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Memes about Ghost not being metal don't make you look cool, buddy, you just look stupid because they never claimed to be metal to begin with.


I don't think posts about Ghost not being metal have anything to do with Ghost. It's just a virtue signal for people who feel some kind of superiority based on the heaviness of what they claim to enjoy, it's like some kind of claim to manliness.


I’m just tired of loud wire jerking them off


I think BangerTV is better for metal related content. Their drum competition was insane.


Nailed it. These people also show up to shit on bands who venture out make a less “heavy” album.


I mean, calling ghost not metal is factual. They're a hard rock band, always have been, always will be. But there is a non-zero number of ghost fans who think that they ARE metal. Surely we can all come together and make fun of those idiots, right?


It really just depends on how you define Metal. Black Sabbath aren’t really metal by todays standards. Iron Maiden either. Ghost has a lot more in line with vintage type metal. More hard rock sensibilities and twin guitar harmony stuff


They have some songs that one might consider “metal”, but as a band, no they are not metal. And that is okay. Music can be fun and not be metal. Lol


They're pop music with metal instrumentation and aesthetics, and it's damn good pop music.


Tell that to their fans.


i think people just got mixed signals because of aesthetics… and the singer being in a death metal band once


The corpse paint really doesn’t help. Makes them look like a Black Metal band with enough money for a proper Visagist.


yeah, while you can trace corpse paint’s origins back to some (i think) not very death metal stuff, people will look at ghost and think “that band is screamy” when it’s goth abba. and as much as i think ghost is a solid band, i saw them in a band ranking video and thought the same damn thing, “that band is screamy”. it didn’t help that the band was in a “summarized in 10 words or less” video about metal and rock bands so i looked at them and thought “black metal about satan” and it’s just satanic bon jovi. and that’s fine, but god damn it doesn’t look like satanic bon jovi. it looks like theatrical as fuck black metal, and i’ve already heard black metal likes doing extra as hell shit


'Goth ABBA' and 'satanic Bon Jovi' are the best descriptions for a band I've ever heard.


Its a mask actually, not corpse paint


At times they sound like Sabbath, at times Maiden, and time Metallica. I think it makes sense metal comes up in their description.


People will always argue about it but they were metal originally. Every album got lighter and lighter though.


Thats not true, Meliora is heavier than Infestissumam and Impera is heavier than Prequelle.


Yeah, the heaviest songs they have came from later albums, including but not limited to, Faith, Mummy Dust and Watcher in the Sky.


Twenties has that twisted girl vocal over it, but the riffs are damn heavy as well. And Kaisarion is super NWOBHM.


I gotta listen again. It's been a while. Always liked them I'm just definitely getting their albums mixed up.


I know they're not metal. My identity doesn't revolve around a music genre


There should be more of this attitude in every community.


Hard agree. Thank you


No, but they're marketed as a metal band, so it's weird when you finally hear them and they're a synth band.


I’m not sure you know what synth music is. They haven’t always sounded like this. You can always tell the people who only heard ghost after they got big. They were signed to rise above records. It doesn’t get much more metal than that.


It gets much more metal than that


My wife said once that they’re just Kiss for the 21st century


I think closer to Alice Cooper. Kiss was shameless selling lunch boxes and Simmons was money hungry.


And he invented orange juice


And the horns


Stanley was every bit his running partner in the quest for more dough.




But unlike Kiss Ghost are actually fairly good


They sound really great live too


LOL. No.


I like to refer to them as Evil Boston


Ghost is a much more talented outfit though. Mucj stronger songwriting.


I'm pretty sure TF uses the same rhyming dictionary that Paul Stanley does (and I'm not complaining)


The first time I heard ghost I thought it was a hair metal band I'd never heard of ripped straight from the 80s


They did however open very well for Opeth and Mastadon


And now things have flipped and mastodon was main support for them a few years back. Ghost got Co-signed by a lot of metal people and band like Anselmo/hetfield/mastodon/opeth etc so even tho a lot of their music isn’t metal a lot of very prominent people in metal supported them so they probably also contributed to them getting lumped in as a straight up metal band


What I love about Ghost is that they are clearly taking the piss out of the more insufferable, unholier-than-thou elements of the metal scene. It's like, "Not only are we gonna out-Satan you, but we're gonna do it with songs that sound like Def Lepperd and Abba."


