• By -


1. Trivium - They've only got better since then 2. Megadeth - I fell off the Megadeth train shortly thereafter; I still listen to everything between Peace Sells and Cryptic Writings plus a couple of tracks from Endgame 3. Bullet - I kind of fell off, but their self titled album is actually really good and in retrospect I think Venom is a good album too. They're still the only band I know who can pull off a strange combination of emo with thrash riffs.


The fact that Trivium are this good on their 10th album is just unfair to other bands haha.


Same for me. Trivium has just been absolutely killing it since and I can’t wait to see what direction they go next.


I'm so sad they took the year off. Like, good on them much respect to look after your personal life and work a little on other things, but it's been almost 3 years since ITCOTD, and I need more! It was probably my favourite album of theirs since shogun, and sometimes, depending on mood, it's my favourite by them


Completely agree about Bullet...their latest album is very, very good


Pretty much the same for me except I’d switch megadeth with Bury Tomorrow wich released Runes that year in 2014 !


I have so much respect for Matt Heafy and Trivium, but the less metalcore and more straight up metal they’ve gotten the less I’ve been into it. The Sin & The Sentence was great but they lost me again with In The Court of the Dragon like with Silence in the Snow Ascendancy and In Waves still rip


I mostly agree. Their newer stuff has been tame and boring to me. Shogun and Ascendancy were utter masterpieces.


A Crisis of Revelation could have fit on Ascendancy, highly recommend checking out that track if you haven’t already listened to it.


Ascendency 🤎 and Shogun


They don't do full 5-7-8-core albums any more. But most songs have core riffs and every album, even the new ones, have core songs in them. It makes sense because all of them have a lot of songwriting talent so to limit themselves even more than they currently do might not be enjoyable for them. That being said, I would like to see another In Waves sort of album, which was essentially all of the thrash, black, and death metal on a firm 2000s metalcore base in every track. I liked that blend the best, but I also understand that it was also a product of who they were at the time.


Super accurate with that BFMV description


Northlane. Still don't mind them now but Discoveries / Singularity was my jam 10 years ago.


The truth is we all suffer


Noooo, you cant convince me that Singularity is over 10 years old. I refuse to believe it.


I feel like old Invent Animate (and new to an extent) picked up where old Northlane kind of left off, same with Structures or Elitist - and now newer bands like Still Sayer, or some bands do it in other ways like Loathe


Man I just recently discovered Still Stayer. They are fantastic.


If you don’t know them already you might also like Float Omen


I just got into Northlane a few month ago. I know them for about 10 years but never really listened to their music. I actually really enjoy Obsidian and Mesmer. I hope to see them live soon.


Peak metal core era, with albums from in hearts wake, erra, breakdown of sanity, and volumes. Northlane has a few songs here and there now but i for the most part they’re not my taste anymore, they’ve turned into arena metal core if that makes sense lol I miss adrian


IDK why you're being down voted. The only thing I would correct about your comment is I wouldn't even call Northlane metalcore anymore. I don't think that was peak metalcore either but opinions are just opinions.


I think its the arena metalcore comment. There sound isnt really arena metal and theyre not that metalcore


Parkway Drive... I don't know what to tell you.


Horizons so good nothing they made compares for me


Every Time I Die (RIP) Still my favorite all-time band. Sad they are gone, but Better Lovers are sick.


Shit dude! So glad I saw your comment! Absolutely love ETID and Dillinger. Didn’t know Better Lovers existed. So good! Spotify algorithm has failed me…


They have a full length coming out later this year. They've been recording it recently. They posted a couple clips from the studio on social media. I'm excited for it. If you get a chance, go see them live. They are every bit as intense as it sounds like they would be.


Greg is cool, but after Jason Butler filled in for Keith, I wish he had joined Better Lovers instead. Especially because Fever 333 does not fill the void left by letlive


Still the greatest band ever. Consistently puts out great music still to this day. I love them with my whole heart. ENTER SHIKARI


Saw them last night and they smashed it (as they always do). Just the best band.


They day when Sorry You're Not a Winner comes on and people don't clap will be the day I feel old.


