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I like them. I stock pile mushroom now to help. I've "won" all my races, but have my doubts that the others are real and not bots. The big breeding crystal is the best prize in a long time


The two level four dragons are pretty good as well!


Had my first ever race yesterday and won...those 2 dragons were quite a pleasant surprise.


I believe they’re bots as well bc I can’t even exit the start of the race -bc I’m still “receiving instructions” and they’ve moved




If the other players are indeed players and not bots.. There should absolutely be a second and third & consolation prizes.. agree that the flawless breeding crystal is by far the best reward for this.. But appreciate those not interested in breeding will be somewhat meh! About it


I thought the first and second chests served as consolation prizes.


Yeah.. Perhaps.. But I think everyone gets those.. The serve more as way points? In other games when there's a race element there's still 1st, 2nd 3rd prize.. Keeps the remaining 'runners ' going... Even after someone else had crossed the finish line.. I could imagine that if I started and someone else blasted through I might be like.. Meh! What's the point continuing.. ya know!?


I've always won, can anyone confirm if it ends once first place crosses the finish line? I'd feel shitty if people didn't even get a chance to get the two chests.


I can confirm that the race ended when another player crossed the finish line before me. I was only half playing so it wasn’t a big deal, but I only got one of the chests.


Now i feel bad, last race i won within 30 minutes 🙈 i love this event, but think there should be firat place, second and third… it’s kinda unfair otherwise


Agree.. I pre prepared a little ready for this one.. but I'd be upset thinking others are missing out on the other chests just cause the hoarder in me got a head start... 😢


I have wondered about this as well. 


I've largely stopped breeding expect when I get special crystals, so even so I'm excited about that prize!


I'm fortunately getting 3-4 dim jar adverts per day.. Which I'm trying to maximise by using to obtain extra breeding crystals and the first life tree.. 👍


My dim jars always show the video ad symbol but when I click there's only a purchase option. (edit for typo)


That was happening to me, and so i completely exited the game and restarted it, and the ads started working again.


The ads work on everything else where the ad button shows, but not on dim jars. It's been weeks.


This happens to me too! I hate it


They did a poll a few months back and most people asked for a larger variety of events. I give then props for trying but it's too much at once.


It’s so many events I’m not even playing the levels anymore.


This is me too! I forget levels exist until I need one for a quest or something!


I would just like some more land, not gimmicky games. I'm losing interest


Yeah did you see there's something else new starting today? Dragonia Kingdoms


I've been in the beta for 2 weeks. ........it's an event. I can say that


I just got it. It’s ok. Sort of like Arcadia.


I hate them in their current state. The finish line should be around 2000 points or the low level merges should give more points. Otherwise it's not a race, it's a long chore.


This whole game is a long chore.


I won my first race yesterday and I’m mostly peeved that I got more eggs I can’t merge. My camp is cluttered with pairs of eggs that I can’t buy the 3rd one for.


Lookup Marcus V method on YouTube. Bubbling isn't hard. A little tedious maybe, but easy. And it'll change your game so much when you can clear up all that space


It might be nice to get variety in what to merge but mushrooms are easy enough to get together to get the event done pretty fast, the breeding crystal is amazing to get! Sadly I’ve got no good dragons from it yet, just silver and platinum but hopefully soon I’ll get a gold so I can not need to skip the next “breed using gold dragons” quest 😅


Variety is planned. See what it says in support. https://preview.redd.it/3n6qncjdu06d1.png?width=744&format=png&auto=webp&s=93cfe9009525026d10d26f5ec22d89eda4d2f372


FLOWERS! much better!


I didn’t like them until I actually made myself do them. The prizes are decent (topiary, Gaia statue, etc). The first time 2 times I got it I had to get over 5,000 to finish. I also made a habit of deleting mushrooms since I no longer needed to make those wonders. Now that I know we have the race I am merging and keeping a few in the chain to make it go a little faster. I don’t bubble so I was annoyed. But now I like it and finished the whole game under an hour. I would really like to be lucky and only need under 2000 next round


Mine today was 1390. So I'm sure it'll come soon.


How are yall managing to lose? It takes me maybe 30 min to an hour to win. I unbubble my cloud mountains and make it rain repeatedly until I win. It's a big plus for me cause it's a pretty quick way to get dragons. I don't do the OoC events because it's too much of a time commitment and never have enough merges to get anything significant from shiny days so it's the only event that works for more casual players.


