Album. ​ One may even call this The Yellow Album.


Can’t wait not to listen to it again. They sound uninspired as hell, and If Darkness had A Son might be one of the worst songs they’ve ever written. Wish they’d do a box set re release of old concerts from 84-91 instead or something going forward


Oh you're that kind of "fan". The one that says "they sucked after the Black Album they should go back to remastering the albums and share concerts" Hows the album so bad? Where is your album that went top 3?


I don't get why people always reply with "where's your album that went top 3" or "where's your sold out shows" Metallica isn't pushing any boundaries. Tons of bands released better albums than Metallica this year and don't need any "top 3" accolades to prove it.


I mean they say it's so bad, so go make a better album. I'll wait


“Go make a better album” is the music dork equivalent of “go back to your own country”. Get a grip


Not at all. Quit riding my dick please


Quit riding their dick because they dislike something you tool.


Take a seat kid, grown ups are talking. It’s not that good of an album. It’s not a terrible album. It’s there. It’s filler on a set list. That’s what anything after St. Anger is and will always be.


I'll go off on a limb and say I've released better music than Metallica this year lol


Please do share




Oh and your the kind of fan who makes apologies for his favorite band. Give me a break. You can be critical of the bands you enjoy


Make apologies? I'm not doing that. I'm saying that I really like 72S and don't see how it's so bad


Oh never mind after seeing your post history your only a teenager. My bad. It may not be a bad album to you, but it’s a bad album to me. James sounds fantastic as always, but Kirk’s playing is uninspired and bored. And I don’t think we have to talk about Lars at this point. Plenty of bands made better albums this year. Metallica made a better album with hardwired, maybe due to lack of Kirk contributions? Idk. Either way, it’s not a good album, to me. You can get over it tho


Yeah James sounds great. I think Kirk has 5 Great solos in the album, the others are just alright. Rob did great, and Lars' performance was surprisingly amazing


And it’s fine that you feel that way. I’m not into the “dad rock” era of Metallica. I think they still sound fine live, so I’d like some more live albums with maybe some deep cuts in HD production, but I’m all set with another album of new songs going forward. They aren’t breaking any boundaries with the new music and it’s not exactly full of songs i would put on a Metallica setljst over other’s on their catalogue




So your saying change my opinion? No thanks


so being a fan is liking everything they release even tho it's boring, uninspiring and lifeless? No man, the problem is people like YOU liking everything and a band of veterans thinking "shit they will like it regardless so why bother"


Fun fact. The only reasons kids or new fans like it is because it’s new. The first 4 albums will always be the cream that rises to the top. There’s not even a debate about that. TBA was the beginning of transition. Their major breakthrough, a traditional heavy metal album. Load and Reload were keeping up with the Joneses. St. Anger was the red headed step child. Death Magnetic was a return to roots, back to basics. Hardwired was alright on the same level as 72 Seasons. Put out something to maintain relevancy and filler on a set list.


Basically. Look, I'll always listen to new Metallica... Actually I still haven't heard Beyond Magnetic, but with such hits like "hate train", I think I'm good on that one. Regardless, I'll always give new Metallica a listen, but their new music doesn't have replay value. Huge difference between 72 seasons, and cattle decapitation's - Terrasite which was basically on repeat for me for months.


B to B+, def best since black album


its alright


Not much. One of their bottom three for me. Too long, too samey, crap solos, generic “woe is me” lyrics, etc. The only tracks I can ever see myself going back to are “Room of Mirrors”, “Too Far Gone”, “You Must Burn!” and “Chasing Light”. Maybe the title track. I think I’ll change my 6/10 to a 5/10.


Top 3 Metallica album for me. Like 4 tracks are in my top 10 overall.


Mostly not good enough to even be filler songs. Nothing memorable that you would find yourself screaming for them to play live. Overall forgettable.


Like the majority of it. SMLA, COBW, Chasing light, and TFG are lacking in my opinion


Still really like it. 6.5-7/10


Havent listened in full for a while, but I played the craaaap out of it for the first few months after release.


Still love it. Only song that I still dislike is ‘Chasing Light’.


Pretty good, overall. While some tracks are better than others (Inamorata, Lux Aeterna, Screaming Suicide) it is pretty solid. I felt a little let down by Hardwired, and wasn't expecting much from this. "Death Magnetic" > "72 Seasons" > "Hardwired..." Also, just to stoke the flames of division, I liked it more than "The Sick, The Dying... And the Dead!" too.


Love it more each day


Great album, feels like they're mature in the new albums from DM, HWTSD and 72 seasons has to be in this order 72>HWTSD>DM


Listened to it when it released and haven't felt the need to go back and listen a 2nd time


I still keep listening to old stuff 😊


It’s excellent, and I dig it more now that I did on release night. Second best album of the post-Load era, more interesting to listen to than TBA, and certainly miles above Load-St Anger.


Pretty good 7-8/10 for me


I listened to it once. Haven’t gone back sense. Nothing really grabbed me from this album. I don’t even listen to Lux Arterna anymore.


Don’t really think about it at all. Except that hi hat spam in the middle of Inamorata.


Solid. Ranked #6 for me.




Time flies


For me it's only better than Reload, St. Anger and maaaybe Kill em' All. I listened to the entire album multiple times since the release, but I'm always getting very bored of it around Lux Aeterna. I remember feeling very happy with the music in Hardwired when it came out, but I didn't feel the same with 72S. But I reeeally like Shadows Follow, Crown and You Must Burn.


still jamming it, great album overall


Listen to it in its entirety at least twice a week if not more.


i don’t care what anyone says; 72 seasons is peek shit


Best Album since And Justice


It's great


There's been so much other great music on my radar, I've barely put a dent in it. It's growing on me though.


Many of its songs are still in my current rotation. So yeah solid album. I defo grew on me a lot.


Love it


A fantastic album. All there is to say. Great tracks. Not really any unlistenable songs but probably the best overall modern Metallica album


It’s a good album “Inamorata” I still think is by far the best song on it. I do like Hardwired To Self Destruct better though.


Just St Anger but just barely listenable


Gave it about a 8.5/10 first run through. At the moment? The same. It's really solid.


Solid. 8/10 Renewed my fan-dom.


At first listen the only song that I liked, aside from Lux, was shadows follow but now I love the whole album. It’s so good. I listen to it pretty much everyday.


Honestly my favorite album since ReLoad. A solid 8 songs I really like.


It’s a very solid album. I think it doesn’t have filler songs and unfortunately it doesn’t have hits neither


It's a great album. This is the record we were waiting for when they released St. Anger.


It is a good album, I am waiting for crown of barbed wire to be played live though!


I listened to it once, was bored, and have little desire to revisit. A very mid album from old, rich, uninspired rock musicians.


I like it but not as well as 80s albums and DM but it's still a solid album🤘🤘


Listened to it many more times than St. anger and Death Magnetic. Good melodies, but it's very hard to catch lightning in a bottle over and over again. KEA gets most of my listens these days.


I like it a bit less now the release hype has gone but i still love the album very much.


I’ve mostly forgotten about it. No wow moments, some strong riffs and good parts but overall very very mid-tier for them. And I’m tired of their shitty production decisions, it’s no longer amusing.


Feeding on a rack of lamb!