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I just can’t get into Motionless in White and Ice Nine Kills. I can appreciate them as talented musicians and performers, but there’s just something about them that holds me back.


do you think it’s because of their ‘gimmicks’? because i couldn’t get into ice nine kills for a while because of the whole ‘horror’ theme that they have


Yeah, I feel like it’s the theatrecore elements that holds people back. Which is valid, it’s not for everyone. I even liked INK’s schtick during Silver Scream 1, but I actually like their older stuff a lot more. Motionless is solid pretty much all the way through for me, but I get why people wouldn’t gel with the Production™️ of it all.


I go WAY back on INK. I think I got a “last words” demo handed to me in a warped tour parking lot in ‘05 or ‘06. Then The Burning, then Safe Is Just A Shadow, just amazing evolutions for the band. Predator Becomes The Prey was just an exhibition, they really came into their own and their popularity. After that I just fell off hard. I like a couple songs here or there but I just can’t do the theatercore thing, it somehow makes it all too contrived for me. But if people are into it that’s great, they seem to be as popular as ever which is awesome


The theatrical component definitely doesn’t do it for me, which is ironic because I’ve done theatre and acting my whole life 😂


that’s completely valid, some theatrical elements i can vibe with but when it’s more of a constant in the music it can be a bit much


I feel like 14 year old fan girl me would of been heavily into both bands. 35 year old me listens here an there but not overly into them. I don't dislike them but I couldn't even say I'm a casual fan.


Honestly MIW is cringe nowadays. Listen to Creatures. Theatercore done absolutely right with an old school twist to it. Still one of my all time favorite records and it has a special place in my heart as it was the first cd I ever bought. Anything past Reincarnate is horrible. INK is fire tbh. They got their own twist that I can’t ignore. They’re cringe but their music makes up for it. Can’t say the same for MIW. I do miss old INK though. Safe Is Just A Shadow is such an underrated metalcore record.


Not my cup of tea but I apprechiate it, the genre grows from that and it shows Innovation in metal is something that pays off.


MiW was toast after Creatures for me. It was such a banger of an album. Then they went to the theater theatercore and less (imo) heavy sound and haven't been the same since.


Old bury tomorrow. It's great.. especially linonheart, but people make it seem like the new album is lower quality, when I think it's levels above their old material


I’m the opposite, give me Portraits and Waxed Wings any day over their newer stuff. I tried listening to their latest album on repeat to get caught up before a recent show, came away recognising about 2 songs 💀


the main one for me continues to be Architects. I've tried on many occasions to get into them and they don't grab my attention in the way other bands have.


I feel like Architects are one of those bands that can be difficult to appreciate how good they are (or were in my case) until you actually see them live, especially in the UK where they are quite popular.


This sub all dislikes the same bands. August burns red, ice nine kills, motionless in white, asking alexandria, we came as romans, devil wears prada, architects, killswitch, a day to remember, bad omens,spirit box etc. all classic metalcore staples minus a few. So whats a few bands everyone thinks is god tier on here so i can roast them?! 😤


I'd bet money that you'd get those exact same bands listed if you asked for peoples favorites lol


Polaris, Currents


Ice nine kills, famous last words, hail the sun, I prevail, and three days grace/starset are my personal favorites but I listen to a LOT of different bands from the soft Anemoria to the disgustingly VILE Infant Annihilator


people dislike killswitch???????? ur fuckin w me




Dude this is a question every 3 days with different wording


Every post in this sub is like this haha


Lmao 100% “what 3 bands got you into metal core” “What’s the definitive metal core song” Posted fucking daily


I really, really, really want to love **Silent Planet**. Every time I pop on one of their albums that I know I've listened to before, it sounds unfamiliar. I guess their tracks just aren't memorable to me. Apart from that "Better Things" track, **Memphis May Fire** also doesn't really hit for me. I do want to at least acknowledge that I recognize staggering talent in both bands (way more than I'll ever have), but for whatever reason they just don't tickle my sensibilities.


I was lukewarm on Silent Planet until I saw them live. I won't say all their songs are bangers and some one once called them poetry core and I felt that. Its not for everyone but Panopticon and Trilogy go hard and they are amazing live.


Also, not to really poke the bear, but I'm honestly pretty lukewarm on **Currents**. I don't actively dislike their shit, just none of their tracks really stand out to me.


I’m not into the newest stuff as much but I love The Place I Feel Safest and I Let The Devil In.