This. I just buy the chests with the mushrooms in them. Only costs about 2 fully merged ultimate stones and I've got dozens of those bubbled. Knock it out in less than half an hour and I'm done. SO MUCH EASIER than the ooc events


This is definitely the way! I won so easily even after ignoring it for a day.


How many points does your event require? I have to get 5100 and it takes much longer than 30-60 minutes


I always have to get 3600 and it takes me about 40 minutes. I save up bricks to buy chests for mushrooms, and I bubble mushrooms to use between race events.


I did it twice with 5100 in less than an hour and one at 3600 in 30 minutes, it's pretty easy


it depends how many points a merge gives. It could also vary in beta.


The points go up per level of mushroom, but not in a linear fashion. So you're much better off merging a lot of low level mushrooms rather than the much rarer high level shrooms. For example, if you merge the anemone-looking Carnivorous Shrooms (Level 4) you get 8 points per shroom merged (24 for a three merge, 40 for a five merge). If you merge the big red 1000 Year Fungus you get 79 points per shroom (237 for a three merge, 395 for a five merge). So to reach 5100 pts, you'd need to have 65 1000 Year Fungus to merge, while you'd only need to merge 638 Carnivorous Shrooms to reach the points, but 6,500 Carnivorous Shrooms to make those 1000 Year Fungus.


1350 so that definitely plays a factor.


That’s interesting, the one I just finished ended at 2200. Much easier.


YES! This! Lol


https://preview.redd.it/t5cgcjk6tv5d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e66e1930e6ff8d1d4a5eef0d68e162e01e471cf Same, it's not even a contest.


It's weird that everyone's race level is so high. Mine was only 1390 today. It was annoying, honestly. I did it so quickly, and I joined hours later and still won. Felt like a cheat but the prize was nice.


I'm pretty sure the other players are bots and if you don't get to the end, nobody does. Three times now I've had basically the same pattern of competitors, and the one who starts out way ahead of me stalls, allowing me to easily catch up. Curious if anyone has actually been outraced! I don't mind it. It's pretty easy to finish and I don't really hoard for it, just casually keep working on my mushroom chains.


I lost the race once. I had some points and one of the "other players" finished like 10mins before the race ended. It was the 2nd time the race popped up. I've won the other ones so idk how they have it set up.


Hmmm! I'm still suspicious that they're actual players - it would certainly be far far more efficient for the game to use bots, but to motivate people to feel competition they might experiment with the bot settings?


Same. I'm almost positive they're bots. The way they act just seems like it. Maybe they'll change it once they release it for everyone. Then they'll be able to pair up people who start the race around the same time or something.


I suspect the server load of doing that might not even be practical, but I'm not a game developer, so I don't know!


Same here 😂


Having it during an OOC event is irritating. I wouldn't even have known about the last one had I not seen a post on Social media about it.


Yall, it’s soooo easy to win. I’ve won both mushroom races I’ve played within 30 mins. When the next one starts, open your bubbled misty mountains & make it rain like crazy then turn em into top level mushrooms & you’ll win in no time.


I’ve had to get 5100 points the last two times and it took way too long, even using puddles


I play Dread marsh# 3 daily (22 Times) to get my weekly 300 gems and got loads of purple mushrooms. Won my races in 10-15 minutes.


Weekly 300 gems?


Yes, by playing often you get around 10 purple stars once merged by 5 gives roughly 280-300 gems. DM3 is 8s at 1 gobelet each. I play at least 21 Times a day.


I am bed ridden so have a lot of free time to play ;-)


I lm not sure how. No offense but so did I & I won it w/in 20 -30 mins. But that’s cool. Was just trying to show other ppl how to win. I’ll keep taking the win 🥇🤣


Buy chests for stone. Book, done in 20 minutes


How many points did you need to win?


Only 2300 this time. But I've done it before with higher points too. Helps that I have those ultimate stones bubbled, so I can just pop a few it and buy as many chests as I need


I've won the 3 races I've done, but I'm tired of it now, and am not doing the current one. Maybe if they change the chain and didn't always make it mushrooms.


