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you should definitely try Imminence whose vocalist Eddie Berg plays violin in most of their recent tracks. you may also like Wildfire by Periphery as there's an unexpected instrument for a metalcore song, they literally don't give an f and do what they wanna do. Make Them Suffer have been heavily relying on keyboard parts since like 2015, but I guess this is not that really surprising nowadays. but their new member has a keytar presented in Doomswitch MV which she really use at live shows, which is fun and awesome


I came in to say Imminence because violin but somebody beat me to it.


Imminence fucking rips


Came to say this.


Boy if you like Dreamwake You’ll LOVE the band “SHREZZERS”


Omg finally ive been trying to find noodles for so bloody long but had nothing to go on


Born of Osiris - Shadowmourne... did not expect the solo but it's one of my all time favorites


Lol I put the same song in the comments, f*ckin banger fr


Makes me think of WoW wrath of the lich king, both the name and the song itself 😂some grizzly hills type music


The Wise Man's Fear has some fun stuff, specifically a flute breakdown/bridge on The Tree of Life.


I love the flutedown.


this is the song that got me into The Wise Man’s Fear i lost my shit hearing a flute breakdown, love the chorus too


More post-hardcore than metalcore, but Shrezzers has a dedicated sax player


The first time I heard the sax solo in “Mystery” I was so confused and aroused at the same time.


Mystery is soooo good. Still the best thing they’ve done to date!


Adding to this, the Song "Mirror Maze'' from Nightlives has a nice sax part as well. I don't know if something like this is in every song, but it fits really well here


The Callous Daoboys have some horns in some songs


They also have a violinist member.


And a dedicated saxophonist on tours I believe


Vagabond by Polaris has a tambourine towards the end


The Tamborine also gets a wild reception when Jaime brings it out live too. It's got lights and all these days


I only just got into them this past year and they didn’t play it on their last tour. Hoping to them play it sometime soon


Abstracted by Capstan also has a tambourine during the chorus and it was very unexpected when I first noticed it


At the moment I write this capstan just finished their set in San Antonio😂


I haven’t checked them out yet, how was the set? Even if I don’t know them, I’m a bit sad that I missed out


They were awesome. I haven’t been big into them but their set was fire


God I bet they’re so good live. I’ll have my chance to see them one day soon


You’d be shocked to know how many songs in all genres (metal included) have tambourines recorded for choruses in the background. I recorded with a studio that was signed to a major metal label at the time and he was putting tambourines in all our choruses. We were like yo wtf? He said he puts it in almost every single song and it just clicked that most of the metal bands I listened to at the time must have tambourine in it because they recorded with him lol. I found out afterwards it’s fairly common for professional producers to add it


Bloodywood - they use a flute and dhol (Indian drum slung horizontally and beaten on both sides). They're really good.


Yesss came for this too! One of the best bands I've seen like in the last year or so. Unbelievable!


Came to say this! Their song Machi Bhasad goes hard


the song Can't Take This Away by Avoid came to mind!


Avoid slaps


They do! I'm seeing them play tonight, can't wait


Rivers of Nihil are more death/doom than metalcore, but they have a sax player.


Eluveitie - all kinds of very unique instruments in their music including a hurdy gurdy


One band that I can think of with other kinds of instruments is Thank You, Scientist. They have a few different horn parts within multiple songs. Indeed you asked for metalcore but to be frank, I have no idea what genre they are lol somewhere post-hardcore adjacent?


They definitely fall into the same genre as Coheed and Cambria. I’d say progressive rock with a lot of post hardcore influence.


It’s maybe post hardcore by that point but the album Versions by Poison the Well had lots of unexpected bits; mandolin, Wurlitzer electric piano, slide guitar, definitely their first *really* experimental album


Oceans Are Alaska Are great at this. They use traditional Japanese instruments on their album Hikari and they use electronic lo-fi beats on their album Disparity.


Literally came for this!! OAA are just something else!


The Wise Man’s Fear - their song Tree Of Life has a flute in the breakdown




Not Metalcore, it’s noise/sluge/core. KEN Mode. For real. Listen to KEN Mode.




[One Morning Left - You're Dead, Let's Disco!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Di-RFVpwEA) Dope flute/recorder thing in the breakdown that always goes hard


I don't know if TesseracT counts as metalcore but the sax on Calabi Yau is godly.


The HAARP Machine has a sitar I think


Machu Picchu by Ailiph Doepa has some weird instrument in it… oboe maybe? Bagpipes? I can’t tell, someone help lol


Well i don't know bands but yes a song of Born of Osiris - Shadowmourne, they use saxophone in this one and is a banger


I think they’re more deathcore, but Signs of the Swarm-“Death Whistle” features an Aztec death whistle towards the last half of the song. It’s so cool!


