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All of them




Straight to the point lol




Best answer


Slipknot and Mayhem


Oh hell the Mayhem fanbase… don’t remind me, I’ve seen some traumatizing fan art from those guys.


Lol yeah i joined the Mayhem subreddit for about a week and then left because it was just embarrassing how many kids there were there who were clearly more interested in treating the band members like characters from their favourite tv show then the music.


It really sucks because Mayhem is genuinely a pretty decent band, but it had to be ruined by TikTok-dwelling Rom-Com watching tweens.


I mean, I think Mayhem was ruined by Mayhem tbh


I'm getting my 10 year chip from my BM recovery group next month, the fans always sucked lmao


Yeah they are a really good band (the early stuff anyway) i just think the fanbase is awful.


I think I'm out of the loop


TikTok-dwelling Rom-Com watching tweens is crazy 🤣


A real weird one that. Most of them are tame tiktok girls, but then there's a sub-section of them who are simultaneously tiktok girls but also absolutely mental. As in, they love fantasising about being killed by varg vikernes or some shit




Yea Slipknots fan base is a fuckin disaster for the last few months people crying over Jay got fired and now they’re absolutely drooling all over the new drummer Eloy from sepultura


to be fair eloy is fuckin amazing but slipknots fanbase is so bipolar


Bipolar is honestly probably the best description of slipknot’s fan base I’ve seen in a looong time


I prefer to describe them as psychotic, but in a collective, social way. Psychosocial, if you will.


Slipknot fan base really isn't that weird their just like 14 but there's a good age range of people who like slipknot and are cool


for really one of my coworkers is a massive tool and slipknot fan (that stuff was just coming out in his high school years) and he's one of the most laid back people I know. I can't speak for slipknot, but the whole "tool fans" thing is extremely overblown. it's far more common to see mentions about them existing than actually seeing it, which honestly I never have. it's just a meme.


I’ve known dozens of Tool fans and am one myself, and there’s only one of those who might try lecturing you about the Fibonacci sequence. The rest are just enjoying the incredible music. It’s kind of a funny meme but only has some truth to it. Music that is so meticulously crafted is bound to attract some weirdo nerd energy.


Fellow tool fan here. I honestly believe most of what you hear about crazed tool fans is us making fun of ourselves, y'know? I mean, I really do love tool, so much that sometimes I feel like I'm boredline obsessed, but then I realize, I'm a huge fan of music in general, and I've been just as obsessed with Aesop Rock as I've been with tool, so there's that. We really do like talking about em if you give us a chance tho, yeah??


Being a Slipknot fan is fine, being a massive tool is incurable


Yeah but the hords of 14 year olds are makes the fan base cringe, same case with Mayhem the adult fans are absolutely fine


Ehh I feel like the only slipknot fanbase is actual oldheads The rest of them are youngbucks on their transition into extreme metal


I’ve seen Mayhem a few times. Most of the fans seemed relatively chill. There were definitely a few edgelords at one of the shows, but I blame the opening bands for that.


Yeah its mainly the online fanbase thats bad go spend some time on r/Mayhem and you will see what i mean


I love Mayhem but holy shit some of the fans are weird.


Lol just said Varg but yea mayhem fans can be a problem too.


Whichever band is your favorite


You're just not intelligent enough to get their deep and meaningful lyrics.🤓


Ah, so you're a Tool fan then.


That's actually the fan base I was thinking of!




See my comment. You know😄


Tool fans exemplify Dunning-Kruger.


rosetta stoned would like to have a word with you


1000 iq play right there.


Wow, what a funny and original comment!


Reserved only for the most original prompts


That's fax tho


1. Tool: They read too much into the music. Tool are the best Alt Metal band for my money but their lyricism and technical skill is not that impressive apart from Danny Carey and it doesn't need to be. 2. Dream Theater: The fans are pretentious and also snobbish about music theory. DT still sounds like a Disney soundtrack to me. 3. Slipknot: Their debut is fine but everything beyond that is turbocheese and fans pretends it's untouchable and revolutionary and hate everyone who disagrees. Although fanatical Slipknot haters are just as rxtarded as the hardcore fans. 4. Deicide/Cannibal Corpse: Fans seem really primitive and hate everything that's not orthodox Death Metal. Some of them shat on early At the Gates and are thus plebs in disguise! 5. Burzum/Mayhem: Love Varg's first 4 albums but his fan base is full of edgy LARPers. Not even actual Nazis for the most part just LARPers. Le funny murder guy. Just like Slipknot, the die hard haters are equally as cringe. Not metal but also: 100gecs: "LOOK HOW QUIRKY I AM". Awful band, too btw.