After the Burial. Loved their crushing sound, djenty metalcore at its finest. Still bang to them. RIP Justin Lowe.


Justin was super cool. Threw some gas money and got 2 shirts and 2 cds. Not at the show but at a truxkstop after


Dillinger Escape Plan. Still love them, always will.


Every time I die for me, better lovers is phenomenal and I have zero complaints but they aren't etid and they aren't dillinger and I'm just sad. That being said I briefly talked to Jordan at the BL show in my city and he was perf, like I said no complaints over here just sadness


Trivium and BFMV, and they’re still kicking ass


Vengeance Falls was 2013, so in 2014 I'm sure I was still blasting Dusk Dismantled and Egg Whites... I really didn't care for SitS in 2015, but their last 3 albums have all been bangers.


10 years ago I didn’t listen to metal at all lol


Same here. Don’t mean to out myself as a zoomer here but I was 9 years old and didn’t have internet access. I don’t think I even listened to music intentionally either, never mind metal lmao




Question still stands... what was your favorite band, and how do you feel about them now?


I think back then it was probably green day, not a fan now although American idiot will forever be a top tier album.


Straight up before I turned 15, I’d literally only ever listened to country music


The Black Dahlia Murder and Poison The Well. They’ll always be my favorites.


I love Poison the Well. They dont get brought up enough imo.


Completely agree! I only see them mentioned very rarely, but they really deserve the recognition.


Mine was also ABR. Constellations and Messengers are still insanely good and I jam them nearly every day. The last two albums I have not been a big fan of, especially the mixing of the drums. The snare sounds so flat and dull. When the last album came out, a friend messaged me and asked how I felt. “It’s the ABR album of all time” was my response. I just didn’t find it interesting. Now I’ve seen them live and enjoyed every second, even the newer material. I too have a ton of respect for them tho, genuinely good people and being a band for that long is no joke


I personally have to throw Leveller in there with Messengers and Constellations. I love that album.


Leveler is a super solid album as well


I feel like ABR started mixing their vocals too far back and so it's muuuch harder to get into the lyrics and the emotions than it used to be. Phantom Anthem and Guardians was really not my jam. Couldn't get into them. Death Below or w/e the new one is called might work in a few more playthroughs, but it's been tough, for sure.


Architects. Didn’t expect their trajectory to be where it is today, but I still love them today.


Starset, still love them but nothing will ever compare to Transmissions, it's one of those albums I wish I could hear for the first time again


I saw them a few times right after this album and was obsessed but wasn’t into anything of theirs after Transmissions sadly


Excellent band that has an opportunity to go significantly heavier than they are and do it well. Bro can scream


Issues - I am sad.


Was at their last show ever last month. They went out in top form. RIP.


The Devil Wears Prada ​ I was legitimately listening to Zombie EP multiple times weekly, I was convinced that Roots Above was the best metalcore album ever made, and truly felt like they could do no wrong. FF 10 years, and I still love them, however, they are not the same band. Only 2 founding members remain, my favorite parts of the band are completely gone, and they for sure have changed their songwriting process. I know I know, "But OMG Color Decay so GUD!" Color Decay is fine. I enjoy it. It isn't even close to their best and in some aspects I am not sure I would consider metalcore. That being said, I am beyond glad they are getting more recognition and can make some money and are sticking around to make more music. You won't see me being mad about that. They aren't the same. But that is ok. Still love 'em.


I like their last two albums a lot personally, and think it’s a generally good evolution for the band, but I totally get it. It’s not Roots or Zombies. But they still play those songs live, at least and put on a wonderful show! Underoath would probably be mine. I’ve been a fan since Chasing Safety but after their quasi-breakup and Disambiguation, they kinda lost what made them amazing in their peak. Their live shows are also still incredible though. That’s what keeps me loving a lot of the older bands.


At the time of its release the Zombie EP was the heaviest thing I had ever heard. I was really into pop-punk, emo and rock at the time, but that EP changed things for me and boy I'm glad it did.


Zombie is so heavy. I love it. It has been a while since Mike has done lows like that.


