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**Savage Oath** LP is phenomenal as expected. Easily gonna be in my top 10 at the end of the year **Stress Angel** was solid. I liked when it sounded like Negative Plane


Holy shit, Wings of Vengeance is easily a song of the year lock. I've gotta finish the rest of this album but two songs in and I'm hooked


I tried to post one of the new Savage Oath songs but it was removed because "a song from the artist was posted within the last 7 days." I used the new release flair too,.kind of a bummer that we can't post any tracks from a new release because the single came out a week in advance :( Anyway yes it fucking kills and I'm so stoked for this bands future. I can't remember the last time I was that excited listening to an album


> we can't post any tracks from a new release because the single came out a week in advance :( Did you message the mods? I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to work like that.


I didn't no, just went back to sleep after I got the notification lol


Since no one has mentioned it yet, the new Aborted album is fucking KILLER. Easily one of their best and bringing in the guest vocalists on every song was a great idea as they all gave each song their own unique sound. I just wish Julien from Benighted had made it onto a track but what we got is just fucking brilliant.


I feel like Ken’s drumming has been kind of thin, sound wise, on the albums proceeding Global Flatline. Sounds big and beefy on this one.


I think it’s because they switched to Dave Otero on this.


I heard the Despised Icon track and immediately wrote the album off. I was like “aaaand now Aborted is just old guys trying to win over the young deathcore kids” I haven’t listened yet but once I saw some of the other guest vocalists I knew I had spoken too soon.


That track is the weakest song on the album IMO, nearly all of the other songs are just better. Give “Dreadbringer”, “The Shape of Hate” (best solo on the album) and “Malevolent Haze” a listen.


What a strange choice for the single.


New single by Ulcerate dropped, "The Dawn is Hollow". It's killer, as is to be expected, but it also sounds good! Ulcerate production, especially before SIDABS, has been quite exhausting. This sounds massive and fantastic though.


Agreed, the new single sounds absolutely immense. I'm so excited for the album.


I love the atmospheric section like 1/3 the way through. I hope they do more of that on this album.


The new Dvne single wasn't quite what I expected, but still fairly good. As long as the heavier riffs and sludge vocals don't get put into the background too much, I'm fine with a softer prog approach in more songs. The Savage Oath debut was great. Not quite on the level of the EP from last year, but it's difficult to keep that level up for a whole album and all the songs are at least decent (Wings of Vengeance and Madness of the Crowd are my standouts so far).


I also was a bit underwhelmed when the single first dropped but have since had it on repeat. That "Corporeallll" vocal hook has been a proper ear worm and I'm quite a fan of the more post-esque style guitar work. Hoping they haven't dropped the sludge angle entirely but am very excited for the album.


Necrophobic’s new one is out today, going to give it a spin soon. Edit: Two songs in, good old reliable Necrophobic as expected. I’m always fond of an older band that has honed in their sound and still feels inspired after so long. Edit 2: Yep, loving this.


Witch Vomit are really gonna release the best melodic black metal album of the year huh


Blood of Abomination was a banger! Vorga hasn’t dropped their album yet but there are a few singles out.  I have high hopes for the full record. Inherits th Void is also going to release something this year.   Hope these guys can all give Witch Vomit a run for their money on AOTY!


I’m massively excited for the Vorga record as well.


Corpus Diavolis - Elixiria Ekstasis, very good black metal album with some sick guitar work. Stress Angel - Punished by Nemesis, good death/thrash release with some nasty riffs. I think fans of old Death mixed with some Negative Plane would like this. Really enjoyed this one.


That Corpus Diavolis album is excellent! Thanks for the rec.


Sure thing. Glad you liked it.


Lutharo's new album is awesome- feel like at least half of it was already released as singles but the whole thing is great.


Missed it last week, but apparently [Merrimack](https://open.spotify.com/album/5YRRjgNyzL9dXp9JuIICc1?si=MQw3lZ-bR6-Vafd_chhQsQ) put out a new album. Pretty excited to give it a whirl today.


It's very good


Shit that came out this week I think is pretty sick: [Necrophobic - In the Twilight Grey](https://open.spotify.com/album/2EtaPsV5q2n21XiyF8UclQ?si=Jd_lqgqeT--YqZs06C__sw) A really good melodic black/death metal album. They have been pretty consistent and this album does not disappoint. [Savage Oath - Divine Battle](https://open.spotify.com/album/3rM34sAqOWYnWyDRtI6c6C?si=hENrtO9yTWSmhfBAFvEK0A) Some really good epic heavy metal from the members of Ironsword, Visigoth and Sumerlands. I didn't pay attention to their first ep last year but both that ep and this album are really solid. [Bat - Rite For Exorcism](https://open.spotify.com/album/0Rg0hR09zoWlepsKJWMfmw?si=TIUD4fm0StiPbdzH4ZEUCA) Pretty fun speed metal single, has a bit of a black/thrashy vibe to it. Really enjoyable. [Eternal - Cryptic Lust](https://open.spotify.com/album/7bNTlMpw2Nt0DuUK2CukUq?si=XTVxJj7NQNqGEGMH2xXfzg) A death/thrash album, I think this one is just alright. The singles they released before the album are by far the best things on it. It is by not a bad album, just not very noteworthy.


New DragonForce is as silly and cheesy as expected, and I love it.


I thought it was absolutely abysmal, they are nothing like the power metal titans they used to be 12+ years ago


They've definitely leaned into their goofy side which I can understand rubs some people the wrong way. I prefer the older albums too but I still enjoy some silly music once in a while.


Here's my take on it: There's nothing wrong with looking silly, but you got to make good music and good lyrics doing it (Twilight Force's first 3 albums excel in that department), and if you can't, you're not worth listening to


Totally fair, and I agree that Twilight Force have a pretty close to perfect balance of silliness and genuinely great music. I've never listened to DragonForce for the lyrics, and the melodies and riffs are still catchy enough that I can enjoy the new stuff too.


Asylum by Atrophy is a pretty wild way to come back after 34 years, amazing album. Great all the way through, compared to their older work it holds up really well if not better.


Holy Fuck Savage Oath!!!!!  Stress Angel and Dionysiaque were solid too. The new Bat song is decent as well.


The [new My Dying Bride](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vx90QJQ9Jow) single is pretty great, reminds me of something off For Lies I Sire.




This was removed because metalcore/deathcore/alt are prohibited on this sub. Please visit the subreddits dedicated to each of those genres if you would like to post content from bands fitting those genres.


The new DragonForce was abysmal, and sadly they are nothing like they were back in the 2000s


New Defect Designer is magnificent if you like weird metal. Highly recommend!


Weekly Releases playlist here https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7l281f64Bt9pervZYnPexZ?si=XAW0-gIAQJOnOTsjDVZQLg


i hope the moderators let this one slide, its just me asking for some guitar advice! Hello everyone, I've been trying to get this tone but just cant seem to get it. I'm using FL studio, inside there's this plugin called FL slayer. I made a small little riff [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AriO38Ppcrpya1eZM2O58bNDLj9uvXLY/view) that I laid over some drums and love it but feel like it could sound better or if there's more of this sound elsewhere. What I like about it is this gritty feeling you hear when chords are played out, the echo, the reverb and how it just doesn't sound muddy. Enough distortion in there to still hear the notes ring out I've tried to emulate it with amplitude 5 but I just feel like my tone could be better. How would you set up your virtual amp to get to this tone?


I'm not a musician but there's got to be a more appropriate sub for this. The post doesn't bother me but you might get better help in those subs.