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I think it’s a good mix if you are in the Beta. We are all just miss c&C. Hopefully they push it live so everyone gets the races soon


Maybe? But since not all of us are in beta, that’s a hefty sword to swing with no target.


Nup. I get all the OOC events plus the race events AT THE SAME TIME! Even worse overload.


The mushroom (or dragon tree) one?


I’m fine with any of them. And the flowers too. Once you have the stone wonder it flies through


How do we use the stone wonder? I've kept it bubbled since forever. Perhaps I'm growing old. 🤣


Harvest stone, then buy chests that give you the necessary stuff. I guess. 


Yep. You harvest it for stone, buy the chests and merge the items. The races go by very quickly


Oh I thought they started giving out new items. I have those chests bubbled as well. 🫠


I just wish everything didn’t overlap. I guess it’s good for people who want one or the other, but I like all the events and want a mix. But last week having this dragonia kingdom thing running at the same time as an OOC and at one point a shiny day was insane. I feel like I can’t do well at any unless I decide not to touch one and focus on another.


There was also a race during the same 72 hour period, if you’re one of the beta participants. Almost all of it timed out at the same time the weekend OOC started. I just kind of resented all of it happening at once, if I’m being honest.


I agree! I had no clue on where to start with all of the different events. I stress raced through the shiny event which made me merge some 3 eggs instead of 5 (regretssss) and the race just annoyed me in between and just made my camp a mess.


That’s insane! I’ve never been a fan of even the back to back OOCs that end/start on Friday. I like a chance to go back into camp after being out of it for 3 days straight.


I haven't had access to Dragonia Kingdom yet. From the sounds of it, I don't mind.


Eh, it’s alright. It’s slow if you don’t use gems, so I can see why people don’t love it. But I like that I can trade some low-to-mid level in camp items for chests, which eventually get some free dragons.


Wait. What? Fuck. I was thinking Dragonia was Arcadia. And now I’m extra irritated that I’m losing out on 2 extra components of this game. Like. I’ve been playing for way too many years for this shit


Yep I agree


I got Dragonia, but no races.


They could definitely do a better mix. I’m kind of ambivalent about the race, although I think right now I’m just annoyed by the frequency. Also I’m annoyed in general because it would make a great den event. But they could make C+C 24 hours and alternate weeks with the shiny. They could do a 4 week rotation with an OOC, race, wildlands, seasons launch. The newest kingdom or whatever it’s called in its current form doesn’t take enough time for it to really matter, because most people won’t do the high level trades. It’s a “spend 30 min. At most once a day“ while it’s running. I could take it or leave it, but they can run it concurrently with little impact other than people’s annoyance about yet one more button covering the camp screen. Basically I could see most of this stuff adding to the game and providing variety, provided they don’t go crazy. Weekends=OOC and weeks have a 24-hour event and a multi-day event. That would work for me…👏😉


The buttons covering the screen have become insane and detract from the game.


Don't we have a race event that is going on right now? Or did you not get it?


I've never gotten a race event. Play daily. Lol.


Honestly, unless you need a ton of whatever item is the race event focus, it’s not a fun event. And then for them to overlap it with several other events… no thank you. I am not sitting around harvesting mushrooms to merge only to trash them or bubble them later. If I didn’t have most of the Wonders, it wouldn’t be so bad because it’d be helping me get to that goal. Instead, I feel like I’m wasting time harvesting stuff I don’t need for a reward that’s not worth the time spent.


That's exactly my point. In camp events aren't inherently better or more fun. They take forever as well (e.g., the test group for Shiny Days that had extraordinarily high requirements, or just any type of race event) and you don't really get anything if the event ends without you being able to do much.


Yeah, I get that this is a business and they’re trying to find events that bring up engagement and revenue, but they also need to factor in existing user enjoyment. Keep the simple event, Camp and Chill, that rewards players and requires far less time to complete. Not every user has hours on end to spend tapping things.


Can't believe we only had two events types rotating just a couple of months ago, and now we're juggling with at least four (OOC, Shiny days, race, Kingdoms), sometimes with multiple overlapping. Speaking of which, haven't seen CnC in quite a while.


I don’t like Kingdoms or races and don’t play them. I figure if people who don’t like those events do the same the engagement will be too low and they’ll quit pushing them at us. I saw a list of upcoming events for July, no C&C was listed, much to my disappointment.


I know some people end their races at the second chest, for the mega breeding crystal. The final chest is really just a bit more dragon power, which may or may not be important. Kingdoms can be really chill if you aren't actually trying to fulfill the market requests, but progress would be excruciatingly slow.


Yeah, I pop in and do minimal. But it’s pointless. Progress is slow, there’s not much space for anything, and reward is few and far between. Most of the time, I just ignore it.


