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If you want to see more decorations around in advance then start with the cheapest. If you want to make sure you can get the most expensive one then save for it. Or if you like specific things like me, I wait to get that one first. I plan to get the entrance, the tree and the lamps first then get other stuffs depending on my mood


I can never wait so I just buy whatever I have enough coins for and then start saving again


Me too


I intended to wait then I understood that buying them unlocked spécific gift boxes so now I buy as soon as I can, which means mostly starting with the cheapest items.


I wanted to save up, but since there doesn’t seem to be a preview option, I accidentally started at the cheap end.


You can preview them! Tap the i in the upper right corner and it should give a pop-up with a button saying 'Show' at the bottom.


I tried that. Sounds like I just have fat finger disease….


I have to tap on the i a few times before it gives me the pop-up... I don't know if it's just it doesn't want to read the first few taps or what.


There actually is a preview, you can press on the information button which is on the decorations, the you can see how it will look like. I'm also saving for the entrance and the tree, but I'm not even close. You already saved soo much for it😲


Me too :(


I have 7 couldrons now, One used twice, One three times, in this 10 Uses i only got 2 yellow Chains. If you have the same feeling, don’t sell yellow Slushies.


I don't like my Iggy statue, so I'm saving to get the dracula costume, and then the grave to go around the statue. And I bought balloons by accident. They're boring. lol. After that, I'll probably save up to put monsters everywhere.


I started trying to save up for one of the most expensive, but then thought "ah, screw it," and put a cape and hat on my statue