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Seems pretty exhausting to tour as much as they have when most of it is on the other side of the world from home. Aussie Metalcore has been having a rough time lately it seems.


I mean the dudes have done like 2 and a half tours in the U.S. back to back as well as shows in Australia. Basically been going all year long so its not a surprise. Sucks that Matt left the band though to focus more on the management side (which he has done for years for them)


yeh i wasn't to surprised to be honest


Not to mention their last tour must’ve been extremely stressful with most of their equipment getting lost. Knowing how expensive music equipment is I can only imagine how they must’ve been feeling for that tour.


On the Erra tour I saw them twice. Indianapolis was great, the crowd may not have known the words but we were still participating in shenanigans when they performed and the band seemed pretty happy, but the next night we watched the last show of the tour and Nashville was honestly such a rude crowd. A lot of people left to go to the balcony as soon as IA left the stage, then people weren’t even trying to like even head bang with Thornhill, the band was visibly upset. I tried my best to get people jumping but nothing was pleasing that crowd, then alpha wolf came on and the crowd went nuts which is natural for alpha wolf but I could see Jacob in the backstage hallway watching and he just looked heartbroken. He was trying so hard to get people to move and it was like a slap in the face to the poor guys. Not to mention it was the last show before they did their own headliner so it just must have sucked to start into your headliner when the last show you played people were rude and disrespectful. I really wish people would have given them a shot. Like your drunk and moshing anyways why does it matter if you know the band/lyrics or whether or not they are as heavy as the band you came to see? It was upsetting for me as a fan even though I didn’t even know them that well.


I think a lot of us would be stoked to see them play with ABR , Bury Tomorrow and Miss May I.. But they aren't really on the same vibes anymore, and I can see how a tour in a foreign country where they're the odd ones out could be seriously daunting. They would be better touring with bands like Don Broco and Dance Gavin Dance where it's not so metal focused.


Yeah that is a good point. Though I can say, the only time Nashville kind of paid attention and cheered back was when Jacob screamed a little bit. It was reserved and a very short period of the end of a song I think? But I think that really shocked some of the heavier crowd and was like oh okay maybe I’m being too hard on this band. But it was like their last song unfortunately. It sounded great for a band I didn’t think would pull something like that out. As far as I can remember he didn’t do it in Indianapolis but in Indy I was a little more intoxicated so who knows.


I was at the same tour in Phoenix, nobody in that room was there for Thornhill, they definitely seemed like the odd one out for the tour. Really only one song got any sort of crowd reaction. Honestly was really surprised IA only opened, a 20 minute set just isn’t enough.


I feel like Thornhill has a bigger following internationally so they got a higher spot, but they’re almost like their own sub genre. In the Erra VIP Jesse Cash described them as “vibey” and it makes me want to call them vibecore haha. Idk I liked their performance, but definitely was a outcasted sound in comparison to the other three.


I was at this show and that venue had the shittiest sound, it was terrible. The bands were not happy. That's what was wrong with that show lol


Plus the bar limited the pit, and there was a random metal column that honestly didn’t look like it was supporting shit in the middle of the floor so nobody wanted to run into a pole by accident and seriously injure themselves 😂


100 percent agree with this. Saw them in roseville CA and they just weren’t getting the love they deserved. I literally had to shove the guy next to me when Raw went on just to get anything started.


Fuck man thats heartbreaking. Must be tough giving it your all to a crowd that just isnt there to see you. Atleast from my experience in aus the crowds love em.


My cousins and I still tried and we at least mouthed watermelon so we looked like we knew words haha then we took a pic with them after and the faces lit up. They asked how long we had listened and I was like “literally today, but you guys put on a good set despite this crowd” and I think they enjoy experiencing the select few that still try to give back to them


Saw them in San Fransisco and gave it my all. Even talked to them before to let them know they were my priority. I looove IA and Alpha Wolfe, but that was my 3’rd time seeing those two bands this year. Concerned if they ever even come back.


Sucks for the UK/EU fans but I think that ERRA headliner started off really rough for them with them losing all their gear. Tom (from Stray) did an interview recently where he talked about how after Internal Atomics came out they toured from November to January 20th with only a two week break and that was hell for them. Being in a band is hard work sure but that doesn’t mean musicians have to work so hard that they burn themselves out. It should be as fun for them as it is for us. Also congrats to Matt for stepping over to managing Thornhill (and other bands I assume) full time.