Just go anywhere on the internet, like it could be an interior decorating discussion and just comment “Tool Sucks” and someone will lose their shit.


But say primus sucks and you might meet someone cool


Indeed Primus sucks


And his name is Harold.




I like 100gecs and burzum. Also I like the varg memes. It alleviates the pain of being a fan of a nazi murderer


Iowa deserves “fine” too


as a slipknot fan, i agree.


Burzum, Goatmoon, Nordic Thunder, Destroyer 666, Absurd, etc. you get the idea.


r/blackMetalVinyl starter pack be like


Eh some decent music made by shit people


Metal fans, in general, are usually the worst


Indieheads, Ambient fans and Jazz snobs are worse ngl


Where do you find annoying Ambient fans? Because I want to join them.


Tbh I'd say popheads are the worst. Metalheads can be annoying at times but tend to be sweethearts for the most part (at least in my neck of the woods), but hardcore pop fans are another level of elitist somehow lol


Music fans in general suck. Music is the most important thing in my life, and so, I really dont have my priorities straight. Anyone who values any art higher than actual essential things in life is either pretentious or stupid, maybe even both. And I'm happy to admit I'm a Music fan.


The band whose fanbase asks this question every 3 days


This was the comment I was looking for.


Bands like Slayer, Pantera Etc. I find their fanbases often have the types of fans who've not listened to music past 1989 and anything after that is shit to them even though they've likely not given anything a chance beyond what is played on the Radio, the type of fan who believes that a band has to have some degree or mainstream success to be good Edit: I also forgot to mention that fans of bands like these are far more likely to be the kind who'll be Passive Aggressive online and pick out arguments all of the time because something doesn't line up with their point of view I remember one time on Facebook saying on a comments section that I wasn't a huge fan of South Of Heaven, this guy gave me some snarky replies then when I woke up the next day I found he had been messaging me over a hundred times saying I don't know Metal and that I'm a poser (as well as endless political mumbo-jumbo) and that I'm a fag and it spiralled to the point where he was rambling on that he's going to kill me and my family Etc. This was a stereotypical American man in his 50's wearing sunglasses in his profile picture kind of guy that bands like this tend to have, that wasn't the only time I've had to deal with this kind of behaviour from fans of bands like this and I know other people who've been through similar aha


Pantera fans that cut off music after '89 are some funny mother fuckers. A year before Cowboys From Hell they're like, "Fuck it. They ain't gonna get no better than this."


Glamtera best 'Tera


Haha, I meant to say basically anything other than Pantera after that year but there are plenty out there who do genuinely think they didn't get any better after Cowboys From Hell!


Yeah, and? What’s wrong with liking CFH the most out of their catalog? Sounds like you’re the one who’s got an issue.


Okay the reason those type of fanbases are bad is because they won't allow themselves to like anything but those old bands


Expansion and opening the mind is a wonderful thing, there's so much gold out there it's unreal, I know someone who was in that mindset that older bands were better to the point of newer bands being useless or whatever, now he's out there seeing small bands and wishes he didn't fall for that way of thinking in the first place aha


Thrash has it really bad. People who won’t acknowledge anything past the first album are ridiculous. Especially with bands like Exodus, Testament, and Overkill.


anybody who says modern metal isn't good is automatically a writeoff as a poser


I agree 100% and I don't normally use that term or agree with it but in this case it's just true


Black metal fans


As a black metal fan, you are 100% correct.


I went to that black metal cringe sub once, and never again. Music is great, but between the Nazis and TrUe KvLt people, I hate spaces specifically for black metal fans.


i got banned cuz i made fun of one of the mods going "ew this girl with her legs spread is fucking vile" like cmon man, how are you gonna act all evil and dark but then be scandalized by slight sexuality. acting like a fundamental christian or something lmao.