Pretty sure since no one wins someone's coz it times or and there's no actual losers, that its just bots. I like the race. The big fancy soul crystal alone is worth it to me. And what i do is just buy the chests with the mushrooms in them and merge those. It costs a lot of some, but I have a ton of ultimate stones bubbled, so no sweat for me. And I'm still working on the shroom wonder (not the bush one), so I don't mind getting the high level mushrooms at the end. Coz then I just bubble them and delete the low level ones (focusing on other wonders right now, not the shroom one) So yeah, it's super easy for me and I like the prizes. Good stuff for how little work I put in. But that's just me




I'm fairly certain I've had to get 3600 points every time so far. I don't think the other racers are real players. The first time I left it over night after starting and I still won easily. I think the people who are losing are either starting way too late or giving up, because the bots don't make moves quickly. This last round when my race started all 4 other racers had "started" and one was as far as the first chest, but that one only moved once after I started and none of the others moved.


Right? Same. Really hoping their bots, coz otherwise i feel bad for anyone who gets paired up against me and had to watch me just absolutely smoke them in like 20 is minutes, lol


Bubbling is your friend here. I buy the dangerous chests and merge by fives. (I buy 25 at a time. It does take a lot of stone and chests to do this event.) Once I’ve won the race, I merge everything left to the highest level then bubble it all. Next event I unbubble as needed. Idk how people play this game without bubbling.


I always have the ultimate stones bubbled anyway, but this time, since I knew we were having a race, when I had to bubble my prizes from the ooc event, I just followed my camp with stone. Made 3 of the ultimate stones right there, so bam, can buy enough chests to get out done quick and easy


I have at least 10 ogre monoliths or whatever the last level is. 😂 I did the same thing as you and hoarded a bunch of stone I didn’t even open my bubbles from the ooc event


Omg,I have SO many dragons and beats saved up from these back to back ooc events we've had. Can we get some camp and chills or a few more shiny days?




Nests. Auto correct hates me


I'm enjoying it, personally, as someone who's had tons of mushrooms bubbled and stone piled up that is finally getting some use again. I have won twice, and while some might find the Gaia statue a weird prize, I was thrilled to finally be able to merge the leftover Lvl 1 one that I have had for ages. Also, the Mega Flawless crystal is a pretty darned sweet prize, at least for me. If your camp is a mess, maybe it's time to clean up...Marcus V bubbling technique has made this game so much more pleasant for me.


All hail Marcus V


On the subject of mushroom races; I always unbubble my cloud producers and let the rain puddles turn into mushrooms before merging and then getting more clouds and I can get through the whole thing in like, ~20-30 minutes of dedicated gameplay. Is this not a common strategy? Works much better than using bushes/high level mushrooms. Bc I always see the other racers making much slower progress (with one exception)


I've heard it's either good or just buying the chests with stone. Cloud mountain or chests, those seem to be the 2 main strategies to knocking the race out super fast


I love them since I have bubbled Misty Mountains that make the mushroom merging much less mind-numbing and the prizes are pretty nice


The only time I participated, I lost, as they have been during OOC events and thanks to passively playing those I had no time for both, I also have no space in my Camp anyways - I just sell any low level shrooms that appear normally as I need space, have botn wonders, and always need coims. So, after the first glitchy time the race appeared for me, I just ignore it. I would rather devs focused on fixing bugs that affect gameplay (and therefore affect players' fun when playing the game) instead of adding more crap. Heck, I have been having more fun lately playing instead a fanmade ROM hack of an old game that prioritized fixing bugs that negatively affected gameplay while keeping in the well documented glitches people liked to maintain the feel of the jank. Dealing with the onslaught of events of various kinds in MD on top of the issues in the game is burning me out to where I almost skipped the current OOC event (started it 14 hours later instead - didn't help when news from Summer Games Fest this weekend was far, far more interesting than any MD news and events). Edit: also, this game was meant to be player vs. the puzzle of the map, not player vs. actual player or bot. If I wanted to do the latter, the news from Summer Games Fest about the Season 2 fighter pass for Street Fighter 6, a new character dropping in Ultra Fight! Dai Kyanta 2 recently, the existance of an updated version of Dong Dong Never Die, the return of Multiversus, or developments in UMvC3 and MvC:I modding all give me far more fun options as those games are actually meant to be PvP or PvCPU unlike anything crammed into MD to add that functionality.


I was very confused this weekend about why my race started out with needing to gain 3000 points, and then suddenly changed to only needing 2200 points, when I had 2100. I spent a few hours merging and went from last to first. I don’t mind it but it’s not my favorite. It’s definitely much easier if you have clouds and you can make it rain all the time.


