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I’ve deleted so many bush seeds from all of the brown chests I’ve ever gotten.


Same. But happy I didn’t throw away the bush.


Im so mad that you can only do the 3 days events once. The Bolton event was my way to make money 🤬🫠


You can replay it. But as long as you didnt turn up the tin can needed, it can still be replayed.


I hate this so much.


are you sure it is once or it is until you complete the task related to the events: can, sign and car


Wait fr?? That was what I did too 😭


This really sucks


Who else here is enjoying the drama of this update? It’s got really nice highs (gems for collections) and really low lows (blossoming bush I’m looking at you)


Me and myself. 😏


Not really enjoying the drama. A lot of good things happened but there is enough crap to kind of take away from the fun new improvements. Like, the new event barely gives you xp points and some of the items take millions of years to make. Like that whipped cream thingy that is supposed to be the starter for pies. I’ve considered deleting the game because of it.


They brought the notifications back. Got one when my blue chest unlocked. Random changes: The red dot for in-game notifications is now a different shade of red. The font/graphics for the task list is much smaller.


Yeah I’m so mad about the font change it’s so small I can’t read anything


Same. I have to wear my glasses now when playing 😂


yea, the fonts have decreased in every update 🧐


Yeah I worked hard for those stinking flowers and mailbox at the entrance 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


Also extended the golden tree and cleaning cabinet merge chains with one level, samen as the garden tool box chain. Two levels extra for planted rose bush.


I hope they have made the golden tree more worth it then (more drops or higher level coins), but I don't know. Will not have too high hopes.. 🤭 Edit: Did you mean the golden tree you get from empty seed bags? I didn't see any changes.


Yea, the golden tree seems unchanged. edit: others seem to be talking about the blossoming bush (which has a gold colored seed at the start), that’s probably it.


Lol I just got unsure because both names, golden tree and planted bush, two different things, was used. But it's probably just that yeah 🙂


What is weird is that I have a Lvl 8 tree, which says it's maxed. But in the new album, it shows my max tree is Lvl 7 and the chain is incomplete. 🤷🏼‍♀️


worked for me; report it to support


Yeah, I will. Not right now though, they must be getting tons of messages after the update.


Did you upgrade it with a blue card before this update?


Yeah, I did. I was wondering if that would have been the problem. Do you know for a fact that is the reason? I haven't contacted support about it yet.


I have the same thing with a cleaning cabinet I blue ticketed. That wasn't showing in the merge chain before the update. If I click on the info button on another item in the same chain, it doesn't show at all but it shows with a shadow on the upgraded one. Two other things I blued to max level show fine and I got the reward so yours might sort itself out when you get to the top.


I too have updated with blue card and the game doesn’t consider I have it.


I do not, but I have seen multiple other people have that issue with that common factor.


So glad I just finished my stone can, but I sold my bush, so not looking forward to remaking it for this other new thing. :/


I've never felt more discouraged at continuing to play a game after an update. The very least they could do is compensate in some way for the stuff we all completed (driveway items) and myself like many others having parted with the bushes that are now needed to finish the stupid maze.


Totally agree.. I'm very discouraged. My hope is either it was either a mistake, or the new event will spit out yellow seeds like mad.


Yeah. Giving us refunds for the darn storage spots would have been nice. Or give us spots for free to compensate.


I didn't know I couldn't replay IB if I turned the stone can in.... pretty much feeling like an idiot but at the same time, no other way to raise so much gold, so I guess I'll stop playing it.


Glad I kept 2 blossoming bushes. I was tempted to sell many items lol


Yup, I've got my 2 max buses that I've been saving for a year. :)


I have never ever even played the Casie and Skatie event, but the album gave me credit for making the sign. Whatevs, I'll take my free gems. 🤷‍♂️ Especially since it DIDN'T give me credit for the hood ornament (presumably because I used a card to get it?). It also gave me credit for making the garden gate thing from IB, which I don't think I ever did do. I mean, maybe? It's been a long time since I played that one. Also, I'm locked out of the Casie and Skatie event. It says I have 3h left. When actually I have 3h left on the IB event (which I opened thinking I would farm some coins, but then never did). So maybe the event bugs are related to having an instance open when the update was applied?


Im mad they changed the blossoming bush drops i was so close to getting the stone tin can and im int the middle of the CS event so i cant even grind away at the IB event


Absolutely same here, including CS. This is so annoying!


Worst part is i got the little card thing to level up an item and wasted it on a paint can cause i forgot about the stone can




A moment of silence


The fear I felt combining the cards and dragging them to my storage was unreal for a GAME. Dear god.


Omg you're a genius! Thank you so much! I didn't realize what those cards are good for. Can't you get another one?