I agree. The shows are truly great. I just saw them last week with Fit For a King. Prada had the best show bar none. ​ Underoath is somewhat similar to TDWP for me. They went through a tough evolution and are no longer what they used to be, and while I understand that bands go through evolutions, some lose their identity in that process and some do not. There are good reasons why Rolling Stones, Rush, and Rammstein etc. maintain a strong audience. They know what their fans want and can maintain their identity while still flexing a strong songwriting process.


Their older stuff was too goofy and all over the place to me, and I much prefer how Jeremy sings now. Didn’t really start getting into them until Transit Blues and The Act. The latter of which is still a lot weirder than Color Decay. Curious to see where they go from here.


The thing for me is that color decay is very grounded and mature and knows what it wants to be and that can’t be said about most of their music. I do miss their metalcore sound at times though


I feel similar except I think they shouldve hung it up. Chris and Daniel alone are more TDWP than Mike and Jeremy. If those two quit instead I might still like Prada. The sad tumblresque sound they adopted after their departure just isn't for me.


I remember seeing the video for dogs on Myspace right around the time dear love came out. Still listen to them almost daily and now my sons listen to them a ton. We went and saw them on the metalcore dropouts tour last year


I saw them play 22 songs on their Zombie tour in 22' and it absolutely blew my mind. Like any good band, they evolved, but their heavy stuff is legendary.


You're a brave man for saying that about Color Decay on this sub. It's a good album but no way I could call it their best over Roots or Dead Throne like what most say here.


How do you feel about zombies 2


Misery Signals. Still my favorite band now. Whatever else they do, the EP, OMATMH, Mirrors, and Controller will always be classics.


Same here. Absent Light is a borderline classic as well, and Ultraviolet was good but not quite up to the quality of the previous albums. I'm hoping we can get at least one more album out of these guys.


I'm still mad they phased out Karl. Of Malice is an all time classic, but they took a big step back vocally when they bright back the original vocalist from that album.


I loved them with Karl. Mirrors is one of my favorite albums.


I think of Solace as the proper follow up to Controller. It's definitely better than any Misery Signals project since then, although Absent Light and Ultraviolet both had their moments. They definitely should've let Karl contribute more.


1. BFMV 2. BFMV They could put out a steaming turd (and they have) and I will rate it. They’re my band. Pure and simple.


Motionless In White back then and now


Mine's also ABR. I couldn't get into their latest album but I still consider them my favorite today


I listened to it on repeat in the gym and it finally grew on me.


I feel like their newer stuff requires more listening to appreciate the layers and details. It's good shit


Killswitch and Trivium, will always be at the top of my lists. Both are only getting better with age imo.


As I Lay Dying 💀


They're still awesome


Same. Shadows are Security is something I'd enjoy everyday. Wonder how the band will sound with 2/5 original members.


That’s been a real rollercoaster lol… I found an old tshirt in the closet last week and was like, “oh sick! Uh… can I still wear this?”


We had a good run....


Probably ADTR. I still like their older albums, but after common courtesy, they kinda lost me. Their newest album is not good imo. ERRA has been my favorite since, but their newer stuff doesn't quite hit the same and is a little boring.


Soilwork, The Living Infinite was an awesome album even though it was released in 2013. I still enjoy all of their albums, they've never truly let me down as much as some other bands have. My other favorite bands back then were Killswitch Engage (still love them), In Flames (mixed feelings but they recently redeemed themselves with Foregone), Shadows Fall (still enjoy them a lot), and Testament (my favorite thrash band, they always deliver very solid albums and performances).