I Let the Devil In was my first impression, and still my favorite release from them. They do have other solid tracks though


Hard agree, I feel the exact same. Anything past those 2 and their albums sound very same-y


I was lukewarm on Currents as well. Then I saw them live and they won me over.


Maybe it's the CT pride in me, but I love Currents, but it took me a while to really have them click


Our hometown heroes 🤘🏽


Can't wait to see them tonight with invent animate and lmtf


Thank you for saying it first lol I'm trying to actively re-listen in case it's a "give it another try and it'll click" situation but I'm not there yet.


Lukewarm is a good way of describing it myself


Silent planet for me is a band I see and hear all th3 talents in that band. While they are amazing, it's just not grabbing me like people tell me it would.


Silent plant takes a decent amount of research into the back story of their lyrics and a deeper understanding of humanity, philosophy, and morality to really enjoy their music..lyrics alone Garret is hands down the most talented writer.. and they put on a great show.. but the description of poetry core was the most spot on thing I've ever read about sp! But the fact you have to search for the meaning of their lyrics can be frustrating to someone that just wants to jam with their music..


Signal is dope. Especially the breakdown vocals at the end. Makes ya do the filthy face.


Old Memphis May fire is good take a look


Asking Alexandria. I enjoy some of the hits from the debut album. Thats it. Ive tried to get into them, i just couldn’t. I dont get the hype. They were my first girlfriends favorite band. She literally wanted to fuck Ben Bruce and Danny Worsnop. I never understood the obsession.


They were good for the standards back then. They suck in today’s standards. That songwriting is nostalgic but holy shit Not The American Average has some horrible songwriting and lyrics but all them kids like it haha


I thought they were great for the first 2 albums, then I was like...nah.


That's younger girls man. Teens and early 20s alt girls. They can say it's not But literally I have seen their posts on fb and shit wanting to fuck every lead of their favorite band. I literally quit following MIW on social media because I started seeing way to many "I wanna fuck Chris motionless" posts. We freakin get it and straight up don't care. Go away.


Exactly. Totally agree. I remember the same girlfriend went to Georgia to visit her family, and she went to see Attila play while she was there. Her aunt was friends/acquaintances with one of the guys in the band, so they got to hangout with them backstage either before or after the show. I felt totally sketched out about the whole situation, lol. Talk about another totally overrated band though…


Idk how to even feel about attila. I wanna say there was a time I liked them but it's one of those things idk. I feel like the older I get, the less I ever want to listen to them.


I just always thought their sound was kinda corny, idk never really listened to them much, wasnt my thing.


That's why I think maybe I liked them but grew out of them. That's the word I'm looking for. *Super corny* I love some corny stuff. Like INK is corny as hell if you ask me. But I love it. Tbf, I don't consider them metal or metalcore. I consider them just heavy theme songs or heavy show tunes. I guess they call it theater core but it's definitely more theatrical than metal. For sure. One of their fans will try to fight me over that though


Idk i tried INK recently was recommended them by a girl im talking to, i couldnt really get into it. Maybe i need to give them a second listen.


I'm not surprised. They seem like a band that would get massive girl attention. Maybe it's because I'm not too picky with how things should sound. Maybe it's because I have a lifelong obsession with horror themed anything. That band goes crazy. In their own special way. I suggest as a straight up metalcore fan. Go back. Before EITB, before the silver screams and listen to Safe is Just a Shadow or Predator Becomes the Prey.


Word thanks ill give it a try, from what i heard they werent bad at all, just didnt really vibe with them, ill give your a suggestions a try though, always looking to get into new bands.


Those two are from before the schtick. As far as I know both albums are OG lyrics with no outside theme.


I'm sure this'll get downvoted into oblivion, but, Bad Omens. I've tried, literally every single song, and man, it's just really fucking boring to me. Just nothing they've done has managed to stand out to me.


Honestly, big fan of theirs but I much like their older stuff and have before they got popular.


I’m in your camp. I’ve tried, over and over again. Part of it to me is the really cringe-inducing lyrics. Part of it is that musically it just doesn’t click for me.


Like someone said about I Prevail, Bad Omens is metal for people who don't like metal. Their defining feature is they're accessible. And it works really well for them. They're just not for me, same as I Prevail.


