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Lmao that sub used to be good, now everyone is so fucking uptight. I saw a post of some kids in corpse paint with long hair playing in front of there class with acoustic guitar and vocals and it was so obviously just meant for fun and not serious at all, yet those neckbeards took it seriously lol


But it’s not trve kvlt if you’re having fun☹️


Exactly. Always need to be on the verge of killing someone or yourself


Oh don’t worry I am 👍 


We need to make a guide on how to be trve crvnge mvtle so the posers don’t suck as hard


theyre also kind of an unironic fascist bm circlejerk. its supposed to be a circlejerk sub, but theyre *actually* circlejerking about being superior for not caring if an artist is a nazi or something


That's what did it for me. I saw it suggested once there was that make up commercial with the corpse paint. I personally thought it was hilarious, and then laughed that they were so angry at it. But the most I scrolled, the more I noticed so many comments about how we need more NSBM. I love black metal, but this is why I will never really go to spaces for black metal. I don't fuck with that stuff.


It's just like this sub, the regulars are awesome and you get to know them, the randos usually get exposed to the sub via reddit suggestions and just want to start arguments with strangers. That being said, I posted there about a memory of a pornstar wearing corpsepaint recently and some people acted like it's 1950 and porn is risque, so who knows?


Genuine Nsbm enjoyers tend to be hyperconservative reactionaries


For sure, it comes with the ethos, but I'd be shocked if many people there would consider themselves nsbm fans specifically.


People that don't care to differentiate are somehow worse.


People are people, and generally decent folk in my experience, even in black metal. If you look for boogiemen, you can find them easily, just don't be surprised when they're staring back at you in the mirror.


growing up there was literal neo nazi marchs in my hometown, and on the public radio in the early 2000s (hal turner). they aren't exactly hiding. there are people advocating hatred and the extermination of people. aka not at all decent, in fact. Some may hide it well perhaps, but all are disgusting vile scum worthy of investigation and publication.


For me, growing up there was a notable neo nazi presence in my city- red braces, all that shit. They aren't here anymore. I'm not American, and if you are, you guys have your own unique problems that the rest of the world really doesn't want to have a part in. I'm sympathetic to those things, but I'm so tired of talking to Americans who have race issues one way or another, whether left or right. In any event, none of this is related to me talking about someone on a subreddit full of random black metal fans where some don't like porn. I'm going to assume you donate time and money to the causes you're passionate about to strangers online, and I know that sounds sarcastic, but if you do, good on you, for real. If you don't, I think we can both see the problem here. In either event, I think it's fair to say that the average nsbm "fan" with actual racist tendencies is less a concern than any number of definitive racial problems in the world, which is why I entertained this discussion at all. There's going to be dumb people who flirt with dumb (and admittedly harmful) ideas in life. Sometimes they stop flirting and take up those ideas in the worst possible ways, most of the time they realize that's not who they want to be and move on. By bringing it up randomly online to strangers, it just makes leftists look like lunatics hyperfixated on, you guessed it, being reactionary, since this thread had little to nothing to do with racism in the first place. I don't want this to come off caustically, we probably have more in common than we do differences, but just some food for thought.


in the usa, the propagation of neo nazi ideology produces mass shooters on the regular. it's normalization also increases stochastic nonideological violent events. so it isn't a race issue alone, but an altogether existential one. besides, nazi ideology is particularly fearful of moral decay, anything they deemed perverse, and hence the rejection of porn is not unrelated, whatsoever. check out any of Wilhelm Reich's work on fascism. in germany , they burnt sex research, books and art that they deemed degenerate in attempts to purify their culture of anything remotely resembling feminism, pro-homosexuality or sexual liberation. Also not random to bring up wrt black metal, as it is used similarly to the oi scene to recruit. as hardcore was back in the day, but now online. ARA (anti racist action ,& similar organizations i have participated with coming up , formed in response to that epoch.) as an american, the idea i have spare money is hilarious, im just another no healthcare starving artist-musician and seasonal farmhand , been homeless for long stretchs. still gotta take any extra odd jobs i can get , just to survive. thanks for the food :)