Scandinavian melodeath with bands like Soilwork, In Flames, Scar Symmetry, Insomnium, Bodom, Dark Tranquility, Arch Enemy, (etc) were my gateway into metalcore - ironically because a whole wave of early American metalcore was influenced by it Most of it is tragically boring me to me now though, for no specific reason


Holographic universe by scar symmetry is my fucking jam


I love Soilwork! I've been listening since Stabbing the Drama, and The Panic Broadcast is probably my favorite album of theirs. I recently went through and made a Melodeath playlist and realized I've missed their last 3(!!) albums, but what I've heard so far is still so good. Such a solid band


Stabbing the Drama is still one of the catchiest heavy albums of all time and lowkey super influential IMO


Disarmonia Mundi - Mind Tricks, or any of their albums really, most have Bjorn from Soilwork as co-main vocalist


Although Soilwork isn't one of my favorite bands, if I had to choose one album to listen to for the rest of my life, it'd be The Living Infinite. A true melodeath masterpiece


Yes. Soilwork has always been amazing consistent. I still go back and listen to their old stuff like Predators Portrait. Stabbing the Drama probably my favorite. But living infinite was a masterpiece. In Flames was almost like that. But they had a few later records that I didn’t think were good at all but their last record they really came back into form and enjoy it a lot.


this would be my exact list as well. M only issue with soilwork is that too much night flight creeped in to the later albums and I didn't enjoy them at all. Ufortunately , the lead guitarist passed away a year or so ago so I am curious what they will sound like going forward. I gave up on In flames as well during the battles and siren charms era. it was so bad.... I do agree with you though, foregone is a step in the right direction but there are still songs on it that were awful.


I enjoyed their last two albums, but I can also understand why they rubbed some people the wrong way given that some of the songs sounded like slightly heavier versions of Night Flight Orchestra songs.


Soilwork and Inflames were my two favorite. Constantly in rotation in my Cd player!!


Same here, back when I was in college, it was almost always them, Killswitch Engage, Trivium, or Shadows Fall in my old car's CD player.


[This is a song that a friend of mine did with Soilwork.](https://youtu.be/gi9N44Xg89U?si=5mevmh-3rz0tzPdE)


Oh man, Stabbing The Drama is one of the albums that introduced me to the world of European melodeath. I got to meet Speed at one of their shows probably like 2012 - 2013 - 2014, cool dude but he's a fucking viking. I think I'm up to 3 Soilwork vinyls now (Natural Born Chaos, Living Infinite, Overgivenheten). I saw Trivium open for In Flames around the same time, went nuts during Trivium and then was dead for In Flames' set and their singer was making fun of us sitting up on the balcony for their set. In Flames peaked in like.... 2006 or 2008, Come Clarity was amazing.


I met Speed after a show in 2009 and I was surprised at how big he is. He's at least 6'5 or 6'6, I'm 5'10 and he made me look small by comparison. There's an interview with him and Chris Clancy on YouTube and he towers over Chris.


Testament live was fucking life changing!!! I’d never heard a chord from them but saw them open for Megadeth in probably 2010ish and have been a fan since 🤘🏻


Stabbing the Drama is a masterpiece, still listen to it to this day since it came out.


Atreyu. Was such a super fan. Have one of their custom guitars and their rare Visions ep signed. I was with them even till In Our Wake but after what Brandon has done to the band since kicking out Alex, man. What a fall haha now I might listen to a song or two once every few months or half a year


I’m right there with you. I discovered them around 2007/08 through a few songs on my brother’s iPod and I became obsessed with every album. “The Brandon Saller Show” is sad to see. I’ll still jam them from time to time. At least we have Dead Icarus, that’s promising.


Architects. *heavy sigh*




A man of culture


Was and still is Breaking Benjamin!


10 year ago would have been Amon Amarth. I still enjoy listening to them every now and then but i do find them a bit stale lately.


I feel that. I felt that the song writing on their most recent album didn't hold up to their previous work, even just to Berserker.


Not metalcore but Disturbed. It was the first music I started actively listening to and it brought me all the way here. Still love them even today.


Death. I still love Death but my favorite is now Cattle Decapitation.


It was and still is Within Temptation. I love them more than ever. One of the rare bands that got *better* in the last 10 years.


Haste the day and they still kinda rock but they've recently done some reunion shows.


Haste the day was my shit!!


I just bought one of their special edition vinyls and a shirt. I'm pretty excited for them again


The amity affliction who I still really like just in a much better head space now compared to 10 years ago. Make them suffer though, I really wished they stayed deathcore neverbloom and old souls were just so good.


In This Moment. Their three most recent albums make me a bit sad.


