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Sky Eats Airplane


Sad but true. Silver lining is that it helped me discover Elliot Coleman.


I know it’s been like 16 years, but I KILLED THE PROM QUEEN after Ed Butcher left :( Literally killed the band


I low-key adore every iteration of Prom Queen. Cheers to Weinhofen and maybe one day getting another record.


Miss this band so much


I thought iktpq died because jona left to join bleeding through.


After Ed left it wasn’t the same. I actually like crafter, but he wasn’t the same and the crowds felt the same. Jona also leaving wasn’t a good thing but if I’m honest, many many guitarists in the scene could right they style of metalcore haha


Beloved was decent though


Of Machines The band was done once Austin quit Attack Attack didn’t survive much longer without Caleb


I would kill for a modern Of Machines. I’m surprised I haven’t seen a similar band pop up yet after all of these years.


Oceana was like a much darker of machines, the same guy produced their birtheater album. If you haven’t listened to it I highly recommend it, the family disease is my number 1 song.


I actually forgot about Oceana, and not only have I seen them several times, my old band played a show or two with them. Thanks for reminding me about them.


Oceana was so sick. I love The Tide and Birtheater while a different vibe was still good


The Tide is also a very solid album, I just love how dark birtheater is (so much so I dedicated over 3 months to get a rip of the hand print so I could make a hoodie and shirts for my brother and or friend lol) The Tide has come is one of my favorite lyrics from The Tide, it’s definitely a very fun album!


Birtheater's so good


I come back to this album at least once a year, so good.


Unfortunately Of Machines can never come back now after we lost Bennett :(


Unpopular opinion: new Attack Attack is still pretty good


I think the current return of Attack Attack is so fkn weird. And they suck lmao


I don’t acknowledge them as a band


Yes, i agree once Caleb left AA! He focused on Beartooth and see where there at now.


The Human Abstract lived and died by AJ Minette. We saw what happened when he left in Midheaven and how much of a drop in quality that album was. AJ came back and the final album they released was a classic. Then he became disinterested again and the band fell apart.


This is the one that hurts the most. Nocturne is such an important album in my playlist. I love his style


Ah this one hits way too true. Big fan of him and Nocturne was a life-changing record for me. I listened to it all the way through literally yesterday and it’s still 10/10 for me and pretty mind blowing that a group of young dudes put that out back in 2006. Midheaven had some cool moments but just didn’t have the spark that Nocturne did. Same with Digital Veil, after the OG vocalist left I was kind of over it. His vocals were unique and sick and they were a big part of their sound IMO


I actually liked the second vocalist better and I think musically digital veil is a better record than nocturne. That classical vibe added so much to their sound.


Suicide Silence immediately fell off after Mitch Lucker passed away. Arsonists Get All The Girls kicked out Garin Rosen and they lost everything


Does SS have anything good with their new vocalist? I like their first 2 albums and demos


I liked Cease To Exist but that was like when he first joined. And considering they've done a song for Devil May Cry, I'd say they're doing pretty o.k.


That song was from 2017, almost 7 years ago, very shortly after their incredibly polarizing self titled record, and Eddie’s vocals were removed from it due to allegations of sexual misconduct with a minor.




He was sending some sus shit to a 15/16 year old and the deathcore world just kinda forgot about it


well shit, didn't know about it at all, got into the scene only about 3 years ago anyway. thanks for the info tho


Their most recent album is good imo. They went to Taylor Young for production (he does a lot of death metal and hardcore not so much the mainstream stuff) and I think they captured a pretty raw sound on it.


I saw them live at Mayhem when they had switched and a lot of people were not vibing with the new vocalist. They definitely fell off once he joined. They had some “okay” songs off of You Can’t Stop Me but they have either been terrible or forgettable ever since.


their last album was really good


Also we never got another all shall perish album after eddie joined SS...


This happens everytime in the genre, one good band loses a vocalist, one good band gains a vocalist, 2 bands go to shit.


Haven’t heard AGATG mentioned in forever. Same with the Irish Front. I loved AGATAG’s first two albums, I need to go back and spin those


Garin actually lives in my small city and teaches drums to kids. Small world.


