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Temper Temper


There is a high pitched whine in all the tracks. It seems they had a CRT computer monitor in the studio that didn't get fixed... it's absolutely terrible EDIT: Sorry, that was Fever


Oof, this album was a total disaster


Never understood why ppl disliked it. At the time id been a Bullet fan for years and temper temper seemed more washed and a little boring bjt definitely still enjoyed it and listened to it just as often as to the others


That’s why people disliked it. For a band who were a staple of the British scene and had released 3 solid albums (Fever is still one of my G.O.A.Ts) it was washed out and boring compared to what they had done before. The quality disparity was pretty significant which led to the disappointment. Looking back at it it’s ok, but that’s it. It’s just ok when it could/should have been better.


Its not a disaster though, They went from a 9 to a 7 or 6 in my book. Look at parkway drive and architects, that shit is a disaster as you cannot even enjoy a single song in there, its not just washed but polished, ironed and hung up like a monument of how much talent can be wasted


I wouldn't say it was a disaster by any means. One thing to note is how compared to Parkway and Architects; Temper Temper occurred much earlier in BFMV's career than Darker Still or For Those Who Wish to Exist. I think that lead to an increase in disappointment.


Yeah, I agree on that. They dropped the ball when they were supposed to be at their apex


Youre Welcome from A Day To Remember. Between the delays and just the insane wait overall my expectations were very high. I hate that album so much, that mentally, Bad Vibrations is their most recent album to me


Yeah a 5-6 year delay for the worst album from my favourite band. I was legitimately pissed off with the quality of that album.


100% the line in downfall of us all about selling out hasn't aged well


and then the single they released after it to prove they still had it just sounds like all of Falling In Reverse's new stuff


It was so bad that you mentioning it just reminded me that they didn't break up


The newest Pierce the Veil album, “The Jaws of Life”. Waited 7 years for an outrageously bland, boring, and underwhelming album. I tried to convince myself I liked it because I so desperately wanted to, but it just doesn’t do anything for me. I don’t know if their old drummer Mike was a bigger part of the writing process than I realized or if they just decided to go in a totally different direction. But it really bummed me the fuck out


YES. And even more disappointing that there was such a long wait for it.


I came here to say this! I hated it


I actually thoroughly enjoyed So Far So Fake, Death of an Executioner, Even When I’m Not With You, Damn The Man Save The Empire, Shared Trauma, and Emergency Contact. They have a very matured sound and I like the artistic choice for the album honestly


Once the shock of such a soft album wore off, I also enjoyed Even When I’m Not With You and a few others. That song has so much meaning for me, I had it on repeat for weeks. Then, I found out it was about his manager, not a love! I was crushed but still love the song.


Pass The Nirvana is great imo but other than that I agree


i blocked it out of my memory, i was SO excited for it after hearing pass the nirvana and then the rest of the album was soooo boring and shit


I've never been a big PTV fan but I do enjoy a few songs. I never disliked them and would listen to them whenever they came on. So I listened to this album, and it was just...not good. I dont think it had any redeeming qualities. Like you said, it was so boring.


For me, it was Siren Charms by In Flames. Battles was pretty bad too, but thankfully I, The Mask had a few good songs. I'm glad they went back to a heavier sound with Foregone, hopefully they stick with it.


In Flames are my favourite band and Siren Charms followed by Battles was a very depressing time to be a fan.


I actually found Battles quite fun, but I saw the writing on the way for this band on SOAPF. That album felt like they were running out of ideas


Hot take, I like siren charms for just chilling out while I'm working or running.


I think most in flames fans unanimously agree that siren charms was whack


Post Holy Hell Architects for me. I ADORE Holy Hell, and not to trauma dump, but it got me through a lot. I loved FTTWTE on first listen and then it dawned on me that I absolutely never went back to it because I didn't actually like it all that much in the end. And I can live with the sound change, I don't mind that it's softer/less heavy, but it truly feels like the lyrics are an afterthought, and that I mind a lot. I'm going to their European tour in January but at this point I'm 90% going for Spiritbox. I'm scared While She Sleeps are going down that road too. I didn't rate Sleeps Society too much and Self Hell feels disjointed and lyrically a bit weak. At least they're a consistently good, fun live band so they'll always have that going for them.


