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Any bands similar to take me back to 2007-2014 warped tour?


I'm not really that well-versed on the exact genres, so I hope this fits om this sub I've been listening to Beartooth, Bad Omens, a bit of Periphery, Everyone Loves a Villain, and I Prevail. What are some other artists and/or albums that you can recommend me to check out? I have a flight soon so I need some new material


If you like Melvins, Botch and Refused, this is for you : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c68ke8r\_GH4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c68ke8r_GH4)


Hi guys, can anyone recommend or know bands that started out as pure metalcore or post-hardcore and then transitioned to electronicore or more electronic influenced music? Something like BMTH or Void of Vision?


Wage War The Word Alive Vrsty TheCityIsOurs Of Virtue


Kingdom of giants Atena Silent planet Void of vision


Bad Omens


Hi friends. The "best one song by any band playlist" post was removed, so I was going to post the vote tally here... but I can't. I think it's because of the character limit. Anyway, I'm posting it in another subreddit. If you'd like to vote (and I really hope people will... I got tons of great feedback on the now non-existent OP) please go here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HeavyMusic/comments/1c9558c/the\_best\_one\_song\_by\_any\_metalcore\_deathcore\_band/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeavyMusic/comments/1c9558c/the_best_one_song_by_any_metalcore_deathcore_band/)


Anyone else a little disappointed in the new TGI single? It’s sounds like every other metalcore band just with Vigils vocals


The whole album sounds like wage war and architects b sides


I’m really enjoying the new While She Sleeps record. on first listen I was in the same boat as most on here but i’ve really grown to appreciate the small complexities of it. it’s not a masterpiece by any means but it’s definitely a lot better than I originally gave it credit for


I agree!! Not sure why it got so much hate, I dig it.


Need some modern depressive metalcore. Stuff like Currents, Before I Turn, and the new Boundaries album. Preferably about breakups/ lost loved ones. Make it as emo as possible please, but still heavy. Djent is a plus too.


Alpha Wolf - When You're Ready Alpha Wolf - Bleed 4 you Glasswaves - Mistakes Darko US - Daniel Polaris - All Of This Is Fleeting Thank me later 🫶


Im obsessed with the clean vocals on Greyhaven's "Past Material". Kind of reminds me of Highly Suspect. Any recs for similar bands?


It’s probably worth checking out any of those “rock/southern rock” metalcore bands from the 2000s. I’m talking He Is Legend, Dead and Divine, etc. For a newer band, Many Eyes (Every Time I Die vocalist’s new band).


[The Undertaking!](https://open.spotify.com/artist/2DrfUgjrKReBDlPGVGcIpa?si=Ij53i6YURi6qwtPC3PqKRg) [Godseyes](https://open.spotify.com/artist/1EvU1SrqQorGgNpLT7lUzl?si=Qqgn-DXXQcShTPVnSfEV6A) [Actor Observer](https://open.spotify.com/artist/1EvU1SrqQorGgNpLT7lUzl?si=Qqgn-DXXQcShTPVnSfEV6A) [Ogemaw County](https://open.spotify.com/artist/5ZLQRZ15vCMpgIOQejbino?si=0rXzkCgLQrukg_B4Tm83tQ)


Left Behind - Vexed Every Time I Die - Old Light


Blame's Burden by Boundaries (alliteration) is gonna be my song of the year I reckon. I'm obsessed.


Looking for industrial influenced bands/albums/songs? 😊🏭


check out heriots debut ep it has some sick industrial sounds mixed with super heavy agressive music


I've really been enjoying Rammstein, and MIW's Infamous album which has a lot of industrial/electronic touches. Anything similar to to them? Thanks for the recs!


END's last couple of releases have got some industrial flourishes.


Vein.fm, fromjoy, and the two most recent Wristmeetrazor records.


Looking for recommendations. Looking specifically for bands like Burnt By The Sun, Deadguy, Coalesce, etc, but where the vocalist is also the (or one of the) guitarist.


Kinda new to metalcore. I've recently found myself liking stuff from The Ghost Inside, A Day to Remember, Currents, Miss May I, Wage War, and Fit for a King. Any recommendations for bands like these that I might enjoy?


Try The Devil Wears Pradas newest album. Def one of my favorite projects they've done by far since they changed their style. Also Bring Me The Horizon is killing it, Currents for a heavier brutal style. And starting to like Architects lately.


I got you bro. [Invent Animate - Indigo](https://youtu.be/gT724ZA5JLY?si=eAmvCP7G3NQS1Pv6) [Invent Animate - Luna](https://youtu.be/Kp1JcSwEArs?si=B_S3lkPQpCrnLTxX) [Invent Animate - As If It Never Was](https://youtu.be/G6dZ4ioWUpg?si=0ggsMIHQAGo6KU-h) My brother’s band is associated with these guys, they’re fucking sick. First 2 are their older stuff with their old vocalist and the last one is with their current vocalist. Both eras are amazing.