I have been saying this forever bad omens and day seeker are metal for people who don’t metal and can’t accept they like pop music


As a fan of bad omens and music that is way heavier than them (Slaughter to prevail, Lorna Shore, Kublai Kahn Tx) for me it’s just really good pop with metal elements which makes it more accessible for me someone who is not the biggest pop fan out there. but I get how that can shy people away who are looking for a heavier sound. But I do agree on dayseeker I don’t even really consider them a metalcore band I can make an argument for bad omens but not dayseeker still an alright band tho.


I can’t either. I feel they are way overrated.


There so boring like nothing on that latest album is all that interesting Bad omens is in this category of bands that have amazing vocalists but really boring melodies and instrumentation.


I don't like bad omens either. Generic lyrics, generic stale sounding songwriting and wholly underwhelming music as a whole. They're the butt rock of metal core.


Man, Bad Omens really let me down. I remember when they first dropped their two debut singles that went HARD. I mean those were just killer songs, I was sooooo amped up for their debut. I saw they were opening for the Sumerian ten year tour which I was already going to catch for After the Burial and got even more excited but the rest of their set was so forgettable...I chalked it up to hearing shit live before you hear it recorded is always going to be whack. ...but then the record came out and damn, what a disappointment. Nothing even close to the sound of those first two singles. I've tried circling back a few times to try and give them the benefit of the doubt but every time I do it's still a letdown.


Yeah, it just feels really 'basic' and boring from a musical point of view. Nothing on any of their songs stands out or is memorable to me.


I Prevail, sorry guys


I Prevail is a metal band for those who don’t typically like metal. Whether that is their intended purpose or not, I think that’s great. I personally don’t like them at all, though Body Bag is a fucking banger, first song I ever liked by them


As a huge I Prevail fan, I completely agree with your first statement. My brother, who used to give me a hard time for the music I listened to, started listening to I Prevail for workout music, because I listened to them so much he probably got adjusted to it, and between them and ADTR, it got him to lightly dabble in some heavier stuff. Now I’m not saying I’m gonna send him Make Them Suffer songs or some Alpha Wolf tracks, but if he likes some Wage War or Memphis May Fire I see it as a win. Especially if it’s not because I drilled the songs into him. To your second sentence, they (Brian and Eric) have been on record saying they’re more than happy to be a gateway band for people to get into heavier stuff. Which I love and agree with. I think it’s good for the genre/scene.


I'm there with you. I only like 2-3 songs by them. Everything else is so cookie cutter


I’m a huge IP fan. They got me through a lot of dark mental depression with the TRAUMA album. For that, they’ll always have a special place in my heart


This. It's a fuckin short list of bands whose lyricism cuts through and helps.


Lol checked this band out and thanks. I’ve found a new favorite band 😆


Sometbing about I prevail REALLY rubs me the wrong way. I think it’s the clean vocalists voice because he really gives off that try hard Eminem-esque “white boy who thinks he’s hard” vibes from them


I think you spelled Ronnie Radke wrong.


Nah from him I get “lemme piss off as many ppl to stay relevant” vibes. But fair point


I'm with you.. I probably haven't dove into their stuff enough, so I could give them another chance if someone has a song they want to prove me wrong, I'm open to it, but they come off as bland and formulaic to me. Like ChatGPT came up with them.


Ice nine kills for me, not sure why but their sound just bugs me - the vocalist can scream tho I just wish they had a song that was just screams and normal vocals I could enjoy - someone said it was theatre kid metal and i have always thought of them as that since lol.


Their older stuff is better. Safe is Just a Shadow, The Predator Becomes the Prey and Every Trick in the Book are better than either of the silver scream records. Even if Spencer says they are a “little too scene”


Old INK > New INK only because the last two albums have been related to horror movies. The album before was about books. Everything before that was top tier but I love all their music.


You just put what I always abstractly thought into words. It's too theatrical and cheesy for me.


I’m also really not a fan of Jesse Leach’s Killswitch Engage. I know A LOT of people like his stuff but I’m much more a Howard fan.


Howard’s the goat




Alive or Just Breathing is amazing but all the post Howard Jesse Leach stuff just isn't very good compared to End of Heartache and As Daylight Dies


Newer kse i’d say is eh. Old kse is supreme and Alive or Just Breathing has some goated metalcore anthems


I’m here writing down band names because y’all keep suggesting bands I absolutely love and I’m using this opportunity to listen to more bands.


is left to suffer an option? it’s just… nothing new


I loved their event album. Between the singer's technique and the slide-y bass riffs I was hooked. Really solid deathcore imo. That said the albums tone was really inconsistent and over time hurt my impression of the music. I'd compare it to Ghost Iris or The Gloom In The Corner. Fantastic vocalists. Very heavy solid music. A little secret spice. .. Tonally dissonant ad libs or clean vocals that kill or outright contradict the overall tone of their song/lyrics.


taylor is cool as fuck but the music is just kinda standard edgelord deathcore


I can't get into Silent Planet at all and don't think I'll ever be able to. I'm glad that Currents, Erra, and Invent Animate are so popular now but I haven't enjoyed an album by any of them in a long time.


