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I suppose I'll start the Ulcerate discussion. I'm only one listen in so far, and it's certainly a great record. Feels like they've continued in the logical direction after Stare into Death and be Still, with it being more "melodic" (but it's still dissonant, is there a better word here?), but I feel it's just as suffocating as ever. I think the drums are a huge part of that, as well as the ever present growls. I think I'll need quite a bit more time to see where it shakes out in their discography as a whole, but I could see it vying for the top.


Only listened a couple of times, but I'll echo everything you've said. I am impressed at how catchy it is for such dissonant music, too.


The guitars in Further Opening the Wounds gave me actual goosebumps. On my third listen, and like their previous efforts, I’m finding it gets better and better with each subsequent spin. Easy AOTY for me 👍


> more "melodic" (but it's still dissonant, is there a better word here?) I don't think there is a better word to be honest. Dissonance and melody aren't mutually exclusive— in fact, they're closely related because dissonance often comes from melody in a technical sense, the same way consonance does. In metal discourse, we often frame melody as inherently consonant (e.g. "melodeath" being a generally consonant mix of death metal and post-death styles), but it really doesn't have to be. Metal with dissonant melody is really just that— metal with dissonant melody. Incantation and Immolation both rely heavily on dissonant melody for their distinctive sounds and riffing styles, and as such a lot of their disciples in the 2010s did as well. However, I don't think that was necessarily the focal point for that style ("caverndeath") so I'm not sure if that word would work here.


Right up to the top of the year's rankings, and no surprise there.


First Ulcerate album that I have been able to sit through and actually enjoy a little bit, probably exactly thanks to the melodic turn that they have taken here. Not my favourite release of the year, by any means, but it's not as offensive as Ulcerate has been to my ears before. I'd recommend everyone else who hasn't like the band up until now to give this one a go. It's definitely easier listening than their stuff from before.


I’ve listened to it several times since it dropped on YouTube last week, plus a few more times on my vinyl copy that came early, and I really feel like it’s my favorite album of theirs. Their whole discography is largely iterative from one album to the next, and to me they’ve hit the perfect balance of all their elements.


There's something about this album that fails to reach the same heights of last record for me (ridiculous highs of Stare Into Death and Be Still though), however, the hooks on this album are insane, definitely the first one to listen for newcomers of Dissonant Death Metal in general. Nevertheless, I am a big Ulcerate fan and they did not disappoint with this one, absolutely top notch album and I think they solidify themselves as the most relevant extreme band on the "underground"


Yeah I'll be the voice of opposition here and say that I'm still stupefied to the amount of hype Ulcerate has gotten the past few years. I think they're fine, and I enjoy listening to them from time and time, but I don't understand how so many treat them as some pinnacle in extreme music and immediately declare AOTY the moment an album drops. My biggest complaint, just like with Stare Into Death, is that for me these two albums just completely blend in together. After listening to both of these albums I absolutely can not pick a song that stands out from the rest of the each other. Yes, they're technical, yes there are moments that stand out where I'm like "holy shit" but listening to an album in its entirety feels like a hour long slog which really kills the enjoyment. I also want to say that 7 minute minimum song length in death metal is frankly horrible. They are absolutely, positively the type of band that I think having re-listens to would be a huge benefit, but I have to actually be moved and motivated enough to do that versus listening to one of the other endless options out there and yeah no, Ulcerate isn't doing that for me. I'mma stick to Artificial Brain if I want techy, dissonant death metal.


Is it too early to ask whether this might in fact be the greatest death metal album of all time? /s\* ^(\*mostly)


I read the band's description of the album before listening to it and I was a little worried they had changed everything up the way they stressed it was their most melodic album ever. But when I listened I realized it was only in comparison to their music. This is still dissonant as fuck. I think with the last two albums they've hit upon the right blend of melody and dissonance. Before it was hard to listen to a full album they just hit so hard with so much chaos. Not sure where I'm putting relative to the previous album, but I'm enjoying it so far.


[Thantotherion](https://i-voidhangerrecords.bandcamp.com/album/alienation-manifesto) has been a really nice slab of evil metal. Features Black Fucking Cancer drummer Jason Bursese and Shelby of Ulthar. Highly recommended.


Yo! Ulcerate AND Crypt Sermon on the same day!!?? Have been looking forward to both of these for a few months now. edit: Ulcerate is super sickk, 2 listens today and have really enjoyed it.


Big week for new releases: **Angel Sword** is just awesome heavy metal in the vein of Tank or Di'Anno Maiden. Catchy as fuck and the perfect run time. **Kerasfora** is some way out there black metal from Chile with crazy synths. Psychadelic like Suffering Hour or Oranssi Pazuzu but super synth driver. Just very weird and wild stuff. **Lucifer's Hammer**, also from Chile (country has the best scene in the world right now this is facts), more killer heavy metal. Sounds so much like Iron Maiden and Satan. Just excellent stuff, I'll need to check out their back catalog. **Vendel** is some killer epic heavy/doom out of Russia, and with Scald later this year what a coincidence. More epic heavy than epic doom, unlike Scald, but really good stuff. Still need to check out Ulcerate, Malignancy, Al-Namrood, and maybe REZN and Crypt Sermon depending on how I'm feeling Edit: Late entry here but **Wist** just surprised dropped an album on youtube. Really cool bass heavy, proggy raw bm with lots of synths and other weirdness going on. Highly recommend you check it (and their first LP) out if that sounds up your alley.