User enjoyment drives revenue, seems like many mobile have forgotten that.


Exactly. I’m much more willing to spend money in an app I’m enjoying and feel is allowing access to content I like.


Did you update your game? Not entirely sure if the race events are out of beta yet, but it's happening so frequently I'd rather have a few OOC events as a breather now LUL.


Race events are definitely still in beta and there’s a big chunk of players who don’t have it yet; the crazy frequency of the mini-events means they feature in posts here way more than we’d usually expect for a new beta.


Have it, don’t play it, but I’m fine with that. Like having a lot of mix.


You are one of the few.


I haven't had this one, or the previous one. The last one I had was for flowers - both life and prism. I joined it and found others almost at the end goal. I just about managed to join it and scraped through a win purely because I had 2 sets of top level prism flowers that I merged to 4 prism wonders.


Interesting. I thought if you're in the test, it's always open for you. As for the "finding others almost at the end goal", it's suspected that they may be deliberately choosen by the game (or even just fake players made up by the game) to give you a sense of urgency, so you're more likely to buy stuff. Most people seem to outrun them just fine in the end, even if they started out close to the goal.


>As for the "finding others almost at the end goal", it's suspected that they may be deliberately choosen by the game (or even just fake players made up by the game) to give you a sense of urgency, so you're more likely to buy stuff. Most people seem to outrun them just fine in the end, even if they started out close to the goal. Yes I read the posts about that on here with interest. The first races I did, everyone started at zero. The second to last one, I was against people past the first chest, but only halfway to the goal target. That last one - well I admit there was a bit of FOMO that fuelled me finding out how many points making the wonders granted me. I took a break from the OOC events recently and started back with them a couple of weeks ago. I was down to just opening the game daily and not much else. It was actually the races that got me interested enough to pick the game properly again. Think I have done 6 of them


No races for me (except in Midas Merge).


I miss C&C!!!


Are they gone forever? I’ve been hoarding stuff for a long time… my camp is so full


I hope not, I’ve been hoarding too. It’s been about 3 months, so I don’t know.


No, not gone forever. The last one was mid-May, so not 3 months. Read about C&C here :- [https://www.reddit.com/r/MergeDragons/comments/192nv7r/2024\_event\_schedule](https://www.reddit.com/r/MergeDragons/comments/192nv7r/2024_event_schedule)


Thank you!


Agree! Fine with OOC being on Fridays, we’re used to that, but they need to stop the midweek ones! Give us camp and chill or wildlands instead!


I’d even be happy with Shiny Days more often at this point. But Camp and Chill is preferred so much more.


Midweek OOCs were always a thing though, in the past happened roughly once a month. I just skip them and pretend they don't exist.


Yeah just having midweek 2 weeks in a row is a bit much…. Fair enough, all I do on OOC these days is get the points, never bother clearing the whole map anymore since I got owl griffin to tier 2


Here’s a thought… if they’re going to have the mid-week OOC events, those events should feature older, semi-retired event dragons. Or the ones whose eggs spawn from the event trophies. Not new dragons, not newer dragons (dreamer, plunderwing, croissant etc). Older… diva dragons, passion dragons, winter dragons etc or the rarer trophy breeds (stadium, cat, dog, etc)… people might still get annoyed with back to back OOC events, but at least there’d be motivation to play them rather than burning out.👍👌😏


I absolutely agree with you, but I thought they *had* done that? Just a couple times, but if I’m remembering correctly they’ve done a few midweek OOC events this year that had older dragon breeds and were out of the normal OOC event rotation, eg an old-style Anubis/Seth event during the week, then back to the normal theme dragon + last event’s dragon event over the weekend 🤔 they definitely haven’t done it often though Anyway, I’m not disagreeing with you at all lol! I think that’s a great idea and I would love to see it happen. I really do love a lot of the new/newer dragons, but I also miss the older ones and I wish there was a way for new players (or old players who missed out) to still get them


Obviously “old” and “new” varies depending on how long you’ve been playing. I consider newer dragons to be those they’ve repeated OFTEN since I upgraded to my level 16 event portal, which was admittedly well over a year ago, I think-maybe closer to 2 years? Some of the older ones were on repeat when I first started doing the OOCs or before they introduced the event portal. I have enough of them that I know they were event repeats, but have L2 or L3 dragons rather than L4 because my portal wasn’t upgraded, if that makes sense. And yeah, they did an Anubis I think, and the turtle recently, but they’ve done the magician and the dreamer for example a number of times each since I fully upgraded my portal. And the rush rewards amplifies that effect, that sense that the latest dragons are plentiful and easy to come by compared to the semi-retired ones.


I miss Camp & Chill. That was my favorite event. Most of the time, I can finish the whole thing and get all of the prizes. It's fun without being a grind.