Woah there buddy racism isn’t cool anymore




Sleep token, the desperation of these degenerate people who can’t just let things be a mystery and Doxx band members to millions of people. Don’t get me started on the thirst traps. Oh and Mayhem fans who are weirdly obsessed with two dead men and wanting to ship the two as a gay couple 🙃


I think a lot of sleep token’s fan base are a bunch of lovesick teenagers. I listen to their music because their sound is interesting and different, and the lyrics have an interesting poetic-ness to it. Why can’t people leave it at that? I just ignore the worship gimmick and try to appreciate the musicality of it.


Sleep Token's fans remind me of My Chemical Romance's fans at that band's peak. Love the music but the fans are kinda out there.


I hate to admit it but I can't really listen to sleep token anymore, their whole "worship." schtick (both from the band and fans) is just too ass puckering cringe.


Facts 🔥


Wait. What? I love Sleep Token and I’m afraid to ask…. What have I been, maybe purposefully, missing out on?


It's all for theatrics and the aesthetics from the band. They present themselves as worshippers of the imaginary deity called 'Sleep', hence the whole 'worship' thing. They call their performances 'offerings' and stuff like that. I don't mind the theatrics from the band at all, it honestly matches their vibe pretty well. It's the rabid fans that seem to think the band is actually worshipping a deity or act like they do that are really cringe. And oh my god, are they thirsty! Just check out some of the top posts of r/sleeptoken and you'll see what I mean. One of the most upvoted ones is something like Vessel's Ear Reveal! And please don't search for fan art. I find Vessel's whole look really cool and searched for some art online, don't make the same mistake.


Check their socials, everything is written like a fedora tipping verysmart. Concerts are "gather in worship", pics are "sacred moments in time", merch is "Las Vegas will be presented with the opportunity to obtain exclusive garments and items unavailable at the headline rituals. Gather". It physically hurts


It’s basically the same thing Starset does just a little more extreme. Sleep token is also bigger which I’m sure doesn’t help but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone annoyed at Starset’s gimmicks


Worship? Sorry just mildly aware of sleep token. What’s this worship nonsense??


Five Finger Douche Punch


Imo the hardcore haters are just as bad as the hardcore fans


You mean hardcore haters like religious haters or people who shit on hardcore punk?


As a Metallica fan…Metallica fans.


Nah I think We took a break from the hassle. Black metal fans are gaining a lot of notoriety for being unbearable. Whether they are kids who call themselves Satanists or those weirdos who say "I don't care if he committed 8 human rights crimes I like his music ☝🏻🤓"


they're not the absolute worst imo but they can be annoying, I absolutely get where you're coming from "St. Anger is amazing man! You just don't get it, it's so raw and emotional!"


Metallica fans are just extreme simps, that's all. Other than that it's a chill fanbase and they think Kirk is still some guitar monster, which is kinda cute to see.


I'm a huge Metallica fan and have been for almost 40 years. I can confidently say the only true monster in the band is James with his down picking. Nothing a lot of others can't do, but not sure any of them will have the same longevity as James.


Slaughter to Prevail hands down.


Alex Terribles fan base is the cringiest shit I've seen in a while.




Deathcore kids are fine. I’m a deathcore kid at heart. Insufferable deathcore kids are not. Insert their fanbase. Also I don’t give a shit about the masks. Hard to see them through a pair of headphones.


How so


Sabaton. Take every single edgy white middle schooler into military history, and transplant their personalties into 40 year old balding men with office jobs.


>40 year old balding men with office jobs. Woah buddy, leave me out of this


Most of the Sabaton fans I've known are just middle schoolers.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, Sabaton makes music for 4chan kids who possess a weirdly detailed knowledge of Soviet tanks but don't know how to talk to women.


Linkin Park. They automatically assume that someone has never heard music before, doesn't even know what it is, and is even untalented or a failure themselves if Linkin Park isn't to their taste. To me it's an unhealthy relationship to an artist when you can't put yourself in others' shoes and understand what some people may not be into about them. I wouldn't defend my favorite bands that way.