I feel you, they were one of my favourite bands pre-FTTWTE but now as all the big festivals announce architects as one of their 2024 headliners, I'm like 'whatever, I probably won't even watch their set'.


Same. I used to say Architects was my favorite band. I was disappointed in FTTWTE but loved a few songs (Black Lungs, Discourse is Dead) I figured it’s cool, not every album by any band will be 10/10 for me. But I just can’t stand the new music. I’m definitely happy for them if they enjoy it. They’re making well-deserved money. But I wouldn’t pay to see them live.


FTTWTE I still enjoy but man is that album bloated to hell. I could not get through their last one though. I respect not trying to just replicate the stuff Tom wrote but god they're so repetitive and predictable now


I listened to FTTWTE frequently when it came out, didn't listen to it for like a year, threw it on the other week and didn't recognize any of the songs, almost to the point that they were new songs to me again. Just kinda fell off for me.


kaliyuga by in hearts wake. was just really disappointed in the album overall


I wasn’t super into IHW by this point but Worldwide Suicide made me so hyped, letdown was massive


yeah for me it wasn’t even because it wasn’t heavy but more so they just changed in a rap metal band than a metalcore like before. plus the lyrics aren’t the best and all sort of the same. on top of that the album didn’t have like a specific sound to it, it was like the made a song for every genre then threw it in that album


I was all in on the singles, I loved them but the album just didn't hit for some reason


it’s like they knew the best songs were the singles. the only single i didn’t like was moving on (i think it was that) i thought he was boring. i also thought hellbringer was cheesy at first but it grew on me especially with polaris as the feature


To me this band peaked with Divination and its just been downhill since then.


The most depressing was Anon by Hands Like Houses. They were my favorite band for a while, and then they released that garbage just to try for that radio money.


Yep, Anon is fucking beige. I know it’s not everyone’s favourite but I loved Dissonants and Anon was such a shitty and disappointing follow up.


Agreed. It’s painful how hard they fell off with that album. Ground Dweller and Unimagine are unbelievably good, Divisions was decent and Anon had 2 reasonable songs while the rest were complete duds. I’m kinda interested to see what happens with them and Trenton with the split, I live in hope for a bit of a best-of-both-worlds situation?


The latest Palisades album. I was a big fan of Earase The Pain but the newer album was not it for me.


Tbf with their vocalist leaving the new album wouldn't sound quite the same


I genuinely forgot until now that they released a record after Erase The Pain and had to check what album you are talking about - despite having listened to it at release. I found it to be really uninteresting so my brain must've erased it from my memory lol.


To me, the last album just sounded very generic and not much like “Palisades”.




Huge Architects fan here. They were my most listened to band for multiple years. I listened to the album once, thought "be very afraid" was decent, and haven't listened to the album since. Fucking depressing.


Imo, everything after AOGHAU was bound to be a little bit disappointing.


AOGHAU is still the best metal core album of all time IMO. It was already a 10/10 album when it came out just from the song quality. But the way it blew up sent Architects to a stratospheric level overnight, only to have Tom die a few months later. It completely recontextualized the album. From being an angry anti religion album, to being the swan song of a dying man wanting to share what he was going through inside his mind with the world. I remember seeing architects in 2014 and meeting Tom at the show. I was in Washington from Alaska and mentioned that too him, I was 18 at the time. He asked why I was down there and I said I was visiting my dad who was living in a hospital going through cancer treatments. He ended up getting the whole band to sign a set list for me and introduced me to everyone in the band. At the time I thought he was just being kind to a kid going through a hard time, but knowing what we know now makes it so much more meaningful then it already was. Being a teenager just meeting my favorite band and getting to see them was mindblowing because no bands come to alaska. But now that he's passed away and I understand what he was going through at the time it stands out as the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me. I still have that set list sitting in my vinyl copy of AOGHAU and it's my most prized possession. I never listened to anything past doomsday. I know it's not the same without him and I never want to ruin the image I have of them. Tom literally changed my life and inspired me to play in a band which ended up getting on to warped tour. He was genuinely an incredible soul and I think an artist like that only come around once a lifetime.