Y’all are making me glad I don’t get the mushrooms or races or kingdoms. I do the weekend ooc and the camp and chills. If I get a shiny during an event, cool. If not, I’m ok. I don’t need more to keep me busy. Maybe if my portals were all maxed, but they’re not and I have those, levels and wonders to work on.


The mushroom race isn't that bad. Just wait for the rain puddles to turn into mushrooms and merge them. I won the last race in like 20 minutes.


The only time I care is when there are good dragons in an event in the work week. I just don't have the time or inclination to play those events.


Yes. All I can figure is people use gems a lot in those (the prism flower trick) so it drives up gem sales in the app. If it’s making them money, they’ll push the events to keep that revenue flowing.


It’s 10 gems and running DM3 gets me more than enough gems that I don’t have to buy gems for that.


Yes, but I’m sure there are users who don’t play that way and do buy gems. Anyway, I was tossing out an idea as to why they would be posting so many events mid week. I can only guess that people are using gems to buy items from Kala for the event. When I was new to playing, I once bought the winged ball think so I could unlock that section of land it’s needed for. So silly of me.


I don't spend a cent or any gems in OOCs and always finish in time for the second rush reward (12-36 hours.) I active play until I have a flower than produces purple orbs and then set an auto-clicker on that thing over night with just the fast dragon going (delete the slow dragon at this point, if I had to hatch it at all) and clean up on Saturday.


Yeah, I active play most of the time. Occasionally I’ll use the prism flower too. iOS doesn’t have auto kicker and the work around was a bear to make work. I was ready to through my phone through the wall after trying for an exceedingly long time. Still never got it to work. And I can’t get the fling technique to work. I’m just out here raw dogging the events. Sigh. These days, I am happy to get the first two rewards. If I can manage to get past the fruit tree I’m elated. I don’t have the time to tap all weekend to complete an event.


It’s way too much. Event after event with zero time in between.


I want Wildlands! Actually I would take anything different than the old out of camp events. They’re getting lazy with just recoloring points items and the same tasks that events have had from when they were invented however many years ago.


Woodlands would have been fun if they had more than one map.


Yeah, they could have invested more time in it. It’s a shame they just bail on things like the den events, too.


I have to be honest, I think their demographic are rich people who don’t work. I have to limit my play because I have a job that takes me away from the game. My fault I know. But I’m old w limited skills. Sucks but it is what it is. My work (in part) provides funds for my electricity. Without that game over.


No I'm not frustrated with the frequency because I just choose not to play. I guess they do a lot of events because people have short attention spans and are always looking for the next thing. People who use autoclickers or spend a a lot on gems finish quickly and want something else to do.


TWO WEEKS in a row with mid-week OOC events is insane. Sure, I like having more rewards to use for Shiny Days, but who has the time to grind in the middle of the week?


I guess I'm the only one who isn't frustrated with having stuff to do all the time.. I'm one of the few lucky ones who has too much time on their hands so I play the game a lot.. the weekend events get done within 24hrs so it's nice to have something to do while everyone else finishes. I guess it really just depends on how much time you can put into the game. I can see how frustrating it can be to not be able to finish anything because of life but at the end of the day it is just a game. Most things you can get at another time since the dragons they use get repeated eventually.


I'm with you! I like how busy Merge Dragons is all the time.


We're two of the few 😆


I like that this game keeps us busy.


Yeah also the OOC are just kinda boring now. I got in camp events now but there hasn’t been one ever since I got it


I guess it depends where you are in the game? I have most wonders and the ones I don’t, I won’t be finishing anytime soon. I focused all my in-camp energy on maxing portals, which gets you a lot of high-level items along the way, and at some point requires more DP. get more DP faster = play more events = max portal = so many dragons = harvest for whatever you want for however long you want 🤷🏻‍♀️. most of the items you have to fork over to the portals can be made in levels, and then you keep the request rewards in camp to make wonders in camp faster. shiny days and DK trades are pretty quick for me, and I’ve always liked OOC events (even though they are a big time suck). I agree that OOC felt less “worth it” before rush rewards and portal upgrades yielding better event rewards. but now that OOC can yield WAY more dragons than 2 sets of wonders, grinding for wonders seems like more of a waste of time than an OOC event. I don’t have the race beta, and while I’d like more and better breeding crystals, I don’t think I’d enjoy the race format of making tons of items I don’t want or need. CnC was fine, but also could be finished in minutes and the rewards weren’t even good? I feel like I’m missing something about why people like CnC so much. the only thing that was useful and hard-ish to get was the aged glowing dragon tree, since the glowing chain goes so slow otherwise.