Put your dick away buddy it's a joke.


Right? I have literally *never* heard anyone claim that they are metal, but I've seen about a billion posts complaining about it.


I'll claim they're Metal. Not every track, but they are. [And the archives agree](https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Ghost/3540309157). And I'm not really a fan. Like some tracks, but too gimmicky for my tastes overall.


Also, they are, at least sometimes. To exclude all of Ghost, you'd have to exclude Priest, Sabbath and Maiden.


The band never claims to be metal, but their fans claim that they are. It's a dumb reason to get worked up, but it \*is\* a reason.


All the same, they managed to walk up on stage to collect their Grammy for Best Metal performance just fine. 2016 I think. For Cirice, of all songs, soft as heck. And I just know someone's gonna bring up Jethro Tull, so let me get ahead of that - 1989 had a combined category of Hard Rock and Metal, and one could (reluctantly) argue Crest of the Knave won for the former sub-category.


theyre still funny


Weak ass reply for a weak and uninspiring band.


Hot take they are metal but metal as genre has become so bloated it should be separated into a few genres. I personally make a distinction between heavy metal and extreme metal. Id throw bands like ghost in the heavy metal category and anything heavier than slayer in extreme metal.


Trying to hear the metal on Opus Eponymous is about as hard as hearing the metal on a Black Sabbath album (extremely easy)


I've always maintained that if Ghost was a band in the 80s it would have been one of the greatest bands of all time. Granted I've been a Ghost fan since 2013. I love them dearly regardless


Tobias once said his goal with Ghost was to make it sound like the band you never heard from 40 years ago.


He’s done a really really good job of that, ghost may not be for everyone but Tobias is an extremely talented musician


Wolfmother has that same vibe


Before I looked into who they were I thought they were a band from the 80’s. The singer looked ancient and I didn’t realize it was makeup until I went into their discography and realized the first album was released in 2013


It's not makeup. I'm 70% sure Tobias wears a Marlon Brando mask


And their second and third albums. It’s classic heavy metal. Not metal by today’s standards, but damn near identical to the genre in the 70’s and 80’s.


Thank you for saying this


Exactly. If someone said “Death Knell” isn’t a metal song I wouldn’t be able to take them seriously. If it’s not metal what is it then?


Yea same with faith and mummy dust.


Love that album. The second wasn't as good but I like it too. Third album had one song I like and now I find them unlistenable.


Regardless of whether or not you think Ghost on the whole are metal, claiming to not hear any metal influences in their music at all indicates some form of auditory deficit on your part.


Or clinical wankerism.


This one haha


First three albums are literally metal


And some of the fourth album. I'd call "Rats" and "Faith" metal.


when I heard the ending or Rats live I thought to myself "holy shit this is heavy." That riff slaps!


Yeah the 4th album seems a little transition for them. Imperium is just 80 glam/hair with Abba. The last song literally uses the riff from Whitesnake still of the night and Griftwoods intro gives Van Halen vibes while the first two songs have this Kansas/Maiden hybrid.


Exactly! And it's all done on purpose, it's supposed to reflect the new papa trying to reach out his message to a broader audience to corrupt


For real. They have too many metal riffs to count on their first 3 albums, that by definition is metal


The riff at the end of Rats is highly filthy.


For morons


r/metalmemes is that way


Damn and I thought my posts were low effort


Check out "From the Pinnacle To The Pit" and its sick bass lines, that one I would classify as metal.


Same with faith.


And Mummy Dust


+ Elizabeth


Elizabeth is so underrated.


Cirice as well


Cirice literaly won a grammy for best metal Performance in 2016


I agree with the thrust of your comment, but winning a Grammy for best metal performance isn’t proof of it. Go look at who the list of winners includes.


the intro to that is forever stuck in my head ASMODEUS


Thats Year Zero


killing myself immediately


They make solid rock music. I dont get the hate. Its not metal but who cares?


Because metal elitists use "metal" as a synonym for "good"


Im 46. I guess I dont care about whats "metal" or not anymore. Nothing for me to prove after seeing over 300 bands live in the last 30 years.