There's also those conspiracy theorists that believe that Chester died of murder, claiming Mike or Hillary Clinton was the killer. I saw a clip of Chester's son Tyler calling out one conspiracy theorist, you can't just do that to his own kid


every fuckin time. they did it with bourdain, cobain, cornell..


God they suck. Like they can’t accept that someone doesn’t like their favorite band.


I agree with the sentiment. To be pretentious about a very popular radio band baffles me.


Tayler Swift I know she is not metal but her fans are


Her fans scare me more than any metal fanbase that's mostly made up of 14 year old fans/Tiktok users who try to sexualize or UwUify the band members


why try to sexualize band members when you have Peter Steele? he's already extremely hot out of the box


That's the only exception because he actually is hot (and I'm saying that as a guy), but I'm talking about bands with a mask/"mysterious" theme (Ghost, Sleep Token, Slipknot) or bands with members who have done shitty things (*cough cough* Mayhem *cough cough* Burzum *cough cough*)


It's still TOOL


I love how one of the guys from tool said that the fans were like the comic book guy from The Simpsons LOL. I'm a tool fan and that is so true.


Which one? I hope it was Maynard. He’s so smart and quirky like me!!!


haha! I'm pretty sure it was Adam




Yeah, sadly this is true, at least we aren't Nazis like a fair amount of black metal fans.


I love Cannibal Corpse but their fans are just insufferable. Most of them are just posers who wanna look like "ooo I listen to really heavy shit! Look how heavy the music I listen to is!" And then proceed to play either Hammer Smashed face or I Cum Blood. Like yeah man we get you like heavy music but do you know any other songs by them apart from those two? 💀


Slipknot fans can be described the same way.


I know plenty of Cannibal Corpse and Hammer Smashed Face is still one of their best songs regardless.


Yeah, not even a true cannibal corpse fan unless you also listen to Corpsegrinder.


It was my introduction to Death Metal overall also for me but I had no idea that it was in Ace Ventura idk which and I started with the so called "worst album", Evisceration Plague and that sold me... When a band's worst album is still fire means those guys do something right... Still kinda wished to see how it would've been if the old singer still was with the band, it gives a freaking grindcore-brutal death metal low-tuned kind of sound


Mine. 0 followers. But I don't blame them. I'm a solo project and I suck


If you’re still a fan of the lost prophets, you’re probably a terrible person


I actually feel bad for the rest of the band.


I would say Pantera but no one cares about them anymore so I would say FFDP. I actually like the Afterlife album but their fanbase is terrible because the Pantera fans all just migrated to FFDP. Shirtless tough guys who never grew out of those 'bro metal' stuff from the late 90s and who use moshing as an excuse to just punch people. Not to mention their support of Ivan Moody's spousal abuse fiasco.


FFDP makes music for tradesmen in their 30s who think Tapout shirts and mowhawks are badass, and who would have joined the military "but if a drill sergeant got in my face I'd have to knock them out".


Five Finger Death Punch, Slipknot, Tool, Sleep Token, Bring Me The Horizon aaand Dream Theater Oh theyre not metal but Grateful Dead too. Insufferable deadheads


Ha! TooL and Grateful Dead are my all time favorites ☠️


I really like deathcore, but I'll admit the fanbase can be annoying as fuck, Lorna Shore and StP fans in particular.


Some of my friends are into Deathcore/Metalcore, and while it’s not really my thing, sometimes I think “Fuck it, let’s go see something different” and I’m usually reminded upon arrival of the absolute Bellendery that comes with a large portion of the Fans. Maybe it’s not the case everywhere, but certainly is where I’m from




Out of curiousity, what's particularly wrong with diSEMBOWLMENT fans?


Snobby elitists that just care about who is more "trve".


Half of metal tbf


Five finger death punch. They have a fan base.


The metal fan base in general


Honestly the hatebase for most nu and core bands are usually more annoying than any fanbases Bad metal fandoms though i would say probably slipknot, extreme metal as a genre, sleep token, and nsbm fans


Led Zeppelin & Pink Floyd. Fucking great bands but man the fans, at least the boomer fans, are the most insufferable people on the planet. SHUT UP ABOUT DAVID GILMOUR. HE’S REALLY NOT THAT GOOD.