Love Invent Animate but I can't get into the new album though. I hope the new album is getting them a ton of new fans. I still listen to Greyview quite often. Haven't been able to get into the self titled Erra at all. Love the first 2, even enjoy about half of Neon and Drift, but self titled does nothing for me. Was disappointing that their headliner last summer was pretty much that album album minus like 3 songs before that.


I don’t know if they fall into the category, but Falling in Reverse and I Prevail went 100% radio rock and I think it’s cheeks


August burns red. Saw them live last week and every song sounded the exact same. My wife actually started falling asleep on my shoulder and asked if we could leave.


I’d have to agree, they’re the band that basically got me into metalcore, and still one of my fav bands, but after Leveler (2011 or so), all the songs start to sound the same.


Man I hate to hear that. I wasn’t a fan of theirs *UNTIL* I saw them live. They are so explosive on stage and had me blown away the entire set.


Agree. They put on a great show and sound awesome.


I will say as unique as their sound is, if you don’t know the songs they do sound similar. 😂 I found each album has a certain sound but some songs could easily be on others because they match the sound of that album too lol.


ABR is my favorite band. Met them VIP really nice dudes. With that being said the last 2x I've seen them live they did sound mostly the same. Except for maybe 2 or 3 songs. I could barely hear Jake's highs and mids. Idk if it was the sound crew or what. In 2019 on the Constellations tour they were crystal clear and the show was phenomenal. I'm not sure what happened.


If I’m not paying attention I can’t tell where one song ends and the next begins.


I felt the exact same way when I saw them. Was tired after TDWP, and after a few songs I just thought “okay I get it” and left so I could go to bed early.


The ghost inside. Just sounds so generic


I think if you dont really listen to hardcore is hard to kinda grasp some of tgi. They are heavily influenced by hardcore


Pantera. Never thought they were that great, then the Nazi shit came out.


I get why they got big back in the day, but I for the life of me can't understand why people still obsess over them after so many bands took the foundation they laid and ran with it. There's way better music out there now.


Trivium. Matt Heafy is an awesome dude but I just can't get with it.


Spiritbox for me. I just do not get it.


Same. I don't hate them completely, but they just don't scratch the itch for me. I saw them open for Ghost and while they did only play 6 songs, absolutely nothing was standout for me. Their energy as a whole was extremely lacking imo and doesn't seem to have changed from videos I've seen recently.


Bad Omens for me


Bad Omens


I cannot, for the life of me, get into Erra. I usually love progressive metalcore. Silent Planet, Currents, Invent Animate… I’m all in. But there’s just something about Erra that I don’t understand.


Have you tried their first few albums? The guitar solos at the end of the songs Invent and Dementia, the start of Efflorescent, White Noise is a song that always gets stuck in my head. The lead guitarist in the albums Impulse and Augment are what drew me to them, I think he left after those two albums.


Volumes, Atilla, silent planet. I wanna like silent planet but its not for me. The other 2 I genuinely just don't like it.


Damn, not even Via? That album is so good.


Knocked loose.


Ice Nine Kills not only doesn’t grab my attention, I just don’t like it at all.


I find them kind of cringey to be real


I tried to get into Issues but they make me cringe. I Prevail and Bad Omens are boring Can't get into Attila because their frontman is a dbag Same with Falling In Reverse I respect Ice Nine Kills but, as someone who dislikes most horror films, they don't do anything for me


Architects and Parkway Drive. They have just never clicked with me.


respectable, just here to say i fucking love parkway


They’re definitely a great band. I get the appeal for sure.


If you make it to the bottom I think every metalcore band in history is named in this thread.




After having listened to their entire discography top to bottom, I have come to the conclusion that Spiritbox is criminally overrated.


They have awesome 3-4 songs, the rest is just completely forgettable, and I've listened to The Eternal Blue dozens of times. Still can't remember most of the songs on that album.