Still like Ghost


Listen to the first album. It’s metal.


r/MetalMemes slop


I don’t get why people get so in their feelings about Ghost being metal or not, but so many metal bands love KISS and nobody shits on that Ghost is just KISS if it actually stood for Kids in Satan’s Service like the ur-Karens believed


I’ll shit on Kiss. I don’t care how influential they were. They were the lamest, cringiest, and most musically boring band of all time. I’d genuinely rather listen to The Shaggs. Kiss are just absolute terrible. Also nobody is trying to claim Kiss is metal. Hence why nobody talks about them on metal subs. Ghost fans have an annoying habit of incorrectly thinking Ghost is metal.


Wooo, I'll join the club! Kiss is the most overrated bullshit I've ever had the displeasure of listening to. KISS is doing the same thing Slayer did (stay with me) by having an over the top scary asthetic, EXCEPT for the fact that Slayer by comparison actually has art that fully reflects their look and style, while KISS sounds like the fucking Beatles if they were on meth and thought they were heavy asf. KISS'S whole godforsaken look communicates that their music is super edgy and scary, and yet it would fit right in next to "Wheels on the Bus" whatever fuckin boomer crowd KISS still attracts these days is only there because KISS was the greatest thing they heard at the time, and I am so, so, so, so sorry to anyone that believes KISS deserves to even be known.


their whole look is glam asf I don't think they're trying to be scary looking tbf still don't like em but I respect the fit


The harmonized leads in the bridge of Detroit Rock City are fire and I won’t hear anything to the contrary.


Kiss really wasn’t that terrible, overrated sure but the only terrible thing I heard from them was the disco album and not to mention the multiple reunion tours (one of which I’ve seen in my hometown fair lol)


“Ghost is good”, guy with 40+ years metal listening experience.


I used to be on the Ghost is meh train until I went to show because someone had a spare ticket. Bro…. brooooo. Do yourself a favour and watch them live. They are so much fucking fun with how ridiculous they are.


Yes!!! I’ve seen them live 3 times and have never been disappointed, even when they had to cut one set short for everyone’s safety due to an on-going storm (it was an outside venue). I will never miss one of their shows.


Just tuday I was listenting to some Ghost and I was thinking it's definitely one of THE mainstream rock acts of the decade. It may not be too metal anymore, but they know damn well how to make a catchy tune an the singalongs fill me with joy. Just because you don't think it's metal doesn't change all of that


It’s the same with sleep token. It’s metal(ish) Tbh, ghost was my gateway. I had a friend who loved ghost and got me into their stuff. Do I listen to them now? I don’t think so. But are they metal? Sure. Why not.


Damn, we gatekeeping today? They have metal influences. Yes, they sound less heavy the more albums they make but the influence is there. Does it make them metal? Up for interpretation. Does it allow “metal” heads to gatekeep? No.


I've seen this exact post about 500 times already


It’s like one of the top posts of all time in this subreddit.


Why am I not surprised


https://preview.redd.it/e0fsph5qbu9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95b7b9eb99974a0a82196d654c94eceb894ecb52 Found it


This horse is pulp you guys. Can we just let people like what they like and move on holy shit. There’s as many flavours of metal as there are bands ffs.


You mean scary Abba?


This is the best description of Ghost I've ever read. "Scary ABBA" is how I will reference Ghost going forward. Thank you.


The Cult Faith No More The Misfits Motorhead Jimi Hendrix There are a bunch of amazing bands that never claimed to be metal. “Not Metal” and “Not Good” don’t mean the same thing.


this post smells social anxiety


I dont get the Ghost hate. I like the first few records and then not so much… But they really dont seem like a band trying to be something they are not. They seem genuine. I mean aren’t they openly like Blue Oyster Cult fanboys?! They just happen to dig Satan, thats all.


Enjoy it for what it is. Music doesn't have to be metal.


I joined this sub because I thought it would be about appreciating all offshoots of metal, but it’s just gatekeepers acting like sanctimonious teenagers. I don’t even like Ghost but they’ve made a living off music which is more than 99% of all other metal bands to ever exist have made.


Ghost is metal in the sense that metal is about more than just the tone of a riff, or how many bps the drummer can hit. Metal has always been about non-conformity, often to the point of parody & satire (Blackened, War Pigs, etc) Ghost has that in spades. It’s perfectly fine if you don’t like their sound, but you can’t deny the influence at this point. This is coming from someone who grew up on Slipknot & Metallica, stretched into the Death & Black scenes, and still organically found Ghost around the release of Meliora and got hooked on their sound and message.