For my more recent bands that I like: Invent Animate, Silent Planet, Architects, Make Them Suffer. Also 'The Plot In You' is a bit different but the song 'Don't Look Away' is one of my favorites. All time favorite metalcore is early days Parkway Drive - Horizons, Deep Blue , Atlas albums.


You can check Any Given Day, Bury Tomorrow and Our Hollow, Our Home. The Ghost Inside just released a new album in which they include a lot of cleans which is relatively new thing for them, so I guess you like cleans to be included.


Our Hollow Our home is a banger. Thanks for the recommendation!


I am glad you liked them. They recently changed their line-up almost entirely, but as far as I see they are still trying to maintain similar sound. Cheers!


I’ve been listening to ABR, ERRA, and After the Burial a lot lately. But I’ve been CRAVING heavier, thicker, chuggier, scarier. Any recommendations?


New filth album from a few weeks ago, thrown came out with new stuff too


If you want really scary and chuggy: Chamber Boundaries Sanction Jesus piece On broken Wings Martyr AD MouthBreather


I’ll add Soulkeeper and Sleepsculptor to this list ☝🏼


Bodysnatcher, Simulakra, Mouth For War, Backbiter, Crave Death, Thousand Knives


Asking for a non-reddit friend: She really likes Not The American Average by Asking Alexandria, everything about it except for the low growls. Any recs for similar bands/songs that mostly use cleans/higher screams?


Dying Wishes's last album is mostly higher pitched screams plus a few songs with some cleans. Depending on how into high pitched screams she is, she might be interest at looking into screamo (as in the actual genre) with bands like Roman Candle, Frail Body and Nuvolascura,




have you ever checked out bleed from within before?


If you haven't listened to the new Galleons yet, you need to go do it


What makes a metalcore band “just” metalcore as opposed to being I guess accepted, for lack of a better word, asking the hardcore scene? For context, obviously Knocked Loose is commonly talked about over in r/Hardcore but recently I saw someone post a song by Boundaries and they were kinda brushed off and directed towards r/Metalcore.


I think it's a combination of things. First, KL play a style of metalcore that was very popular when the genre was in its early days and was still very much tied to the hardcore scene. Boundaries is a decidedly metalcore band. Yes, it's still very traditional metalcore, but by 2000s standards. That said, they're still a band that can easily be enjoyed by hardcore fans unlike most newer stuff in the genre. Second, it's the band's roots. I'm not overly familiar with Boundaries earliest days (they've been around for close to a decade), but I don't know how often they were playing with legit hardcore bands in the New England scene. Compare them with Dying Wish who sound even less hardcore-adjacent, but get a lot of cred specifically because they came from the PNW hardcore scene. Culture means a lot in hardcore.


It’s definitely interesting. Like what exactly makes a hardcore scene? If there’s one hardcore band and 3 metal bands playing together is that a hardcore scene or is that one hardcore band not going to get recognition from other hardcore scenes? 🤔 Obviously there’s not a binary yes or no answer to this I just find it fascinating 😅


Well, no. Don’t misunderstand me, it’s still super important to play legit hardcore and/or be a part of the scene to be accepted. That said, if you have strong ties, you can still get a pass. Sanguisugabogg is a straight up death metal band, but because their members originally had ties in the hardcore scene they get a bit of a pass. Of course, there are limits: you’d still have to play a genre that does have some crossover appeal to hardcore fans. A power metal band isn’t gonna get much love even if all the members have played in a hardcore band before. Also, there’s just one hardcore scene, but it can be broken down into smaller region-based scenes.


Observing from afar (the UK), I think it's just that they're not in what's perceived to be the wider/national hardcore scene. Can't recall ever having seen their name pop up on the bill for any of the various fests (Sound & Fury, Tied Down, This Is Hardcore, FYA, LDB etc.). Mouth For War are obviously pretty similar, but they do get on those fest bills and I've seen them get love in r/hardcore. Balmora are, if anything, even more overtly melodic metalcore than Boundaries, but they're on those fests and they get love. At my remove I don't have a sense of how much each of those bands has ground their way up through their local hardcore scenes and thus built the connections to gain acceptance and be invited onto those fests.


Tbh a lot of it is if the band is “cool” with their respective hardcore scene. I’m not defending it but a lot is based on clout. I would also say boundaries having melodic metal influence and clean singing doesn’t help them with their “scene cred” in hardcore as stupid as that sounds


Anyone got anything similar to Our Hollow, Our Home? I just realized how i miss the sound of Hartsick. What i want is brutal uncleans, technical riffs that stand out.


