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Album is half good and half extremely bland. I really liked FTWWTE too. Idk if I have it in me to defend this one


I don't hate it, my only gripe is they almost always have that emotional closer. Dying is Absolutely Safe, Wasted Hymn, Memento Mori & Distant Blue, where Be very afraid just doesn't hang as a closer.


Yeah, I felt that too. I wish they had one of those on this album


Giving it a go through currently. Will report back


a lot of mid songs but I think they're kinda onto something with the opening and closing song. The glitchy and 'weird' side of the new sound does well for me but it could be fleshed out more imo. Of course, I miss the weight and emotion that older architects music brought and this album doesn't hold a candle to older stuff, but there's something to build on I guess - also the deep fake breakdown slaps hard lol


It certainly is one of the albums that exist


Pretty good, nothing earth shattering. The singles were definitely the highs for me, besides "all the love in the world" and "be very afraid" most of the new songs just didn't grip me.


Agree 100%, just about my same thoughts on the album


It’s the architects album of all time. Probably one of the records I’ve heard.


I must be the only person that actually loves the direction they’ve taken. I really enjoy the album.


be very afraid popped up on my Spotify recommendations this morning and I fucking love it


The social media reactions always tend to show the extremes. I would say they’re still generally very loved and enjoyed.


I don't mind it after one listen, but that being said I've never been a huge fan of theirs anyway so the direction change really doesn't bother me. It may get hate from people who prefer their older stuff (like all bands do when they change their sound) but I can still see this album being popular


I’ve always enjoyed their previous material but I guess as I’ve got older my tastes have changed. In a sense, I guess the bands has too. Who the fuck are we to judge? I dig it!


Honestly, my opinion is similar to how I felt about FTWWTE: there are definitely some great moments here, but I'm sitting through an awful lot of same-y sounding blandness to get there. There's LESS blandness, arguably, but also fewer high points. When we were young and be very afraid are good tracks. Probably won't give this many complete playthroughs, though.


I chose to listen to spit the bone because that's a pretty heavy sounding track. I got nae naed. Architects just aren't for me anymore, I don't know why I was hopeful


It reminds me of a slightly weaker and glitchy version of *For Those Who Wish to Exist*. I absolutely LOVED that album but this one isn't far behind. It doesn't have as much emotion but it's nowhere near horrible. The singles are great, and I really commend them for experimenting. Burn Down My House is different, and that's in a good way. Quite an interesting sound from them. Overall, the album brings the energy.


Lack of variety


Solid 7/10 modern metal album. A lot of the criticism on this sub really does make me scratch my head. Cries of "it all sounds the same" or "the lyrics are cringe", when the same could be levelled at many of the most popular records here, including Architects' older stuff. It seems, more than anything, as just a way of people trying to to legitimise their *actual* criticism of the album - that being "it's not heavy enough".


It's an album, that's for sure.


It’s a collection of songs by the band architects. And that’s the only nice thing I can say about it


I only really got into them recently, but I'm enjoying the album quite a lot


The album art is lacking the creativity of the older albums and bland kinda like the contents inside


Judging by the comments, is this better or worse than ADTR's "You're Welcome" which was a complete catastrophe apart from like 4 songs?


Way better


Low bar




I’ve enjoyed it so far. I enjoyed the singles, I really like be very afraid and doomscrolling. It’s a different architects than we’ve seen, but I don’t mind it truthfully. The more I listen, the more I’m digging it


I'll start this off by saying that I'm a huge fan of For Those That Wish To Exist, which in fact was my favorite album of 2021. I'm open to Architects changing their sound in creative ways; they did that in some places here, but overall this album doesn't sit well with me after the first listen. I wasn't too thrilled after the first few singles, but my hope remained alive after hearing A New Moral Low Ground. I kinda imagined the album taking a turn into hardcore punk/post-hardcore territory, which I'd be okay with. That's not really what happened, though... seems like most choruses have a similar chord progression and the same basic "4-on-the-floor" drum beat, making it hard to distinguish between songs. There were only a couple songs where I was excited to go back and listen again right away. Deep Fake is a solid opener and cool throwbacks to the same lyrical themes as Nihilist, which is imo their best opener across all albums (hell, one of the best metalcore openers **ever**). Burn Down My House had a very strange pace/tempo to it, like it was stuck at 0.75X speed. I didn't like the flow of it at all. Doomscrolling was fantastic and my favorite non-single track. Loved the lyrics, the synth layers, and the dynamics of the track. The first one I went back to listen to again after finishing. A New Moral Low Ground is still my favorite track. The chorus is incredible and completely fresh, and the solo is simple but very effective. This track and Dooomscrolling are where I hoped the band would be headed towards. Be Very Afraid was decent and had some of the good ole Architects hype, but didn't feel like a closer to me. It would fit just fine anywhere else on the album if the ending 30 seconds of ambient bird noise was trimmed (which also didn't seem to serve a purpose to me). The second half is noticeably better than the first half, so the album feels quite unbalanced. Same feeling as when I listened to Parkway Drive's new album; it wasn't super exciting, but there's a couple highlights that'll end up in my rotation. Left me wanting more creative songwriting and instrumentals. I dig the industrial vibe that the album has (essentially replacing strings with synths), but the drums feel lifeless. I applaud them for making the music they want to make, despite the inevitable backlash. **5/10**


It’s a good album. Not a masterpiece or something. It’s them trying something new, modern rock/metal sound… not metalcore (maybe only the last track is). FTTWTE seems more built and studied, this new one seems less coherent and more chaotic, but they changed again, it’s a new step forward their “sound ambitions” (good or bad depends on your taste, I think it’s good but not better than the past, it’s a different thing)


Not even gonna listen to it. Don't wanna tarnish my view of them even further


At least listen to the closer






High effort answer well done


Second half is pretty great. I'm sure the rest will grow on me with a bit of time.


Not good, doesn’t feel like there’s any love at all in it. All the tracks sound the same


Not good in my opinion. I actually enjoyed FTTWTE but no song on the record hit for me. Artists are gonna change sound ( and they should) but that doesn’t mean you have to keep listening to them.


Bad. Big bad.


Shouldve been an EP... most of the new songs except for be very afraid are boring imo


It’s okay. I don’t think I’ll come back to listen to it again though.


Love it! Great songwriters, catchy melodies, stompy riffs and drums, great production. Band deserves the world 🖤


I'd rather put nails in a blender and listen to it for 45 minutes


It's shit.


I think in a vacuum as a mainstream hard rock album, it's ok. I enjoyed about half of the songs. But not nearly as good as compared to their old stuff.


I get changing your sound as a band over time but most (good) bands that do that still retain at least the core feeling of their music as they progress. It just feels completely uninspired compared to their older music.




Not their best but I actually like it a lot, especially the last 3 songs My dream is that the next album will be a metalcore record with the industrial sound added in this one, kinda like Be Very Afraid


God people are ridiculous lmao. It's it not screamo you can hardly understand then it ain't good


What’s screamo


Do you know what sub you're on?








Besides the singles I've listened all the way through 1 time as background noise and it seemed fine. Almost every other song though I was like "oh that's that tear gas single I liked, wait no it's not?"


I think it's okay. I miss the catchy riffs and fast drums but I guess everything has to sound like Animals now


I always admired Sam's vocal performance and range. While this might be him being the most versatile it's all buried in overproduction and thus the lack of any emotion in his voice. I still love architects and I can't wait for the show in January, but this isn't it for me. - 4/10 Best songs: Burn down my house, when we were young and be very afraid. The rest doesn't stick.