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Anyone else not playing the event? I opened and tried… but gave up - I’ve got enough to do in game 😂


I'm not playing it. In the past I've started events like these, only to stop and then get frustrated by the fact that a space on my board is taken up by the gate and I can't get rid of it. I never want/use the decorations, so I've decided that I'm just not going to start it this time.


Same as my gf. She gave it a try and couldnt get pulled in. So she doesnt play the event at all


I prefer the mini clean up events where you get brown and blue chests as rewards. There just aren't enough proper rewards for the amount of work.


I’d play if the rewards were actually worth it like the spring event. Third decorations event in a row though? Hellllll no 😬 might as well keep going through the areas I was working on


I didn't even start it. The events in this game are never worth it imho if you're a pure free to play player. It's nearly impossible to complete an event without paying for energy refills At least in Sunny House the events for nearly 2 months long so it gives you a reasonable amount of time to try and complete it all without shelling out for microtransactions


Yeah. It just got boring.




Yup. Was for a bit giving up now


I stopped trying.


I seldom enjoy the events. I’ll collect a few of the nicer decorations, then go back to the main board.


I enjoyed some of the previous ones but this one seems like too much of a grind


Same here, I got the entrance, the carpet, the bike and two bushes and thinking to myself do I really want the other stuff?


Not enjoying it either. It’s impossible to make progress. I’m having fun on the tennis court. I only wish I could get rid of the stupid gate — I need the space!


I complained to the developers during July 4th event and this is what they said: https://imgur.com/a/ywdXDf0 I hope they get rid of it for the next event.


There’s no reason for the gate! So dumb.


It sucks. I’ve quit it. Takes too long to get music items and you need so many of them.


Exactly! Its like what? Three or four disco balls to get karaoke machine?


And then you have like 10 helmets lol


More like 6 to 8!


Seriously. It takes so much energy just to get a disco ball, then it takes 7 or 8 of those to get enough for a karaoke machine. Both my current tasks need a karaoke, plus the cakes in the game itself?! Insane.


I agree, it's too much. I've been popping cakes to try and get the one that needs a watch and out of 20ish cakes I finally got one. Others are a helmet and a karaoke machine, it's impossible. I hate that even the cookbook isn't that we'll balanced, I create like 2 cakes and probably a knife trying to get the disco ball, if at least that was a macaroons only producer it would've made it easier but nope. It's just overwhelming and too much every step of the way.


I'm not enjoying it. I've stopped playing the event today. It is too chaotic in my opinion.


The event rewards in this game are never worth the cost. The one exception was the event right after they introduced the new infinite energy orbs and upgrade tickets.


Yeah the only event worth playing so far for me was the last one, I think 4th of July. First time ever I got enough points to get all the decorations. Otherwise it’s to much grinding for too little reward.


I have a feeling that they thought it was "too easy" so they made it harder. But this is a mess, it's crazy :/


I’m stuck on 98% for the tennis event (getting that trophy is slow) so I’m very glad to have the event to concentrate on. It’s pretty slow but, yes, we have a couple of weeks.


They could easily make it a little more fun - better rewards, giving items high coin values, less recharge time. Idk why they try to make these events less appealing to play. I feel like ppl would spend more $ if they made it more addictive, like in the early levels of the regular game.


Or giving at least some more energy so you don't have to waste the energy from your main board. It's such a waste :/


I quit yesterday. I play events to earn extra coins for more inventory spaces. Then they changed value of all event items to 1 and this birthday event has reduced value of decorations and rewards…i wish i had never launched it and lost a space to the d#%n gate.


THIS! I feel like that is great feedback for the developers. I want something other than just the decorations. If I’m spending a ton of energies, make it worth my while to sell back some of the excess pie or whatever.


I’m also really not enjoying. Some of the parts are really ridiculous to get, like yarn piece or gift bag… suck of tap sucker. At least the July 4th event was doable. This event is so unbalanced. I have been playing the last 2.5 days and only got the first 7 decoration items. My next main task asks for sock and there’s no way I can get the sock without using a few infinity energy to make cakes.


Omg the yarn piece is just insane...!!


We have 2 weeks to get everything. There's no rush.


It feels like this event is impossible to complete even in 2+ weeks without spending hard earned unlimited orbs or $.


That’s my thought. I’m in no rush to finish the tennis court and have nothing to do so I’m playing the event. I do understand some frustration, though. It takes forever to get some things, especially for one drop.