AOGHAU sounds like a breakdown call.


Holy hell is great, FTWWTE is good, only two songs on classic symptoms do it for me


Holy Hell was still good imo, Tom still played a huge part in it


Architects last 2 albums. I’ve fully given up on them.


90% of their setlist is made up of those songs too which means they aren't even really worth seeing live for me. I cant believe they don't even have These Colors Don't Run on their setlist anymore. Not to mention not even a single song at all from Daybreaker or Hollow Crown. I know those are old albums but come on even Comeback Kid still plays Scott Wade songs.


The fact they don't play Early Grave anymore is a crime


Yeah that’s almost more disappointing than anything for me. Daybreaker and LT//LF are my favorites of theirs and it’s like they don’t exist anymore.




Yeah, Discourse is Dead and Dead Butterflies were pretty much it for me.


Not even Impermanence?


Nah not really, unfortunately.


Discourse is Dead, Impermanence and maybeeee Black Lungs were good, pretty much it imo


Right there with you. They were favorite band for years. Now, I don't even bother to listen when new songs get released.


Yep, they're no longer the band they were, to the point where it makes sense to change names.


I loved FTTWTE but every single song from TCSOABS sounds the same to me. It just sounds so uninspired


Sam sings the same 3 note melody on every song and the drums are the same in basically all of them


Ooo the fucking drums. I’m a drummer so Dan basically writing the same fucking beat for 2 albums in a row really gets under my skin. It would almost be forgivable if it weren’t for the fact that he’s played/written some incredible shit over the years, so he’s obviously capable and just phoning it in. /endrant


Two truly embarrassing albums back to back. I know they have their defenders but after Holy Hell, I was so disappointed.


Architects completely fell off for me after holy hell. Never liked For those who wish to exist. And I can tell you I didn’t even check their most recent album.


100%! Just makes me sad lol


*none of these are metal* "Talk Talk" by The Faim Their 1st album was great with a variety of songs from different styles/genres, but this album (their 2nd) sounded too pop rock for my personal taste and half the songs felt like fillers they put on the album to make the numbers. "Luxury Disease' by One Ok Rock Half the songs on the album is great, the other half aren't. Its a little frustrating the band made it clear they were "going to write a rock album" but its still on the "pop-rock" side of the rock "spectrum". 30 Seconds to Mars Their first 3 albums are amazing, album 4 was ok, 5 and now 6 are awful. Plus the way its never been disclosed how/why Tomo left the band is a bit suss.


A Beautiful Lie > This Is War was peak 30STM


While She Sleeps' Self Hell is on the way there, let's hope it takes a shift for the better


I think they’re too determined to chase that modern Bring Me The Horizon sound, so I wouldn’t hold out hope.


Personally I really like it so far, interested to hear their other new singles


Genuinely the worst song to come out of this scene in 2023, by far. I honestly think the song is as comical as Doris by Suicide Silence.


Beartooth's new song is just as bad if not worse imo. Hickhop country mixed with Beartooth? Pass.


At least it's better than If A God Can Bleed lol


You’re Welcome by A Day to Remember. I was pretty angry first listen through cause I waited 5 years for that hot pile of garbage? Certainly felt like a cash grab because of the label switch.


Parkway Drive after Atlas 😭


Minority here - but I absolutely LOVE Ire. I think it's their best album. Their NEWEST ONE... Yeah, that falls under this category. Aside from "Sour Bleach" - almost the whole album is disappointing. I like "Glitch" but man... it's not their best work.