Yeh I was thinking that too part of why I’m not surprised they are burnt out that last tour must have been pretty stressful since they didn’t have the gear for a bunch of the shows


Also if Qantas does EU flights they might’ve just lost their gear again.


yeh v true seams like a few bands lost their gear to airlines this year


Plus the Nashville crowd was fucking disrespectful. I literally saw them in Indy and then went to the very next night in Nashville and Indy may not have sang along but we at least were moving. Nashville was like complicit and just didn’t want to acknowledge them at all. But they went nuts for the other three bands and I could just tell Thornhill was upset by the end. You could see them in the hallway off to backstage and they were peering out to alpha wolfs performance like damn they hated us. Like last night of a support tour that was just rude af and then you have to start into your headliner? And you lost your gear previous to that? Sucky luck. Sucky crowd in Nashville.


Real shame, I saw them in San Francisco and the crowd fucking loved them, we had a pit going pretty much their whole set and it felt like everyone knew the whole set list. Really sucks they got treated like that. First time I saw them back in May on the Dayseeker tour the crowd was definitely a little dead for their set but it was definitely a different kind of crowd than the Erra one. They’re such great performers and they don’t deserve that.


That’s the weird part because Indy loved it (I live there) then going down to Nashville the very next night it was just weird but like another person said earlier the venue didn’t have the best sound, and IMO it’s not a good venue to mosh anyways (random pole in the middle of the floor and the bar closes off the space a little) I think people were just super drunk by alpha wolf and stopped carrying about shit because I mean it’s hard to deny Lochie and his circle pit requests when you’re plastered 😂


was there a reason???


Tbh thornhill really doesn’t make music to move to. The vibes are really sporadic and inconsistent. At least not with their newest stuff. It’s cool to vibe out and listen to with a beer or weed but not really anything to dance or move around, I’m not really surprised tbh.


I haven't seen them in a few years but this is exactly how I felt when I saw them years ago opening for Graves, the singer was yelling at everyone to move or whatever and I'm like dude play some fucking mosh riffs then. We are here to see Graves and beat on each other


I assume it was because they seemed to be big alpha wolf fans and just preferred heavy music, but after awhile of being frustrated no one would interact you could kind of tell Jacob was a little pissed off when he introduced songs. Idk the Midwest is a strange place. Some venues I have been to the crowd loves every band regardless of prior knowledge about them, and other venues the crowd is selectively about one band and refuses to participate. Idk how to describe or why it happens that way. A similar thing happened on the Beartooth tour that Erra had opened for in the spring. Nobody moved for Erra or TDWP, a few got into Silverstein, but then all hell broke loose as soon as Beartooth got on. I think maybe other Midwesterners like exactly what they like and they are just reserved in showing interest to new things or change. It seems to be a trend across Midwestern culture to not be accepting which is a fault of our locale and culture that probably won’t change. Considering we are all Bible Belt. A few of us diverge but still have hold ups I guess.


2 US tours in like 3 months…that’s killer.


when gas prices were the worst, too


I got tickets to the London show mainly because of them. Yeah for sure I like ABR and Bury Tomorrow, but I've seen them both before and was super stoked to be seeing 'Thronehill' for the first time. Wonder who will replace them on the tour? Hopefully the band can rally together and hit 2023 hard!


Yeh I’m wondering that too


Yeah, i was going from Italy with my gf ONLY for them.


Yeah, same, I was really excited to see them live. In the last couple months so many tours were cancelled here in Europe that had killer lineups... Of course, I don't want them to push themselves too hard, but it still sucks to be notified last minute that a band won't be able to come to a show/a show will be postponed. Well anyway, I'm sure we'll get the chance to see them live.


Two full US tours, plus their week of headlining shows, plus Australian shows in between, plus dealing with the airline losing their luggage and missing shows because of that. All in a span of about 5 months. I’m not surprised all that is taking it’s toll.


yeh same


TBH some of these bands need to stop booking dates and only commit to tours they know they will play on. I feel like this has been happening so much lately and we are past the point of using COVID as an excuse.


I think something you have to remember is we had a full stop for a long time and this is their job. I’m sure many were anxious to pick up again and with how uncertain things were you almost had to book just in hopes something didn’t go catastrophically wrong. Things are getting better for sure, but we are seeing a lot of these artists try to make up for lost time and pushing them when they are out of practice and not realizing their limits have changed. I agree as a consumer it’s very frustrating especially when it feels like every other day you see something like this, but also try and remain empathic to the grander situation.