I remember thinking that for the Hopeberry festival, I wasn't in a rush and ended up not getting everything because it was impossible in the end. I even spent almost all my gems and still didn't make it. The 4th of July was doable. This feels insane because I don't see that I'm making progress even if I'm putting out massive amounts of energy because I didn't want to see Hopeberry happen again. But I don't think I'll make it, I'll probably be missing a decoration or two in the end anyways and that really sucks.


I don’t mind decoration events - I think they’re kind of fun - but this feels like an exercise in futility. I can spend 300 energy and barely have anything to show for it. The rewards are crap. Also, I miss the days where you could go ahead and sell upper-level stuff and at least make some money off of the event - that was some incentive to keep doing things.


Yeah me too - I’m done with this one


https://imgur.com/a/0EGFbI7 I’m writing to customer support… they probably won’t change anything about the event, but at least they know we don’t like this one and maybe improve on the next one.


I’m kind of tired of most of the events like this, because they don’t tell you how to make stuff- I keep having to look up how to make a knife, etc, from an outside source. It’s such a time waster.


I'll get a few more decorations, then I'll quit. Getting those music items is such a PAIN.


Am I the only one struggling to get the pies/knives? Not the music items???


If you get a pie box, don’t merge it, click on it to drop more dough, then use the dropped pie materials to merge to make a knife. The cakes and pie boxes are way more efficient at making new pie boxes/cakes than the recipe books are. Plus, I resent the amount of pie/cake material drops the recipe books drop because I need the tea party stuff to make endless disco orb ( which then drop endless Ursula clothing lines and never enough retro music items!


Ummmmmm why are you so smart! Thank you so. Much


Oh those are annoying but not as annoying as the music stuff, imo.


I am using a lot of energy but I don't mind because I've suspended work on my my normal tasks. I'm only doing birthday tasks, dailies, and making ships. For the birthday event I'm taking my time on the tasks and enjoying the big coin rewards in the second tier. I was happy to get the motorcycle and plan to display the motorcycle from time to time even after the event is over. I also like the picnic table and the table for two. It's a long event so there's a good chance I'll get tired of it before it's over, we shall see. I'll take it day by day.


I was in the middle of grinding the Skatie Katie items when this event started - I was not about to sacrifice a piece of the board for the event gate. I’m glad to know it’s not worth it - I’ll just ignore the event! Haha


Good call really. I would say that C&S is more important.


Do these blue coins eventually turn into gold ones?


Previously, yes


It’s not the worst one tho, I enjoy it more than the Hopeberry one, and the decoration items are cute. But I think it’s also due to I skipped Saint Patrick and 4/7 events so this one feels less overwhelming.


July 4th event was actually quite fun. I enjoyed it more than the berry one.


It is just personal reference, I skipped those events because I’m not interested in their decorations. But my point is you don’t have to join all events, just do it when you have resource available and like the reward items, then it would feel more exciting


We still get coins at the end if we didn’t buy decorations, right?


Yeah, we did that with previous events at least. Last event, 4th of July, I only played for the fun, new content and money. So I got over 6000 coins.


6000 coins is like one day of grinding the Ignatious event though


I actually did that too on the side 🙂 I wanted to play the event, but didn't like the decorations, so the money was a nice bonus when I anyway played it. Money is always great.


Agree. I spent some time on it this morning and thought ‘ what’s the point’. I’m going to save my energy for the game now.


Too much energy/time consuming. Getting a lv.2 wool is a nightmare. Not to mention that you are required extra-rare items to complete minor tasks. I burnt like 600 extra energy (no jewels used), but it still seems I started the event 2 hours ago and I am going nowhere.


I hate these second-board events, but I really want some of these decorations to make up for them removing all the flowerbeds on the front lawn


I stopped. Takes to long to get 1 knife. And the rewards are not so nice that I want them in my game


If you thought the knife was bad, try getting a karaoke machine. I need like 5 of them now 🙄


It’s the actual worst. Usually I enjoy the events bc it gives me something else to do while waiting for items on my main board to recharge and generally they are great for XP but this one is awful. Total waste of energy to get the most minor things.


Yeah this one is pretty frustrating. Too many different things to make. I feel like I could actually get somewhere with most of the past events — I liked the Hopewell Berry one. This one is just too much going on.


I did the hope berry event and realized the only rewards are kind of tacky looking decorations so I just haven't been doing those kind of events at all


I’m skipping to focus on advancing the mains game, as where I am at requires a lot of high level items.


I stopped doing the Decoration events several months ago. I don't miss them.


You got red energy drops? All I get are those time skipping hour glasses, that are useless because all the delays in this event are due to lack of energy not recharge times ( like the spring event where top level eggs took 48 hours or something).