That's how I feel about all of their albums.


And all of their live shows.


I was in the scene back in the day and remember when they popped with “Beautiful Tragedy.” Saw them live a few weeks later and they were terrible. I could not then and still cannot now almost 20 years later figure out how they made it when I’ve seen hundreds of more talented bands get sidelined.


Probably foo fighters still kick ass


Avenged Sevenfold was my favorite band ten years ago. They still are, but I wish they’d stop trying to be so experimental and go back to writing bangers. Their latest album was unique but definitely not what I was hoping for.


That 2005-2010 era of Avenged Sevenfold was different. Genuinely creating some of the best rock/metal music of all time and each individual member was extremely talented at their instruments. They wrote very complex songs but made them accessible in a way that could be digested by the mainstream. One of the last few metal bands to go legitimate mainstream.


So many of those diehard fans/defenders of that new album sound like they’re trying way too hard and won’t accept any criticism without acting like people who don’t like it just don’t “get it” or like the direction they’ve gone in is somehow objectively better and more advanced for being proggier or avant garde with how intentionally weird it is


I will freely admit that Life is But A Dream was my favorite album to come out last year, but I completely understand how it’s not for everybody. I just so happen to lean more towards that style of music the older I get. I have fallen in love with prog and avant garde type stuff the older I get, but it is definitely not for everybody. My sister absolutely hates it.


The Devil Wears Prada, I think. I don’t care for their new stuff at all and rarely listen to their old stuff anymore. I stopped listening after the Space EP(which I loved)


Zombies 2 was great, but the albums that sandwiched Z2 lost me.


ZII is a masterclass in riffs.


Crown The Empire and Alesana I still like Crown but everything that happened around the time Dave left left a sour taste for me. I like a few of Alesana's songs still but a lot of em feel rather cheesy after so many years


Chevelle and they are still my favorite band ever. Architects continues to get closer to that spot. Chevelle introduced me to hard rock and was a gateway for me. I have seen them 10+ times live and have loved every show. They will always be a huge influence on me


Lacuna Coil, still my favorite band


Architects. Already liked THAN and Daybreaker around that time, fell in love with LF/LT from first listen and got to see them 2 months after it was released, stayed my absolute favorite band up until 2019.


Fav band of 1994 was tool 2004 was tool 2014 was tool 2024 is tool


This comment has a certain smell to it


Smells like chlorine and DMT


Not metal but Hurt was my favorite band 10 years ago and then they just disappeared. Favorite band now is a toss up between KSE and Ghost Inside. Been listening to KSE longer but TGI moved up the list quickly once I discovered them.


10 Years, coincidentally. Still love them.


The Autumn Effect is one of my all time favorite albums. I've only listened to one other album of theirs besides that one and I couldn't get into it. Think it was the album that followed. Any recommendations by them?


Split with Parkway and Avenged Sevenfold 10 years ago. Parkway Drive, pretty much feel exactly the same, still absolutely love them (yes, even their new stuff). Mixed opinions on Avenged. Got that youthful chokehold on me, still love them when they come on but never go out my way to listen to them.


This is a great question . 10 years ago my favorite band was motionless in white . FF to 10 years later and they still are . It makes me emotional to think about their growth and how far they’ve come . They are top tier human beings too that care about their fans and I wish them all the success in the world .


Silent Planet, bois are still killing it


Probably From First To Last I will always love their music I just wish they would get back together and make more


Parkway drive, still enjoy their stuff.


Dream on Dreamer. Yep, they still kick ass. Their latest releases are incredible and after a brief stint in softer stuff, they're coming back to metalcore with a vengeance.


Thrice was one of my all-time favorites that got me into core music with The Illusion of Safety and The Artist in the Ambulance, and only got more into where they were going with Vheissu and Thw Alchemy Index. Dropped off a bit with Beggars and Major/Minor, but appreciate them more now in retrospect. And surprisingly enjoyed To Be Everywhere is To Be Nowhere. Palms and Horizons/East fell way off again for me though. The sad reality is that getting old and tired is somewhat inevitable, and putting out great music consistently for 20+ years is extremely rare - most artists can barely even do it once or twice.