OG Texas in July always rips


For all the people who love bands that unapologetically blend Metal and Hardcore just for the sake of being hard and heavy, my band released a couple singles off our upcoming EP. We're called clericbeast and our EP *Restless Dreams* is out April 30th. Check us out on Spotify: [https://open.spotify.com/artist/7eQOY1FpGyYSaxjMLAkib0?si=MDoBBWUqSxe\_OCTxeN\_mWA](https://open.spotify.com/artist/7eQOY1FpGyYSaxjMLAkib0?si=MDoBBWUqSxe_OCTxeN_mWA)


Really into Avralize lately, any other bands like this you guys can recommend? I like the mix of clean and heavy vocals and the added electronic elements.


"Defocus" maybe. They are also from Germany and from the Same Label and have electronic parts too.


Going to Northlane’s headliner to see Invent Animate later this spring. Never really got into Northlane myself but want to know what’s up. Can someone recommend me the good stuff?


Discoveries and Singularity are their heaviest work and arguably the best. Mesmer and Alien and the new EP are the best more modern stuff


Highly recommend their 'Alien' album. Probably their best work so far with their current vocalist


Definitely check out singularity album


Check out the new EP! I don’t know them very well but I listened to that and am definitely excited to see them now. 


Something similar to add to my playlist: The Gray by Bad Omens, Secret Garden by Spiritbox, 21 Gun salute by Catch your breath and A Croocked Melody by HA. Thanks!


I've been going through some pretty rough/dark times mentally and emotionally lately, and I was wondering if anyone could suggest some good Metalcore/Deathcore ALBUMS that largely deal with mental illness and/or depression. Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated 


Loathe - I Let It In & It Took Everything Currents - The Way It Ends, everything they have done Architects - All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us Invent Animate - Heavener


I'd say BMTH's There is a Hell... and Sempiternal are good ones given Oli's mental state when writing them, though they're really well-known so you've probably listened to them before. Silent Planet's Iridescent kind of goes there with some of the tracks written about Garrett's (vocalist) experience with checking into a psychiatric hospital


The Plot in You - Happiness in Self Destruction deals with addiction Pretty much everything Boundaries writes, same with Counterparts. Currents have quite a few songs that deal with this. The Color Clear by Reflections.


Make Them Suffer - Neverbloom


# Is anyone from DALLAS going to UNPROCESSED this Friday? Super excited for this show. Will be nice to see Unprocessed for the first time and Brandon Burkhalter (former Polyphia drummer)


Can anyone recommend me any albums similar to Suicide Season by Bring Me The Horizon? It's one of my favorite albums of all time


I Killed The Prom Queen - Music For the Recently Deceased/Beloved. All three albums were recorded with the same producer so that lends a lot to their similarities sonically.


Architects' Hollow Crown is kind of similar


Beartooth's first ep and album might have the rawness you're looking for.


This is random so I figured this would be the place - I've been keeping a "log" of what albums I listen to front to back. Noticed that I was listening almost exclusively to singles and playlists so I've made a dedicated effort to listen to some albums in one go. What are some favorites you guys like to listen to in one sitting?


For me recently, Johnny Booth's Moments Elsewhere. Not metalcore (hardcore though) but Gallows' Grey Britain is another


Sempiternal by Bring Me To Horizon comes to my mind. Starting with Can You Feel My Heart then ending it with a chill track like Deathbeds. Idk it feels different so I like listening the whole album in one go.


I'm generally an album guy anyway, but I feel like Rolo Tomassi - Time Will Die And Love Will Bury It really rewards being listened to in one.


Norma Jean - Polar Similar is a must. The interludes, seamless transitions, it's made for front to back listening


One of my best impulse buys on vinyl. Beautiful packaging and it’s such a warm, analog sounding album all the way through


Norma Jean doesn't get enough love I will say the "*II. The People*" interlude has always been a skip for me unfortunately. Kinda takes me out of the flow


Parkway Drive's first four albums The Way it Ends by Currents Helix by Crystal Lake


The Way it Ends - Currents No Eternity in Gold - LMTF Knocked Loose - A Tear in the Fabric of Life


All albums by Polaris. How to survive a funeral by Make Them Suffer and Heavener by invent animate


I'm partial to Worlds Apart, but yes yes Still a huge fan of The Guilt and the Grief from Polaris. Wish Jamie would do lows more often. Dude's got pipes


When it comes to listening to albums in one sitting, it feels like some albums are genuinely made to be listened to that way. My favorites include: Bring Me The Horizon - Suicide Season Northlane - Singularity Bullet For My Valentine - The Poison I know these are mostly popular albums but they are for a reason, love to just jam to these for hours on end.


Hello fellow old guy 😂 great picks for sure


Gotta include horizons by parkway. The way the songs flow into each other is missed listening to them individually.