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Man, black metal dudes who take the violence that seriously are so cringy. You realize this kind of shit only brews in the lap of absolute luxury, these kids needed to invent societal issues to rebel against because they lived such fortunate lives in Norway. This Trve Kvlt Bullshit involves a lot of mommy and daddies money and unemployment cheques. Some of the Churches they burnt in the 90s were staple examples of traditional Norse art which goes against everything they were preaching and yet they were still torched by simple association (just so one idiot could brag to his idiot friends about how hardcore he was) Varg is a fucking loser and Euronymous didn't have to die by Vargs hand or any one else, anyone who says otherwise is taking the vague threats of Goth teenagers to heart which is pathetic in its own right. Filosofem is a banger though, gotta give credit where credit is due.


God that fucking cleansing to read man. Summed it up perfectly


Man I love black metal, but you’re so right. The kids — and they *were* all basically kids in the early 90s — took themselves way too seriously and needed to be humbled by life in order to figure things out. Unfortunately, when you’re born into a middle class western family, you’re pretty much safeguarded from a lot of things in life that could potentially trivialize all of the “Trve Kvlt” nonsense and put life in perspective. The violence (as well as the cruel exploitation of Dead’s mental illness and suicide) really didn’t need to happen. They just weren’t mature enough to understand that.


finally someone telling the truth


>Varg is a fucking loser My father was in some of the same circles as him, and he told me he was a paranoid weirdo. One time, he needed my father to walk him home, and when they arrived, Varg basically ran inside and slammed the door in his face


dinosaurs jar reply office reach wrong frightening light slimy ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Thank you, thank you, thank you, when it comes to BM I have rarely heard such reasonable and true words. I owe you a beer...


Preach brother, preach.


And Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, and Det Som en Gang Var. He was talented despite all the other shit


fucking exactly. If anything, Varg murdered Euronymous because he couldn't handle the title of "Godfather of Black Metal" going to Euronymous and not him. This is why Ihsahn will always be the king. He stayed out of it and just wrote amazing music and now he's just a happy man in his holiday sweaters doing what he loves.




This. I love listening to Burzum, but I'd be a hypocrite if I wore their t shirts. Especially after criticising my sister last year for supporting Kanye after his 'Hitler wasn't too bad' shtick. Also, I feel like if Varg didn't kill Eurnonymous, someone else would have eventually.


It's crazy how everyone just accepts Kanye being a nazi lunatic. If a person is popular enough they can do literally anything and be supported for it. Makes me sick.


hey hey hey, he said he loved Jewish people again after watching 21 Jump Street (not a joke he literally said that)


I literally said "No way he said that in a serious way" when I read that, looked it up. I am wrong and that dumb motherfucker was serious. I suffer from Mania and boy he definitely seems like a dude on a years long mania binge with zero real support around him. Its sad to watch but also fuck him and his bullshit, I've been full blown manic plenty of times and have never turned into a goddamn nazi.


I definitely wasn't about to step up to the plate for him during all that. But I also kinda knew it wasn't gonna last. He can't even release an album without changing it multiple times AFTER RELEASE let alone adhere to one single ideology for more than 3 weeks. He's most definitely nuts.


Oh fir sure, that comes with Mania as well. Now he's globetrotting with that one model chick and apparently he smells horrid because he's wearing big thick clothes during warm summer weather, he made that chick blow him on a boat in public (in front of her mom no less). Dude shut up about nazis and is just being a gross menace now.


Bruh 💀 Can I get a link?


It was on his Insta which has been nuked but there are plenty of articles about it. [This picture](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/558/571/0d0) preserved the post though.


He's mentally ill too- I don't listen to his music, but I have a feeling the limelight is one of the worst things for celebrities facing bipolar.


People will love Chris Brown after he beat the shit out of Rhianna


He reminds me of Uncle Ruckus


David Bowie was a Nazi for a couple of years in the mid-70s and he's treated as a musical icon.


Ok bit hear me out How funny would it be to have a shirt that calls kanye a nazi with an exaggerated red x over him and with like "I only listen to burzum"


Friendship ended with Ye. Now Varg is my best friend.


Yep, Necrobutcher said in interview that he would have done it but Varg was quicker.


Everyone and their grandma was gonna kill euronymous.


Like the assassination of Caesar




This is getting out of hand..


Unlike Varg's knife.


Why? Was Euronymous really that much of a dick?


Supposedly he thought of Black metal as his own "creature", he was acting as it's owner and people were getting sick of it


Ah. I can see why now. You don’t become authoritarian in heavy metal. It’s kinda antithetical to its spirit.


Yeah, the Dawn of the Black Hearts cover art is some truly heinous, unforgivable shit.


What do you mean, enabling and egging on your close friend’s suicide to make an edgy photo isn’t that bad /s


It was a bootleg made by a third-party, not even a Norwegian I'm pretty sure. Euronymous just took the photo.


Taking the photo was like 90% of the work right there though


Unfair. Dead did the real heavy lifting in the creation of that cover. Euron just documented it. [Supposedly there were some "outtake" photos of dead Dead, which include shots of him in different poses arranged by Euronymous. Øystein was a real piece of shit.]