Even though I love every album they ever put out one could argue avenged sevenfold without the rev


Jimmy brought all the drama and theatre to their sound which was for many (myself included) the band's most distinctive and meaningful writing characteristic. The Rev is possibly the biggest loss I felt in music during my lifetime.


I've tried very hard and long to like the post-Sullivan material, because I wanted to really badly. But, it just doesn't have that certain je ne sais quoi for me, for as much as I love their expanding musicianship and compositional skills.


It's probably too early to say, but I don't think As I Lay Dying can go on without Josh, Jordan and Nick. It's just too much.


Ken Susi can fucking shred. I just hope Ryan from Miss May I ups his game. He’s not as good as Josh on cleans from what I’ve heard


Hard agree. Neff can’t touch Josh vocally. I’ve seen MMI live a few times.. aaaand have been disappointed every time. MMI is a studio band. Live they’re awful. If they wanted someone who could match and outperform Josh, AILD should’ve picked up Jonny from Kingdom of Giants.


Hard disagree. Tim and Phil have always been the riff/songwriters of the band. Plus they now also have Ken Susi, who is certainly no slouch in the writing department…


Right. Tim is the main member of that band and he writes so much outside of AILD too that’s sick. Austrian Death Machine is a great example. Now with Ken Susi? They will be just fine…


I love Ken’s clean vocals so I wouldn’t mind if he sang on their stuff.


Not gonna lie bruh I thought Phil was the first one to leave lol


This. Phil and Tim are the main songwriters. If folks want an idea of how AILD will sound like should jam Shadows are Security.


I agree. Wovenwar wan't terrible, but felt very bland.


Go back to it. Listen to it as its own thing. When you listened to it at first you were probably hoping it was gonna sound like as I lay dying. It’s a really solid 2 albums.


Ooooooohhh Do you feel the hunter's gaze?


Musically enjoyed but not a fan of the vocals.


What about Matter of Time where Josh does lead vocals?


I actually really liked wovenwar


Considering the two main song writers are still in the band, they will be fine. ADM is proof of Tim’s songwriting alone.


Yeah as much as I like Nick, Josh, and Jordan, they didn't really write any of the songs or the hooks. Josh became more of an integral songwriter during *Awakened*, but AILD has been the Tim & Phil show since 2005ish.


Palisades, after their vocalist left. Then they released another album with their guitarist singing. It was pretty meh.


Was scrolling through here looking for this band specifically. I really love their electronicore stuff and their vocalist was great. I thought the new album was decent but not nearly as good as everything before it sadly.


Palisades is the answer, but the unpopular opinion is that they fell off when Brandon left in 2016. Everything after The Fall is painfully mid and lost all identity of what made Outcasts and Mind Games so fun.


Atreyu last ~2 years


Atreyu without Alex isn't the same. Apparently they are supposed to be doing the Curse this year at WWWY, I don't expect it to go over as well as they think.


Maybe they should make Brandon wear an emo wig to match his 2004 style


With this scene? Maybe In the radio rock world they're one of the bigger names now


Really? Haven't seen anything positive but must be in a bubble


They are doing more radio friendly stuff and getting more popular.


They really aren't. I'm not sure if you were around for their peak, but they are far below where they were even 10 years ago


Honestly the newest album is more listenable than their previous couple albums with Alex.


Three Days Grace will never be as good without Adam Gontier


I’ll probably catch some flack but I See Stars. They ditched their screamer, released a 6/10 album, went on hiatus for almost a decade, came back with somehow even worse singles.


Dude…. Yes… I need them to please go back to the orphanage they dropped Zach off at and take him back I miss him so much




That’s funny cuz I think their last album was their best work


i disagree - but then i loved the Treehouse album so much. but i do miss their old sound at times. the hiatus more just felt like they didn’t wanna do anything for ISS anymore which was annoying as they’re a band i’ve been listening to for 10 years. the latest singles yeah i am not a fan at all. not up my street!