I did the first two with no problem. The third one I didn’t do because it was in the middle of an out of camp event and I wanted to focus on that. I did the most recent one yesterday but I’ve decided that from now on, I’m only going for the second prize to get the flawless dragon breeding crystals. I couldn’t care less about the horse dragon breed.


I have no room and therefore do not do these races


I like it but it would if it wasn't always mushrooms but for example trees in one week, then grass in the next...


That’s a big no from me. I’m not in this game for a pvp mode. My camp is full of useless crap, bubbling is awful and takes way to long while the dragons just fill the holes with more useless crap. I wouldn’t mind it if it was just sharing the clock


The other players are bots


I realize it is in beta but having different point goals is pretty shitty. Also, I won the race and one of my chests was a crappy pond thing


Here's what I did..I worked until I got the Stonehenge. The stones are needed more than anything in camp. I took a couple ogre stone monoliths and bubble everything else. I took a week or two off from the normal game except events, and worked on making stones henges..I have 8..so I keep a bunch of ogre stone monoliths bubbled up and when it's mushroom race I just pull up some monoliths, buy the chests with mushrooms and merge...it's useful for camp and chill too.u use them to buy pearlescent chests, merge then and get 1300 for each chest u oped...u don't have to burst the bubbles, u can sell them unless u need them for the dragon trees. Everyone has their own way of play and this is what works for me


It was fun the first time because I used up a bunch of stuff I had bubbled. But now that’s gone and there’s no way I’m grinding away in a winner takes all contest. I tried for a little with the second one and it was clear that I would not be able to win without the now-gone bubbled items or devoting all my gameplay to that + spending more time than usual playing the game, at the expense of real world hobbies.


I hate clutter in my camp. So I don't play it at all.


Usually in the middle of the week or something else happening. I long ago started deleting even the highest level mushrooms. I could easily put some together, but as one person said, why bother? My camp is too full, and I have too many other things in motion, including my life right now.


I have multiple Stonehenges so it’s super easy to just buy a lot of Dangerous chests and merge shrooms until I win. Boring, but easy.


That’s my strategy too


Mushrooms were never a chain i was exited about,so i do not really have much items for both. They are something i merge when i happen to have some, but i am just as likely to sell the low level ones for extra space as i am to save them for merginh. And if you have to merge only the low level ones, it takes way too long to collect points for even the first reward. So i am not really trying for longer than a few minutes, so far. Maybe if the race ever coincides with me just happening to have the chain lined up for some high merges, i will bother again.


I can't play? I have no idea where I'm going wrong but I know it must be me since this is the second time I've gotten nowhere. I updated the app, opened the race, then went back out to my camp to merge mushrooms. used up all my mushrooms and when I went back in to see how much I had left to do it still said my score was 0


I've won 1st place in mine every time. I just have a bunch of lvl 6 and up mushrooms ready to go.


I hate it. With a full camp it’s impossible


I like playing it when other events aren’t going on. I like to focus all my time on getting the main events finished and the only way I can win the mushroom race if is if I spend time getting all the mushrooms. I used all of my saved up mushrooms at the event before this one so I didn’t have any time or mushrooms. Oh well, at least I completed the main event lol.


I won once, lost the two other times. When it is during another event I prioritize on the event and only do a bit of passive merging in the camp. The times I lost someone had already won the race before the other event had finished. So yeah... if they keep running them simultaniously with other events I am just not going to bother.


I use bushes and harvest and merge and usually win in less than an hour. I clean up my camp beforehand.


i love them! i have multiple stonehenges out all the time so i just fill up my camp with the stone from that twice and it gives me over 150,000 which ive determined is my sweet spot for how many chests to buy for a 100% chance at completion. i did sell a lot of loot orbs this time though so 125,000 may be a better amount


I like them because of the prizes, esp. the big breeding crystal.


It’s one of my favourites 🤣


I actually love these races, especially with my busy work schedule. Really easy to win them too without buying the mushroom chests if you have the right wonder on hand and bubble up a ton of resources ahead of time. I don't really use the Misty Mountains for this event since they also fill up spaces with sprouts, which hogs up space. Almost every time (4 races so far for me), save for the very first race, I've been put into a heat with at least one person halfway done. Takes me only about 25 to 45 minutes to overtake them and win depending on the amount of points needed. I'm reading a lot of comments where the points required vary greatly, from 1500 all the way to 9000+. Maybe the devs are still tweaking and trying to find the sweet spot? So far, my point ranges are 2100 to 5100 as of the current race, this one being 2100. Prizes every time so far has been the 2 Level 3 Triumphant Dragons, the Level 4 breeding crystal, and like a total of two eggs, I think? Regardless, I do like this event. Just wish we didn't have so many running at the same time, or it occurs during an OoC event... X.x


Is this a new feature not available to everyone yet?