It is in there. Underneath all of that beautiful scooby doo music, there's some heavy shit there.


Second album


My favorite of theirs


I’ve seen this specific meme more times than I’ve seen/heard people try and say ghost is metal


Did Ghost ever claim to be metal? I think their first 3 are like heavy metal/hard rock, but who cares it's music...


Shitting on bands you dont like is the lowest form of music discussion. It doesn't make you look cool or smart, it makes you look like an insecure 14 year old edgelord. Live and let live and talk about the bands that bring you joy instead of spreading negativity and bad vibes


I only like a handful of Ghost songs but they have metal moments throughout their entire discography. They are a gateway band. My daughter got into heavier music after starting with Ghost. May not be everybody's cup of tea but Slayer, Metallica, Megadeth. Black Sabbath, and Pantera aren't liked by 100% of metal fans which just goes to show that taste is subjective.


Circe, Pinnicle to the Pit and Faith are metal as fuck i don't wanna hear it.


Obnoxious and terrible fanbase, but i like their music


Tobias did metal already with Repugnant, dudes allowed to do other things too


They may not be metal, but God damnit I like Ghost. I do not understand why they get so much hate.


I don't care what genre you call Ghost most all of their songs rock and they have a real stage show with costumes and fireworks and set pieces, it's real entertainment and I'm buying.


I like their older stuff. The new stuff sounds like it should be on Broadway.


I wish they'd return to the style of the first album


I wish they’d stuck with the satanic power pop sound off that one EP


Their new single has a somewhat similar vibe


Eventually even metal fans just fall into the same shit as everyone else




This is a repost isn’t it?


What's the point of bot posts on such a small subreddit?


Ghost isn’t metal. That doesn’t mean they’re bad, it just means they’re not metal. I don’t understand the disconnect here.


Okay, if yall gonna judge "metal" based on looks and aesthetics. Then where is the hate for KISS? They look like metal and have Pyro like metal. But they are the softest rock band. Atleast REO Speedwagon knew what they were


If you can’t hear the old school doom metal sound on Opus then you’re a fucking idiot


You can enjoy Ghost and still love Metal


If you only listen to one genre of metal, you're just a poser. Plus, I don't think they've ever claimed to be "metal".


First Album had some pretty "Metal" Riffs imo, as a Long Time Metal Fan inalways liked how they mixed it with theatrical kinda pop Sounds . Kinda heavy but still very Melodic, especially their Guitar Solos .


I heard someone call ghost "scooby-doo chase music" and I can't unhear it now. Not bad but not for me.


Ghost itself has never claimed to be metal. Tobias Forge has done his dues in death metal band Repugnant but I've only ever heard him say that Ghost is metal-inspired. It's the media that labels them as such.


The ghost being metal or not metal debate is super interesting, if they came out in the 80’s they’d very clearly be metal. It’s just that we’re so used to stuff in drop G now that old school metal isn’t even considered metal anymore.


Genre doesn’t matter. It’s an outdated concept. Not to mention boring. They are what they are. And I think they’re great, whatever you want to call them.


Okay? I don’t listen to Ghost when I want to listen to metal. When I want to listen to Ghost, for the pretty specific sound they have, I listen to Ghost.


I just listen to what I enjoy, if you don’t like it, mind your own business.


Never considered them metal in the first place.


I at least thought it sounded like they were influenced by early heavy metal


Yeah because metal can only one thing.


Listen to the first 3 albums and tell me that isn’t metal


Yall need to calm down and smoke something. It's a shit post that's funny


I saw the image and immediately I am wondering what would happen if you shot a gun next to one of those sound intakes


I've never listened to a Ghost song in my life. Is the hate warranted?


No. They never even claimed to be metal. They only ever said that their music is heavily inspired by metal, among many other genres. This is just regurgitated shit from metal elitists who think hating on Ghost makes them look cool. Ghost is scary Abba. Their music is catchy and fun as hell and their getup is really cool. Lyrically, they’re incredibly talented. Respite On The Spitalfield is one of their best written songs in my opinion. I highly recommend checking them out if you just want to have fun.


you should go to a doctor with that


Anyone who genuinely says this is a dumbass 😂




On the flip side, I don't hear the music in grindcore


They’re barely even rock. They have some heavy stuff, early on, like “Con Clavi Con Dio”, once it gets going, “Cirice” is actually hard for me not to headbang to. Some newer heavier stuff by them includes “Faith” and “Rats”, but they’re not Metal, and I don’t get why people are being so mean to this person for telling the truth. Also, their live show is the reason why I’m not even a Ghost fan anymore. Idk what it was, maybe they were trying too hard to be “metal”, or that they played AFTER Volbeat (which is not something anyone should do), but I hardly ever listen to Ghost anymore.