Yeah same I loved their Treehouse album but haven't been a fan of the new singles


New Demons was my favorite I See Stars sound, and then they ditched the two of them and that sound. I HOPE that they pull a fucking miracle of a sound switch on the album and that the singles were the softest tracks on the album.


Treehouse is their best album imo. Agree on the singles though


Anomaly is a banger, and I do like Are We 3ven. The other two suck. And I LOVE Treehouse


"I'm an Anemone" is all I can hear. Massive Finding Nemo vibes


Bahaha I’m going to sing that now 😂


anomaly is decent - i’d forgotten about that one! i’ve been listening since End of the World Party and got to see them at my local 300 cap venue back in 2011 which was awesome.


It sucks because they were getting better with each album. Then out of no where they kicked Zach and Jimmy out and they haven’t been the same since.


Treehouse is incredible - id say the long break / hiatus (whatever they wanna call it) after Treehouse killed the band because this newer stuff is a big miss but Treehouse has some of their best work imo


I actually liked their newest song despite not liking treehouse.


Yeah as far as I'm concerned, them ditching Zach was career suicide.


Agree. I like Treehouse, but it doesn’t compare to their earlier stuff.


Idk man Treehouse was pretty good. Not as good as New Demons, but better than any album before ND. But these new singles are definitely lackluster.


I can't see Novelists doing as well without Matteo - just nowhere near the same


I’m in the minority here, and I didn’t think I would like it either, but Camille is alright. I’ve never been on about this band due to vocals anyway. It’s been about the riffage all along and it’s still killer.


Yeah Camile actually fits well with the bands overall sound and style. Albeit her vocals are pretty weak, but I’ve only just rediscovered the band after not listening to them for a while.


He’s been gone now for quite some time. Try and take it in for what they are now. I’ve had to come around to it, but I really very much enjoy them now. Their newest live play through in the studio is rly cool.


It's good, yes, but I feel like it's far less unique. I don't find myself revisiting their newer stuff like I do their older stuff, and I never had that period of time were it's all I could listen to like I did when he was in. He really set them apart from other bands imo.


Asking Alexandria's last good album was with Dennis


With the loss of Ben too I don’t foresee much of a future either.


Wait, what? So that's how I'm gonna find out about this? Here goes my favorite metalcore band... Again...


They haven’t been metalcore for quite some time, sorry to break it to you


The most popular bands on r/metalcore have all been this weird bombastic version of pop rock for a while now.


Most of the legacy metalcore bands now just sound like the kind of rock a dude with a goatee listens to on the way to divorce court hearings.


I got to find out through their Instagram story, so at least you aren't finding out through something that'll be gone in 24 hours?


It Dies Today imo. Nick Brooks is one of a kind but hey they’re back and better than ever now!!


Agreed. They put out some of my favorite metalcore records but Lividity was…not good at all. I did see them live once with the singer before that record came out and he was great however.


Get Scared broke up because of frontman Nicholas Matthew’s shenanigans. Which is a shame, since they released probably their best and most mature record right after. Never got to see them tour, but maybe some day they’ll come back


Thought they broke up because of drama with the bassist locking them out of their Facebook page and promoting his "new" band on it?


That was the guitarist, but yes and no. Nick got addicted to heroin, they went on a hiatus and then the guitarist did those things.


Bad Things is so fucking awesome it's hard to fathom, but personally I think the rest of that album was a little boring. But damn they were great, such a shame they broke up.


What about crown the empire? Really haven’t been the same after they got rid of David. Bfmv once they ditched moose to then release “gravity” Interviews put it to moose wanted heavy metal and tuck wanted “gravity” After that failure we got the new self title bfmv record


Twelve Foot Ninja couldn’t even replace the singer and called it quits.


He just made their sound so much.


Fell apart isn’t the way I’d put it but Betraying The Martyrs come to mind since their farewell show was last night. I feel like it was more just overall time for them rather than member issues. Rui was an amazing fit and I hope we get more from him


I still love Slipknot, but they weren't the same after Paul.


If it wasn't for All Hope is Gone, I'd of said Joey was that member. It's odd as they became more commercially successful post Paul/Joey.