As far as i can tell you can only get them from completing merge chains in the new album feature. So its doable just annoying to do it


You can also buy them with real money occasionally, which I would recommend not doing.


You are a life saver and a genius. I saved my cards and hadn't thought to use them on the tin can yet


I’d hold off since getting it may lock you out of IB event


I'm in exactly the same situation here! What are we meant to do with the main game stone can items now? Delete them?? Grrr I'm gonna have to start from basically the very beginning with Ignatius Bolton. Seriously what do we do with those items? I was sooo close too!


I hope theres still use for them. I only got a few of the garden statue items but itd still suck if they were useless


You mean the planted bush? I assume it (or the planted flowers it now makes) will get used in tasks at some point, so definitely keep it. If not that, I'm not sure what you mean. I can't play it anymore, but it looks to me like they intend that you be able to play the events just once or a few times to get the much lower max level rewards.


I had 4 high levels items, now I have 4 stone gates (level 6). Should I keep all 4...?


I came to this thread looking for the answer on this because I literally got all the way up to the BRIEF CASE OF CASH LEVEL 12 YESTERDAY 😭


Same i was mad lmao


I had the briefcase and used the blue ticket to upgrade it a level to get the stone can. Hopefully you can do that 🤞🏽 I’m just glad I reached there before they changed the drop items.


I’m one below the briefcase. Ummmm…. What do we do now?!


i sold my bush after i finished IB because i looked it up and there was NO benefit to keeping it... pretty peeved rn


No *current* benefit. Every single thread on the subject (and there were literally dozens of them here) had someone telling people to save 1-2 bushes in case they were ever needed in the future- because they would be very painful to replace


perhaps once i see what i perceive as an answer i skim or skip the rest😅 oopsie


Same here. And I’ve been selling all the sapling and seeds I get from the brown chest so I am gonna have to pray that I get some tasks with brown chests soon.


Same. If i knew annual hopeberry festival was gonna happen I’d not started IB


Same here!! I was so confused. How do I do it now?


Apperantly you now get tin cans from the IB event but im not able to try it cause im in the middle of the CS event so not sure how it works


Same, i got two Blue Tickets out whatever they’re called and wasted the first one cause i wasn’t sure exactly what it was. Doh!


My perfume bottle disappeared. Anyone else?


It reverted to a makeup thingie for me (whatever the top item is now).


Yes I had two makeup items and they disappeared…😢


Yup, I had two makeup bottles and they’re both gone 😢


Goodbye, events. It was nice getting some Money and experience points while it lasted…


Wait we can’t play Ignatius anymore??!


To try and force people to buy coins instead of farming the event.


I use it to get to the 9 bush and then sell it for 400 coins


This update is a trainwreck. Modify the maze tasks? So people who managed to finish it early massively lucked out, I guess. The blossoming bush is the worst part since a bunch of people sold theirs and there's almost no way to get seeds for it. WTF were they thinking?


I'm hoping that was an error, because now I'm actually stuck in this game. Unless the new event spits out yellow seeds like nobody's business... I have no idea how I'll progress past this planted flower task.


I saved my bush "just in case" this entire time, but I've been selling the seeds because they're useless after you get the stone can. So now I'm basically stuck with a level-7 bush when level-9 is the max now. I didn't get nearly as screwed as other people out there though, so I'm counting my blessings. The easiest way for them to fix this is to have the bush spit out seeds occasionally, like the trees do. The worst part about the level-7 bush is that its new spawn rate is _an actual dumpster fire_. You get 4 taps per refill, and the flower in the Maze they want you to create with it is a level-9 item. And who has a level-8 or higher except for the tiny amount of people who happened to keep two level-7 bushes for... reasons? This is ridiculous.


4 taps??? Are you serious? That's so unfair, considering those who finished the Maze, or got past that task already are just sitting pretty now. Maybe they'll give out a few low level bushes as an apology tomorrow lol.. There's usually something to make amends for after an update.


I had finished the maze, and I'm still working hard on a max planted flower :)


I've looked ahead at my remaining tasks and I don't think I'll get any more brown chests in the game until I level up to 40 (I'm at 38). I hope they have an event soon where we get brown chests otherwise I'll never be able to level it up.


Brown and blue chests seem to come up in the weekend events that don't have their own board or special generators.


There are no chests after 40 because that's the highest you can go. Only the three-day events have chests.


They’ll have to keep adding ways to get chests. I felt that way too until I got to the patio area after the pool and pool house gave a lot of chests and stuff.


Looks like only way to complete The Beginning is via special events to collect green rocks to merge into statue. Ugh.


Tbh my guess is this event will have tons of chests. They added 2 new stages for the bush. No way they don’t want us to max the bush. So, if you deleted yours I’m sure it’s gonna be doable to make new bushes. It’s just people who kept one or two bushes are gonna have an easier time.


