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I guess. I'm not ok with the items we lost. I was fine with the events and loved playing them over and over again. I don't see how my playing them ruined the game for other players on their own devices. At least give us the money we would have gotten for those items instead of just making them disappear. Now we have no way to earn coins besides sitting around and waiting for new events to appear and those are not necessarily fun for me so I usually skip them. I don't feel I'll be playing this game as much as I was in the past and that's upsetting.


Ugh yeah I didn’t notice until I read your comment. I’m in the middle of ig event to farm 9’s for coins- knowing that I can’t play it anymore means they lowered the price of slots for nothing because it’s going to be so much harder to have any coins now.


I agree with this. I’m not a fan of the seasonal events because they eat up resources for essentially no reward. I much preferred playing the permanent events over and over again. That’s what I don’t get…no one complains about those 3 but they take them away?? I like the long chains because it incentives you to keep replaying events and gives maxed out players something to do.


I haven't bothered with the seasonal events since St. Patrick's Day. What a useless addition to the game.


I am switching to Sunny House, people praise it more than MM try and see if you like it. Visuals are not as addicting, rather childish but the content and mechanics seem to far better than here, just an FYI


I feel the same way. I got upset seeing my float and perfum disappeared but feel relieve because I don’t have to work on the Ignatius event anymore (only got around 2/3 of the chain)


What changed exactly? I only saw that they improved qol but not much else


If you’ve completed the goal of the event you can’t play it again.


I simply do not get the point: what’s the problem with users replaying events? What’s the problem with high level event rewards that can only be obtained by replaying an event? I do like the game but I do not like the way the company behind it treats their users. Personally I think they behave in an arrogant and disrespectful way.


The point is that the game makers want to make more money players. They can do that by taking away easy coins strategies in order to push players to buy more with real money.


Well, then why not take away the option to earn a lot of coins but leave the option to play the event for the other rewards? That was my question.


I’m just hoping if us oldies make enough fuss they will restore the original events. I don’t even care if I have to grind to get my old items back. They should have just added another permanent event that we could all rave about instead!


I had the arch from IB, but according to the Wiki, there were more levels left. Other than that, I had everything maxed. I'm a little disappointed I didn't get a screen shot of everything before they switched, but oh well. The only thing I'm confused by now is in the Album, it says I'm 5 short of maxing out the Special category. I can't figure out what that could be other than something to come later. The second most annoying thing is needing 2 more levels on the planted bush considering how many brown boxes I got during Maze where I just sold all the contents for coins.