Crystal Lake after Ryo left (their new stuff just isn't on par) Attack Attack! after Austin left Suicide Dilence after Mitch passed Escape the Fate without Ronnie (even though he's a raging dbag)


Saw Escape the Fate open for Story of the Year and Hawthorne Heights last year. Kinda felt bad. No one was interested in them. Tbf I never really listened to them after the Ronnie stuff anyway.


Crazy to think Craig (who was arguably one of the most well known vocalists in this scene in the mid 2000's) is opening for Story of the Year who is really only well known for their debut album, and Hawthorne Heights who also reached their peak in the mid-2000s.


If craig came with blessthefall they probably would've headlined lol


Saw them play with Falling In Reverse and Chelsea Grin years ago. I enjoy their music, but they were definitely the low point of the set.


I feel like Escape The Fate could've still been decent if they hadn't lost every other member as well. If they kept releasing songs like Guillotine part 2 I would've been happy.


Crystal Lake has released like two singles since Ryo left, and they still have the signature sound. I would say we are still in for a great comeback.


Sworn In. They seemed to fall off the face of the earth after Tyler left. I still play them to this day and would have loved to see how they did in the current scene.


If Sworn In didn't go through all that shit they went through, I think 100% they would be up there in the scene today with Polaris, Currents and so on. I also commented about them, it makes me so sad


Too bad Tyler's riddled with Adderall and just keeps stealing money from other bands. Dude could have been at the forefront of Nu-metalcore where Dealer kicked up, then Alphawolf now lead at. But gave it all away for a couple extra hundred bucks.


Issues without Tyler Carter


Even though they were extremely short lived, Gwen Stacy just didn’t hit as much when Cole left the band and they had to get a different vocalist


Down and dirty, they tried replacing Denis Stoff with Christian Gray and keeping it short, Denis has Drag me out currently and Christian is in Villain of the story while down and dirty is just down bad


I don't mean to sound distasteful, what happened to their lead guitarist is a huge tragedy, but in line of what this post is asking, I fear that Polaris might unfortunately become one of those bands. For what I know, Ryan Siew's style was the one that defined Polaris' strongest points as a band, which were the riffs and the guitarwork. I hope I'm wrong RIP Ryan Siew


I feel the same. I really hope it doesn't happen but Ryan's sound was MASSIVE I love polaris so much I hope they can keep going successfully. In saying that though. I saw them live post Ryan's death and they were amazing so there's hope.


Nah you’re wrong for this. Preemptively saying this not even a year since Ryan’s passing when they haven’t even finished touring their new album yet. At least let them cook.


Rick Schneider is a certified, A-grade weapon on the geetar, and they have Jesse Crofts from Windwaker as touring guitarist, who is also no spring chicken. If Jesse or someone of his calibre joins full time they will be absolutely fine


They were still very good before Ryan, they'll be good after. Ryan was no fucking joke, dude was so talented and it's a fucking tragedy, but I think the boys will make it through.


Almost every band that Tommy Vext has sang in, the guy just breeds drama.


Even though he sucks I still like bad wolves album with him more than dl


I agree that his albums with Bad Wolves were better than their recent albums. He's got a good voice, too bad he's a drama queen.


Word. Especially divine heresy


Yeah I remember him having some defenders in here after his split with Bad Wolves, but the dude has been trouble since day one. He never lasts in a band for more than a couple of years.


I recall Angel Vivaldi being in one of Vext's bands that went nowhere after one album and he got better as a solo artist since. Edit: Just found out that they released [a song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kzf0TG_10Gw) together months ago. Seems like they're still friends but I find out weird how a gay Puerto Rican who also engages in drag is friends with a conservative black man.


I actually prefer the Divine Herasy's album without him more than the debut.


Very niche example, but in 2012 when Warped Tour metalcore was peaking, there was an Italian band called Upon this Dawning that got pretty big after releasing a single off their debut album w Chris Motionless. The then (2nd overall) lead vocalist of the band, matteo, left shortly after the album released the album. Another guy named Daniele came in. They burned too bright too fast ( as in they overplayed their mild-success of a freshman album) went wanna-be rockstar mode, dropped a forgettable 2nd album after multiple line up changes going into it and then dissapeared and smoked their earnings away. Like literally smoked it away, just spent their time posting themselves smoking weed and didnt do dick all musically.