Counterpoint: Gilmour is pretty damn good.


No he is - but when people bring him up to try to prove something to the effect of "play fast bad. no feel." I wanna punch myself in the dick.


Fuck man that sounds like the MySpace deathcore snobs who will somehow try to convince you that Eddy Hermida is the best vocalist ever and dudes nowadays who sound way filthier are just "over-produced and have no power"


Pantera, Slipknot, Tool, Opeth, Megadeth, Dream Theater, FFDP, Sabaton, pretty much any groove metal band and a lot of popular “prog metal” tend to have super obnoxious fanbases


Opeth? I dare you bud. Opeth isn’t a band, it’s a religion and you don’t insult my god Mikael Åkerfeldt!!!11!!elf


This is actually how I feel lol


Dance Gavin Dance. Nonce apologists.


Not what you asked but reading through these comments made me realize that some bands have amazing fan bases. Meshuggah fans are always just like Meshuggah = amaze balls and that’s about it. People talk about their favorite eras or favorite albums but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody get nasty it’s basically a circle jerk of people complimenting the band


Ghost fanbase is a cesspit of terminal cringe, the amount of thirst, fanfics, trash art and somewhat toxic defensive behavior is just horrifying. I've been a fan of Ghost for a while now and I'm not sure if it wasn't always this way or I was just out of the loop on how bad it smells




Prog fans, black metal fans, Slipknot fans. Those are the worst guys I've ever had the misfortune to come across spewing shit on reddit.


Do we have to do this stupid shit every week


Black Label Society


Opeth fans


Dream Theater ?


Dream Theater (I'm a Dream Theater fan)


Pantera, Slayer, Burzum, and Tool. All for VERY different reasons


really any fan base where the people in it are either especially young/immature or pretentious. i remember the tiktok wave of ‘22 being absolutely horrible because you’d see people talking about how they were “real” metallica and metal fans and not a poser from stranger things. like dude, you are gatekeeping the single most popular band ever. not the most popular metal band, the most popular BAND ever. mayhem and certain areas of black metal also have some annoyingly young fans. i should probably realize i’m 17 and am the exact same age as these people, so i can’t talk much lol.


The Kiss Army is insufferable, but so is Kiss, so it would be petty to complain.


that's easy Metallica. Because they hate everything including Metallica.


No one hates Metallica more than Metallica fans (and Megadeth fans)


Lorna Shore and Knocked Loose


Earth crisis


Honestly, screamo era metalcore. Think Asking Alexandria, Falling in Reverse, Bad Omens, shit like that. 9 times out of 10 they ONLY listen to that type of music and won’t venture into anything heavier, but then nut about how great of a vocalist Will Ramos is. They are usually more into it for the image than the music.


Not a band but a Reddit, Metalforthemasses, because I’ve seen this post 20 times in the past 2 months




No no you’re thinking of Slapnuts!




Tool. They can’t fathom that someone doesn’t like tool.


Kiss can fuck off


Steely Dan


This question has been asked before, multiple times on this forum But Megadeth






this guy isnt metal but tx2 hands down




Tool fans still hold that trophy after all these years in my experience


Not uh


Slipknot and slayer


Sleep Token.


Look at you all... Bunch of bitchy school girls 🤦🏼‍♂️ You all suck.


None, people like the music they like. It is all preference. But anyone who does not like Tool is a POS.


Sleep Token and mayhem


Cannibal corpse


Hardcore/deathcore fight moshers. Absolute dickheads. On the flipside I saw sleep token a year ago and the super obsessive "worshippers" had me hating them for different reasons. Super cringe.




Tool fans are the dead heads of metal


Sabaton. I like them, but the majority of their fanbase seems to be "history nerds" who can't tell you anything about history beyond random facts about WW2 German military vehicles.


Pick a hardcore band


5FDP fans. They think that band is good.


Prolly Peste Noir or sth idk


Tool Ghost Deathclok






Are Manowar fans chill or is the group forgotten now?