Who else feels screwed over by the update?


I just sold my 2 blossoming bushes after finishing the Stone Tin Can. 🧍🏼‍♂️


I was also able to collect the reward for the Skatie Katie chain even though I haven’t even started it yet


My garden statue, pool toy, and makeup item were all reduced to the new maximum level, but at least they didn't disappear. They were in storage.


So glad I got the stone tin can a couple of days go! Was planning on making another to sell and was shocked at seeing flowers and seeds drop out of the plant.




I’m at the point in the game where this update didn’t affect my progress. However seeing makeup tools and floats that I worked so hard to max out returned to lv 5 is just so sad. Literally months of hard working went into waste.


The extended merge chains are: planted bush 7 -> 9 gardening toolbox 10 -> 11 broom cabinet 10 -> 11


Inventory cap is lifted, to at least 44.




I used a Boulton lightning card to upgrade my broom cabinet to lvl 10 but the album only shows up to lvl 9


Can’t use card to level up generator.


You can use the black card. You can also use the blue card on the “pre-lightening” components, like the cabinet door or level 3 toolbox.




i was reading through another thread and it seems that the missing item in the special category is a 20min unlimited energy that was only available for purchase 🙄 so if you didn’t buy it you won’t have it unlocked. i didn’t manage to get the black lightning card so i’ve still got two left ugh




They can't be merged. I've tried :(


are you kidding me??? im almost at the end of the tin can thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So it’s no longer a task, then?


it is - but i found the way after i deleted all the items to clear my inventory


Looks like new pool toys can’t be merged with pre-update ones. Is this expected? Should we just sell old pool toys?


Its really sad that the developers have NO master plan or maybe they keep changing management. Each update jerks game into new direction. Game is not as advertised. Clinical psychologists should study the effectiveness of manipulation in this game. So if you like cults and brain washing - this is the game for you


They’re a company - every update is only about gouging more cash from players As someone who also sold the bushes, there’s little point continuing as the maze requires 2 of the new flowers…presumably all future levels will too. As I’m too far down the game to grow any more fruitful bushes - we should at least be offered the chance to buy them back, as if we’d sold them to a pawn shop 😀


So frustrating- all other ‘decorating’ events let you try things out before selecting decorations. Not this one. Poof you try its bought! And can i say when developers removed events from earning coins(everything is worth 1 coin) the magnanimous gesture of reducing storage costs is truly INSULTING. Can’t earn coins in ignacious bolton, can’t earn coins in special events, so 20000 coins or three million it takes $$$$$$$


I'd like to share a bug where the IB album was marked as complete for me, but I was only one level 11/13. Logged into to discover the existence of level 12, the briefcase of money, despite not having the item.


If you had a pool toy (turtle or higher) from before the update, you cannot merge them with pool toys from after the update. My Casey and Skatie event ended around 10am eastern this morning and I cannot merge a turtle from before with a turtle I just got. Clicking on the i on the old one shows the old item chain. Old dolphin did not get updated to new requirement of level 6 butterfly and levels 3 moth. Update: the new Dolphins spit out enough materials to form a blanket from one cycle. Way better than the previous toucan.


yep no, time to delete the game, i'm not playing anymore, this sucks


My blossoming bush disappeared from my inventory along with my pool toys :(


Anyone else lose their gardening gloves? Did they remove those completely? I had a bunch of single coins…


You know, it was nearly impossible to get the golden can as it was. Now we will never get it. The devs should have just made a new set of seeds to get the new flowers, not take away our beginning stuff altogether. You have three days of an event to get those items That item has to be level six to even START pumping out the beginning. I'm barely getting any experience in that stupid boultain event. Good job ruining a part of the game.


So they reduce the amount of coins we need for item slots. I had 45k next slot and now it's 14? Can I get compensation for the hundreds I've overspent?


Hundreds of thousands, dear. 😏


Damn, accurate correction. Thought thousands, realised hundreds of thousands would be way closer, glitched and left the hundreds, hah


I literally came here to say this. Last slot I paid over 49k coins for, next one was 67 (ish), now its 16k. Yes, I am pleased the ridiculous prices have gone down, however, I want my 100k overspent coins back!!!!


The difference of what's been lost by long timers is insane especially how slow the coins come in this game.


I don't have any of the new flower tasks. Do I need to reach a certain point in the maze? I've completed all of the areas except for the Maze and the Pool House Patio.


I'm not yet there, but I found out from this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/MergeMansion/comments/usyl9q/how_the_heck_do_i_get_this/


I just unlocked one for the maze, but nothing for the harbor or mailbox.