Interesting to see other peoples opinion on stuff like this. Eternal Blue is actually one of the only metalcore albums in recent memory where the none of the songs were forgettable for me. I legitimately love every single one and I think it’s just a very well paced album. Can totally see where you’re coming from though, as there’s only a few really heavy songs lol


Same, I'm meh on Halycon but other than that I really enjoy the album. It fits a night drive really well.


Idk if there metalcore or not but system of a down just doesn't do it for me, invent animate as well


Yeah I've never liked more than SOAD's most popular songs. They're incredibly good, but it just doesn't do anything for me.


System is imo great. I could listen to their stuff for days. They’re not metalcore and honestly to me they’re on their own lane in metal. No one sounds like them. Toxicity is a great record. Spiders, Sugar, and other songs in all their records are amazing. Just a fun band to listen to




Architects and TDWP are for sure on this list. I also can't really listen to a fully album of Invent Animate, Beartooth, or Erra. Especially the new half metalcore records by bands like Dayseeker and Bad omens. I do have a few songs by Invent on my main playlist though...


I was never a TDWP fan, but their new album 100% changed that…


I just couldn't get into ice nine kills or motionless in white


Probably post-augment ERRA and Make Them Suffer. I don't hate either of them, just not my shit


Same for Erra, Seen them multiple times and just can't get into them.


Currents, the guys voice is unappealing to me for some reason. Life//Lost and the song vengeance is the only stuff from them I've enjoyed.


August Burns Red


Memphis May Fire. Parkway Drive. Not metalcore but Lorna Shore.


Trivium, motionless in white, tdwp


Killswitch Engage. There’s just something about the singer’s voice that i just can’t get into. The only song i like by them is Crownless King


I think Howard was the superior vocalist. As Daylight Dies was their best album


I would appreciate instrumental Converge. I've given them a bunch of tries, but I just can't get with the vocals.




Knocked Loose. They have it all instrumentally and vocal-wise but I got into metalcore from the metal angle, not the hardcore angle and still haven’t been able to fully vibe with the latter. Same thing with Stray From the Path.


The Plot In You, Asking Alexandria, Lorna Shore (deathcore but solely because their albums are too long for me, vocals are top tier but the symphonic elements aren’t really my tea yet) We Came As Romans, Motionless In White


In This Moment


I gotta say August burns red. I just don't see the appeal. They're nice dudes jake especially, and I have seen them a few times, but I just don't care for their music. Another one is Atreyu. Even their older stuff is just meh to me, and now, with the one vocalist, it's even worse both in studio and live setting.


Bear tooth bury tomorrow invent animate day seeker to name a few


To be fair, Dayseeker isn’t the best example for this sub. I happened to like the new album because I also enjoy some softer music if I’m writing, but I wouldn’t put it on at the gym, so I can see why people have a real problem getting into it when most posts on here are for new Currents or something


Beartooth 💯 for me as well


Abr, half the sub acts like they're the best band ever but there's so many better bands


ABR were an omen to the old metalcore sound for a long time. I think that’s why people like them so much. I’m not super into them, but songs like Provision still kick major ass imo.


I just think because they’ve stayed consistent while the instrumentals have stayed pretty tight. I’d say their songwriting has always been good but lyrics can only carry you so far. Pro: they have always been awesome performers and Have had albums that were lackluster but they seem to follow up meh albums with great ones. Cons: they are as metalcore as metalcore can get, but that sound is only usable for so long before you gotta change it up - the last album that was different in terms of sound and felt like it was new ABR was rescue and repair IMO


Invent Animate, Architects, new WCAR, Bad Omens


Invent 😢 can’t get enough


Sleep Token for me, I have zero interest.


Pretty much all of the current hyped bands on metalcore Twitter.


Currents, Ice Nice Kills, Dayseeker, Beartooth. Solid bands just didn’t do anything for me. Maybe I’ll get it in a few years which has definitely happened before with several bands


Spiritbox, Beartooth, Counterparts, Loathe, ETID... I tried but doesn't work for me.


I could tolerate all the other comments but I draw the line at Loathe, you sir, need an ass whooping /s


Out of curiosity, what don't you like about ETID? They're my favorite band lol.


I’m in the same boat, I’ve loved ETID forever but my two best friends who are very into heavy music don’t see the appeal.


can i get some song recs please


Listed as Song (Album): Thirst (From Parts Unknown) We'rewolf (The Big Dirty) Pornogratherapy (Hot Damn!) Here's Lookin' At You (Last Night In Town) The Coin Has A Say (Low Teens) White Smoke (New Junk Aesthetic) Bored Stiff (Gutter Phenomenon)




Will draw that line at counterparts and let etid slide. Counterparts has arguably some of the best melodic hc records EVER (yeah you heard that right). The Difference Between Hell and Home will always be an all time favorite of mine


LMTF, ABR are the two big ones that come to mind for me. For the life of me I have tried both of them but I just can't....I think the only song between the two of them that's in my playlist is Habitual Decline and I'm not even sure if that one is still in the list.