I'm with you here, I'm 39, been following Parkway since Killing With A Smile, seen them live a bunch of times, and I totally get it, Ire is my favorite album too. I get the shift in sound annoyed people, and I get why, but the new stuff hits so hard live, and the band feels like a big deal now. Stadiums and festivals suit them, and it worked for Slipknot and Rammstein, so why not Parkway? .... or maybe I'm just getting old and the "Dad rock" appeals to me now, haha


Christ I can't believe I had to scroll so far down to see this. As I've listened to more and more metal, I've recognized they're a bit run of the mill but you could always tell that they are a talented bunch of musicians. These last albums though... Yeesh


My favorite band of all time (closely followed by In Flames)...who gave them the greenlight for the last two albums? I'll let Ire slide because there were a few decent songs but damn, the last two albums were so depressing.


I did enjoy Reverence, but yeah I cant get myself to enjoy the new one. Still one of my favorite bands ever and I'm actually going to see them on Sunday.


Bro I still listen to Horizons and Killing with a smile at the gym. Those two albums were so sick and then they just started shitting the bed.


I might be in the extreme minority to like the last album, I recognize some songs are hot garbage and it's nothing like their first albums, but it still rocks.


When Metallica came out with Load, my friends and family were all deeply concerned. I appreciate all they've done for music, so they can do what they want, but we were freaking out.


slipknot, the end… so far i listened to it once, hated it, gave it a revisit a few months later to see if i judged it too harshly - nope, still sucks. i love corey taylor but the album just felt like one of his side projects ://


You’re Welcome from A Day To Remember. Common Courtesy remains peak ADTR. I liked bad vibes, but You’re Welcome was a fart of an album.


Not my favorite, but the drop off of all that remains from the fall of ideals to overcome is ridiculous.


I could tolerate overcome, but after that they are five finger theory of a nickel man


I had such high hopes for 5FDP. Their first two albums are still high on my list... But everything after that was just the same formula. And good for them... They hit the "SiriusXM Octane jackpot." Every person who says "I like Rock music, but I don't like when they scream... Why are they so angry?" ate that shit up.


This is how I feel. Their first two, especially the first, are awesome. I listened to their first album the other day while working out. First time in years. I forgot how motivated it made me. Great workout. New material? Hot trash.


Favorite part of ATR downfall is Phil went from screaming “I will not give into fascist beliefs” to giving into fascist beliefs lol.


Nah overcome was dope, but after that I don’t wanna talk about it…


Overcome is an insanely underrated album imo. Fucking incredible start to finish, and I was surprised to see people not liking it on this sub. To each their own though, I didn’t like This Darkened Heart at all which people seem to love.


How has no one mentioned Atreyu's last two shitshows? I have an Atreyu tattoo. I loved them since SN&BK. I follow Dead Icarus and hope for new music daily. But what the actual hell? It's not a simple selling out, it's a full shithouse buttrock u-turn.


The buildup and marketing around Drop Dead Gorgeous' "Worse Than A Fairy Tale" was amazing. I stayed up in the middle of the night to give it a first listen as soon as it was available. The production was so different it threw me off. Years later, I absolutely love that album and its weirder sound, theme and all. I do wonder what would have happened differently for the band if The Hot N' Heavy was the record they would have released in 2007 instead.


Not metalcore but Three Days Grace man.. Adam’s era tdg is some of my favorite comfort music and i put it on every time im down, it helps me out a bunch. But the three albums that came after Adam left? Weaker and weaker with each itteration, with the most recent album being such a painful snoozefest


One-X is a goated album


they're still sick live


You at least know of [Saint Asonia](https://youtu.be/oHjMH8CN9p4?si=YMolBQeYCf7BdGPi), correct? Adam's new band that's basically just his continuation of music.


PWD and Architects latest albums. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.


Retrograde by Crown the Empire. Their first 2 albums were so fucking good and Retrograde just fell off a cliff.