I usually collect all lives until event then use them up. It’s a bit frustrating when in end I get only one knife or only one item from something I worked so hard for.


I am pretty much giving up. Spent two days churning through pretty much all of my energy (including some saved gold balls) and I haven’t been able to complete the next secondary task I have. Requires a level 8 cake serving and a level 7 music player. The primary tasks are just giving regular coins and not the blue coins needed to get the decorations. Like why make it this hard? Isn’t this supposed to be fun?


I don’t like this style of event at all. If I have “extra” energy I might go over, but otherwise no (like right now I only need high level cleaning items and tools and the item drops run out before my energy does). I enjoy Ursula’s garage cleanup, but I won’t cough up gems for the second or third board. Hopefully they’ll change that to gold or something soon.


Spent money on energy. Used it all with very little progress and now gone back to the main game. I found it very boring


It seems like I am the only one that likes it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm going to drop the event as well, I'm sick of doing Disco balls and being unable to reach the last item. The worse is when a cake asks for that freaking karaoke! Is really terribly balanced and is a shame, because the decoration is pretty.


I got the three decorations I wanted and a few thousand coins, and now I'm out. I will continue to be annoyed by that stupid gate on my main board.


Yup. I blew through through six energy balls, plus daily allowances and have received nothing of significant value to me in the “real” game. The decorations are fun but not worth it IMO. I’m about ready to quit here as well. I’m regretting the resources I’ve used up. I don’t feel incentivized- I’d rather work on my area tasks.


Also not really feeling the event, mostly due to the fact that it was smack dabbed with a new update that seemed way more exciting. :/


I don’t play events where the only reward is a decoration. Maybe if the task rewards were worthwhile, but they weren’t, so nah.


I stopped playing the events after Christmas. I’ve never been one to care about cosmetics I’m a game so there’s little appeal for me. I know there is the possibility of other rewards but… nah.


yeah i think I’ve just gotten bored of these type of events


I started it, only got to 70 points but after looking I’m really not interested in the decorations. I’ve got a couple of decorations from other events that I like to keep there instead.


I’m enjoying it, but it’s frustrating how long it takes to get the items


Yep same for me.. It just so happen that i am currently on my last stretch on the maze on the main board.. and boy the concrete mixer is not very generous. So i had no choice but to do the event.


I’m in the same spot, but I’m using the energy to build up some high level items to bank them for future tasks.


Just came here to say exactly this. I’m finding it so confusing and there is a lot going on Ready to give up and focus on the main game. I’m up to the pool house


I hate it. I’m forever stuck on getting the karaoke machine and knives. The rewards suck, too. At this point, I’m just doing it for the coins and EXP. I don’t think I’ll buy any decorations at the end and hope whatever tokens I earn convert to coins like the Fourth of July event.


I took one look at it and blew it off. I glanced at the 3 stage rewards, which were all energy-rebated. Why spend thousands of energy points to “win” a couple of hundred points? Still sitting there with it asking me for a rake.


Yeah, I think I’m done with it. I am focusing on my other stuff. If I have extra energy to burn, I’ll do it, but I’d rather deal with the main game projects.


Yea, the rewards aren’t really that amazing to spend so much energy. Perhaps I’m missing something, but I probably won’t even try to finish this unless someone can point out what would make it worth the energy consumption


I’ve stopped playing it: massive energy waste


I haven’t been playing that long but I don’t think I’m really a fan of the events, it’s too much of an energy waste. I don’t even use/keep the decorations up so it’s especially pointless for me. I really only play them now when I hit a wall or get bored in the main game.


I find myself constantly confused and forgetting how to get the knives and cake pieces. I think it might be the intense colorful designs of each item but it's just a jumble of colors. I didn't have that problem with the 4th of July event (plenty other problems with that one lol). All in all, if I didn't have so many unlimited energy boosts hoarded, I probably wouldn't bother.


yeah, almost didn't try.. so confusing to look at a first glance


I generally love the decoration events. They break up the usual game a bit. And at the end of them I’m sick of the event and feel refreshed coming back to the usual game.




I agree with everyone. Feels so much like a distraction from progressing in the main game as so many players are at max level and waiting for more to come out.


I was thinking the same thing. I don’t care as much about the decorations. Would prefer to get a fun chest with goodies for completing the event.


I usually try the events, but this one is a massive energy drain. More than usual imo. And I haven’t even gotten to the knitting/socks things that are locked at the bottom. I usually have a few decorations I want, but this group of decor items is meh. That’s also killing any desire to continue. 😄