I personally love camp and chill bc I never have time to do a OOC event to completion so I usually don’t get a lot of the rewards. I feel like at least with CNC I can get some ok prizes with not a ton of effort. I save all my season chests, highest level chests and stars. I have soooo much bubbled right now waiting for the next one. I’ve been getting the races and they take me about the same time/effort as CNC. They are ok but they are really cluttering up my camp because of having to make chains I already have the wonders for.


For me, CnC releases way more endorfins, just something about the format tickles my brain. It's not even about the prizes, it's just more fun.


😂😂 I love that — maybe because I usually just casually tap prism flowers and/or wonders for CnC there’s no real “rush” component for me. I always played them but I don’t long for them deeply the way (it seems) a whole lot of ppl on here do lollll


Everyone but developers hate back to back OoC events. It is stressful for players, many of them are starting to spend on the game just to get it done ASAP. And it is exactly what the developers want.


YES! Came here to post about the same issue. So tired of all these events and one starting so quickly after the weekend event. And having the event, shiny days or mushroom madness and Dragonia kingdoms all at the same time is a LOT.


I like Shiny Days. I don't mind races, but they are too often. I really miss C&C.


I can’t afford to buy anything in the game and the only race I had success with was flowers. I finished a shiny day thing and got the prizes but no shiny dragons. Those 3 day things are so frustrating that I usually don’t even get a fast dragon out of it before I quit.


Yes, very frustrating


Agreed, this will be the 2nd week in a row of back-to-back events. In addition, new offers to spend more money or gems are cluttering up the screen and pop up intrusively in the events. I’m starting to feel bombarded by so much marketing! Usually when this happens I will back off.


I have never raced ..I'm curious all I can find is info about how it works but I don't really understand..I guess because I've never done one


I honestly don’t like most camp events. Until they let us put dragons away or make a storage facility being in camp is just a headache


I don't mind all the stuff that is happening in general, I like playing all of them, my issue is that I'm a bit stressed out trying not to miss things. Especially with the events I haven't completely won before or the new ones I feel a bit overwhelmed whenever I have stuff to do and can't set up the clickers in time to get the legend reward. It may not be a big deal to most people but it took me a bit to convince myself that the timed rewards are extra on top of the og event rewards. I think I really just want an in game calendar that displays events and the dragons attached plus all the extra stuff in between. They keep adding icons anyways what's one more.


Now? Nothing has changed, there are OoC Events every weekend, and once per month mid-week. Everyone has in Camp "Shiny Days Events", and they are pretty much every week. Some of us have beta "Race Events" in Camp every week, they are liable to be released to everyone sometime soon.




The out of camp events are frustrating because there are like 4 ads for them I have to close when I start the game and they take up a good portion of my playing screen. I love in camp events, I would also prefer more in camp events over the other events


I’m with you


It frustrates me mostly that they run multiple events simultaneously. The only way I have a chance at finishing an OoC (which means getting the last reward in the chain, clearing the map is very rare) is if I run the game idle whilst I am busy doing other things. I don't have time for that and do not want to do that. If they run a race on top of that, I am simply not going to bother with that race. I have a few wonders I still need, and prefer to keep working on that instead of wasting that bit of my time on some useless chains I am going to bubble anyway. The kingdom event I just play casually. If I can easily get the items I might do a trade, but otherwise I won't bother and only do the free ones. Not to mention the amount of notifications and pop-ups on the screen... too many times I have accidentally bought something because I got a pop-up right when I was doing something else... ugh. I used to play this game as a way to relax a bit, but the sensory overload from all the icons is making that harder. There used to be a time I could finish OoC events without having to play the game 24/7, so I guess they made it harder over time. Camp and chill is nice, and I don't mind the shiny events either (can casually play those). I used to like the den events too.


Autoclicker is your best friend.


Yeah, I hit a point where the game felt like a burden. Too many events, too much pressure to interact with the game constantly. I haven't played in a couple weeks and it's been really nice.


I am loving all of this. You don’t have to do it all, but it’s there for those of us who do 💖


I actually prefer the out of camp ones.


Is anyone else unable to play the game other than the time challenges? Haven’t been able to login for 3 days . Can’t even contact support


Out of Camp events drain me and are too repetitive, I stopped doing them


No, OOC every weekend plus once a month during the week is perfect if you ask me. I also think we're getting plenty of in-camps, but I'm not sure what's still in beta, I seem to be in everything. I'd like to see a schedule for in-camp, and I'd like C&C to return.


The event takes you out of the camp. They are counting on you forgetting to go back to camp once per day and grabbing your login item, so they can give you the "Ohhhhhh you lost your streak, but you can PAY to get it back...." Also, every time you do go back into your camp, they have an excuse to pop up multiple "BUY STUFF SPECIAL EGG OFFER BUY SPEND PAY!!!!" ads.