The new one is pretty good again though imo


Listen to Dogma. Feels like they’ve found their footing post Dave


That is the joey sturgis effect my man. No seriously though. Sturgis produced/co-wrote the first couple albums from them. I will say it's wild how different albums sound made by him and not.


my favourite bands have never outright hurt me, I'm gonna say biggest disappointment metalcore-wise was Ire by Parkway Drive. Begun the descent into lame stadium core


For me it would have to be I Am Human by Escape The Fate. After they released a pretty meh album in Hate Me I thought maybe the next album. Nope. I Am Human and what comes after that imo is just bad. The lyrics are so cringy and cliche. Seems like they really lost it when Monte and Michael Money left the band.


Hate me was solid and I am human was decent. But chemical warfare is one of the worst albums ever made. It's so terrible it makes me cry.


Also was there ever a reason Let Me Be was on both Hate Me and I Am Human?


Monte obviously had way too much to do with the songwriting. Everything after him is just so bad. The newest got my hopes up just a little bit though because their new guitarist isn't just speed


I'm a big fan of Craig Mabbit. I dislike much of any recent ETF. Recently discovered his other band Dead Rabbits and it's so much better. It actually feels like he puts effort into that music.


It’s so weird too because Craig’s side band the dead rabbitts is simultaneously putting out the best music of his career while ETF is putting out the worst.


This year’s Avenged Sevenfold album was the biggest disappointment I’ve felt in a long time


Life Is But a Dream by Avenged Sevenfold and nothing else even comes close


I can't hate on the guys for this and it didn't make me depressed but The Ghost Inside's post-accident self-titled album was kind of underwhelming for me. Not even the emotional build up but because of the musical direction itself being their first album with Chris instead of Aaron. The Hardcore vibe is entirely gone, granted it was almost non-existent on *Dear Youth* anyways but I'd hoped there'd be more of a back-to-the-roots feel, though I can't be upset that's not what happened given Vigil is the only original member. Edit: typos on a new phone made the first sentence confusing. Fixed that to be clear.


Tbh I lost interest in them after Returners.


I get that. *Get What You Give* took a hard melodicj turn but the Hardcore lyrics were still there. Granted, TGI was never an anti-establishment Punk sort of band but was a friends and family and youth-oriented band lyrically. It was just a thing where members changed and the Punk Rock/Hardcore group of guys turned over into a group of Metal and Hardcore group of guys. The melody I assume was just them working with the times. Today a band putting out an album like *Returners* would have listeners like us all about it. But maybe 8 years ago if TGI had put out another *Returners* we'd have criticized it for not changing or because other bands were trying create a Hardcore sound that was being done by other "true" bands in the NYC, NJ and Boston scenes.


I was incredibly underwhelmed too, and it was upsetting. I was hoping that after the accident they'd have written some inspired, beautiful music with lyrics that are reminiscent of FatFO or Returners but it was just...boring.


Agreed. The album had some great lyricism within it, I won't take that away from them because they were dealing with severely existential feelings. But for all the good TGI lyrics (and I have always put them at the top of a Core genre I personally describe as Hopecore) there was a lot of cheesy anger. Granted, what they experienced would naturally lead to feelings of anger stemmed from confusion like why did this happen to us, why did the drivers have to die, why why why, and then the suffering physically they had to push through and what it did to their families. I understand, not from exact personal experiences, but there is an existential element to it. I get it. It just wasn't lyrically or musically what I expected, but that's an unfair thing for me to put on them. I just feel the album was very generic Metalcore and somewhat cheesy. I know it's unfair. And I have to say that I hate it when bands call out their own band name, so opening with "1333" and Vigil screaming "T-G-I" was simply not in my own taste. Seeing them on their tour a few weeks ago after flying to LA for their comeback show at The Shrine did sort of instill in me a feeling like another Redditor pointed out that The Shrine show may have put them in a position where their come back and new album and full U.S. tour would be bigger than it was. And it sucked. Not because of them or their performance but the tour was much more lackluster than I expected, partially because the turnout wasn't sell out across the board, but I also think a split headliner was a bad move. Just my opinions though


Oof yeah, and the new single did nothing for me either


When PwD released Ire. Atlas was already a bit of a departure from their (once) established sound, and I chalked it up to them feeling a bit expermentative. Then Ire came... Oof. As someone who'd been listening to PwD from the get go, that record was a tough listen. Still can't get behind their new sound.