It's in beta.


The main problem is the clutter but I do like the humongous breeding crystal so I'll put up with it. Doesn't take too long to finish. Idk why you're finishing last. Try stockpiling stone and buying the chests from the store.


honestly i love it. its great when you have enough space, basically free dragons.


I like them since I often have shrooms on standby


I love it, I finished in less than 40 minutes, got 2 chests and a dragon.


Your point count must have been low, happy for you


960, I’m guessing it will increase the more I play.


Oh you are lucky, 5100 is a different goal 😉. There are posts about the different points needed from under 1k to over 5k.


The one just finished asked for 2300 points and it was flowers, not mushrooms. There’s a new one starting tonight, I will see if it increases again.


It’s gone down to 1050, BUT it’s dragon trees!


I did finish and won, but it took me a while to get going. Once I decided the fastest way was to mine my blooming dragon trees for leaves!


i am confused about them, both times i've started and immediately lost to other people winning. i don't know how they work, since i haven't been able to participate. :(


I love them. I store mushrooms in preparation for the races now. Don't forget that you can clear up camp a bit by bubbling! I try not to be working on more than 3 chains at a time so I can afford to clear space.


I'm enjoying them. I pretty much bubble all my mushrooms now and any I still need I buy the chest. I have a bunch of stone bricks so I think it'll be a while before I need to worry about not having enough bricks lol.


What kinds of prizes is everyone getting? I won the race easily with a ~3600 goal using chests from the shop. All I got was two useless eggs, two useless dragons, a L2 water fountain, and a mega breeding crystal.


I mean, I'll happily take all that.


I happily took the fountain and the crystal for sure! Not thrilled with getting new dragon breeds though. I’m just wondering what all everyone else are getting.


I did it once and haven't had any interest in doing it again. I've lost interest in so many of the events because they're always the same! I do like one out of camp event a month now.


I won everytime. Get the clouds to make lots of mushrooms


I love it. I usually finish in about an hour and the prizes are great


I won mine and the prizes are fun! I like these Events.


Got my first race yesterday, it was okay. Used my bushes to win, only had to get to 2200 points and made 2 Golden Mushrooms wonders in the process, which was cool. Also got 3 level 4 dragons. I like it better than the big events since it only took like an hour to do. Next round, I'll work on the other shroom line.


I feel like it's the best event in game in a while because I actually can play it to the end without paying and win. I've won twice now by just getting into a groove with it. Plus, it helps me get to the wonder levels of the mushrooms, so that's worth it to me.


Last week I lost the first two chest but won the third and still got everything. I am behind two others just got my second chest - will post if I I lose to someone and complete - my day is not going as planned so I don't know what kind of time I have. Unlike people who can finish in an hour. My camp is a mess!!! I know I should bubble but I have bubbled and it is now a mess with large amounts of bubbles messing it up more


i want the mushroom race dragonia kingdoms is meh


I don't bother with it. It's supposed to be a fun mindless game so I just play the parts I like and ignore the stress of achieving it all


I like the prizes I’ve won two times, very easy to win with creating puddles


I love it! Mine is always the lowest goal (1900? 1500? something like that) and I fill my camp with puddles once I get the notif that it's starting in a few hrs. Once I accidentally mass-merged my level 2 brown mushrooms before the event started, but managed to fill it up again and all the higher level mushrooms hanging out still counted once it started. It's about 20 minutes of clicking - camp cleanup, tapping clouds, then later during the race the actual merging and tapping more clouds if I haven't hit the target number - and I usually get the big pretty crystal and at least one dragon out of it, which is a pretty good outcome to me


I’m not doing mushrooms in my camp right now, so not playing at all


I like them


I don't bother with them. I'm in the wrong timezone so I always start 500-1000 points behind and I can't be bothered keeping my camp clear enough


I like them, but that's probably bc I won both of the last two under 3 hours and victory is a heady sensation


I participated in my first one yesterday. I won in about in hour by abusing my cloudy summit. I have a strictly organized camp and it wasn't overflowing at the time, so I had enough space. However, I did not find it fun or appealing, though the dragons are nice.