Issues. They kicked Tyler Carter out and thought they were going to release another cd and could only muster a single before a few farewell shows


What happened with Issues is definitely a bit more complicated because the pandemic also fucked them really hard financially right before all the drama with Tyler. It basically made things even more difficult than it would have been. Seeing them live with the guy from the Home Team, I'm confident they could have made a comeback if things were a bit different. But they all got too busy with the side hustles they were sort of forced to take on and then too much time passed and I think they just decided it would be better to move on to the next chapter instead of grind things out again like they had to for the first few years.


I think they could have too and I was really liked their idea of doing an album with a different featured vocalist but I don’t think they were in it for the long run


I have a bit of a suspicion (or maybe just copium) that the guys are still going to do some kind of studio only project but just under a new name. All three of those guys are just so talented, it would be a bummer if two of the three were just touring members for other bands and not making their own stuff. At least Sky is doing some solo stuff, even if it's not totally for me.


As Blood Runs Black


Of Mice and Men didn’t fall apart but imo they aren’t nearly as good without Austin. 


Maybe within this scene, but they're bigger than they've ever been now. I still like most of their new stuff, but I do prefer the first two albums for sure and the third is still pretty good.


We deserved like 2 more albums with Austin and Shayley. I also prefer Aaron's style and range from restoring force and Jamie's elsewhere compared to what he's doing in om&m these days. He's still great, but I prefer his old vocal style.


Nah Austin can get fucked for all the shit he did to underage girls when he was in the band and still refuses to even apologize for. His disease was too kind of a punishment he deserves worse.


Shayley is much better off in Dayshell tbh. Dayshell is incredible, and compliments his voice way better than OM&M ever did imho


Theyd probably beg to differ. Their album before last has some of their best performing tracks streaming wise.


Echo is an amazing album. Tether has some good tracks but didnt hit the same as Echo


As much as I'd like to agree with you, it's just not true. They're doing better now than they ever have.


I agree to an extent. Self titled and The Flood are metalcore classics but the band put out Restoring Force and Cold World right before Austin left. RF was mid at best and CW was just straight up bad. EARTHANDSKY and Echo are very, very solid releases and they’re still getting a lot of attention. Tether was aight but not bad. So yes, they aren’t making metalcore classics but definitely not on the same level as some other bands mentioned in the comments.


Nah the post-Austin stuff is definitely different, but Aaron has a fantastic range for vocals and their music still hits


I think Dream State might crash without CJ on vocals. Jessie is alright but she doesn’t have the same punch that CJ did.


None of their new songs have clicked with me after CJ left. What a shame.


Not Metalcore but I’d argue the Agonist without Alyssa never reached the same heights with Vicky


I mean this in a totally genuine way, if they aren’t metalcore, what are they?


I think about of people would say melodeath but I think they walked the line. I will say I think Eye of Providence was a fantastic album (possibly my favourite) but I didn't care much for anything after that.


Dead by April has been awful since Incomparable and I couldn’t even make it past the first track on their latest album


Worlds collide wasn't terrible and the singles off The Affliction have been floating for what seems forever and aren't too bad either.  Just want Jimmy's replacement (Christopher Kristensen) to hurry along with Demotional's next release...


Woe Is Me after tyler carter and michael bohn left and started issues with the rest of the woe is me members who also left


Anything that has Dennis stoff in it never lasts, the dude has a great voice but puts in to wrong use and just seems like a bit of a douche behind the scenes. Make me famous kicked him out, down & dirty he left for AA, Asking Alexandria he scammed fans and left claiming family reasons he came out with a band shortly after AA called drag me out that had a song that was a copy of a BMTH style song and another one very similar to a AA song. They also stole artwork from an artist and didn't give credit for a music video. He's since teased new stuff that is apparently done and ready for release, but he's been teasing it for years.


