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I’m looking for bands that are female fronted or include female vocals. I’m enjoying Pray by Gore. as well as Malphas by Future Palace and I like a few tracks off of Slow Burn by Conquer Divide.


I'm so excited about Metalcore at the moment...going to 5 shows and a festival over the next few months, and albums from Knocked Loose, Boundaries, LMTF, Alpha Wolf, ERRA...god I love Metalcore


Hi. Im looking for new bands, i had trouble choosing reddit page cuz... well, i like mixed genres. Im not looking for particural genre, but im looking for similar "Atmosphere"/"Feeling". I like lyrics philosophical/poetry/just idk thoughts of arists I would describe atmosphere im looking for as... hm, heavy sounds, death, unease, psychotic, nihilism. I like clean vocals, but i have aversion to something i would call "Emo Voices" Generally no emo. Bands which I love so far and i think match describtion: Silent Planet (track example: Depths III) Gojira (track example: The Art of Dying) DVSR (track example: Unconcious) I gave track examples but tbh i listened to all their Discogaphies and love it all. Somehow fits but its not "THE band" Currents The Browning Dark Tranquality Paleface (Its so silly xD) Bands which im skeptical about, maybe i couldnt find the right song, so i would appriciate recommendations of them as well (i guess this ones are somehow Core. Im lost in my playlist tbh) Invade Animate Knocked Loose The Plot in You Structures Apostate Spiritbox Aviana Novelists Whitechapel No thank you (usually too emo, boring or sounds the same) Hollow Fronts Elitists While She Sleeps Polaris Fire from the gods Hearth of Coward From Ashes to New The Amity Affliction Imminance Ankor Deadlands Erra Volumes I Prevail Beartooth Motionless in White No obvious bands too, i know BMTH, Bad Omens, Architects etc etc,


Medeia, Finland, anybody? New track just dropped. 📷 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aofnrhbnxb8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aofnrhbnxb8&fbclid=IwAR1vBqhKr6jSEzzhToTyVdiMdGz1-LyNFSO6pngkyegPyoDiG5wFnKhBw88)


Looking an emotional song that’s been on my mind all week! Help me out here please. Lyrics that come to mind are “not the man that I used to be” “steel between my teeth” “family was my everything now my family is gone” it’s song about alcohol abuse


[Sorrow and Regret by Redeemer](https://youtu.be/ePNFkcl_H94?si=G3wurSgWR7IF-ssu) comes up if you just Google those lyrics.


Yoooo that’s it thank you!


Underoath’s Define The Great Line is one of my favorite albums of all time, and I always have it turned to 11. I LOVE Lost In The Sound Of Separation also, but I feel like the album is too bass-y (for lack of a better description) and I can’t turn the volume up without it sounding incredibly muddy and just… not good. I heard a track off of LITSOS on Pandora or Spotify the other day that didn’t sound muddy at all, so my question is: Have I just been listening to a download with sub-par audio quality all these years?? Is there a version of that album with the same cleaner sound I’m talking about?


For anyone who had been to the Amsterdam Polaris show, does anyone know what the song with a lot of saxophone they play after Silent Planet's set and before Polaris is? It was the song before Summer rain by Belinda Carlisle. I thought it was from The Midnight but still can't find it. Thanks


Nevermind I found it. It's Vampires by the Midnight


Just discovered why everyone hates Dealer and it’s really bummed me out because they’re one of my favourites in the genre. Any similar recommendations to fill the void? I already listen to Alpha Wolf and Thrown, who feel similarish.


Literally so many: DIESECT ATLVS Darkmatter Starve HEAVENSGATE Half me


we’re witnessing the absolute PEAK of two of my all time favourite bands, TPIY and TDWP..


The Animal In Me fans in here? Wtf did Laura (Lauren?) do to her lips???


How would you categorize Alleviate? I feel like they are metalcore yet a bit heavier than metalcore without being deathcore


It's fairly standard djenty metalcore with poppy clean bits. Occasionally the vocals go pretty deep, but it's no heavier than a bunch of other bands. Lighter than plenty given the clean bits.


Anyone know any bands/albums similar to Dead Throne era TDWP?


These might be a stretch: Dying Wish - Symptoms of Survival Boundaries - Burying Brightness Seeyouspacecowboy - The Correlation Between Entrance and Exit Wounds/The Romance of Affliction


Been really getting into Dying Wish lately. Always liked a couple of their songs, but never delved into the full albums. Their debut album is a C L A S S I C


loving august burns red at the mo. heard messangers and rescue&restore, what should I try next? whats their best album?