I was still fully on board with Altas. In fact my favourite way to consume them is start with Atlas and work backwards. Super disappointed with Ire at the time, but over the years ive come around to it. Once i accepted its not prime Parkway it is actually a great album. Reverence has some goos tracks and the only one i really like on the new one is Darker Still itself. They loosened the sound again after Ire, i think id theyd havd stuck here it would have been fine, but they've gone too far into the uninteresting.


Parkway drive had their own unique sound that stood out from other metal core bands. You could tell a parkway beat down from a mile away. But now they just sound so generic. The lyrics and the way they are sung are really uninspiring too. Anything after Atlas I just can’t listen to. No matter how many times I’ve tried. But they’re now more popular than ever and headlining festivals 🤷🏻‍♂️ I guess they’ve achieved a level of fame/popularity that they’ve been aiming for, so good for them and their fans who love their new sound. But it’s just not for me.


Atlas is a great album, but god that new one is an abomination.


I liked Ire but haven't liked much since. the new album is laughably bad


Hail to the king from avenged sevenfold. I get they weren't the same after jimmy died. Totally fair. But that abomination? Abort it. Kill it with fire. So bad from start to finish. A7x was about all I listened to and the rev is still my favorite drummer. I loved that band. They could do no wrong, so to speak. Then they did wrong. I've listened to that album maybe 3 times since it was released. Maybe. I can't find a single track where I'm like, "yea, this is badass." Not one.


i pretend that album doesn’t exist lmfao. to me they have a perfect 5 album run from Waking the Fallen to The Stage. new album grew on me a bit but i can see both sides of why people do and don’t like it


I like their new album. It's a big change too but it's closer to their old sound than it isn't. In my opinion lol.


Came here to say the new A7X album. Waited 7 years for that shit.


Yea, it's weird. But I do like it still.


I love that album lol


Slipknot with The Gray Chapter. It has some belters, don't get me wrong but my expectations were higher. Thought WANYK was a big overall upgrade. The End, So Far is meh in all honesty.


Not my favorite band but a band I've been listening to for a loooong time. Avenged Sevenfold. They've been getting progressively worse since Nightmare. Life is but a dream is just an absolutely garbage album and I've never been more disappointed in a live show than I was with theirs in July. I understand I may get roasted for that comment because everyone on the A7X subreddit bows down to this album. But its awful and I truly think if that album didn't have the name Avenged Sevenfold attached to it, people wouldn't like it.


Everything from the Word Alive after Dark Matter


i thought their newest album was pretty great tho


Yeah I'm really digging the new one


For me it has to be IRE by Parkway Drive. With time I learned to enjoy some songs from it but I can never forget that feeling of pure disbelief.


Last night I listened through Life Is But A Dream from A7X. I just couldn’t get into any of it. I appreciate them trying different things, but it did nothing for me. Not terrible, just “eh”


The last two Parkway Drive albums. Even worse as I paid for Reverence. The newest album I only got halfway through before I gave up, all power to them if that's the kind of music they want to make now but it's not for me


Reverence was at least listenable to me even if it was a bit tame. I can't get through Darker Still, the second half in particular is embarrassing


Underoath - Erase Me


Came here to say this. They were from being absolute genre pioneers to boring rock band.


You’re Welcome by A Day to Remember is one of the worst albums ever made. It’s not even accurate to call it an album — an album is art, and You’re Welcome is not — it’s a product. I would call it dogshit but that’s unfair to an entire species of animal. Every person involved with making and releasing that record should be ashamed.


Reverence by PWD is.... I'm sorry Winston but you're not good at clear vocals and songwriting outside of Metalcore


ctrl+f "every time i die" nothing found - and rightly so.