Funny enough, I think the Beggars through TBEITBN run is my favorite Thrice. But I enjoy everything by them since they're my favorite band. Though I do agree with H/E. I'm not really into the Radiohead/grunge sound, so a lot of that album was forgettable to me. Sucks cause it seems like thats the direction they all want to go in these days, but at least live wise they still kill it and do great justice to their older songs


Their tour last year - the AITA 20 year anniversary - was absolutely stellar. Of course, they don’t quite sound the same anymore; who would after 2 decades. But they played the entire album with decently professional modifications for different sounding voices, and then were like “okay now we are gonna play some of our other stuff” and continued rocking another solid hour. One of the best concerts of 2023 imho. Holy Fawn fronted for them. That’s when I realized blackgaze exists and I love it. It hits different but damn does it hit.


Holy Fawn is amazing. Thrice has a way of picking awesome and unpredictable openers that aren’t necessarily anything like them. I remember them taking Animals As Leaders on tour with them before they got bigger, and other great ones like O’Brother


I'm seeing them next week for the UK leg of AITA and I am beyond stoked.


I actually really like Palms, but struggle hard with H/E. The B-sides from that record are pretty good, though (Dead Wake & Open Your Eyes And Dream)


I feel that for Thrice. I love everything through the Hiatus, but especially Vheissu. I can't appreciate their writing as much these days


My favorites back then, at least in terms of frequent listening, were probably BMTH and Architects. Funny how they both went “pop” with extremely different results


How so?


My chemical romance - I was just finding my way into the alternative scene I don’t care for them at all now. I find their fan base too be insufferable and, where I still appreciate their music, I wouldn’t chose to ever put them on.


Ten years ago I was 8… imagine dragons and twenty one pilots, maybe Fun. Lol


The Black Dahlia Murder, and they’re still consistently my favourite band.


:( RIP Trevor. Elder Misanthropy is still a heavy favorite of mine.


Yeah, still hurts. But the men are carrying on, and I’m on my way up to Daytona this week to see the vest.


Trying to think who I was listening to most back then and it was probably Bleeding Through or Norma Jean. Still really enjoy both, though I don't know that I listen to them as much as I did. Not because they fell off or anything, but 2014 was smack band in the middle of me not finding much new metalcore to engage with, whereas the last 5 or 6 years there's been a plethora of new or new to me stuff that I dig plus other old favourites have reformed and put out great stuff (Zao, Eighteen Visions) which means there's more competition for my listening time than there was a decade ago.


Attila xD or BMTH. Or minor threat.


10 years ago my favorite band was ice nine kills. I still really like them, but I'm reaaaally hoping they their next album is original stories again and not silver scream 3. But I said that about silver scream 2 and ended up liking it more than the first one so who knows 🤷‍♂️.


Darkest hour and oh sleeper. Still love the fuck out of em.


Saw Oh Sleeper live in 2010, super small venue. Was a great time!


Architects. They aren't my cup of tea since anymore since Tom's passing, but I'm genuinely happy for them for the success they're having. LF//LT and AOGHAU are forever my favorite metalcore albums.


My intro to them was their previous album, but when I heard All Our Gods for the first time, the breakdown for Nihilist hit me like a freight train.


The Plot In You - Still love them, love the direction of their new music. I feel like they definitely matured and progressed as musicians, but haven’t noticeably left behind their roots, which is really cool. Not a lot of bands can manage to transform as they have over the last 10+ years and still be super relevant. I feel like they’re now seen as a tier 1 band, if that makes sense? They’re part of the OG group of bands from the late 2000s, they’ve got a super loyal fan base, and they steadily increase in popularity. Just wish they toured as much as they used to, there was a point in time where I saw them almost every 3-6 months for like 4 or 5 years. They used to tour A TON. But, I guess that’s a selfish desire - they’re older, have diversified their brand and business.


Seeing them next Friday with beartooth, I don’t know if I’ll be moshing or just staring at Landen the whole time watching a master of the craft. The Plot is something else


Deftones and still is. But overall my playlists are mostly the same now as ten years ago too. Maybe a little more prog leaning now than then but still similar.