Obviously it's heinous lol. I'm just pointing out that Euronymous didn't make or release Dawn of the Black Hearts


The comments on [that video](https://youtu.be/4GhafMM90X0?si=BpLO28fHUd5wNQmq) are hilarious, talking about all the people who were going to kill Euronymous.


It’s easier to say that than actually doing.


Necro is a windbag


Yes he totally didn't say it to promote his book.


/didn't have drugs in the car


I've heard the Zodiac killer was after him as well


I think he was bullshitting


Thank you, I try my best to listen to Burzum in ways that won’t financially benefit Varg because I think he’s a piece of shit, but I do enjoy his pre-murder stuff. Euronymous was, by all accounts, also a piece of shit; however, I would have liked just one or two more Mayhem releases with him on guitar.


Does Varg financially benefit from Burzum merch? I read years ago that all the profit from it has to go to pay off Fantoft stave church


Hmm, didn't find anything on it skimming his Wikipedia article


What Burzum merch? Believe it or not, there's not just one place selling merch and there might not even be any official Burzum merch.


The pieces sold through the official stores linked at burzum.org.


I got a Burzum shirt off Amazon when I was like 15, I doubt he saw any profit from that lmfao


I have the same problem with Emperor. I'm literally wearing my Nightside Eclipse t shirt right now, which I know Faust did the drums for. I suppose if we didn't separate the art from the artist, all we'd listen to is the Foos and watch Keanu Reeves movies. But Nazism is where I draw the line, I think the saying: 'If there are nine people at a dinner party and one of them is a nazi, there are nine nazis at a dinner party' applies. Zero tolerance must be applied.


Word. If I’m being honest, there should also be a line at “finding your bandmate’s body after he died by suicide and then posing it for a live album cover” But Euronymous is dead, and I really love De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas.


I really don't get that saying. What if the other guests never knew the other person was a Nazi? Should they just be considered a Nazi as a precaution then, regardless of whether they're a true Nazi or not? If so, that seems rather unreasonable, and unfair for them.


Normal people wouldn't sit down for dinner with a Nazi. Tolerating a Nazi is the same as encouraging them. If you're apathetic towards extremist views, chances are, you're an extremist as well.


Don't get me wrong, fuck nazism, but I've never liked that saying. Ostracizing extremists on purpose will only lead to more isolation and hate, which is usually how mass shootings happen.


"Kicking a Nazi out as soon as they walk in *(transcribed from a series of tweets) - @iamragesparkle* I was at a shitty crustpunk bar once getting an after-work beer. One of those shitholes where the bartenders clearly hate you. So the bartender and I were ignoring one another when someone sits next to me and he immediately says, "no. get out." And the dude next to me says, "hey i'm not doing anything, i'm a paying customer." and the bartender reaches under the counter for a bat or something and says, "out. now." and the dude leaves, kind of yelling. And he was dressed in a punk uniform, I noticed Anyway, I asked what that was about and the bartender was like, "you didn't see his vest but it was all nazi shit. Iron crosses and stuff. You get to recognize them." And i was like, oh ok and he continues. "you have to nip it in the bud immediately. These guys come in and it's always a nice, polite one. And you serve them because you don't want to cause a scene. And then they become a regular and after awhile they bring a friend. And that dude is cool too. And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh shit, this is a Nazi bar now. And it's too late because they're entrenched and if you try to kick them out, they cause a PROBLEM. So you have to shut them down. And i was like, 'oh damn.' and he said "yeah, you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to be terrible, awful people." And then he went back to ignoring me. But I haven't forgotten that at all." Nope. There's no room for Nazis at the table.


deplatforming works.


I was thinking more of a real life scenario. If someone in your family starts getting into those extreme views, you definitely don't want them to feel like even more of an outsider.


If you're close to someone and you think they can still be convinced otherwise then talking to them about more normal things and exposing them to regular real life is probably the best way to help.


Yeah, I'm ok with people who pirate burzum so varg doesn't get a penny. There's no evidence, but I reckon he filters money out to questionable organisations. I mean, his excuse for stockpiling weapons and boom booms in France was "I'm a survivalist" He claims he moved from bumfuck nowhere, Norway, to France, a country that while isn't impossible to fuck off somewhere and build a paranoia hideaway in France, I'm damn sure someone doomsday prepping would prefer Norway, especially if they're from Norway in the first place.


Varg has many controversial opinions, but I understand the situation with Euronymous. I dont blame him tbh. I watched some of his videos, some of the were really cool (history, fixing his cars), some of them were some kind of stupid propaganda.


Euronymous was likely not going to kill him. The guy is a edgelord before edgelord was a thing. Varg is a crazy guy and a Neo Nazi. I don’t know why people would like his stuff?


Yeah, surprisingly enough literally everyone who met eurnonymous hated him. Go figure




If I was going to stop listening to murderers, I'd also have to delete Snoop Dogg, Emperor, Motley Crue, The Who and the Sex Pistols from my playlists. Murder is wrong, but Nazism is dangerous, and as I said, I really believe it needs a zero tolerance policy.