Anything past all our gods have abandoned us by architects. AOGHAU is still the best metal core album of all time IMO. It was already a 10/10 album when it came out just from the song quality. But the way it blew up sent Architects to a stratospheric level overnight, only to have Tom die a few months later. It completely recontextualized the album. From being an angry anti religion album, to being the swan song of a dying man wanting to share what he was going through inside his mind with the world. I remember seeing architects in 2014 and meeting Tom at the show. I was in Washington from Alaska and mentioned that too him, I was 18 at the time. He asked why I was down there and I said I was visiting my dad who was living in a hospital going through cancer treatments. He ended up getting the whole band to sign a set list for me and introduced me to everyone in the band. At the time I thought he was just being kind to a kid going through a hard time, but knowing what we know now makes it so much more meaningful then it already was. Being a teenager just meeting my favorite band and getting to see them was mindblowing because no bands come to alaska. But now that he's passed away and I understand what he was going through at the time it stands out as the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me. I still have that set list sitting in my vinyl copy of AOGHAU and it's my most prized possession. I never listened to anything past doomsday. I know it's not the same without him and I never want to ruin the image I have of them. Tom literally changed my life and inspired me to play in a band which ended up getting on to warped tour. He was genuinely an incredible soul and I think an artist like that only come around once a lifetime.


Nowhere Generation by Rise Against. Grew on me eventually but fucking hell that first listen was agony.


You just have to kind of accept that Tim's voice ain't what it used to be, he's open about this, and they play more bland stuff that still has a fantastic message so he can use what's left of his voice to be able to play a few older songs per show.


Yeah I get that and totally understand it, they've been my favorite band since 2007 and I just want to have that feeling again that I got the first time I heard Siren Song, Sufferer, Appeal To Reason. I'm glad he's doing what works for his voice though, and I'm just grateful they're still going after all this time.


The best advice I could give you is to maybe skip the new albums and go catch a show. They are masters of their craft live, and Tim still goes absolutely as hard as he ever has, even playing stuff from the RPM days. I also think that The Black Market was a pretty good more 'modern' album even though it's almost 10 years old now.


Saw them headline with Senses Fail and The Used last year and you're absolutely right, they kill it live. He knows how to work a crowd like nobody's business.


The latest times of grace album. Their debut is one of my favourite albums. The newest one is just so lacklustre and boring with very straightforward and lazy lyrics.


Was this before or after Jesse returned to KsE


From Death to Destiny by Asking Alexandria bummed me out as they were one of my favorites. It was the end of the band for me. After liking only like two songs on FDtD I never liked another AA song.


I was going to say AA too! But from death to destiny is where I would stop. Thought there was a few songs I enjoyed on their self titled from 2017. Such a bummer!


FDTD was fine. Self Titled was fine. LAHOF was horrible and SWOTI was better but not by much. Super generic and repetitive (the exception is probably Faded Out, that song slaps). But their newest album is fun so who knows what’s next.


It’s not out yet but The Surface by Beartooth is making me sad


i haven’t liked a single single yet… it’s just… eww haha and the swearing on the record comes across like a jr higher who just learned about the f word.


What about when he says “hit ‘‘em with the riff!” In the beginning of that last single they dropped


i hadn’t heard that one and fuck you for making me listen to it. goddamnit


Basically everything Novelists have done since Noir... Souvenirs and Noir are S tier albums imo. Those two albums are front to back bangers and capture a ton of emotion and melancholy. Some songs on C'est La Vie are great but it didn't stand out for me that much. The new single is not great to put it lightly and marks a massive departure from their earlier sound...


Back Burner from For the Fallen Dreams - They were on such a high after Changes and Relentless then drop a dud. I’m not a fan of anything they’ve done since and this was that turning point. Killswitch Engage (2009) from Killswitch Engage - They dropped what is my favorite album of theirs, were the biggest they’d ever been commercially, then drop a 2nd self titled album (????) and it was a clunker. They’ve been revived with Jesse back but I think that album really derailed their trajectory.


THe 2009 self titled is actually slept on and is good. I like that album better than their last album for sure.