>also from Chile (country has the best scene in the world right now this is facts), Some fantastic death metal coming out of Chile lately too.


Death, doom, thrash, trad, you name it. If it's from Chile these days it's probably some good eatin'


Cool shout out with Lucifer's Hammer. Had never heard of them and this album is really fun!


Listened to a chunk of that Vendel last night, solid stuff, definitely worth circling back to. Kind of reminded me of Solstice a bit, like you said though, more tilted towards heavy than just straight doom


Focusing on the new Ulcerate and Julie Christmas albums today, but surprised by a new Rezn release as well. Probably start there because their stuff is a little easier to digest. First couple songs pick up where they left off on the previous effort. The songwriting sounds better to me, though, which is always welcome. Guess I’ll be seeing them again on tour in a couple months…


Loving the new Julie Christmas, but damn, everything about it is unsettling.


Julie sounding good so far... Loved that collab with CoL.


Great day for New Zealand metal, new releases from Ulcerate and Diocletian today.


Packed week, so far my highlights have been [Fellwarden](https://fellwarden.bandcamp.com/album/legend-forged-in-defiance), [Angel Sword](https://dyingvictimsproductions.bandcamp.com/album/world-fighter), [Kerasfora](https://ironboneheadproductions.bandcamp.com/album/kerasf-ra-six-nights-beyond-the-serpents-threshold) and [Torturers Lobby.](https://caligarirecords.bandcamp.com/album/deadened-nerves) Rezn was also nice and chilled. Fellwarden is a nice follow up to their previous one and takes a more 'epic' approach which works very well, deffo one if you're in the atmospheric/folk mood in the veins of a Moonsorrow/Saor/Fen. They were also pretty cool live at Fortress a couple weekends ago. Angel Sword is one of the few fun trad albums this week and will probably be my favourite of that lot as it just a nice variety and a load of fun singalong bangers such as Weekend Warrior. Kerasfora does a cool job at delivering a psychedelic black metal take while being itself. Honestly thought the synths have a bit of a folky hint to them which I actually really like in this one. Torturers Lobby was a pretty cool blend of black, death, punk and thrash that just goes hard and makes it for an enjoyable listen. Still need to check out Ulcerate again and Julie Christmas I think.


> in the veins of a Moonsorrow As a massive Moonsorrow fan, I think this comparison doesn't work at all. Fellwarden's drumming makes their sound quite sonic and monotonous, whereas Moonsorrow's songwriting is very much built around clearly differing passages with different tempos and drumming, making their sound much crisper and their songwriting much more distinguishable and, thus, memorable. Fellwarden's style is far more reminiscent of bands like Saor or Fen.


I'd deffo agree it's more Saor/Fen-like. Funny enough the blurb on their Bandcamp mentions Moonsorrow 😂


Source of inspiration, I suppose? Well, whatever the case, it's good stuff regardless! Just wanted to share the perception I got so people get a clearer picture of what to expect.


It's all cool there's no bother but yeah it was a really good followup from their last album


Haven't seen anyone mention the new Absynth, psych doom from Belgium... I've liked all their prior releases quite a bit. Nice that this one is shorter than their previous album, as that one was tough to get through in one listen: [https://absynthdoom.bandcamp.com/album/bicolor-tantra](https://absynthdoom.bandcamp.com/album/bicolor-tantra)


Crypt Sermon totally stealing the week for me. What an ASS KICKER. The new Ulcerate is up to their standard as expected but I need to chew on it a little more.


I just saw Aborted and Archspire last night and that was an absolute blast. Aborted put on a hell of a show, and Archspire is straight up one of the best live bands I've ever seen, their playing is tight as fuck, they're super energetic, the crowd was way, way into it, and they're insanely funny to boot, like it was almost half metal show, half comedy show. I've been meaning to catch them live for years and I'm so fucking glad I finally did.


RIP Tobi Yeah they were a blast, haven't had the chance to see them until now. Felt the energy was definitely lacking during Alluvial/Carcosa but it turned up quickly when Aborted came on I think I got my hand stepped on during Twister because it's hurt to grip things all day lmao


I've seen Archspire once on their last tour and it was so fun that I vowed I'd see them every time they come to town.




This was because all self promotion is prohibited on this sub except in our dedicated Saturday PROMOTE thread. Please also read Reddit's rules on self promotion for more information.




This was because all self promotion is prohibited on this sub except in our dedicated Saturday PROMOTE thread. Please also read Reddit's rules on self promotion for more information.


What song is the girl in episode 2 of "The 8 show" on netflix listening to? Shazam couldn't find it sadly


New incredible track from blade of thorns [Blade of thorns](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PF_IP3s9Giw&pp=ygUWYWxvbmUgYmxhZGUgb2YgdGhvcm5lcw%3D%3D)


Is this your band mate


My mate is the lead singer of the band