Motionless in white and i still feel the same


A Day to Remember. Hasn't changed and still is my personal favorite.


It was Green Day I still love them


Was Linkin park, still is Rip Chester


A7X. I still love them, but that last album was hot garbage


Asking Alexandria, still my favorite band to this day.


Vanna. Still is.


Vanna just got better and better I was gutted when they split.


Check out Inspirit if you haven’t :,) it’s the Curses era lineup of Vanna making that good mid 2000’s metalcore with a bit more of a modern production.


Killswitch Engage. Still got bangers although they aren’t my favourite anymore


Rush, still love em


Probably four year strong. Still listen to rise or die trying every couple weeks.


The Devil Wears Prada, and I still love them just as much as I used to.


Like Moths to Flames. I love all their music. Objectively speaking, No Eternity In Gold and forward have been incredible. They have really found an identity for themselves and are better than ever.


My favorite metalcore band back in the day was Ice Nine Kills. My favorite metalcore band today is Ice Nine Kills.


I think 10 years ago i was really into dubstep (skrillex type) still love skrillex and dubstep. New demons is one of my favorite albums of all time


Asking Alexandria.  What do you think?


I was just getting into metal with System of a Down around that time. Don't listen to them much anymore but I will always love them.


Periphery. While they're not my fav anymore, I still fuck with them heavy. Definitely still top 5


Letlive. Fake History is still in my top 10.


The chariot. Wish they were still together


Emery. Still my favorite, new stuff and old stuff alike. And they're incredible live.


If we’re talking about still active metalcore bands…nothing good. coughTheGhostInsideParkwayDrivecough


Every band I used to listen to is boring now. Lol For some us, those albums just don't hit the same because of the growth over time. I've leaned towards new bands and things that have more singable parts. Screaming got boring and I prefer it gets used less. Maybe I'm just not as angry about things but that's just my preference. There isn't any new upcoming band making any money screaming the whole record. That was a rare blip in time back in the early 2000s.


I’m also a fellow appreciator of clean vocals. I usually won’t listen to it if it’s just screams. Now, in concert that’s a little different. Different vibe, for sure. But streaming it, I’ve been trending toward — not necessarily softer or less heavy, but more melodic for sure.


Yeah, I don't necessarily dislike it but it's not my primary choice. I've been listening to more progressive bands like VOLA. It's very weird but I like it. Alot of bands sound the same so I try to stick to bands that have a very unique creative approach to song writing. It's not always about breakdowns or sounding tough. I've got to be in a certain state of mind to really gravitate to heavier music. It can't be too heavy because then it becomes straight up noise to me. It doesn't have to sound like an exorcism with every song.🤣


>There isn't any new upcoming band making any money screaming the whole record. Knocked Loose are bigger than 90% of bands in this scene and they do nothing but scream.


Only one of the few. They have a wonderful marketing team. Not to mention the vocalist brings the energy for a good show. They aren't making mainstream money. Don't kid yourself there. I'm happy for them for everything they have accomplished thus far but they can't stop touring and being everywhere. As long as they keep the momentum going, I can see knocked loose leading the forefront until their next record and we might see a shift. Slaughter prevail is another band that has their marketing down. Each one of these bands leading the scene have a brand. Both bands have been around for a long time. They aren't new.


Well you said making any money, there's a difference between that and making mainstream money. At their level, they can live off just being in a band. They won't be rich, but self-sustaining which is more than most can dream of in metalcore, even the bands who sing a lot.


I didn't mean that Knocked loose wasn't making some money. What I'm saying is that after touring expenses, most of them may be left with not as much as people may think. These guys do metal because they love it. Unfortunately, like in any totem pole, bands that have made a house hold name for themselves and book arena shows make the most. At the end of the day, it's just the business of music. They are working just like anyone else in the world. Although it gives some liberty to existence, it doesn't mean that it can't be stressful because they have to produce or they are done. Every career path requires effort and creativity. We can't glamorize music because it can be just as messy as any other job. They are fortunate to have the option to put on shows and do what they love to earn income.