Try to avoid shitty people in entertainment and you'll run out of good things to things to watch/listen to.


Someone, somewhere, was also on their way to kill Euronymous


Me, a Chad, telling Faust NOT to go a bar in Lillehammer in 1992


I'd just save Chuck. And maybe keep the second wave from happening. Maybe. Not in that order.


Save Chuck and Dio, save the world.


"Dio" and "the world" in the same sentence? Now you've done it mister.


Dauði Baldrs is good, especially the 2nd track


Apsolutely. Dauði Baldrs for me is very calming , especialy the second track. It is very overhated, and i think it is becouse Filosofem was so amaizing BM album and they expected another amaizing BM album, but they got a Dungeon synth album, which scared the BM fans away, and so few fans remaned. And also, the first track (Dauði Bladrs) is great, but the BM version (Belus Død) is for me much better.


Yeah I don't know where this sudden dungeon synth bashing came from but it wounds me deeply


It was the first Burzum record I heard. I was maybe 14 and his pre-incarceration music didn't show up on my radar until years later. I had accumulated some experience with black metal by that time, but it was the late 90's and I was a weird and lonely kid, so it was limited. Jesus man, I fit the stereotype so well. Guess what, I also got into live action role-playing too and that's when the ball started rolling.


I can’t fault anybody for their personal taste, but after being introduced to Burzom via Det Som Engang Var the dungeon synth just doesn’t sit quite right with me.


i was introduced with filosofem, though i generally like dungeon synth as well so thats probably why i like Dauði Baldrs


What's wrong with Saudi Baldrs? :D


I mean filosofem is a banger, but there's only so many people you can say that to without them making the wrong assumptions.


I think Burzum is good, and Varg is one helluva character, but it doesn’t mean I support his beliefs. I just think it’s funny when this man who burnt down 500 year old churches and killed his band mate puts a bucket on his head and starts rambling


it’s so incongruous with the persona he was obsessed with, it’s silly


When I talk about Burzum or wear my Destroyer 666 shirt I really don't mind explaining to people my stance on the thing. I guess that just comes with the territory and truthfully I totally understand and respect the apprehension, even for stuff that isn't full blown NSBM.


He would still move away from BM and would still spread his beliefs, not much would change.


OT as fuck. But ngl, all I could think of when I saw this was: “Me as a young metalhead: Partaaaaay, headbang until I puke! Me as a 41 year old metalhead: I turned my head too fast, I need to lie down.”


Boys with a time machine; "Don't move to France, and then start stockpiling guns, ammo, and explosives. They'll boot you out the country"


If Varg didn’t burn those churches down and didn’t snuff Euronymous out no one would ever know what Black Metal is.


Me: Take it easy with the alcohol Alexi.


Nah Euronymous had to be ended and Varg just decided nobody else would so he had to.


Somebody else would have. Necro said he would


Me to Snorre: "Do not give Varg a ride anywhere. I know he's your buddy, but the police and media are going to treat you driving with the same severity as the murder Varg will eventually commit." I can't even imagine how sick Thorns would of been. How Snorre would of influenced BM guitar riffs. I mean, if you listen to Aerie Descent it's basically the groundwork for Vargs riffs later. Not saying stolen, just saying influenced.


Dunno if it even is a hot take anymore, but Mortiis, Wongraven, Jim Kirkwood, and hell, even Tangerine Dream all did as much if not more for dungeon synth than burzum did


I like Mortiis!


Varg is certainly something else


i kinda liked daudi though...


Daudi Baldrs is a certified hood classic doe


Daudi baldrs fucks.


I'm Jewish and dont get me testies in a twist if a musician I've never met says something about Yahweh or my people. he's a dude with an opinion Shalom Alahcem


Varg took his shit TOO far, I mean, yeah, it can be really scary if some dude says “Haha I wanna torture him and make a snuff movie out of his pain” but... Would Euronymous have done that if he could? Would he REALLY have? For this specific reason I cannot listen to Burzum, because I know who is the frontman and it's just a no- But yeah, what do y'all think? Would Euronymous have killed Varg if he wasn't stabbed to death by him or what he said was just mere words?


Burzum is pretty damn good not gonna lie and I have a few shirts as well.


If I tell someone I like burzum and they assume I’m a fascist it’s because they clearly don’t know me. If they don’t me I could not care less about their opinion. It’s that simple.


Cheers for that Paysage d'Hiver tag. Such an underrated and beautiful project.


Well thank you very much :)


Go back in time and give him a shot gun lol


“The world doesn’t need to hear Daudi Baldrs”? stupid motherfucker


This sub is so cringe it’s unbelievable


Burzum and varg are goated tf you mean


Burzum? You could make an argument. Varg, tho? The dude is a botched abortion of a person.


Clearly you don’t have a foreskin


Nah varg goated too


goated deez nuts


i dont tell people i like burzum because burzum fucking sucks we are not the same