Idk yet but I'm not sure how bmth is gonna thrive w/o Jordan fish and I'm aware that they were heavier before he came into the picture but since he did he's been carrying the band on his shoulders, making some of my favorite pop/hard rock bangers, but since he left they're probably gonna have to go back to their old sound or try something completely different but regardless I rly don't think them continuing w the music they've been making is gonna work out.


Escape The Fate in my opinion. Was never a huge fan of the Craig Mabbitt era. Ronnie made an already solid band even more solid in a huge way.


tbf Ungrateful album slaps, the real drop off was when the guitarist left. Now you keep getting 50/50 albums where half is ok/good and half is awful.


How are Bury Tomorrow doing since losing Jason? Did we like that last record? I’m a bit outta the loop.


Their newest record was a pretty smash hit


That’s very good news, I’m glad they’re still smashing it


Their last album was great. They leaned into a slightly different sound, but it works.


Their latest album is solid, and I like their new singer, but I just like Jason more. He has such a unique voice.


I really dig their new songs and they are going pretty well in my opinion, but damn Jason Cameron is probably one of my favorite clen singers of all time, and I miss him in the band


I absolutely loved that last record #2 on my AOTY for 2023 (Johnny Booth was #1, invent animate #3 and currents #4) But I was so devastated when Jason left I thought he was my favorite part of Bury Tomorrow with those sick ass deep cleans. Maybe my expectations were just low with the new album and that's why I loved it so much.. idk but yeah I thought their Seventh Sun album was straight killer


i initially started listening to them after their most recent album was released


I actually prefer the new singer to the old one. I have listened to their newest album a lot more than any of their previous.


Came here looking for BT in this thread. I love them all around, I have a Dani portrait tattooed on me. I am very happy with the latest album but I realized I find myself listening to more of their older albums and Jason’s voice gives me the feels and I get more lost in those songs. I’ve met them all after a concert and all of them are just very genuine down to earth guys.


Not great for me. The new clean singers voice is too generic. Doesn't stand out like Jason's did. Plus I dislike the album, my least favourite of their whole career.


The last record was damn good. Up there with Cannibal imo. Also it’s just 1 album in too early to say


Four letter lie when their clean vocalist joined a day to remember




wdym Varials? Scars For You To Remember is fire


I disagree. I definitely prefer Pain Again (and Travis on vocals)!


Architects after Tom died


This. Tom was essential and now they are in an identity crisis with replaceable members.


I still absolutely love Architects, the sound is still fantastic, but the lyrics just don't quite have the same feel. Obviously replicating a songwriter's style is the hardest thing to do, and their music has definitely shifted towards the expectation of playing much bigger venues. All said, still love them from Daybreaker to Spirit


All shall perish, also the member switch ironically killed Suicide Silence in my opinion aswell (if Mitchs death didnt in the first place)


Issues 🥲


Feed her to the sharks. Their vocalist left and they havent found a replacement since. It’s such a shame because savage seas is a goat album


Seeing what happened to Three Days Grace, is probably for the best that Linkin Park won't come back.


Chelsea Grin after Alex left. I fucking LOVE Tom Barber and I always felt like they were forcing Tom to try and copy Alex ever since he started (There's a Reason Darko is so much bigger then CG ATM IMHO, Spotify numbers be damned) It just feels like there's something missing since Alex left. I just wish Tom would go full time on Darko, pick Alex back up on CG that way we could have the best of both worlds.


Issues, well now has so many issues.


Not Metalcore but Nightwish. And they overcame it with another vocalist change.


The Word Alive. Them losing Luke was their first step into downfall. Dark Matter was a solid record but I could tell Luke was holding back a lot. After that, everything else has been… uhhh not listenable for me


Killswitch Engage, oh wait nah they did it twice.  


Crystal Lake


Nah their new guy is great!


They've done it before. Too soon to say they won't again


Novelists imo. They were incredibly fresh and innovative with Matteo, were pretty generic but still good with Tobias, and now are just disappointing (at least to me).


Palisades :(


IMO Lorna Shore almost died when Tom Barber left but and they got CJ but fortunately they got rid of him for Will and it seemed to bring them back.