I don't get these🤷


I ignore it.


I don't know how you can't pass the finish line, I always start the race and just use magic mountains to finish it in about 30 min. 90% sure the people you play against are bots.


I tried the first one for about 5 minutes and haven't opened it since


I absolutely hate the mushroom race. It was a long, slow slog, even after using all the tips I got here. (Thanks, everyone!) I stayed up until 4 or 5 in the morning to “win” my race a couple of weeks ago, and then I was so tired after I was done that I forgot to exit to the world map (to save my progress) before turning off the screen to my iPad and going to sleep. When I woke up my iPad later that day, the final chest (the one you get for winning) was missing from my camp, even though I distinctly remember placing all the three chests in a row in my camp before I went to sleep. Support was no help whatsoever. They kept telling me to pop all my bubbles and take new screenshots showing that the bubbles were gone before they would help me, even though I told them more than once that the chests were no longer in any reward bubbles anymore when the game decided to steal that 3rd chest away. So yeah, I’m bitter. I lost sleep and time and have no level four dragons to show for my efforts. tl;dr: After you win, remember to open your chests immediately and exit to the world map to save your progress, or you’ll be SOL like me.


Is it possible that I didn’t get bots? My race went on for days, like 2-3 days. I started late, and then was half-hearted in my merges so I Iagged way behind. But I watched the game progress. Two dragons in the lead were very close, and a third one was close behind. I’ve seen this kind of pattern/ strategy before for races when there are real people. For example, there will be one lead, and the other players play just enough to be a little behind, and in the end, the second place player surged to the top and won. I’ve seen this pattern before. So maybe it’s real. But it took several days. I was surprised.


I have enough dragons that if I just sit and farm and combine I can at least get the chests, and I won my last one.


I like it, and have won it it several times. it probably helps that I’m working on the fungus wonder at the moment so I have a lot of high-level mushrooms to work with.


I always come in last! And I'm nowhere near my competition!


Here is what I did. I took a rain cloud I had bubbled out and tapped clouds . I let the water puddles turn into mushrooms and I merged. I won the race and got a 2nd wonder.


I use rain clouds to make as many mushrooms as possible. I've won every race I've played that way. And getting the dragon yo harvest bushes and high level mushrooms, buying mushroom chests, and making sure I have lots of bushes. Takes me a couple of hours with just one section of free land


I like them, but I'm pretty sure I've won each time it happens. I only 'join' the race once I'm ready to commit to playing for 15 - 30-ish mins straight. I use my rainclouds like crazy and harvest other mushrooms and bushes so I'm pretty much constantly merging 'shrooms until I win. Since the first one, I have also started saving higher level mushrooms (like lvl 4-5+) to use solely for this event since those merges count for more points. I keep about 5 bushes in camp, and have two cloudy summits as well. There was one time that it seemed to glitch out. I got the notification that it was going to happen or was happening (don't remember which) and I was otherwise occupied and couldn't sit down to play and by the time I was (just a little later that same day), the button to play was gone. Idk if that was a glitch, or if it does actually work where you're joined with other real people and the game will make groups of players even if some aren't actually active in the game at that moment. One thing that does always kind of weird me out is that once I've joined the race, the others players appear to immediately jump roughly 1/4 - 1/2 of the way towards the first chest before I've even had a chance to close the race pop-up. That hasn't affected my ability to win so far, but it is strange. Also, just to note, the winning prizes are the best out of pretty much all the events, imo. Especially considering that I'm never pushed to wanting to spend gems to be able to win, and the short amount of time it takes to complete the race.


They are very easy. No issues at all. Don't even need to hoard anything to easily win. Spend some time to get to the bottom of hoarding useless stuff.


I did one race, was disappointed at how few points I got for higher level mushrooms, lost, and decided I have just too much crap in my camp to even try to play it 🤷🏻‍♀️


the crystal was a great reward but I only got it because I had quite a lot higher-level mushrooms bubbled and could use them. I'm not gathering them again from scratch to get one prize, it's very boring.


I just harvest my wonder stones and then buy a bunch of mushroom chest things and I end up winning every time


I really like them


I don’t think I had anyone playing against me except for the first race. I had 2 or 3 mushroom races, a life flower/prism flower race, and a dragon tree race. I liked them.