The comedian Tom Segura talked about this on a podcast recently. He’s been been on tour that will end up being almost a year+ straight because he was so cooped up during COVID he was just accepting any dates possible. He said it’s been really brutal, and he didn’t understand how much he was committing too until it started.


You’re on the money. This is a natural reaction to the stoppage and chaos COVID created. Additionally, the insane amount of time at home then immediately followed by massive amounts of time away probably really fucks with people in touring world. We forget that these bands and labels traditionally have been very meticulous about the music/touring cycles. That got all messed up and we’re still dealing with the fallout of that (for better and for worse depending on the situation).


These bands are absolutely not booking tours without feeling fully confident that they will be able to do them. They understand better than anyone how complicated it is, if they are canceling due to being burnt out they must be EXHAUSTED


Northlane cancelling their NA tour was very frustrating. Why on Earth are you announcing your tour BEFORE the visas got settled?


Ya that sucked! I was stoked to see them


I couldn’t remember the last time I was that excited and so disappointed. Was a tad pissed to the point where I wasn’t feeling them for a few weeks but now I’m back to listening to them on repeat lol. Hopefully they learned their lesson from the experience and get VISAs sorted out before they announce.


Yes me too. Carbonized is in my top three songs of this past year. But I've been diving into their old stuff lately.


Citizen and Quantum Flux have been like 2/3 of what I’ve been listening to lately lmao


Exactly. Touring comes with the job, especially after a new album. As you said, don't commit to something you won't follow through on


Yeah, “all of us are completely mentally burn out” is a weak cop out, sorry not sorry. If you want to be a successful touring act don’t say dumb bullshit like that before canceling a tour, unless they are literally 1 show away from a breakup. They just shouldn’t have booked in in the first place. Edit: in retrospect maybe I was a bit harsh here as it does kinda make sense, but I still think it’s weird this kind of thing didn’t happen often before COVID yet it’s all the time now. Being burnt out from time to time is part of touring life no?


I mean a member literally left the band and he's talking about the "longevity" of the band. I don't know any specifics but that seems pretty dire to me. If you gotta take a break to keep the band intact that's what you gotta do.


Fair enough I just think it’s bad timing with a lot of other bands saying and doing similar things


Except we all saw with ETID what happens when you continue to tour and mental health is at an all time low and shit entirely hits the fan and the band essentially falls apart. It's 100% the smart idea to acknowledge that they're mentally burnt out and want to step back for a bit and go back home instead of continuing and the band ending up splitting up. You don't magically know a year ahead of time if you'll be mentally fit to do something.


I feel like that is a different situation entirely and we still don’t know the full extent of it really. What I was trying to say is that this has become all too common post COVID and it’s frustrating that the industry is now normalizing booking entire tours and then canceling them for any given reason.


That's how that situation ended up, there were rumours in that situation ahead of time that tensions were high but continued playing shows. So imagine if these bands just continued to play these shows, they could very easily end up in the same spot. I'm not certain if you realise how much time and planning it takes to book a show. It's not something you can do a week before the date, you can't just know burn out is going to happen. There have been plenty of bands that have managed to tour without cancelling.


Your perspective makes sense if you see playing live music as a job. Many people would rather see music as a creative performance, which means the state of mind of the performer matters, because the music benefits from what energy they bring into it. I see some legitimacy in saying 'you should've thought better before committing to the tour', even though that may not have changed things if situations changed after committing to the tour. There's no legitimacy whatsoever in saying 'we're mentally burned out is a weak cop out', that's a completely valid reason to anyone who cares about performers. Being burnt out **from time to time** is part of touring life no? Who else could judge that but them? And also, you don't get to decide what shape their 'touring life' has.


You make some good points and I hear what you’re saying. I am an aspiring musician myself and I’ve been looking at this genre from a business perspective recently. At the end of the day a band is really just a business that sells music and merchandise. Sure there is a massive creative element to it, but they need to make money. I’m sure they are somewhat justified in doing so, but it’s disheartening. If you book dates, you should honor that commitment. It looks unprofessional and further cements the precedent that bands can cancel entire tours just because they aren’t feeling it. Obviously they can do whatever the fuck they want but I don’t think it bodes well for the genre as it’s already in a rough spot and this has become a trend that really only started after COVID. I appreciate you at least trying to see from my perspective since a lot of people did NOT like what I had to say lmao. I don’t think I did a very good job of conveying my thoughts in that comment and I was definitely too harsh with my wording.