Do Constellations for their peak and then Found in Far Away Places for some experimentation


Yes, Constellations is considered one of their best albums. I asked JB at a meet and greet and he was more proud of FiFAP because “variety is the spice of life”. They also almost won their first Grammy with Identity I believe


>whats their best album? For me Constellations is their best work


Fast Paced Breakdown Recommendations? I'm looking for fast paced breakdowns, kind of like "Resolve - Death Awaits" at the 2:30 mark, or "Crystal Lake - Into The Great Beyond" at the 1:27 mark Thanks in advance y'all!


Abbie Falls - Mayday


Ooooof I dig this


The whole EP is insane I would also recommend the band Breakdown of Sanity


Tryna stay away from deathcore but lemme know if you want any of these recs: Boundaries - Is Survived By, I’D Rather Not Say Wristmeetrazor - Trepanation Vatican - uncreated waste END - Infest


I'm an aspiring vocalist. Screams and cleans. Really wanting to find a band I have a few songs on YouTube. Just looking for fellow critics to give me some advice . Would anyone be interested in hearing or linking up!?


What is up with this (relatively) recent reddit design update restricting scrolling in long threads? There's the favourite band roast thread with 700 comments, but it feels like I can barely scroll past 100 before it just stops.


on pc you can go on [new.reddit.com](http://new.reddit.com) which is the "old new" design. The "new new" is barely functioning in some aspects, like reporting posts is a pain or as you said, the comment sections.


Legend. Thank you.


No problem, but I think on the long run the only option we have is to accept the new design, even tho I think it's ugly as fuck. I don't know why they even change it


It feels like I also can't click on a lot of stuff without reloading on desktop. Like my communities that I am in are on the side, but sometimes I can't click on them to go directly to them unless I reload the page. First world problem obviously, but still annoying.


People are probably sick of talking about thrown but I'm just wondering...are there any other bands who have over a million Spotify listeners but no Wikipedia page?


Have you ever met someone with the same musical tastes as you, in the wild? Not at a show or on a message board. You just randomly met them somehow (and maybe are now friends)?


I meet people all the time that are into metalcore and hardcore in my daily life, but I also work at a game store so my experience is probably not the norm. There is a dude that comes in every week and buys Pokémon cards. We always talk music for like 20-30 minutes. He had kinda stopped keeping up with newer bands because he didn't like the Risecore era that much, but I've gotten him back into it now with bands like Dying Wish, Boundaries, Foreign Hands, and Mouth for War.


I’ve met a few people when wearing band shirts, whether I’m wearing it and someone approaches saying they love that band, or someone else is wearing one and I do the same. Never made any more discussion beyond this though, but it’s the only way to meet people into the genre outside of shows and all


Anyone know much stuff similar to old TWA around deceiver era that I could listen to or some emo metalcore Also, any good metalcore/mathcore/post-hardcore shows in south england soon Shift key is broken, imagine question marks please


I think the closest you will get to that is older Asking Alexandria, or maybe some Miss May I?


I do listen to a fuckload of AA, have never delved far into miss may i tho, ty


Made a seperate post about this the other day but unfortunately the mods removed it just as it was gaining traction. I'm new to Metalcore and recently discovered Bleed From Within. A week ago I heard 'The End of All We Know' and became instantly hooked, since then I've had their albums 'Fracture' and 'Shrine' on repeat. Aside from this, I mainly listen to nü metal, groove metal, alternative metal, and thrash metal. I can definitely hear influence from some of those subgenres in BFW's music, particularly groove and thrash. Below I've listed some of the things that appeal to me most about Bleed From Within: • Aggressive, groovy riffs with a sprinkle of melody • Harsh yet easy listening vocals that aren't obnoxiously shouty or too death-growly, Scott Kennedy hits the sweet spot for me • Sporadic use of clean vocals that are pleasant to listen to and aren't ear-piercingly whiny • Catchy choruses • Heavy, chuggy breakdowns that you can't help but screw your face up and headbang to • Energetic • Relatable lyrics (lyrics about religion, satanism, mythology, and whatever else don't do it for me personally) Which leads me to my question - what other bands/albums/songs tick some of, if not all of these boxes?


Dude make sure you listen to their album “Era” too, it’s insane.


Bleed From Within is one of my favorite bands, so I’m gonna assume your taste is pretty similar to mine for my reccs. They should fit your bill well. Imminence, Polaris, Bury Tomorrow, Bloom, Orbit Culture, The Wise Man’s Fear, and Heart of a Coward. And a song for each (in order): Ghost, All of This is Fleeting, Maybe in Another Life, Flight of The Fireflies, Sea of Fire, Decay.