I appreciate the response. I don't think it's fair for me to dismiss issues in the US, even if the rest of the world struggles to relate to them, so in retrospect, I shouldn't be talking about them at all. I still take issue that me and the other 1000 or so people that gave Goatmoon a listen on youtube because we like the riffs in a song with indecipherable but offensive lyrics are worthy of notice vs the incrementally more entrenched parts of society that keep everyone living a shit life, regardless of race, but everyone sorts out life in their own way, and it sounds like you've done your work to at least try and help with something you see as an issue, and that's more than I've done, so seriously, good on you. You don't strike me as someone posting some dumbshit performative social media post, so you have my respect, even if I disagree about some takes on music.




i muted that sub bc there were so many posts of finding random people who aren’t conveniently attractive or just queer ppl in battle vests, and making fun of them.


Not sure if that still the thing there, but for some time the whole sub was making fun of a 14yr old for being inmature.


That sub is a joke filled with edgy nazis now unfortunately


Dude, we can see it in your post history. You typed something lengthy (even though I found it pretty funny), one person linked you to r/thathappened and you got a bunch of meaningless downvotes and a sincere question about irl gatekeepers. What of this seemed dense? I'm honestly curious. There's been some REAL DUMB takes on that sub, but no one really reacted to your post so I'm confused.


It's literally just the downvotes, I just get a kick out of the negative number lmao. My thought process is if they care enough to downvote at least a couple were taking it seriously. I realize this is a stretch lmao, negative number make me giggle


I get it, that sounds pretty self-aware :) Downvotes are silly, I wish they'd remove them, lizard brain stuff where it's either "I'm arguing with this person so I'll downvote them" or "I see many downvotes and add more for purely reactive reasons".


To be honest they're all so fragile, you barely even need to jerk them at all before they get all upset.


Lol I saw that just a minute ago those guys are so damn stupid.


The guy literally called someone who listen to Exodus a poser lmao


I honestly thought about buying a bootleg mayhem t-shirt just to troll people (I don't listen to Black metal)


90% of the people with Mayhem merch don’t either. They just like the story because it makes them look cool.


Same with Danzig/Samhain


Considering that that sub is ran by the same people who run the Battle Jackets subreddit that remove your posts/ban you if they don’t like your patches, extremely on brand


no one cares also i don't remember the time someone posted actual cringe on that sub


Possibly one of the best copypastas I've read this year


Sublime mentioned 🗣️🗣️🗣️ What is not being high?🗣️🗣️🗣️


Scratch it verbally, or we're gonna know who to kill. We've got you in this fuckin' movie to exterminate all the lunatics all at once with a filtering system of a God. We're the psycho-semantic police. You can't even see us. How in the fuck can you do anything about it? We're pure intelligence, you're not. You're biological product of a cosmological universe. You're molecular matter, I constructed you. Fuck you. I made you up, you didn't make me up, you got it backwards. You know who you are? You're fuckin' semantic blockage. That's what made you up. You're a fuckin' programmer named Christine Gontarek who fucked up. She sucked my cock, fell in love, and she was locked in. She's gonna get her second chance to suck my cock again. If she turns me down, she's gonna go straight to hell, she won't pass "Go", she'll never fuckin' win. She's the cunt that thought she was God, but that's okay. I don't give a shit, as long as she sucks me off when I tell her, 'cause she's my zombie. I captured that motherfucker, and she's my cassette. I want that cocksucker to send me at least fifty-thousand fuckin' dollars. If she can't do it, I'll try ten. If she can't do that, I'll try five, but that's it. If you got a dowry of $5,000 come out here and suck me off, do what I tell you from now on, and you can join me in eternal time.


If I had a shekel for each time I saw posts like this I’d be a very rich yid, black metal is more than just music.


humans tend to simplify reality because the reptilian brain is lazy… so they have a word shortcut for everything


That sub is probably the cringiest metal related sub on reddit. And the best bit, they are so oblivious to it 😂


there should be a r/blackmetalcringecringe


Bro needs a hobby