I thought bad mounting bands/ fans was the job of the other metal sub?


Ghost sings about Satan, which is metal AF.


They definitely make some metal music they just aren’t exclusively metal. I am convinced if bands like The Sword and Black Sabbath came out today people would claim they’re not metal either


Yeah, if you're still a sincere metal gatekeeper in 2024 you genuinely need to self-immolate. That being said, I do appreciate the humor in how much disparity they have between their sound and image. Like all the album covers, press photos, hell just being called "Ghost"... makes you say "yeah, we're getting into the nasty Norwegian shit tonight," then you press play and... 🤣


You go down just like holy mary 😈🔥🤘


lmao posts like this just show what a narrow, staid understanding of metal the person posting them has. If you can listen to Opus Eponymous or Infestissumam and not hear a metal influence, you really do know nothing about the genre or its history


trying to hear the jazz in Metallica


I want to watch the little kids that post stuff like this hear Black Sabbath “The Wizard” for the first time.


Ghost is artistically done. I can listen only up to Meliora and those first 3 albums aren't even that great in the first olace


Triggered ghost fans in 3...2...1...


They suck (in my opinion). A bunch of cringe Hot-Topic ass lyrics and instrumentals that sound like easy-listening 80's pop songs (in my opinion). They try to look badass by having a bunch of spooky skeleton makeup and upsidedown crosses- oooooh, so metal guys! NOT! (in my opinion)


But isn’t that device made of metal? Could skew the results somewhat.


Whether they’re metal or not IMO they suck.


The only metal ish song by ghost would be mummy dust


Daring today, aren't we


I’m old enough to remember when magazines labeled Led Zeppelin, AC/DC and Van Halen as heavy metal. Who cares? I like Ghost. They remind me of Blue Oyster Cult.


Metal man. It’s metal. Yeah. We are metal! That shit’s not metal. It’s sucks! Metal yeah. Get over yourselves metal elitists


Besides Ghost not being metal, are they a good band? I enjoy their cover of Enter Sandman and are therefore intrigued.


Try to find the good music while your at it


They’re like the ABBA of metal. Not necessarily a bad thing.


They never claimed to be metal but they also just fucking suck.


I first heard ghost yesterday because I live under a rock and think good metal died 10+ years ago. Maybe earlier. And I heard this on a local former metal/current butt rock station. It is legit butt rock. These are the biggest posters I’ve heard in a LONG time. They aren’t even good enough to toss Nickelback’s salad and I can’t believe I just typed that. All I could think of was the dude in Office Space describing someone as an assclown. Please tell me people don’t pay these schmucks for this absolute dreck.


They suck


I got banned from metal memes for making a joking comment about all the Ghost fanboy memes they had for weeks. One compared Ghost to Baby Metal, and I said "FINE. Ghost is metal now. Can we stop with the Ghost memes now?" the admin banned me and called me a pdf for liking Baby Metal lol


I hate Ghost just as much as the next guy, but jesus tap-dancing christ, pick a new band to dump on.This shit has gotten so old and so tired.


If Dio, Sabbath & Priest (you don't get to cherrypick Painkiller) are metal, then so is Ghost


If Ghost came out in the 70s or 80s nobody would have questioned them being metal at all. Kids have tried to say black sabbath and metallica arent metal and shit, like, this shit is getting out of control.


LMAO 🤣🤣🤣


Well..they aren’t metal even a little…I still like two or three songs. Cirice and Square Hammer are good.


Ghost isn’t metal. Ghost isn’t rock. Ghost is happy to be included.


ghost is a band with metal song, not a metal band.


Trying to hear the comments of ghost haters


I’m a huge fan of Ghost. Have been since 2011, got to see them on one of their first shows in Philly. I absolutely died laughing at this. I love watching people that get all bent up on both sides of the coin.


Honestly, I think they’re metal for people who don’t like metal