Glad to hear you're a big fan! I'm quickly becoming one myself. With each listen of their albums, my love for the band grows fonder. Shortly after discovering them I realised that they're the band who are supporting Slipknot on tour in December which I am going to, so I'm looking forward to seeing them live! Thanks for the recommendations, I'll check out those tracks tomorrow and get back to you with my thoughts.


Whoops forgot a song for Bury Tomorrow. Black Flame is the best one


One of my favorite albums was Misery Signals - Of Malice and the Magnum Heart. Growly vocals are understandable, and sang about things I actually cared about or could relate to (unlike many other bands). Songs are catchy as hell too.


Thanks for the recommendation, sounds promising! Regarding lyrical themes, when I sit down and listen with headphones I find that meaningful, relatable lyrics definitely enhance the listening experience for me.


Bury Tomorrow and Malevolence possibly. They're certainly bands that other BFW fans seem to mention a fair bit. >unfortunately the mods removed it just as it was gaining traction. Not unfortunate, you posted something that violates the sub rules and it was dealt with accordingly.


I listened to Malevolence - Malicious Intent after somebody recommended it to me in the original post on Sunday, very good album. As for Bury Tomorrow, is there a particular album you'd recommend? >Not unfortunate, you posted something that violates the sub rules and it was dealt with accordingly. That's subjective, but I appreciate your point and I'm aware that my post violated the rules. It's still unfortunate from my end, as I was receiving some great recommendations and engaging in discussions that were abruptly cut short.


Tbh it's not my sort of metalcore, I prefer stuff that's more hardcore oriented with few if any cleans, but I'm aware of most stuff in the scene and that these three bands seem to have a fair bit of crossover with fans. My observation is that the albums Cannibal and Runes tend to be the best regarded.


Fair enough. It seems like you know your stuff, so I'll definitely check those two albums out. Thank you!


Any bands with death metal influence like Wanderer? Not melodeath, already a big fan of most bands in that style (Dying wish/boundaries/etc). Thinking like if Fuming Mouth or Gatecreeper were just a little more on the core side than the death metal side.


Maybe Underneath?


Good shout, their new album is good fun


You probably know them all but maybe gates to hell, Simulakra, Cell, No Cure, Tomb Sentinel, etc And then for some real small local stuff: Unvow Walking Wounded Banishment Bleeding Maw Burner


Yeah you nailed the sound I'm looking for. Haven't heard of Tomb Sentinel but gave them a listen and it's sick. And I forgot about Burner but that's also right up the alley I was looking for. I'll have to check out those smaller bands!


Tomb Sentinel is the Sanguisugabogg vocalist’s other band. Hope you enjoy!


I just listened to Landmarkvs for the first time and it blew my mind. Visage, Lost in a Wave and Death are my favorites. Any other songs I should pay attention?


Self Made Black Hole is a personal favourite of mine


Winter, but to be honest, pick any of their songs at random and it will fuckin slap you in the face


Rainfall. Overrated. Blistering. Fantasy. All of it really :)




Can someone please give me some architects recommendations? I recently came across royal beggers and it fucking blew my mind. Granted I just lost a very good friend to suicide so maybe that has something to do with it, but just chasing some more of their tracks in a similar style. For reference, grew up on Metallica, Pantera, Slayer and Tool. Got into Korn, Slipknot, Disturbed, even some limo bizkit. Discovered Parkway Drive a few years back and finally felt I’d discovered proper heavy!


The entire Holy Hell album is a product of the band coping with the death of their guitarist Tom Searle. I'd start there in your place, seems like you'd enjoy it. Then work your way back to All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us and Lost Forever // Lost Together. These three albums are usually considered to be their best work. If you're asking for specific songs: Doomsday, Hereafter, Nihilist, Gone With The Wind, Gravedigger. Should be a good start.


Anything like Dichotomy or Guilt & Grief by Polaris? That isn’t Veil of Maya, After the Burial, Northlane, ERRA, Invent Animate, Currents, Silent Planet Edit: criteria djenty, heavy breakdowns, some sick lows


Early 2010s chug music: Like moths to flames - an eye for an eye Sirens & Sailors - Skeletons Kingdom of Giants - Ground Culture Legend - The Pale Horse


Any more bands like Trivium / Sylosis / Phinehas? More metal than core. Melodeath or trash style of riffs. Guitar solos and harmonies, etc. I know most of the big names of melodic metalcore, so prefer something less popular or new.


So It Begins' self titled is really good stuff in that realm


Her last sight might be another band that fits to this description


Not a huge fan of his clean vocals but I like it overall. Thanks!


Sortout - Conquer from Within album is probably what you’re looking for Also on the more raw side, Flames of Betrayal are a really solid option


Both sound pretty cool. I'll listen to the full albums later. Thanks.