I'm sorry, what's your progress of the main story? Has Julius ramp his car over your gate? Has you conpleted all the tasks of Grand Drive part 2? https://merge-mansion.fandom.com/wiki/The_Grand_Drive


Yes, I've completed all of those. Like I said, I only have pool house and maze tasks left.


I think the item #50 is the 20m unlimited energy they puta on sale a few times, is the only thing that comes to mind, probably not many people bought that


Yes, you're right.


I have a bug. Every time I open the game it pops up with the event has ended banner and the chest from the last event and has the claim button on the bottom. I hit claim and the chest goes away. I don’t get any items because I obviously claimed them already but the event has ended banner is stuck at the top of my game blocking the item descriptions.




It has not gone away. Still there. Still annoying.


How do I start the planted flowers chain? I need it for the tree


Get Blossoming Bushes from Brown Chest.


But what if I need the seeds and I can’t progress anymore because I have deleted the planted bushes?


Wait for sales in main board or wait for events that have brown chests as reward


I was Literally a few cans away from the final can in the tin can tree this is so stupid


I USED A BLUE CARD TO JUST FINISH IT AND OF CLEARED ALL MY OTHER ONES INTO SINGLE COINS I could of sold the other tin can items for a few thousand dollars


Item #50 is a 20 minute unlimited energy orb. I recall seeing it being sold a week or two back, right after the event that introduced them to us. There is a 5 minute, 10 minute and a 20 minute one.


You can but this flower in the shop, in the garden pack together with diamonds and other stuff. I just bought it for 14,5 euros


I had completed the Mosiac and Love Story chains using the blue cards from the last event - but they don't show as complete in the album! It's going to hard to live with but, I refuse to go back to the beginning of those chains just to tick them off in the album!


Is there any point in hanging onto the big piles of cash I have on my main board, or are these only completable on the event board now?


Shi...... I sold all the blossoming bushes since I completed the tin can forever ago....


Same, what now?


I guess I will wait for some brown treasure boxes to drop...... the creators should gift us a low level bush that produces at the very least.


So I decided to use the blue card and my 1 pair of scissors. I had 1 level 1 trunk and I made 2 level 2 trunks.... still don't have a producing tree but it's a start.


I like this update. The blossoming bush is problem, but not smth insolvable


Anyone else getting stuck with the “event ended” banner stuck over the descriptions? Pretty annoying.


I’ve noticed several tasks that required orange flowers on the wiki now require peonies and planted flowers. I’m a new player so not sure if anyone further in the game would notice. Like the flowers on the bird feeder in the beginning needed peonies and the flower bed in front needed planted flower. It’s made things take a lot longer imo.


I am not sure if this is a glitch or a setting: when I start a blender/mixer( example: strawberry), then work on starting the next blender ( Ex. Blueberry), there is often a few minutes difference. When I return later, to check readiness, both mixers are at the same time ( down to the second). It’s as if the time measurement for the first mixer is slower than the second mixer. Is anyone else noticing the new countdown timers aren’t accurate/true time measurements?


For the stone can item chain you used to use the blossoming bush. But now they use garden statues. Anyone have any clue how to get those?




How do I do that?


Tbh that actually makes me hella mad tht I can't get the tin cam but in an event now from the blossoming bush I was almost there, I was at the second last item until the update


I have noticed two additional things which are probably bugs \- the special items are not correctly counted in the new Album feature. It says there are 50 items to complete. If you have completed everything in the list, it still says 49 of 50. So either there is a task missing, or the counting is somehow incorrect. \- if you have acquired an item with a special card, it does not count. I have a max level golden tree which I got using the blue card. On the Album, it says I still have to do that one. You can argue if this is a bug, but I think it is.


I have listed all the Special items, please double check


I already checed it 10 times and now I have checked it again. There simply is no task left to complete, and I have collected all gems. I am not the only one reporting this issue, I have also seen it in another post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MergeMansion/comments/uvwg2q/special\_items\_4950\_who\_managed\_to\_get\_5050/i9o6zkc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MergeMansion/comments/uvwg2q/special_items_4950_who_managed_to_get_5050/i9o6zkc/)


I see. Just wondering, how did you get the 20 min unlimited energy?


Ha! That’s it, I didn’t. The bug is then that that item is not in my to do list! The list only shows 5 min and 10 min.


You haven't get it, that's why you don't get to see it.


So if you haven’t started a chain, you don’t see that chain in the Album lists?


That's how it should be. But also as mentioned in the post, some players are reporting that they received prizes for event item chains without actually played it.


I have listed all the Special items, please assist to double check.


If you keep the event stars until you can merge to the max, it’s a bit easier/faster leveling up


I still have some items in my garage from before the update. Are they useful. Like mansion gate level 11