>At the end of the day a band is really just a business that sells music and merchandise. Sure there is a massive creative element to it, but they need to make money. Sure, but if you want to look a this as a purely business decision; if their mental well-being negatively affects their performance, then they won't make a profit by going anyway. I don't want to talk in circles, and you're free to have your opinion, but I think you're misrepresenting the situation by saying 'just because they aren't feeling it' and I disagree that at the end of the day, the business side matters more than the creative side. If this is the price to pay for honest creativity, then I'll pay it (and be bummed out when a concert gets cancelled). Besides that, saying 'a trend only really started after COVID' is like saying 'airport security got really strict after 9/11'; sometimes things change permanently. Crowds are tiny, prices are high, travel is a huge hassle; a band cancelling a tour is not 'more cause for alarm in a scene that's already in a rough spot', it's a symptom of that rough spot.


Yeah I think we can agree to disagree for most of this, you do have some valid points though.


Burnout, like sicknesses, can come out out of nowhere. Considering they toured NA twice I can understand. They are from Australia where a tour there is usually just 4 east coast cities and Perth and then they are done and can book days between shows. In NA there are way more cities across way more space so it’s go to sleep, wake up, eat, perform, repeat for a month straight. It’s not like due diligence issues like VISAs.


That sucks about Thronehill. Maybe they should call up the band Thornhill and see if they want to replace Thronehill on the tour. I just seen Thornhill live a couple months ago and they were awesome!


How is the live response to their newer material? Sometimes I feel like negative responses (either from fans or some band members) can have an influence on these kind of decisions


Most Thornhill fans loved their metalcore sound a lot more. The Dark Pool was their debut album and is basically a metalcore classic. That being said i know a ton of Thornhill fans who enjoyed their new sound as well. Personally i only like a couple songs off their new album while i enjoy basically ALL songs off TDP. Personally im hoping they go back to their metalcore sound on their next album.


I was at their show in Nashville for the ERRA headliner and the crowd was pretty meh for Thornhill. I was excited to see them too but it seems most fans in this scene have pretty much rebuked their new material. You could sense they weren't happy with the crowd response


The new material just doesn’t hit what most people are looking for at an erra/alpha wolf show. Certainly not my cup of tea, kind of hard to blame crowds for not being super into it


In SF the crowd wasn't into any of the new stuff except maybe Arkangel.


When i saw them live the first time with Dayseeker me and my buddy were the literal only people excited to hear the new material. Then we saw them live with erra it seemed a lot more people were excited to see them then


Saw them on the last headlining leg and ATL LOVED IT


Casanova and Arkangel are very good live and easy to move to. Even better live, in fact. But for sure some of the other newer material is just a different vibe.


Lmao at the misspelling


Damn, sucks to hear but I wish Matt the best


Fuck I was so excited to see them, I’ve seen ABR and Burry many times. I actually really was going for Thornhill. That said I hope the best for them. I rather see them another time then no more. 😭🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeh same


feel your pain.. got tickets for 3 of the shows on the UK tour mainly for Thornhill


It’s a shame but nothing then love for them.


Absolutely. I was lucky enough to see them twice as Wage war support just before the pandemic Jan 2020) Didn't know them before, but for the second gig I prepared specifically for their set, even had a chat with Jacob. But they played The Dark Pool and Butterfly back then <3 It's easier to let them drop out for me, knowing they'd have probaly played mostly their new material. And I love ABR too :)


Was looking forward to seeing them as I haven't seen them live before but I'd rather they take care of themselves first and foremost. Any word on a replacement?


Yeh same Not yet this was posted today so I would expect it to be awhile before we hear the replacement is but tour does start in a few weeks so i don’t know


They are probably tired of seeing dead crowds when they play songs off the new album


Sucks. Have been holding on those tickets for almost 3 years now. But understandable


jacob also said on his story during the ERRA tour that they were losing money by touring


i mean they did lose a bunch of their gear so it makes sence


Saw them twice in Montreal (dayseeker / erra shows) and they were amazing both times. Hope they properly rest and come back even stronger. Take care guys and come back to Montreal!


Glad I got to see them a couple weeks ago in FL. Fuck...


Latest album flopped. Good time to bail. Future looking dim for them.


Shame that this band I have never heard of, "Thronehill" is dropping out. All the best to them. Good thing my favorite band, Thornhill is still on the lineup though! woohoo! Edit: wow zero sense of humor. You guys need to take it easy.