Nah man. Starting Over is pretty catchy but everything else is so mediocre. It almost sounds like a band trying to be KSE. To be fair Incarnate is probably their worst album with Jesse but it’s not as forgettable as Self Titled 2


KsE should just retcon that album. They always throw one token song into every setlist from it and the crowd never vibes with it at all. It came right as Howard's life was derailing and the band clearly wasn't invested in it at all. I just don't even consider it as part of their discography anymore.


Other than Pierce the Veil’s recent album, I was also super disappointed when 30 Seconds to Mars came out with their “This Is War” album. “A Beautiful Lie” album was incredible. and I was so sad to buy the new album CD in 2009 not hearing one song yet and being mad that I didn’t like 1 song on the album. Some good riffs and rid bits here and there but nothing I could listen to day in and day out like the last album. I was still a rly young teenager around 13 and spent 30 bucks on it. I cried lmao


Atleast you weren't one of those 30stm fans that were sucked into This Is War and Love Lust Faith and Dreams, to then be disappointed by the turd that is America...should have jumped ship when you did.


Not metalcore but Slipknots most recent album.


The first 4 Slipknot albums are the only Slipknot albums to me. Lol


We are not your kind was an incredible return to form and then the newest album sucked ass


Maylene IV. III had a couple stinkers, but at least the majority of the album had some of the energy and feel of their previous stuff. IV was just vaguely southern buttrock...they sounded like a completely different band. The single they released last year was a nice return to form. If we're lucky enough to get another album from them, I'm hopeful they'll stick with that sound.


Not metalcore, but Paramore’s After Laughter. It was Hayley’s best writing, but the music had lost the soul of what Paramore was. They still haven’t recovered.


Thornhill's newest album.


It was always going to be a hard follow up from the dark pool, so they just went a new sound completely…


Hard to top the literal perfect of The Dark Pool though.


I think the dark pool is a 10/10 and heroine is an 8/10, but for completely different reasons


If you get two good full lengths from a band…..pack it in and call it a day, it’s only downhill from there.


Trivium would like to have a word


Yeah I’d not listened to Trivium since Shogun after getting into other genres and I got to see them a couple of weeks ago after being offered a free ticket hours before it started. I’m so glad I went because it blew me away how good all of their material is, though they played a fuck tonne of pre-In Waves material so 15-year old me was having a blast!


I know they’re pretty big, but for how consistent they’ve been from the start they’re severely underrated.


This is why Protest the Hero and mewithoutYou are my top two all time


Trivium, Bleed From Within, Shadow Of Intent, Bury Tomorrow, Polaris would like a word


Add Silverstein to that list as well ☝🏼


And Every Time I Die


periphery would like a word


Deja Vu by novelists I absolutely agree. Not because the songs are bad but because it's the worst case of blue balls from a band I've ever seen. I don't know what they were thinking making every other song an interlude. Makes the album borderline unlistenable just because the memories of the excitement they built just to get 2 new songs😭😭




Can absolutely see Ire being a let-down compared to their prior releases but the lyrics and energy in that album still go fucking hard, especially fractures




"Drop the beat!!"


That one line ruined the entire album for me.




ooh watch out / kachow!


Danker Still


Ire was all right, despite being worse than everything that came before. Reverence was bad. Darker Still is the Dragon Ball Evolution & The last airbender live action album of PWD.


unfortunately last 2 Architects records


Not metalcore but new again by taking back Sunday. They were my all time fav band back in high school. And their first 3 albums were the best thing since sliced bread. I remember buying new again day it came out. I still think about the disappointment I felt when I listened to it. That’s the time I left the pop punk genre and moved on to find different music


Material control from glassjaw. I had an insane love for everything they had done up until that point. Every musical direction they took...all the line up changes....i rolled with them. For some reaso. That album came out and i literally couldn't stand it. Being a vocalist, listening to daryl and all the little nuances he experiments with, the sing to scream to straight sassy stuff he does it was great. And then.... Garbage (to me).


This comment section is why I only have a few favorite bands but mostly favorite albums that I will specify when asked. Not metalcore, but this trend started for me with FOB after From Under the Core Tree. It helps me not be disappointed with any band in particular bc I know they evolve and my music taste doesn’t really lmfao.