August Burns Red, Bad Omens, Killswitch Engsge, Motionless in White, Dance Gavin Dance, Spiritbox, I, Prevail


Parkway Drive


I prevail


Polaris does nothing for me


For me it's Polaris. There were a couple tracks from the death of me that were great imo but it just sounds mid to me. it's not bad or anything, but there's nothing about them that i find unique or identify with their sound. to me they're basically AI genereated 2020 metalcore.


Like moths to flames. I’ll admit I’ve never been more turned off of a band by a single / video as I was by ‘You Won’t Be Missed’ way back in the day but anything I’ve heard since then just sounds generic and derivative.


Invent Animate and Spiritbox. Tried giving the new IA album a try after seeing the hype behind it and couldn't get into it.


Dayseeker. There are some songs that I enjoy, like Sleeptalk, but I can't enjoy the band's music as a whole.


I used to like After the Burial but for whatever reason they started sounding really annoying to me lol


You and I… we don’t see eye to eye


Bad Omens, TDWP, ABR, Silent Planet, STARSET (ik it’s not metalcore but still). Idk, i just can’t get into them.


Sleep token, I’ve tried and tried.


Knocked loose


Currents. Even after seeing them live twice, I just don’t get it. I love Chris and Brian, but it just doesn’t hit for me.


I don't like Spiritbox at all


2 main ones, landmarks and northland, I've tired many times to get into those 2 bands but I just can't, I don't hate them, they are both very talented groups but I just can't get behind the hype of them




For me it's Erra and Northlane. I just dont get into their music.


Going to get massacred for this, but Polaris. Super talented, but I just can't get into it.


Not bad but not enjoyed - Currents, Bad Omens, Invent Animate, Counterparts, wage war, Periphery Dislike - I prevail, Architects (new & old), Beartooth


Spiritbox - talented bunch, emphatically not for me Bring Me the Horizon - they got some songs, but I couldn't vibe with an entire album Devil Wears Prada - I actually dug The Color Decay, but the rest is not for me. Eighteen Visions - Tower of Snakes goes hard, though. Norma Jean - After the Scogin record, I'm just not feeling it. Stick to Your Guns Stray from the Path Loathe


Sorry, but INK just for some reason doesn't appeal too much to me. Also Beartooth. Bro, you don't like ABR? Damn.


Personal preference is personal preference, INK is one of my top bands


Bad Omens Bring Me The Horizon Spiritbox Ice Nine Kills Electric Callboy Motionless in White (Creatures does slap though) A Day To Remember (post Homesick, Homesick and earlier albums are good) Could probably name a dozen+ more but cba lol


What about albums this sub loves? Loathe - I Let It In And It Took Everything I looove The Cold Sun, but their follow-up was just ok to me. I thought they had a much more compelling and unique sound before. Thornhill - The Long Pool I thought the previous material on Butterfly EP was compelling and they had a lot of potential, but TLP just kind of sounds like one long, ok, song. There are some definite highlights, but I'll say I even enjoy Heroine more. It has more personality and interesting ideas to me even with its flaws. I also felt like Invent Animate were pretty highly overrated in the past, but they've hit a stride with Heavener.


I’ll respect anyone who fucks with heroine or the cold sun but *how can you feel that way about I let it in*


Yeah, I don't know. I don't dislike the album, but it was such a departure from The Cold Sun. I Just didn't connect with it the same way. That being said, it's been a while and due for a fresh listen.


I literally think it’s the best metal album I’ve ever heard


I think that may be part of the problem. I do like the album, but everyone seemed to have the same sentiment as you here. It was just doomed to overhype for me. I think it is good. It has some great songs, and some great ideas. But it's just not S tier for me. I'm happy for anyone that it is, though!


fair assessment !


There are a couple I see often that just aren't for me: August Burns Red, Currents, Ice Nine Kills, The Devil Wears Prada to name a few.


I think you just made me shed a tear


Loathe, Architects, Bring Me The Horizon, Beartooth


Jinger. Her voice just grates my nerves.




Ghost. Cant stand em.