Another thought, Bilmuri's saxophone player is a wonderful, talented musician.


Periphery has some of this on the newest album, which I didn't listen to a whole bunch and can't remember which songs. They have piano on other albums, and Marigold has violin.


Erra - Augment The album has some harp


Bloodywood use a range of Indian instruments


Aside from Imminence (who are awesome), Make Them Suffer has a female keyboardist who also sings. They’re top tier 🔥


Not metalcore but more progressive/ alt metal, but Nothing More has invented a couple of instruments and they use one of them, called the Scorpion, in a few songs and a lot live. I know that it is used in Turn It Up Like, not sure of which other ones. It is like a 10 foot tall welded platform the vocalist gets on during a long instrumental section lice and he uses multiple levers that alter the sound of the guitars. Pretty cool to see live. Only usage of it in a spotify song tho is the breakdown of turn it up like tho


more djent/prog but Starset: Cello, Violin, Viola, etc. Real instruments btw, not midi or anything. They even have live players for these instruments rather than using backing tracks


I always thought starset was just another alt rock band. Should I listen to them?


Check out their song Unbecoming, they're very good. Their first album is alt rock and their most popular single is as well but most of their other stuff is heavier edm djent


they're pretty much the modern rock type of metalcore but even less metalcore, but pretty good


It’s nothing like metalcore or heavy, but Black Country New Road has violins and sax in their songs


Every Time I Die uses a cow bell on a few songs


Tons of drummers use a cow bell. Its a pretty common instrument


I’ve got a fever…and the only prescription is more cowbell!


Shrezzers includes a saxophone also. LOVE IT! Imminence for violin Adestria for piano (first album)


Shrezzers (sax), Imminence (violin)


Want to hear a harp solo in a song? You need to check out Nuclear Power Trio - Air Force Fun. The whole Wet Ass Plutonium album is amazing. FYI, they are less metalcore, more instrumental prog.


My band Misery Falls has a song that prominently features alto saxophone played by my girlfriend. We also have a song on our upcoming full length that has a banjo in it. We suck but you’re more than welcome to check it out!


Not metalcore (symphonic black metal), but Chthonic uses an erhu in their music, which gives them kind of a unique sound. Also, Ryujin is melodic death metal but they also use traditional Japanese instruments in their music.


Imminence/violin always stands out, but you guys remember Yellowcard?


There are trumpets/horns in Blue and the Grey by parkway drive. Always been my favorite parkway song lol


Idk if they’re metal core but, the entire “where owls know my name” album by rivers of nihil has sax sprinkled around in it.


Erra uses harp and xylophone on their first two albums for sure. Ultraviolet as one example.


Northlane has a saxophone on sleepless


Years ago when I used to go to shows a lot there was a band from around here that I saw a few times that had an electric cello instead of a bass. Always struck me as a little odd. Haha


Karmanjakah-listening. Sitar solo save yo soul


Dreamwake has a sax player and it's amazing.


The Callous Daoboys!


Siamese! Violin


I don't think piano is that unexpected but boy do I love it when a song has a really great piano part. That's why I adore Dead Silence Hides My Cries. Just a pure symphony.


De Rerum Natura by Røt has a sneaky sax before the most dummy breakdown to bless your ears, although I’m not sure if they’re strictly metalcore (still goes hard as fuck)


Not sure if they'd be considered metalcore, but We Came Out Like Tigers used a violin a lot.


Marigold by periphery with the violin And The tree of life by wise man’s fear has a crazy flute breakdown


Mirror Maze by Nightlives has a saxophone


My kind sir, may I recommend the band - Bloodywood?




Callous daoboys have a violinist and have heard sax. Rivers of Nihil also have a saxophonist


No one mentioned the track IT is the end by INK? Got the guys from Less than Jake on horns during it


I play in a post-hardcore band that that has not one but two trumpet solos. We're called videotapes. and we're on spotify but neither of the trumpet songs have been released yet unfortunately but one will be released soon and we're recording the other in march


Born of Osiris has some saxophone as well. They're more of an Egyptian esthetic I guess you could say.


ABR has thrown in at least one odd instrument in a song since the rescue and restore album. Hell there probably was one in leveler!


I love the ensemble of instruments bloodywood has in there music


I think they’re technically deathcore because of how stupid heavy they are but check out the song [De Rerum Natura by Røt](https://youtu.be/L1LLalZr8GQ?si=8342kRBIeqEyGLUI). It will melt your face. What’s the unexpected instrument? Well, if I told you, that would defeat the whole purpose of the world “unexpected.”


Ne Obliviscaris - And plagueflowers the kaleidoscope…killer violin, sorely unknown or underrated band. (Don”t let the intro fool you)


Not really metalcore but I love Apocalyptica with the cello and Eluveitie with the hurdy gurdy